Just a distraction to keep people unfocussed. The Maui Massacre is probably the reason for the re-direction. Don't comply but also please don't forget.

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Yes commented similarly below.

Albeit less eloquently 😂...

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LOLL, I'm learning to cap my anger and follow my Christian beliefs. The 'elites' have been slaughtering the 'plebes' since Cain killed Abel. "They" know what's fair and best, right? People everywhere beware! The Georgia guide stones were a warning, I believe, which is why they were destroyed. The future is a "Hunger Games" scenario with only 500,000,000 allowed to enjoy the resources of Earth. Why do I think such doom and gloom. It started when I learned more truth about the French and "Indian" war last year from a 'true history' perspective and started the dark path down the evil history of "Great" Britain and its Empire. Ironic how they created their own religion, Church of England, so divorce could be legal waaaaaay back in history (pleasure wins out over morals). Now, in the US, the changing of laws and choosing to call evil "good" continues down the evil path of immorality and amorality. The people with the money are creating themselves as gods for their unsatiable pleasure and sensuality at the cost of humanity as a whole. A humanity created of humans that were created in the image of God. The whole thing is Satanic, but John's revelation told us about it, so I'm not surprised.

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You Nailed it 100%!! This is a spiritual attack, Good vs. Evil, and they are trying really hard to divide people, and the only unifier is Jesus Christ!!

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Aug 30, 2023
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Thank you for even noticing. My mind is no longer my own. I live in hive mind.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Yes, I do get into the word everyday and you are correct! Thank you for making that point and correcting me on that!

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"...only 500,000,000 allowed to enjoy the resources of Earth." NOPE! 500,000,000 may be kept "alive" but they will be useless bug eaters that toil to keep the elites swimming in whatever they desire. Nothing for the "living" masses to enjoy about existing. auschwitz 2.0 is what it would be.

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Yes!!! Well said Brother...Amen!

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Cain was right to kill Abel as no animal with blood was to ever be killed &/or eaten. Abel is the antithesis if ¥øu actually read the idiot bible with some exceptions from other beliefs, as physiologically we are not capable of destroying pathogens in our gut as ours is a ph of 4 and not nearly as high a degree of molarity of the H2SO4 gas (look up what a mole is). Cain was in Eden and Abel was not because animal and human sacrifice which is the high rite of Judeans and Phoenicians include the burning of all first born for of any animal or child which is what their Lord (Baal the Storm God) and it's not YHWH either as several other names were used before this and the true meaning mislabeled in Greek as it could no be written in Hebrew and exposed it's name is DESOLATION. Jewish projection of their own atrocities has been forgotten and this generation should be the last. No 2800 slaves for each jew (Babylonian Talmud) teaching goy to be sex workers as a pre-teen and to be used in rituals of beat, bleed (the women would sop up the blood and use for fertility purposes to mix with matzos) and eat the uncooked flesh everything down to the bone which were put in jars filled with sand or sand and dirt found in the "excavation at gezer" by Macallaister but in all regions of their death cult. The OLD TESTAMENT (Hebrew in the Torah and the first in the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Torah), we read now is the septuagint, rewritten Torah in Greek as to make definitions more specific. Hebrew may be greek but is a very poor language which after the entire time they have been here, they still cannot come to the meaning of it and almost all of it is allegories and genocide while few if any of their characters ever existed and even entire countries were made up but they do love genocide and pre destruction of people that they think may be a threat in the future including mothers of Palestinians that the UK sold to Rothschild with No Right to do so as Palestine was a peaceful agrarian society with small towns and not what the perpetual liars or people that lie that King Darius the Great stated who is 2nd generation of Cyrus the "pathetic?" who did what Cromwell did and made this earth into a living hell where money, power, access and control are more valuable than life itself and with Transhumanism coming and is already in you because you breath the smart dust (Maryland University 2004 - 4 Micron cube 12 bit computer with IO capabilities and communication abilities to communicate with the Internet of things and we are all loaded with millions of them along with aluminum (in every breath and a neurotoxin that is the foundation if not the whole cause of autism as British Research Team that identified that it is the only cause of autism which wasn't even in the dictionary in the early 1900s is 1 or 4 for boys and 1 of 15-20 for girls).

