Your work is keeping the faith alive. As the trouble, prophesied by Jesus Christ in the final Holy Book, 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John the divine' increases in our lives as God pours his spirit out on the world (The Great Tribulation that goes for 7yrs).
Your work is keeping the faith alive. As the trouble, prophesied by Jesus Christ in the final Holy Book, 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John the divine' increases in our lives as God pours his spirit out on the world (The Great Tribulation that goes for 7yrs).
As God pours His spirit out upon mankind, and the trouble becomes surreal and intense, more and more people who have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our hearts will pick up on that spirit and begin manifesting supernatural power beyond this material world we're stuck in. Miracles like walking on water will begin to be experienced.
The heavens will be shaken, and the nightsky is going to lightup too! Prepare your hearts for that one because men will be losing their lives from their hearts failing them.
There is no Biblical tribulation. The seven years were from 66 to 73 AD, with the temple demolished in 70 AD. The Bibical end times were for the Old Covenant age of Israel. All things written were fulfilled in 70 AD.
and that's just it those in power use our faith to create their own version of the Tribulation using Direct Energy weapons and Project Blue Beam that we will buy into? Yes, keep the faith always... but use discernment
Speaking of Secret Societies, I wonder if the upper levels have become state sovereigns. Also of note, the Western (of European descent) Nations are being especially targeted for extinction by the NWO (ref. Deagel). Okay, on the surface it makes sense, since we've had a higher standard of living. BUT, as was pointed out by colleagues of Lisa; Attorney Dawn Uballe and Doctor of Law, Chris Pazzula, all Western Nations are founded in common law, with sovereign peoples, thus anyone from these countries can easily understand the sovereignty issue. Could that be the further reason we are being singled out for democide and invasions?
They can't have competing ideas. They can't have elders telling the young the world was different once upon a time. Also like WW2 Germany , Mao great leap forward , the Bolshevik revolution they are killing the useless eaters (kids and elders) . . . Its schizophrenic there will be nothing left alive. In the end they disrespect the citizens cause we never punished(overthrow) them(Aristocrats). Like in the past. That said the migrants will turn on them. All this chaos i name it : MOLOCH HOMICIDE then it make sens.
I'm amused by 'believers' who often speak for those of us who do not have a belief in the supernatural. They seem to think we're incapable of critical thinking.
Stop making it about you , your snide attitude shine light on your short coming.
It is immaterial what you or i believe or not. It's about knowing thyself. I know tons of "critical thinking" people who took the 2nd , 3rd, 4th jibby jab despite best advice and EVIDENCE. It's about not waivering in the face of the unknown.
maybe standing in your divinity is what you mean. Free dominion freedom. If I do not 'agree' with someone else's belief, I say, your truth, not my truth. Basically, we don't trespass on anothers dominion. That their belief is true for them and thus creates their reality. They have a right to that.
This is an amazing conversation of two things that are rare to bring together. Are we not sentient beings taken captive by our lack of lawful understanding of our captors and now recently violated in a monstrous attack on our humanity for that lack?
That may or may not be true, but whatever happens is not prophecied in the Bible. Prophecy ceased in 70 AD, DANIEL 9, 24. The "Mark of the Beast" was Caesar worship. The Caesars thought they were gods and demanded to be worshipped. Mind you, today Bill Gates has got a "god complex", so that could be another "mark of the beast". I don't know.
Most people don't know that the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" that would meet the Bible's definition was almost accomplished by Caligula, but he was assassinated before his statue could be set up in the Temple, in 41 AD. So though the Caesars thought themselves as "gods" the Man of Sin (Antichrist) later described by Paul as a future event, in II Thes. chapter 2. And then later by John in Revelation after the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem (70A.D) when he was at the island of Patmos about 95 AD.
