Most people don't know that the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" that would meet the Bible's definition was almost accomplished by Caligula, but he was assassinated before his statue could be set up in the Temple, in 41 AD. So though the Caesars thought themselves as "gods" the Man of Sin (Antichrist) later described by Paul as a future event…
Most people don't know that the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" that would meet the Bible's definition was almost accomplished by Caligula, but he was assassinated before his statue could be set up in the Temple, in 41 AD. So though the Caesars thought themselves as "gods" the Man of Sin (Antichrist) later described by Paul as a future event, in II Thes. chapter 2. And then later by John in Revelation after the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem (70A.D) when he was at the island of Patmos about 95 AD.
I think the bulk of evidence clearly puts John (who is buried in old Ephesus) in Turkey where the 7 seven churches eventualy formed, and Polycarp who was John's disciple wasn't born until 69 AD. Though many evil kings and leaders have spiritual resemblance to the Beast of Revelation, the circumstances and sequences found in both Daniel and Revelation have yet to be fulfilled.
DANIEL 12, 7: "and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished".
The "holy people" were the Hebrew Israelites, and their "power" was the Covenant with God. The Covenant centred around the Torah which required the Temple to be in the "promised land".
When was their "power shattered"? 70 AD, because the temple was destroyed, they were driven out of the "promised land", and without the temple they could not practice Torah, meaning their "power", (the Old the Covenant) was fulfilled. The New Messianic Covenant, or the Kingdom, was born in 70 AD.
DANIEL 12, 9: "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end".
REVELATIONS 22, 10: "Then he told me, 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is NEAR'".
Revelation was not so much about new future prophecies, but more concerned with the fulfillment of the Old Covenant law and prophets, which was in 70 AD, "the time of the end".
Well I would agree with much of what you say about the Old Covenant. But Jews today, (regardless of you support them or not) are ready to REBUILD the Third Temple and begin the sacrifices again. This is the THIRD temple.
Now have you actually read Dan. 12:1 Michael the Angel shall stand up and there shall be a time of trouble (world-wide) such as never before. 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust, shall awake unto everlasting life (Resurrection). some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
I have a good Chapter for you. Isaiah 66. Can you explain that one?
Isaiah 66, 22 speaks of a "new heavens and earth", as does Revelation. The new heavens and earth is equivalent to the New Covenant, which was born in 70 AD.
Firstly, the 3rd temple is already here. It's the Messianic temple of God, with Christ at the cornerstone of the spiritual temple with all Christians as living stones in the spiritual temple, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,
1 Peter 2, 4-6.
As St. Paul said, "first the natural then the spiritual". That's covenantal language which includes the temple.
The resurrection of the dead was in 70 AD, but it wasn't a biological resurrection.
Secondly, the fake temple the Khazars are building in Palestine is all THEATRE. They don't have a preisthood of the tribe of Levi. You can't have a temple without a preisthood. The genealogical records of the tribe of Levi were stored in the temple. The temple went up in flames in 70 AD. That's why they are allowing anyone into the preisthood. They are building it for political reasons to try and prove to the world, the "chosen ones" are back in town. It's all THEATRE. They are Khazars, European Jews, with no ancestral connection to Biblical Israel. Biblical Israel was a theocracy based on the Torah. Modern day Israel was invented as a secular and nationalist (genocidal) Zionist movement by Jews from Europe.
This was a physical resurrection of the what are called the Firstfruits at the time when Jesus resurrected. Matt.27.52-53. but that was small and though many saints were taken spiritually from Sheol (grave) to heaven, they await their physical resurrection as Daniel explains.
But Isaiah 66 refers to the Third Physical Temple that the Antichrist will defile. Even though we might agree that there the need for the Temple is no longer needed for salvation, it still is yet to come, and the temple Ezekiel describes in chapters 40-45 is HUGE and will last for 1,000 years.
The New Heavens and New Earth Is. 66 talks about are still to come. AFTER the !,000 years when Christ is HERE to rule the earth after Armageddon.