Aluminum anchors onto your nervous system and stays there forever and loads the brain with the massive neurological system with ions to attach to as nano-aluminum in you sky and air when you breath it is is building a Cyber (can't call you human anymore) being with self assembling routes and transmitters, and cellular activity current and historical, and you are going to be changed and it's not over night but it's in you to the point which is 2/3rds the way there.

Christians are not Jewish or from anyone that is Jewish and has no nationality and you NT is a Roman/Jewish fraud and I certainly agree that the goyim which means cattle as you are an amusement and something to eat and render the fat along with their bisexual sadism that goes all the way to infancy and if you don't or have not read the Babylonian Talmud (requires the Jewish Encyclopedia) and understand that the word of a Jew is equal to the word of God as they are made the only ones of Adam and Eve created by their god and you are not. You were made with all of the other animals, then you might as well talk to a wall while discussing any issue of this matter.

Christians do not eat meat or any animal that has blood in it, one of the few things that pre-judaic people actually understood and is an unconditional law as you read it of before Noah while the Jews turned that entire concept upside down and have not ever repented as they are liars which is their native tongue and they can do anything they please to you, and one Palestinian family was burned to death in their home and made fun of as the criminal was let off and the dead baby was held up in effigy, burned and blacked at the end of a rope while the people of the community danced. Look up 1 shot two kills too. Putting a massive hole in the baby is pre-emptive strike.

You are no Christian as the NT is a Judeo-Roman scam. Find out what the Essenes are and their relationships with Egyptians and Buddhists of those books one being the Gospel, as what you have is filth. Jesus did not drink either so vegan and didn't drink and you are a "Christian"?

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Any resources you can point to on The French & Indian Wars? Have not been down that rabbit hole yet.

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Not really. I spoke with an Archeologist at Ft Loudoun State Park and learned a lot from him. I also asked his opinion of Benedict Arnold. Do you know the truth about him? Unfairly labeled a traitor. A perfect example of the power of history revision and gas lighting.

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If you have the time, could you give a brief summary of the French & Indian wars? I would appreciate it. And if you are too busy, trust me - I understand, so no problem if you can’t.

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Yes, I did look at him at one point, you know, in the process of trying to reconstruct an accurate history. But you go down so many rabbit holes, that you forget half or more of what you read.

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This is what they are doing but the media and influencers won’t tell you. https://twitter.com/nazivogue/status/1675302191366561793?s=46&t=7kTUIRsn8dwirIxD004EHA

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The way things now are are so convoluted, how can one know whether or not this person is real. The real irony would be if it was actually darpa telling on themselves to build money for their black budgets.

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Actual real person. Elizabeth Coady.

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2 Timothy 3:1-5

1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2For men shall be lovers of their own selves,

(SELFIES anyone, PRIDE parades anyone…)

covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,

disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3Without natural affection,

trucebreakers, false accusers,

incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, …

4Traitors, heady, highminded,

lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5Having a form of godliness,

but denying the power thereof:

from such turn away.”

ABIDE in Jeshua (Jesus) brothers and sisters.

As He Himself told us -


NO-ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH Me. “

John 14:6. 🙌

There is NO way to The Father BUT through HIM. Believe His Words for they are worthy of your trust.

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The Maui Massacre looks like a template for the rest of the areas the parasites wish to infest.

Our city council recently gave themselves permission to essentially confiscate properties that THEY designate to be redeveloped to suit THEM. This “redevelopment” will remove single family homes and duplexes and be replaced with multiple units with no or limited parking. I call their PLAN, “Kickbacks-4-Us”.

In the meantime, they happily hinder traffic with miles and miles of bike lanes for those three cyclists who ride their bike in this million-plus population.

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Aug 30, 2023
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I did not see the words, “eminent domain”, but the intent is the same. They use the bla bla of “we need more housing”. I told them to stop inviting corporations to move here and to stop issuing so many permits because we have a known water problem.

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We need to expose everything in the Maui fire unfortunately is a great example of what to expose.

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Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Cabal's Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics


We talk about the connections between Lahaina and other devastating fires, and their relationship to the WHO/UN agenda

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Aug 30, 2023
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Microscopic investigation of land ownership and precision destruction on Maui.

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Aug 30, 2023
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That 40 M budget is so interesting. Thanks for digging. God Bless.