I think the bulk of evidence clearly puts John (who is buried in old Ephesus) in Turkey where the 7 seven churches eventualy formed, and Polycarp who was John's disciple wasn't born until 69 AD. Though many evil kings and leaders have spiritual resemblance to the Beast of Revelation, the circumstances and sequences found in both Daniel and Revelation have yet to be fulfilled.
DANIEL 12, 7: "and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished".
The "holy people" were the Hebrew Israelites, and their "power" was the Covenant with God. The Covenant centred around the Torah which required the Temple to be in the "promised land".
When was their "power shattered"? 70 AD, because the temple was destroyed, they were driven out of the "promised land", and without the temple they could not practice Torah, meaning their "power", (the Old the Covenant) was fulfilled. The New Messianic Covenant, or the Kingdom, was born in 70 AD.
DANIEL 12, 9: "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end".
REVELATIONS 22, 10: "Then he told me, 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is NEAR'".
Revelation was not so much about new future prophecies, but more concerned with the fulfillment of the Old Covenant law and prophets, which was in 70 AD, "the time of the end".
Well I would agree with much of what you say about the Old Covenant. But Jews today, (regardless of you support them or not) are ready to REBUILD the Third Temple and begin the sacrifices again. This is the THIRD temple.
Now have you actually read Dan. 12:1 Michael the Angel shall stand up and there shall be a time of trouble (world-wide) such as never before. 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust, shall awake unto everlasting life (Resurrection). some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
I have a good Chapter for you. Isaiah 66. Can you explain that one?
Isaiah 66, 22 speaks of a "new heavens and earth", as does Revelation. The new heavens and earth is equivalent to the New Covenant, which was born in 70 AD.
Firstly, the 3rd temple is already here. It's the Messianic temple of God, with Christ at the cornerstone of the spiritual temple with all Christians as living stones in the spiritual temple, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,
1 Peter 2, 4-6.
As St. Paul said, "first the natural then the spiritual". That's covenantal language which includes the temple.
The resurrection of the dead was in 70 AD, but it wasn't a biological resurrection.
Secondly, the fake temple the Khazars are building in Palestine is all THEATRE. They don't have a preisthood of the tribe of Levi. You can't have a temple without a preisthood. The genealogical records of the tribe of Levi were stored in the temple. The temple went up in flames in 70 AD. That's why they are allowing anyone into the preisthood. They are building it for political reasons to try and prove to the world, the "chosen ones" are back in town. It's all THEATRE. They are Khazars, European Jews, with no ancestral connection to Biblical Israel. Biblical Israel was a theocracy based on the Torah. Modern day Israel was invented as a secular and nationalist (genocidal) Zionist movement by Jews from Europe.
This was a physical resurrection of the what are called the Firstfruits at the time when Jesus resurrected. Matt.27.52-53. but that was small and though many saints were taken spiritually from Sheol (grave) to heaven, they await their physical resurrection as Daniel explains.
But Isaiah 66 refers to the Third Physical Temple that the Antichrist will defile. Even though we might agree that there the need for the Temple is no longer needed for salvation, it still is yet to come, and the temple Ezekiel describes in chapters 40-45 is HUGE and will last for 1,000 years.
The New Heavens and New Earth Is. 66 talks about are still to come. AFTER the !,000 years when Christ is HERE to rule the earth after Armageddon.
We're approaching the 1,000 year Golden Age. There's still quite a bit of cleanup, but we'll get through it. Just make sure you have a 'bug out' bag packed😉👍
The Millennium was a symbolic number. It was 40 years, sometimes called the 2nd Exodus, out of the Old Covenant and into the New Covenant age of the Church. It started in 30 AD with Christ's ministry and ended in 70 AD at the end of Old Covenant Israel. Satan was cast out in 70 AD because the Jews tried to prevent the Gospel from going out to all nations. When Old Covenant Judaism fell the Gospel was free to go out to the gentiles. That's what "Satan being cast out" symbolises.
