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Pfizer, the NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and sudden death are normalized standard expectations since the injections were rolled out. All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles. In case anyone hasn't caught on yet, mankind is the disease they are working tirelessly to eradicate

This entire thing was a deliberate egregious fraud from top to bottom. The flu was re-branded as COVID - it went to zero when the pandemic hit the scene:

https://tritorch.com/flu [image]

The PCR test cannot tell the difference between bacteria and a virus and this was just one of a manifold of problems with that egregiously fraudulent test:

https://tritorch.com/PCRBacteria [image]

Meanwhile SARS-CoV2 is dangerous to almost no one - and they knew it nearly from the the start.

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

In September 2020, this was the CDC's best estimate for the COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate:

0-19 years old: 0.00003

20-49 years old: 0.0002

50-69 years old: 0.005

70+ years old: 0.054

Meaning all of the following carnage was based on a deliberate lie:

The masks ● the social distancing ● the lockdowns ● the economic and farming destruction ● the mental and physical health destruction ● the arrested development of millions of children ● the myriad of preventable suicides ● the bevy of new, rushed, barely tested, deadly vaccines

On the other hand, during the injection trials, Pfizer recorded an astonishing number of Adverse Events, spontaneous abortions, and death - which they tried to use the court system to hide for 55 years. It caused caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers and 1223 deaths during trial:

https://tritorch.com/ae6 [image]

https://tritorch.com/ae2 [image]

https://tritorch.com/pfizerTrialAdverseEvents [pdf]

Then, after the roll-out, the CDC VAERS safety signal database exploded with adverse events and death in numbers never seen before:

https://tritorch.com/CDCVaers [pdf]

In summary, poison seems to be an accurate term for the COVID Pfizer injection. They had a practice run for this charade in 2009: https://youtu.be/Gs-DBOFWCpc [3.31mins]

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all great resources. Thanks. BUT, the one most important thing, to me is the fact, that the covid injection materials are in addition to nano's , a synthetic GENETIC MATERIAL, something what I touch in all my substack posts from very begin. And while not looking into the genes specifically exceot for few cases (ModE-RNA patent), but alone on that what they express, I saw early 2020 that the SPike sequences contain lot of fragments (short amino acid strings) from other lethal patented sequences, like antharx, cholera, marburg, and of course HIV, etc., etc. The oldest patent I was able to trace goes back to 1987 Infectious Bronchitis Virus, for pigs...

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It's a chimeric injection no doubt, so much so that only a deeply disturbed mind(s) could come up with such an idea.

Here is a patent for turning DNA into a triple helix. Some have found evidence that the injections include a chemical that causes this reaction: https://archive.ph/RzE8F

Here is the relevant portion: http://tritorch.com/tripleHelix.png

Here is a pre-programming article for it: http://tritorch.com/tripleHelix2.png

Here is a whistle-blower video discussing it: https://bitchute.com/video/98g9MzTMGjbv [1.12mins]

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the last 'whistleblower', who looks like from hollywood (frequently when BS is spread...) is claiming sulfuric bond holding the DNA togehter.... There is NO SULPHUR in DNA, the heaviest element is PHOSPHOR... Sure, there are triple DNA/RNA helices out there, BUT if you add just those two CC anywhere, you will change the entire AMINO ACID sequence which that specific mRNA code (not even talking mod mRNA) expresses, i.e. something different than the 'original toxic universal' Spike.

That patent is actually related to the REMOVAL of DNA template from the transcribed mRNA, and that should be the last step in the synthetic covid injections production, but apparently was not done, according to Kevin Mc.. Anyway, I'm not saying this 3-ple helix is not important, the GENETIC MATERIAL is very easily conjugated to itself and similar aromatic compounds and amino acids, thus giving a huge opportunity to manipulate it..

On other note, slowly I think where it goes, and it is connected with the Biblical story of God participating in his SON (Jesus) creation. Just too many recent coincidences in the main science articles suddenly writing about Mary's conception, including the National Geographic which in 2017 published Prof. G. Church(..) saying you can express viruses and introduce this way gene modifications by a plain modulation of magnetic fields around, via IPhones for example...