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exactly the same happened at the begin of Ukraine war, when covid issues became too obvious and uncomfortable. Every tragedy is covering up the next one, so that the previous one gets 'less impact' in the human mind. That's the only way to make everyone forget that we all are HUMANS with FREE WILL, which should have stopped any nonsense, but it didn't of course becasue we are busy with the next hit. The 'downgrade' of HUMANS by the genetically modifying injections is the final purpose of the covid crimes, in my opinion. That's why the 'mandates', which now they can and will have to stick wherever 'they' want..

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The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we

call the reality-based community,' which he

defined as people who 'believe that solutions

emerge from your judicious study of discernible

reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world

really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an

empire now, and when we act, we create our own

reality. And while you're studying that

reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act

again, creating other new realities, which you can

study too, and that's how things will sort out.

We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will

be left to just study what we do'


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not reading wi-ki, only in emergency, to much BS among part truths..

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Wiki is leftie owned

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Please don't get Distracted!

Read the text pasted.

I will go try to find link to the original article by Suskind

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and WHO are you to tell me what to do???

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Let me rephrase:

It would be better if we did not get distracted. ;-)

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Focus Unite! ;-)

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I don't know about you all -- but I can fight more than one tyranny at a time.

No problem.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Absolutely, I hear friends of friends say, I will live off the grid to get away from everything and my answer is as long as they have satellites up in the air and you have a computer or cell phone you are never off the grid! The only people off the grid and they are not even off the grid anymore are the Amish!!

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Pfizer, the NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and sudden death are normalized standard expectations since the injections were rolled out. All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles. In case anyone hasn't caught on yet, mankind is the disease they are working tirelessly to eradicate

This entire thing was a deliberate egregious fraud from top to bottom. The flu was re-branded as COVID - it went to zero when the pandemic hit the scene:

https://tritorch.com/flu [image]

The PCR test cannot tell the difference between bacteria and a virus and this was just one of a manifold of problems with that egregiously fraudulent test:

https://tritorch.com/PCRBacteria [image]

Meanwhile SARS-CoV2 is dangerous to almost no one - and they knew it nearly from the the start.

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

In September 2020, this was the CDC's best estimate for the COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate:

0-19 years old: 0.00003

20-49 years old: 0.0002

50-69 years old: 0.005

70+ years old: 0.054

Meaning all of the following carnage was based on a deliberate lie:

The masks ● the social distancing ● the lockdowns ● the economic and farming destruction ● the mental and physical health destruction ● the arrested development of millions of children ● the myriad of preventable suicides ● the bevy of new, rushed, barely tested, deadly vaccines

On the other hand, during the injection trials, Pfizer recorded an astonishing number of Adverse Events, spontaneous abortions, and death - which they tried to use the court system to hide for 55 years. It caused caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers and 1223 deaths during trial:

https://tritorch.com/ae6 [image]

https://tritorch.com/ae2 [image]

https://tritorch.com/pfizerTrialAdverseEvents [pdf]

Then, after the roll-out, the CDC VAERS safety signal database exploded with adverse events and death in numbers never seen before:

https://tritorch.com/CDCVaers [pdf]

In summary, poison seems to be an accurate term for the COVID Pfizer injection. They had a practice run for this charade in 2009: https://youtu.be/Gs-DBOFWCpc [3.31mins]

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all great resources. Thanks. BUT, the one most important thing, to me is the fact, that the covid injection materials are in addition to nano's , a synthetic GENETIC MATERIAL, something what I touch in all my substack posts from very begin. And while not looking into the genes specifically exceot for few cases (ModE-RNA patent), but alone on that what they express, I saw early 2020 that the SPike sequences contain lot of fragments (short amino acid strings) from other lethal patented sequences, like antharx, cholera, marburg, and of course HIV, etc., etc. The oldest patent I was able to trace goes back to 1987 Infectious Bronchitis Virus, for pigs...

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It's a chimeric injection no doubt, so much so that only a deeply disturbed mind(s) could come up with such an idea.