Most people don't know that the "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" that would meet the Bible's definition was almost accomplished by Caligula, but he was assassinated before his statue could be set up in the Temple, in 41 AD. So though the Caesars thought themselves as "gods" the Man of Sin (Antichrist) later described by Paul as a future event, in II Thes. chapter 2. And then later by John in Revelation after the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem (70A.D) when he was at the island of Patmos about 95 AD.
I'm not so sure Revelation was written in 95 AD. I think it was written before 70 AD under the reign of Caesar Nero, in approx. 65 AD.
In Hebraic gematria, Caesar Nero adds up to 666, the number of the beast.
I think the bulk of evidence clearly puts John (who is buried in old Ephesus) in Turkey where the 7 seven churches eventualy formed, and Polycarp who was John's disciple wasn't born until 69 AD. Though many evil kings and leaders have spiritual resemblance to the Beast of Revelation, the circumstances and sequences found in both Daniel and Revelation have yet to be fulfilled.
DANIEL 12, 7: "and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished".
The "holy people" were the Hebrew Israelites, and their "power" was the Covenant with God. The Covenant centred around the Torah which required the Temple to be in the "promised land".
When was their "power shattered"? 70 AD, because the temple was destroyed, they were driven out of the "promised land", and without the temple they could not practice Torah, meaning their "power", (the Old the Covenant) was fulfilled. The New Messianic Covenant, or the Kingdom, was born in 70 AD.
DANIEL 12, 9: "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end".
REVELATIONS 22, 10: "Then he told me, 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is NEAR'".
Revelation was not so much about new future prophecies, but more concerned with the fulfillment of the Old Covenant law and prophets, which was in 70 AD, "the time of the end".
Well I would agree with much of what you say about the Old Covenant. But Jews today, (regardless of you support them or not) are ready to REBUILD the Third Temple and begin the sacrifices again. This is the THIRD temple.
Now have you actually read Dan. 12:1 Michael the Angel shall stand up and there shall be a time of trouble (world-wide) such as never before. 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust, shall awake unto everlasting life (Resurrection). some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
I have a good Chapter for you. Isaiah 66. Can you explain that one?
Isaiah 66, 22 speaks of a "new heavens and earth", as does Revelation. The new heavens and earth is equivalent to the New Covenant, which was born in 70 AD.
Firstly, the 3rd temple is already here. It's the Messianic temple of God, with Christ at the cornerstone of the spiritual temple with all Christians as living stones in the spiritual temple, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,
1 Peter 2, 4-6.
As St. Paul said, "first the natural then the spiritual". That's covenantal language which includes the temple.
The resurrection of the dead was in 70 AD, but it wasn't a biological resurrection.
Secondly, the fake temple the Khazars are building in Palestine is all THEATRE. They don't have a preisthood of the tribe of Levi. You can't have a temple without a preisthood. The genealogical records of the tribe of Levi were stored in the temple. The temple went up in flames in 70 AD. That's why they are allowing anyone into the preisthood. They are building it for political reasons to try and prove to the world, the "chosen ones" are back in town. It's all THEATRE. They are Khazars, European Jews, with no ancestral connection to Biblical Israel. Biblical Israel was a theocracy based on the Torah. Modern day Israel was invented as a secular and nationalist (genocidal) Zionist movement by Jews from Europe.
This was a physical resurrection of the what are called the Firstfruits at the time when Jesus resurrected. Matt.27.52-53. but that was small and though many saints were taken spiritually from Sheol (grave) to heaven, they await their physical resurrection as Daniel explains.
But Isaiah 66 refers to the Third Physical Temple that the Antichrist will defile. Even though we might agree that there the need for the Temple is no longer needed for salvation, it still is yet to come, and the temple Ezekiel describes in chapters 40-45 is HUGE and will last for 1,000 years.
The New Heavens and New Earth Is. 66 talks about are still to come. AFTER the !,000 years when Christ is HERE to rule the earth after Armageddon.