Your problem is that you "symbolize" what should not be. Satan is still operating in the heavenly court, and will continue until he is expelled (not long from now) Is. 14 refers to this as does Rev, 12:7
Is there historical evidence concerning this "Exodus?" I have been all over the world in many Natrional Archives. To date I have not found historical evidence. I continue to 'search'.
The Book of Revelation is history not eschatology. And the essence of all prophecy is Jesus Christ, God’s salvation of the world. Not some. All. The question is not, can/will all be saved. The question is, was the Self-sacrifice of the Divine Man sufficient. Start with Hebrews to see just how great a Savior He is. And don’t leave out any of the OT prophets who though they prophesied God’s temporal anger and judgment’s nonetheless repeat God’s ultimate mercy and renewal of all things. Acts 3:21. “How can I give you up?” Romans 11:32.
2Corinthians 5:19
Etc etc etc. the declaration of the single unbreakable narrative of God to mankind we call the Bible.: God will be all and in all.
We western taught Christians have been lied to and kept in line through fear and self righteousness. There is no scripture that tells of a place of eternal punishment or annihilation for any part of God’s creation. Except for the death of Death itself and all of the wickedness mankind has condoned or embraced. Believing God is not an act of free will. It is God’s revelation to each and every one. Faith is a gifted participation in the obedient fidelity of Jesus to His Father’s will. He completed the work He was sent to do. He dragged all things to Himself (including all judgement). And when He returns, it will be for the restoration of everything. Nothing can stop what is already on its way. It’s too late! He is risen!!
We can't help this misunderstanding because here in 3D, it is conditional love. In 5D it is unconditional love and in 6D it is a constant flow of love. I believe we need to think in terms of energy. Each and every day the divine Creator pours out divinity love to all. Do we mis-qualify this by lying, stealing etc? Well, it all has to be re-qualified to get back to Source from whence we came and thus we will return. We chose this game to play. Yeshua illuminated the Christ Consciousness. The way back into the divine thought fields is through the Christ Consciousness, which is inside of you. Yeshua promised that if you have a relationship with Him, He will redeem all of your mis-qualified energy for you. Or you can do it yourself, if you are on the Master's Path. It's not complicated. The original word for Christian was Christiam....ChristIAM. And yes, you are. It makes petfectly good sense that you cannot be absorbed back into Source with crap. It all has to go. Now, we are in the Ascension Cycle to 5D and beyond. One must know who you truly are and I just typed in here, who you truly are and master the 3Ds desire decision discipline. If it is simple, it is of the divine.
Your comment is right above mine. And if you couldn’t find it, how would you know it didn’t sound like you. It is a fairly elaborate statement so I asked who told you those things.
Lane Bellman: Much of what I say or write comes from my own knowing. To ask me the specifics of where this came from seems to be important for you. However, I am well aware of who I am and what I am here to do. At the moment, I cannot answer that question , satisfactorily, for you. I am not going to create the time to go through this thread to find it. What exactly would you like to know? The origin of what you claim I wrote most likely came from my own inner knowing. Is that okay for you? I don't keep a record of everything I say. I may deem it appropriate for that moment , and that moment, only. As for my comment not sounding like me; that would be yesterday. The day I made it may be another matter.
I don’t personally care one way or another about what you wrote but for the fact your comment was in reply to my own. And it was so bizarre I was curious about where those ideas came from. I’m no longer curious.
Greg, God bless you and keep you, mate.
Your work is keeping the faith alive. As the trouble, prophesied by Jesus Christ in the final Holy Book, 'The Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John the divine' increases in our lives as God pours his spirit out on the world (The Great Tribulation that goes for 7yrs).
As God pours His spirit out upon mankind, and the trouble becomes surreal and intense, more and more people who have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our hearts will pick up on that spirit and begin manifesting supernatural power beyond this material world we're stuck in. Miracles like walking on water will begin to be experienced.
The heavens will be shaken, and the nightsky is going to lightup too! Prepare your hearts for that one because men will be losing their lives from their hearts failing them.
Keep the faith.