Here is a patent for turning DNA into a triple helix. Some have found evidence that the injections include a chemical that causes this reaction: https://archive.ph/RzE8F

Here is the relevant portion: http://tritorch.com/tripleHelix.png

Here is a pre-programming article for it: http://tritorch.com/tripleHelix2.png

Here is a whistle-blower video discussing it: https://bitchute.com/video/98g9MzTMGjbv [1.12mins]

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the last 'whistleblower', who looks like from hollywood (frequently when BS is spread...) is claiming sulfuric bond holding the DNA togehter.... There is NO SULPHUR in DNA, the heaviest element is PHOSPHOR... Sure, there are triple DNA/RNA helices out there, BUT if you add just those two CC anywhere, you will change the entire AMINO ACID sequence which that specific mRNA code (not even talking mod mRNA) expresses, i.e. something different than the 'original toxic universal' Spike.

That patent is actually related to the REMOVAL of DNA template from the transcribed mRNA, and that should be the last step in the synthetic covid injections production, but apparently was not done, according to Kevin Mc.. Anyway, I'm not saying this 3-ple helix is not important, the GENETIC MATERIAL is very easily conjugated to itself and similar aromatic compounds and amino acids, thus giving a huge opportunity to manipulate it..

On other note, slowly I think where it goes, and it is connected with the Biblical story of God participating in his SON (Jesus) creation. Just too many recent coincidences in the main science articles suddenly writing about Mary's conception, including the National Geographic which in 2017 published Prof. G. Church(..) saying you can express viruses and introduce this way gene modifications by a plain modulation of magnetic fields around, via IPhones for example...

The covid genetically modifying injections carry VENOM's motifs, and that should tell you already something. The Lucifer is not that far away.

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Just like satan to want to get inbetween God’s creation and create a wedge. He’s such a pathetic imitation - so desperate to be worshiped.

Last days…tick..tick.

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the plan was and still is to build BACK 'better', whereby to build means first to erase the entire God's creation, including humans. The back is going back in time.. Why would B-I-DEN put a new crime called NEXTgen into action? They need to be stopped, NOW

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And I know you know B-I-DEN is not in charge of anything except TRYING to read the SCRIPTS they show him on the teleprompter…

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Sep 1, 2023
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Interesting analysis and information mejbcart, it is appreciated.

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Yes CDC has since it was established been “managing” the disease for the Rockefeller’s - THE DISEASE to them IS US.

They founded Johns Hopkins and MOST medical structures.

Funded Kissinger - and most agencies doing covert eugenics and population control using “health” as their method.

The destruction they cause by polluting water with fluoride to dumb us down through chems & toxic pesticides/herbicide, gmo’s and worthless “education” and failing health petro chem drugs has been going on since they constructed a mandatory system of hierarchal allopathic drug pedddler medicine system, and killed natural herbal treatments, that work, and cure.

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Yes. Rockefeller used the love of money to hijack medicine a century ago, and immediately slit the throat of a thousand years of medicinal knowledge and wisdom.

Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome: https://tritorch.com/legion

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Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime. Stalin.

FOR THE LOVE of MONEY for sure! And power.

We know many are complicit, but most men and women in authority are now bought and paid for worldwide.

Promises of advancement and safety have been made to these minions who are willing to slaughter millions.

I believe unless response is provoked from earth from the sleeping masses, or God from heaven intervenes, a great culling is going to occur with the Nazi blueprint being executed.

PS: Your Charlie Munger quote - he was on camera saying how he admires China’s social credit score! What kind of a person says something like that!

Their inhumane slave type system and labor camps.That says it all.

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Sep 1, 2023
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There is a cruel, thieving Khazarian sect, operating under the secret society groups they formed, that has been a destructive , hateful bunch, - but it is NOT ALL Jews.

Their are many good Jews, including Messianic Jews (who recognize Jeshua (Jesus) as their messiah)

The violent Khazar sect who originated from Turkey joined the Jewish faith (Judaism) , to covertly blend, like chameleons, into the Jewish community.

They were forced out of certain communities because they were murderous and thieves , and some say they sacrificed children…and they needed to assimilate in order to function in other cities.

Now , if they truly converted to transform into a peaceful group, that would be fine. People can change, however this group don’t want to change.

They merely used this tactic to become invisible, to conduct their evil, without being identified.

They are like the chaff among the wheat.

And now in present day, this particular secret society, Illuminati group don’t worship God, as Judaism does. And they continue with their hateful destruction of everything that is ordained by God and want to destroy His laws and anything good.

