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No oath has everything to do with Natural Law. These parasites are well aware of Natural Law and use our ignorance of it against us. It is why these world stage orchestrators/looshers must have our acquiescence/tacit consent/participation to that which initiates harm to others to deflect the negative karma onto us, thus, perpetuating this slave construct. We possess the creative infinite power differential.. If we all lived in accordance with Natural Law, this unnatural inverted slave construct ceases to exist. Natural Law, eternal. immutable and OBJECTIVE (ignorance is not a pass) is the ONLY LAW. (Do Not Intiate Harm). No man/woman has authority over another man/woman. Everytging is energy/frequency and a fractal of Source. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS. Know Natural Law and 7 Hermetic Principles and responsibly and consciously use your blesssed free will choice to align with natural authentic freedom/heaven on Earth to co-manifest it. Natural Law (Karmic Law/Cause & Effect/Golden Rule/Moral Law) is profoundly simple and our only key to our salvation.

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Thank you. Nicholas.

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