There is no Biblical tribulation. The seven years were from 66 to 73 AD, with the temple demolished in 70 AD. The Bibical end times were for the Old Covenant age of Israel. All things written were fulfilled in 70 AD.
and that's just it those in power use our faith to create their own version of the Tribulation using Direct Energy weapons and Project Blue Beam that we will buy into? Yes, keep the faith always... but use discernment
All those secret societies , all those lucifer trust predictions they can only affect people who are not strong in their faith.
You shall know no fear , the Lord protects.
Speaking of Secret Societies, I wonder if the upper levels have become state sovereigns. Also of note, the Western (of European descent) Nations are being especially targeted for extinction by the NWO (ref. Deagel). Okay, on the surface it makes sense, since we've had a higher standard of living. BUT, as was pointed out by colleagues of Lisa; Attorney Dawn Uballe and Doctor of Law, Chris Pazzula, all Western Nations are founded in common law, with sovereign peoples, thus anyone from these countries can easily understand the sovereignty issue. Could that be the further reason we are being singled out for democide and invasions?
They can't have competing ideas. They can't have elders telling the young the world was different once upon a time. Also like WW2 Germany , Mao great leap forward , the Bolshevik revolution they are killing the useless eaters (kids and elders) . . . Its schizophrenic there will be nothing left alive. In the end they disrespect the citizens cause we never punished(overthrow) them(Aristocrats). Like in the past. That said the migrants will turn on them. All this chaos i name it : MOLOCH HOMICIDE then it make sens.
I'm amused by 'believers' who often speak for those of us who do not have a belief in the supernatural. They seem to think we're incapable of critical thinking.
Stop making it about you , your snide attitude shine light on your short coming.
It is immaterial what you or i believe or not. It's about knowing thyself. I know tons of "critical thinking" people who took the 2nd , 3rd, 4th jibby jab despite best advice and EVIDENCE. It's about not waivering in the face of the unknown.
That takes more than intellect.
maybe standing in your divinity is what you mean. Free dominion freedom. If I do not 'agree' with someone else's belief, I say, your truth, not my truth. Basically, we don't trespass on anothers dominion. That their belief is true for them and thus creates their reality. They have a right to that.
I wish you were right. In the meantime, don't drink the Kool Aid and take this thing called the "Mark of the Beast."
The seven years before the Temple was destroyed will be NOTHING like what is about to hit the entire world.
This is an amazing conversation of two things that are rare to bring together. Are we not sentient beings taken captive by our lack of lawful understanding of our captors and now recently violated in a monstrous attack on our humanity for that lack?
That may or may not be true, but whatever happens is not prophecied in the Bible. Prophecy ceased in 70 AD, DANIEL 9, 24. The "Mark of the Beast" was Caesar worship. The Caesars thought they were gods and demanded to be worshipped. Mind you, today Bill Gates has got a "god complex", so that could be another "mark of the beast". I don't know.
Most people don't know that the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" that would meet the Bible's definition was almost accomplished by Caligula, but he was assassinated before his statue could be set up in the Temple, in 41 AD. So though the Caesars thought themselves as "gods" the Man of Sin (Antichrist) later described by Paul as a future event, in II Thes. chapter 2. And then later by John in Revelation after the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem (70A.D) when he was at the island of Patmos about 95 AD.
I'm not so sure Revelation was written in 95 AD. I think it was written before 70 AD under the reign of Caesar Nero, in approx. 65 AD.
In Hebraic gematria, Caesar Nero adds up to 666, the number of the beast.
I think the bulk of evidence clearly puts John (who is buried in old Ephesus) in Turkey where the 7 seven churches eventualy formed, and Polycarp who was John's disciple wasn't born until 69 AD. Though many evil kings and leaders have spiritual resemblance to the Beast of Revelation, the circumstances and sequences found in both Daniel and Revelation have yet to be fulfilled.
DANIEL 12, 7: "and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished".
