and that's just it those in power use our faith to create their own version of the Tribulation using Direct Energy weapons and Project Blue Beam that we will buy into? Yes, keep the faith always... but use discernment
and that's just it those in power use our faith to create their own version of the Tribulation using Direct Energy weapons and Project Blue Beam that we will buy into? Yes, keep the faith always... but use discernment
Speaking of Secret Societies, I wonder if the upper levels have become state sovereigns. Also of note, the Western (of European descent) Nations are being especially targeted for extinction by the NWO (ref. Deagel). Okay, on the surface it makes sense, since we've had a higher standard of living. BUT, as was pointed out by colleagues of Lisa; Attorney Dawn Uballe and Doctor of Law, Chris Pazzula, all Western Nations are founded in common law, with sovereign peoples, thus anyone from these countries can easily understand the sovereignty issue. Could that be the further reason we are being singled out for democide and invasions?
They can't have competing ideas. They can't have elders telling the young the world was different once upon a time. Also like WW2 Germany , Mao great leap forward , the Bolshevik revolution they are killing the useless eaters (kids and elders) . . . Its schizophrenic there will be nothing left alive. In the end they disrespect the citizens cause we never punished(overthrow) them(Aristocrats). Like in the past. That said the migrants will turn on them. All this chaos i name it : MOLOCH HOMICIDE then it make sens.
I'm amused by 'believers' who often speak for those of us who do not have a belief in the supernatural. They seem to think we're incapable of critical thinking.
Stop making it about you , your snide attitude shine light on your short coming.
It is immaterial what you or i believe or not. It's about knowing thyself. I know tons of "critical thinking" people who took the 2nd , 3rd, 4th jibby jab despite best advice and EVIDENCE. It's about not waivering in the face of the unknown.
maybe standing in your divinity is what you mean. Free dominion freedom. If I do not 'agree' with someone else's belief, I say, your truth, not my truth. Basically, we don't trespass on anothers dominion. That their belief is true for them and thus creates their reality. They have a right to that.
and that's just it those in power use our faith to create their own version of the Tribulation using Direct Energy weapons and Project Blue Beam that we will buy into? Yes, keep the faith always... but use discernment
All those secret societies , all those lucifer trust predictions they can only affect people who are not strong in their faith.
You shall know no fear , the Lord protects.
Speaking of Secret Societies, I wonder if the upper levels have become state sovereigns. Also of note, the Western (of European descent) Nations are being especially targeted for extinction by the NWO (ref. Deagel). Okay, on the surface it makes sense, since we've had a higher standard of living. BUT, as was pointed out by colleagues of Lisa; Attorney Dawn Uballe and Doctor of Law, Chris Pazzula, all Western Nations are founded in common law, with sovereign peoples, thus anyone from these countries can easily understand the sovereignty issue. Could that be the further reason we are being singled out for democide and invasions?
They can't have competing ideas. They can't have elders telling the young the world was different once upon a time. Also like WW2 Germany , Mao great leap forward , the Bolshevik revolution they are killing the useless eaters (kids and elders) . . . Its schizophrenic there will be nothing left alive. In the end they disrespect the citizens cause we never punished(overthrow) them(Aristocrats). Like in the past. That said the migrants will turn on them. All this chaos i name it : MOLOCH HOMICIDE then it make sens.
I'm amused by 'believers' who often speak for those of us who do not have a belief in the supernatural. They seem to think we're incapable of critical thinking.
Stop making it about you , your snide attitude shine light on your short coming.
It is immaterial what you or i believe or not. It's about knowing thyself. I know tons of "critical thinking" people who took the 2nd , 3rd, 4th jibby jab despite best advice and EVIDENCE. It's about not waivering in the face of the unknown.
That takes more than intellect.
maybe standing in your divinity is what you mean. Free dominion freedom. If I do not 'agree' with someone else's belief, I say, your truth, not my truth. Basically, we don't trespass on anothers dominion. That their belief is true for them and thus creates their reality. They have a right to that.