We are "Empty Vessels" under Maritime Law. We are supposed to be Living Souls under Common Law, NOT the Corporation (CORPORATION) The BAR (British Accredited Regency) has nothing to do with Common Law nation-states. This has been going on since 1871, leading up to 1913 with the sinking of the Titanic and the Bankers. Look at Jeckle Island.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

Greg, God bless you and keep you, mate.

Your work is keeping the faith alive. As the trouble, prophesied by Jesus Christ in the final Holy Book, 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John the divine' increases in our lives as God pours his spirit out on the world (The Great Tribulation that goes for 7yrs).

As God pours His spirit out upon mankind, and the trouble becomes surreal and intense, more and more people who have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our hearts will pick up on that spirit and begin manifesting supernatural power beyond this material world we're stuck in. Miracles like walking on water will begin to be experienced.

The heavens will be shaken, and the nightsky is going to lightup too! Prepare your hearts for that one because men will be losing their lives from their hearts failing them.

Keep the faith.

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Hello Greg, I have great respect and admiration for Todd Callendar and Liz clearly is an outstanding person too. However, this discussion on electronic viruses and the role of cesium comes across as a bit rambling and confused. If you like, you can contact me privately and I can discuss electromagnetism and energy in the human body in more detail. What Manley P Hall called the magnetic field is really the biofield. This includes complex input and output of multiple types of energy wave, and goes beyond just magnetism. When Fukushima happened in 2011, in my clinic I researched ways to eradicate cesium 137 from the body. Plants grown biodynamically showed zero uptake of cesium 137 when grown in soil heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Also, gravel dust showed similar adsorptive effects analogous to activated charcoal. Since Liz is explaining how cesium 137 has been employed as a means to attack us, and specifically for "stirring" GOF, it is important to understand that c 137 is not "charged" with electromagnetic energy. Radioactive decay involves the strong and weak nuclear forces, which are NOT electromagnetism. This effects the internal structure of atomic nuclei (quarks, gluons) not just atomic bonds forming molecules. Then there is the translation back and forth into scalar waves. One simple but vital point to recognize are the antennae by means of which "viruses" decode electrical charge fluctuations in cell membranes correlating with invaginations in the membranes. Through these slack zones of charge depletion viral "pathogens" penetrate the cytosol to deliver their payload of dissonant "information", which then has domino effects on adjacent cells, and negative effects on the whole organism via resonance. Synthetic parasites in hydrogel are designed to gravitate towards, intersect with and commandeer the electrical potential of our bodies and brains via WBAN. Mengelian-Faucian experimentation transferred from original Nazi labs via Operation Paperclip has always followed the same logic of harming and controlling for world control and eugenicist ends. By the way, Ahriman, in Steiner's lectures, is distinct from Lucifer, although they work in tandem. Ahriman represents the dulling down of the piercing intellect and empathetic heart into spineless materialism. Ahriman is a potent anti-God entity whose goal is to make the human mind acquisitive, unimaginative and bound like a slave to a materialism. Lucifer, by contrast, crystallizes out of raw arrogance and vanity, opposed to all spiritual values such as compassion, the common good, love etc. The presence of these dark entities and the sway they hold is however a precursor to the eventual emergence of the Christ consciousness in human beings.

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All those babies getting jibby jab jab today will be a mess in 20 years. This is so cruel , fucking over the species for a pile of money , sounds like a Mason scheme to me. Fucking British eugenicist.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 8

No oath has everything to do with Natural Law. These parasites are well aware of Natural Law and use our ignorance of it against us. It is why these world stage orchestrators/looshers must have our acquiescence/tacit consent/participation to that which initiates harm to others to deflect the negative karma onto us, thus, perpetuating this slave construct. We possess the creative infinite power differential.. If we all lived in accordance with Natural Law, this unnatural inverted slave construct ceases to exist. Natural Law, eternal. immutable and OBJECTIVE (ignorance is not a pass) is the ONLY LAW. (Do Not Intiate Harm). No man/woman has authority over another man/woman. Everytging is energy/frequency and a fractal of Source. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS. Know Natural Law and 7 Hermetic Principles and responsibly and consciously use your blesssed free will choice to align with natural authentic freedom/heaven on Earth to co-manifest it. Natural Law (Karmic Law/Cause & Effect/Golden Rule/Moral Law) is profoundly simple and our only key to our salvation.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

IF you guys understand ; the strawman , the corporation and all the principality tricks.