The covid genetically modifying injections carry VENOM's motifs, and that should tell you already something. The Lucifer is not that far away.

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Just like satan to want to get inbetween God’s creation and create a wedge. He’s such a pathetic imitation - so desperate to be worshiped.

Last days…tick..tick.

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the plan was and still is to build BACK 'better', whereby to build means first to erase the entire God's creation, including humans. The back is going back in time.. Why would B-I-DEN put a new crime called NEXTgen into action? They need to be stopped, NOW

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And I know you know B-I-DEN is not in charge of anything except TRYING to read the SCRIPTS they show him on the teleprompter…

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Sep 1, 2023
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I didn't speak about Jews in my comment.. But knowing that old RUSSIAN (its translation of course) book titled "PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of ZION"

I'd look more into so called zionists....

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Interesting analysis and information mejbcart, it is appreciated.

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Yes CDC has since it was established been “managing” the disease for the Rockefeller’s - THE DISEASE to them IS US.

They founded Johns Hopkins and MOST medical structures.

Funded Kissinger - and most agencies doing covert eugenics and population control using “health” as their method.

The destruction they cause by polluting water with fluoride to dumb us down through chems & toxic pesticides/herbicide, gmo’s and worthless “education” and failing health petro chem drugs has been going on since they constructed a mandatory system of hierarchal allopathic drug pedddler medicine system, and killed natural herbal treatments, that work, and cure.

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Yes. Rockefeller used the love of money to hijack medicine a century ago, and immediately slit the throat of a thousand years of medicinal knowledge and wisdom.

Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome: https://tritorch.com/legion

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Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime. Stalin.

FOR THE LOVE of MONEY for sure! And power.

We know many are complicit, but most men and women in authority are now bought and paid for worldwide.

Promises of advancement and safety have been made to these minions who are willing to slaughter millions.

I believe unless response is provoked from earth from the sleeping masses, or God from heaven intervenes, a great culling is going to occur with the Nazi blueprint being executed.

PS: Your Charlie Munger quote - he was on camera saying how he admires China’s social credit score! What kind of a person says something like that!

Their inhumane slave type system and labor camps.That says it all.

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Sep 1, 2023
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There is a cruel, thieving Khazarian sect, operating under the secret society groups they formed, that has been a destructive , hateful bunch, - but it is NOT ALL Jews.

Their are many good Jews, including Messianic Jews (who recognize Jeshua (Jesus) as their messiah)

The violent Khazar sect who originated from Turkey joined the Jewish faith (Judaism) , to covertly blend, like chameleons, into the Jewish community.

They were forced out of certain communities because they were murderous and thieves , and some say they sacrificed children…and they needed to assimilate in order to function in other cities.

Now , if they truly converted to transform into a peaceful group, that would be fine. People can change, however this group don’t want to change.

They merely used this tactic to become invisible, to conduct their evil, without being identified.

They are like the chaff among the wheat.

And now in present day, this particular secret society, Illuminati group don’t worship God, as Judaism does. And they continue with their hateful destruction of everything that is ordained by God and want to destroy His laws and anything good.

This group are just using the protection of anti-semite shield,

but in reality, this sect really worship - Lucifer .

Saying it’s “all” Jews that are a problem, is like saying “ALL whites” are bad.

Aren’t you sick of these weak, manipulative accusations yourself from others?

So we need to be accurate with identifying the root cause of an attacking enemy.

There are elements within many races and tribes that hate other groups - without cause. This secret group however ARE the MOST RACIST, and destructive, and unfortunately, powerful narcissists.

Behind them operates a force of darkness -“ legion” is their name and they have a master commander satan. Evil exists and works through humans who chose to align themselves with satisfying only the sensual pleasure in life without conscience .

Even Jesus (a JEW himself )identified a certain GROUP within the religious Pharisees at the time, as being hypocrites, and following satan (their father of lies and murder).

We must be restrained when using our “little member” with accuracy and truth.

It is essential, or we are no better than the false accusers, that we ourselves, seek justice against.

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