The "holy people" were the Hebrew Israelites, and their "power" was the Covenant with God. The Covenant centred around the Torah which required the Temple to be in the "promised land".
When was their "power shattered"? 70 AD, because the temple was destroyed, they were driven out of the "promised land", and without the temple they could not practice Torah, meaning their "power", (the Old the Covenant) was fulfilled. The New Messianic Covenant, or the Kingdom, was born in 70 AD.
DANIEL 12, 9: "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end".
REVELATIONS 22, 10: "Then he told me, 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is NEAR'".
Revelation was not so much about new future prophecies, but more concerned with the fulfillment of the Old Covenant law and prophets, which was in 70 AD, "the time of the end".
Well I would agree with much of what you say about the Old Covenant. But Jews today, (regardless of you support them or not) are ready to REBUILD the Third Temple and begin the sacrifices again. This is the THIRD temple.
Now have you actually read Dan. 12:1 Michael the Angel shall stand up and there shall be a time of trouble (world-wide) such as never before. 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust, shall awake unto everlasting life (Resurrection). some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
I have a good Chapter for you. Isaiah 66. Can you explain that one?
Isaiah 66, 22 speaks of a "new heavens and earth", as does Revelation. The new heavens and earth is equivalent to the New Covenant, which was born in 70 AD.
Firstly, the 3rd temple is already here. It's the Messianic temple of God, with Christ at the cornerstone of the spiritual temple with all Christians as living stones in the spiritual temple, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,
1 Peter 2, 4-6.
As St. Paul said, "first the natural then the spiritual". That's covenantal language which includes the temple.
The resurrection of the dead was in 70 AD, but it wasn't a biological resurrection.
Secondly, the fake temple the Khazars are building in Palestine is all THEATRE. They don't have a preisthood of the tribe of Levi. You can't have a temple without a preisthood. The genealogical records of the tribe of Levi were stored in the temple. The temple went up in flames in 70 AD. That's why they are allowing anyone into the preisthood. They are building it for political reasons to try and prove to the world, the "chosen ones" are back in town. It's all THEATRE. They are Khazars, European Jews, with no ancestral connection to Biblical Israel. Biblical Israel was a theocracy based on the Torah. Modern day Israel was invented as a secular and nationalist (genocidal) Zionist movement by Jews from Europe.
This was a physical resurrection of the what are called the Firstfruits at the time when Jesus resurrected. Matt.27.52-53. but that was small and though many saints were taken spiritually from Sheol (grave) to heaven, they await their physical resurrection as Daniel explains.
But Isaiah 66 refers to the Third Physical Temple that the Antichrist will defile. Even though we might agree that there the need for the Temple is no longer needed for salvation, it still is yet to come, and the temple Ezekiel describes in chapters 40-45 is HUGE and will last for 1,000 years.
The New Heavens and New Earth Is. 66 talks about are still to come. AFTER the !,000 years when Christ is HERE to rule the earth after Armageddon.
Just asking, are we now living in the 1000 years when Satan is bound and cast out? Or are we past that phase? Had Satan been loosed?
We're approaching the 1,000 year Golden Age. There's still quite a bit of cleanup, but we'll get through it. Just make sure you have a 'bug out' bag packed😉👍
The Millennium was a symbolic number. It was 40 years, sometimes called the 2nd Exodus, out of the Old Covenant and into the New Covenant age of the Church. It started in 30 AD with Christ's ministry and ended in 70 AD at the end of Old Covenant Israel. Satan was cast out in 70 AD because the Jews tried to prevent the Gospel from going out to all nations. When Old Covenant Judaism fell the Gospel was free to go out to the gentiles. That's what "Satan being cast out" symbolises.
Your problem is that you "symbolize" what should not be. Satan is still operating in the heavenly court, and will continue until he is expelled (not long from now) Is. 14 refers to this as does Rev, 12:7
That's simply Not true.
Don't forget bout the solar eclipse this week, too!