You need to look into Catherine Austin Fitts lawsuit she won about the stolen money , the trillion the US government lost. You are owed 60 000$. just from what she found out before 9/11. You have the remedy to nullify debts using the stolen money has collateral.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

it's all a joke , there is no honor anymore but they fucking swear 32 oaths to the devil ; that's ok , that's trendy , it's cute,. And then you Go on top of the pyramids IT IS DEAD SERIOUS , THEY WILL NOT CROSS KARMIC Laws.

Nothing to see here folks , words don't have powers. I have no sympathy for those people. Slap them with fines , fire them , bankrupt them. It's better than the noose.

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Greg describes the straw man - probably the best I have ever heard. This will not end peacefully, most likely.

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Remember that Biden's Inauguration was a military funeral! Go to Derek Johnson's information at Rattletrap.

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Hi Greg. Thanks for your wonderful work. About cleansing the body of the evil crap chlorella tablets are way better than activated charcoal as they leave the good guys whereas charcoal clears everything. Charcoal filters are great to cleanse water. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is brilliant at all these nano illnesses. And Are Thoresen does really great northern path of initiation teachings (Steiner) to transform the "evil" spirits who are responsible for the emr, illnesses etc

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what a coincidence that "trusted' Canadian David Suzuki featured/promoted on our national media has a degree in Zoology and is an expert on the fruit fly...

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Alan Greenspan, Former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States, swore his oath on the Talmud. The difference between the Talmud and the Torah to my understanding, the Torah is the Old Testament which contain the 10 Commandments and the Talmud has the 7 Noahide Rules.

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REALLY, REALLY GREAT SHOW! Good to be back. Recovering well from surgery and healing well now. Greg, as usual, another TKO Knockout punch against the Evil and Lies.

If you have surgery, make sure you update and provide a copy of your health advocate and Directive Statement to your hospital medical records, your primary physician and surgeon, as well as the person accompanying you and the person (s) you designate with power of attorney on your behalf. Make sure you list all synthetic and experimental drugs as not allowed due to adverse reactions, any and all vaccinations, experimental drugs, synthetic drugs (i.e. Fentanyl, Dilaudid, Flouroquinolones (Cipro, Levaquin, etc.), etc. in the document, including ventilator limits and incubators. Talk to the Anesthesiologist and be clear, Morphine (from the earth) only. Sorry, back to the show..

This explains the so-called White House Addresses obviously being done in some studio with red lighting... I am curious to know if all of the Sheriffs, Commissioners, State Legislatures, and Legal & Judicial Agencies, in the 50 states & 3,000 plus Counties in the U.S., have real valid written Oaths of Office Statements. Certainly, would explain a lot about corruption of all types at the County & state level. It is important to remember that these American "licensed" lawyers practicing belong to the BAR, which stands for the British Accrediting Register. Also, As Lisa McGee said; Lloyd Austin Not Only DID NOT Register as a Foreign Agent (Raytheon), No Swearing in Written Oath for the Secretary of Defense Appointment exists for him. As this information has come to the forefront publicly, Austin disappears without notification to the hospital and press releases stating later in the week, he now has Prostrate Cancer. Haven’t seen him since.

The Lack of Written Oath Swearing In Statements is ramped in all the Cabinet positions, including US Attorney General Garland, the Director of the DHS, etc. There is NO reason why any of the US Border Patrol employees should be following any order from the Director of Homeland Security because of the above. The Border Patrol is stupidly committing treason and cannot use the excuse "I am Just Following My Orders From Above". The conversation & info on the bacteria, etc. is mind boggling.

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This is a request oath of office template. You need to get a form 3811, registered mail from post office to send the template in.


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Greg, Remember who is in charge of the Department of Energy...John Podesta

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Microwave Programmable Graphene Metasurface


Genetically Programmable Pathogen Sense and Destroy


Programmable bacteria induce durable tumor regression and systemic antitumor immunity


Programmable Bacteria: Building the Biocomputing Future


Effects of electromagnetic waves on pathogenic viruses and relevant mechanisms: a review


Coherent control of an opsin in living brain tissue


High-performance microbial opsins for spatially and temporally precise perturbations of large neuronal networks


Dr. Pierre Gilbert Warns In 1995 about Magnetic Vaccines (English Subtitles)


Rudolf Steiner about vaccines


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