This group are just using the protection of anti-semite shield,

but in reality, this sect really worship - Lucifer .

Saying it’s “all” Jews that are a problem, is like saying “ALL whites” are bad.

Aren’t you sick of these weak, manipulative accusations yourself from others?

So we need to be accurate with identifying the root cause of an attacking enemy.

There are elements within many races and tribes that hate other groups - without cause. This secret group however ARE the MOST RACIST, and destructive, and unfortunately, powerful narcissists.

Behind them operates a force of darkness -“ legion” is their name and they have a master commander satan. Evil exists and works through humans who chose to align themselves with satisfying only the sensual pleasure in life without conscience .

Even Jesus (a JEW himself )identified a certain GROUP within the religious Pharisees at the time, as being hypocrites, and following satan (their father of lies and murder).

We must be restrained when using our “little member” with accuracy and truth.

It is essential, or we are no better than the false accusers, that we ourselves, seek justice against.

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Thankfully I wasn't in the "democrat hour" this morning...which is is the 8am hour here at the studio.

My partner told me when I came over (I was on the other side leading a meditation, funnily enough) that they were arguing that the vaccine worked and that it is abundantly clear that it was both safe and effective. 🤯

AND that there wouldn't have even been a pandemic if Hillary had been president. 🙄

Admittedly I woke up a bit salty this morning...mostly because I am completely disgusted with the WILLINGNESS TO BURN CHILDREN ALIVE...and I don't think I could've held my composure. When I feel the anger deep in my chest like this, it's never a good time to "get into it" with someone that is a FUCKING SLAVE TO THEIR STUPID ASS POLITICAL BRAINWASHING.

See what I mean? I am currently not really in a "constructive conversation" space.

Wow. Still really hot about it. This is also the crew that would regularly come in and talk about "all the idiots prolonging the pandemic because they won't get vaccinated"...so they are already loaded for me.

We largely don't talk about any of it because we are just too far apart....and I'm good with just staying away from these things. But if it gets brought up, I really have a hard time not unloading.

Ok, I just needed to vent.

Thank you for listening.

Back to work.

Also...they can ABSOLUTELY stick their vaccine mandates RIGHT UP THEIR ASS.


And I dare someone to ask me to put on a mask.

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Sadly, your colleagues still reflect the majority opinion. They live in an information vacuum and are willfully ignorant of anything that suggests adverse reactions or otherwise questions the ongoing narrative.

I estimate that ninety percent of my work colleagues got the shots based upon the marketing campaign and the litany of 'thumbs up' selfies my colleagues posted during the Spring 2021 vaccination campaign. Fortunately, people tend to keep their opinions to themselves.

I'd lose my mind if I was confronted with the situation that you described.

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I guess I have talked about it enough that I know that most of our clients are not getting any additional shots. And many of them chose not to jab their kids.

Both of which I count as a personal victory.

There is just one particular crew, well a couple of standing appointment hours actually, that I know not to bring any of it up. And I get plenty of breaks from the super jabbed, because the people who have taken many or all of the boosters are rarely ever able to make more than a couple consecutive appointments.

They are regularly ill. And regularly attending funerals. In fact, I am done for the day today. Wednesday is my light day anyway, but usually not this light.

One is out sick after returning from a trip to Arkansas for a funeral. And another is having another GI flare - which happens with abundant regularity now. 🤣 pun intended 🥁

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Little Pink Houses for you and me...

Many don't take the transfection factor seriously enough. With this, everything is F-ed-up royally. ELECTROPORATION is the name of the game and Plato was taken to heart. Pack everyone into cities and plant rodent diseases to depop.

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I’m right there with you. Preaching to the choir.

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The only thing that is new for the power in control now is that it is global, with the exceptions of a few holdout countries. They have the political power and all the resources and money, they have bribed, co-opted or threatened/killed our politicians/police/judicial system/medical system. The ideology is an ancient one and they practice these sacrifices everyday without most people even noticing. People are far behind the curve of waking up to them implementing their plan and even if everyone woke up one day with all the truth in the whole of existence without action its just a word. People need to be willing to go full out because if we don't when they try plan B you wont get a second chance PERIOD.