That's epic timing as this weekend is Passsover, 2024.
Keep the faith.
The exodus was from Yemen to Saudi Arabia, not from Egypt to Palestine.
Is there historical evidence concerning this "Exodus?" I have been all over the world in many Natrional Archives. To date I have not found historical evidence. I continue to 'search'.
There was a 2nd Exodus, in the New Testament. The 2nd Exodus was a historical fact.
The Book of Revelation is history not eschatology. And the essence of all prophecy is Jesus Christ, God’s salvation of the world. Not some. All. The question is not, can/will all be saved. The question is, was the Self-sacrifice of the Divine Man sufficient. Start with Hebrews to see just how great a Savior He is. And don’t leave out any of the OT prophets who though they prophesied God’s temporal anger and judgment’s nonetheless repeat God’s ultimate mercy and renewal of all things. Acts 3:21. “How can I give you up?” Romans 11:32.
2Corinthians 5:19
Etc etc etc. the declaration of the single unbreakable narrative of God to mankind we call the Bible.: God will be all and in all.
We western taught Christians have been lied to and kept in line through fear and self righteousness. There is no scripture that tells of a place of eternal punishment or annihilation for any part of God’s creation. Except for the death of Death itself and all of the wickedness mankind has condoned or embraced. Believing God is not an act of free will. It is God’s revelation to each and every one. Faith is a gifted participation in the obedient fidelity of Jesus to His Father’s will. He completed the work He was sent to do. He dragged all things to Himself (including all judgement). And when He returns, it will be for the restoration of everything. Nothing can stop what is already on its way. It’s too late! He is risen!!
Philippians 4:13 Amen brother 😎
Amen Amun Ra another name for Molloch...... It used to be I AM or Hallelujah! Remember I AM that I AM What follows I AM is how you qualify it.
We can't help this misunderstanding because here in 3D, it is conditional love. In 5D it is unconditional love and in 6D it is a constant flow of love. I believe we need to think in terms of energy. Each and every day the divine Creator pours out divinity love to all. Do we mis-qualify this by lying, stealing etc? Well, it all has to be re-qualified to get back to Source from whence we came and thus we will return. We chose this game to play. Yeshua illuminated the Christ Consciousness. The way back into the divine thought fields is through the Christ Consciousness, which is inside of you. Yeshua promised that if you have a relationship with Him, He will redeem all of your mis-qualified energy for you. Or you can do it yourself, if you are on the Master's Path. It's not complicated. The original word for Christian was Christiam....ChristIAM. And yes, you are. It makes petfectly good sense that you cannot be absorbed back into Source with crap. It all has to go. Now, we are in the Ascension Cycle to 5D and beyond. One must know who you truly are and I just typed in here, who you truly are and master the 3Ds desire decision discipline. If it is simple, it is of the divine.
Who told you that? Self-deception is the chief source of corruption in religious thinking, more deadly than error.
I cannot find this comment that you referred to myself. I doesn't sound like something I would write. Perhaps, it was someone else.
Your comment is right above mine. And if you couldn’t find it, how would you know it didn’t sound like you. It is a fairly elaborate statement so I asked who told you those things.
Lane Bellman: Much of what I say or write comes from my own knowing. To ask me the specifics of where this came from seems to be important for you. However, I am well aware of who I am and what I am here to do. At the moment, I cannot answer that question , satisfactorily, for you. I am not going to create the time to go through this thread to find it. What exactly would you like to know? The origin of what you claim I wrote most likely came from my own inner knowing. Is that okay for you? I don't keep a record of everything I say. I may deem it appropriate for that moment , and that moment, only. As for my comment not sounding like me; that would be yesterday. The day I made it may be another matter.
I don’t personally care one way or another about what you wrote but for the fact your comment was in reply to my own. And it was so bizarre I was curious about where those ideas came from. I’m no longer curious.
Me too, I equate never mind, their fragile minds can't handle it.