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I hear you sista! They can put their masks the same place as their vaccine mandates! I feel you! I'm empathic, as are MOST sentient beings who haven't been dumbed down and numbed down. The atrocities around us are unconscionable and in order to cope many turn to alcohol, legal or illegal drugs, etc, or simply tune out reality and remain under 'the spell'. We discharge and clear what builds up in the central nervous system during deep sleep, deep breathing and yogic spinal twists, and earthing/grounding.

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Glad someone else is here with me.


It's hard to integrate all of it. I strongly lean in to my practices....breath work, meditation, vibrational sound healing, I hardly even own shoes....but DAMN. Some days are harder than others.

Last night was restless sleep....dreams of burning...

That made today harder and my patience "less abundant".

It's still making it harder lol.

But it helps to commiserate. Thank you.

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Aug 30, 2023
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I've heard they're all about feeding on pain, fear and death.

I've heard they're all about feeding on pain, fear and death. Human sacrifice is a thing for them.

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Aug 30, 2023
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Not surprised.

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Amen to that! I heard a report yesterday from Ron Paul's Liberty Report that they were backing down from the Mask mandates because of the backlash from the people. Hopefully that is true.

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I heard similar, and I'll be one of them being escorted out of businesses who try to enforce these ILLEGAL mandates. Since they cannot arrest me for non compliance, they pull the "you're trespassing" bullshit on you.

SO, I'll be purchasing elsewhere.

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Same here. I will not comply.

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Aug 30, 2023
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Seriously! I live in Camper, drive an old Chevy Pick up. I'm doing good to pay my own way and share with my daughter and neighbors. I'm not giving money to strangers who solicit online. If I see homeless people on the streets I give to them. Shame on you... I don't ask anyone for money. And I don't trust people I don't know.

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I understand your reaction. I have posted elsewhere here but specifically to descriptive tweets. That is a lost opportunity for me

because important for strangers to hear.

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Aug 30, 2023
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No I didn't. I get so turned off by people asking for money. That usually ends it for me. I'm so sick of greedy people. I don't ask for money. Especially not from strangers. I'm not on Twitter or X or Facebook or Gab. I'm an outcast and I wear it as a badge of honor.

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Don’t know how you saw tweet for ‘givesendgo’ before reading my tweets. The tweets are what you should read. I have nonconsensual WIFI chips in mY skull. About 20 percent of population is working for deep state. Maybe you are because don’t know how you could have seen my givesendgo without reading tweets.

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Resolve no mask and no quackzines,regardless of the backdown or smackdown or crackdown from the authorities

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Right! and don't let them lobotomize you either with their PCR test. I haven't been to a Doctor in more than 20 years. I don't get tested for anything ever. I really need dental work, but I don't trust them either. They charge way to much, and I have a problem with giving my little bit of money to greedy people. I'd rather give to the homeless and hungry.

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I highly recommend everyone read "Confessions of a Medical Heritic" author Robert S.Mendelsohn M.D. and you will never ever go back to an M.D.

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And share videos like this one. Many people don't take time to read anymore. (Substack susbscribers do!! :D) This connects ALL the dots! The creator of it, Michael J Murphy was 'suicided'.



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You can get major restorative dental work done in other countries like Costa Rica and Mexico for literally 1/4 of what it costs to get the exact same work done here in the US. They just don’t accept insurance. Both Costa Rica and Mexico have very safe “dental tourism industries.” There are several other countries overseas like Thailand, Turkey and Hungary that offer even lower-priced dental tourism packages, but obviously they’re quite a bit farther away, so the airfare would be much more expensive.

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I saw yesterday how e liquid is 400$ in America and 200$ in Europe… less in other countries.

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I don't know what was more entertaining, the little kid essentially saying up your ass with the masks, or singing to the cops "you can stick your vaccine up your ass." Whenever I grocery shop I make a point of wearing a tee shirt that says FJB or F Fauci or something along those lines. When mask mandates get pushed I break out my Zorro mask and oddly enough, no one ever asks me to wear a mask when wearing my Zorro mask - weird huh.

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Ole.... I like it... for yucks, check out my "safe" & "effective" post a while ago:


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The Four Agreements is a gem!

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The Four Agreements are:

Be Impeccable With Your Word.

Don't Take Anything Personally.

Don't Make Assumptions.

Always Do Your Best.

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I always liked Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels.

Cryptic but who knows; note TLR only put silver bullets in his gun and what was his horse's name?

When George Webb reported about the 2019 Wuhan Military Olympics soldiers were given a real vax that had a silver component to it and believes C-19 was spread from that gathering which was suspiciously close to the BSL-4 facility and the wet market.

Silver (nano) I'm hearing is the only thing that works to keep the biowep replication down to a mild roar.

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Already got their heads up their hind ends🤡

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Their mandates should fit quite nicely up there with their heads 🤣

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I'm going to work on an article on how we can LEGALLY NON-COMPLY. I was able to do this with the mandates when corporations started enforcing them and I think we should educate ourselves on how we can use the LAW and the RIGHTS we have to LEGALLY SAY NO:


We've seen how some teaches have used it to not call kids whatever pronouns the child wants to be called (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/elmo-and-a-rock)

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I suggest also following Coffee and Covid by Jeff Childers, Esq. Lawyer in Florida. Not complying here. My ears don't hold masks on, anyway.

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I got escorted out of the VA once because my “Worn by force—Not fear” mask kept slipping and my doctor attempted to tape my mask to my face. I asked, “What’s next? Saran Wrap around my head???”

Just before I exited the front doors, I asked the the security guard, “What’s next? Are we going to have to wear diapers to keep everyone else from shitting their pants?”

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People like you make me proud..Stand up for yourselves people

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... “What’s next? Are we going to have to wear diapers to keep everyone else from shitting their pants?”

DEAD! 💀😂🤣😭🤭

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Aug 30, 2023
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Look at my avatar. The mask would make my nose dry, which is awful, so it's all for the best.

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As Americans, we don't have to figure out to legally non-comply. 🙃

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Thanks Greg, clarion call getting stronger. Let's hope more and more and breaking through that spell. Appreciate the clarity of this video.

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This is what they want to do you. Milliions know, influencers know. No one is writing about #targetedindividuals https://twitter.com/nazivogue/status/1675302191366561793?s=46&t=7kTUIRsn8dwirIxD004EHA

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There used to be a show segment on RBN where the host mostly talked about TI. It's not there anymore and don't know where the host went.

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Remarkable what is occurring with an iron-tight lock on info

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Oh yeah it’s very real. It made me lean on God , scary stuff.

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Agreed. Unfortunate for most of us, the gov't leaders who were bamboozled into joining the IMF are now getting the Godfather speech.


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It will be VERY INTERESTING to see how it rolls out this time; that is who, and how many will comply.

I'm not as confident as I'd like to be that enough folks will resist, as we've seen that the majority is cowardly if not malicious.

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Aug 30, 2023
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Make an idol of Trump or anyone else at your own risk. God the Creator and Sustainer hates idolatry.

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Exactly. I’m so sick of hearing how “Trump is gonna save us!” 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

Like it or not, Trump is going to prison. The current administration will stop at absolutely nothing to stop him from winning the next election. And our judicial system is completely rigged, not to mention all of our electoral systems...

So... he’s completely fucked.

While we’ll here, I’d just like to remind everyone that Trump didn’t do a damn thing to save ANY of the J6 prisoners, while he still had the freedom to do so (and he had plenty of opportunities), so what makes you think he’ll be able to do a damn thing to help anyone from prison???

He won’t.

It is ENTIRELY up to us to save ourselves.


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Aug 30, 2023
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You are very much mistaken about Yeshua, or Jesus, of the Bible. He is God the Son, the second Person of the Trinity.

Just As He said He was and is and ever shall be.

Repent and Pray for understanding and discernment from God the Creator, Redeemer and SUSTAINER. Then read the Bible.

And you are confused about "my logic." God is not perceived through man's worldly methodologies. Dont try to gaslight me by making me out to be the idolator here.

How do you come by your unshakeable knowledge concerning whom Trump bows down to?

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Yes, you're right. It's just a matter of if we can reach critical mass, to finally overthrow this insane regime.

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You and everybody else are not going to do it without God the Almighty. We are in this mess to begin with because we turned away from Him and devoted ourselves to all our idols!. we need to repent and turn back to Him and He will take our disbelief, turning it to trust, thanksgiving and blessing!

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