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Sep 1, 2023
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There is a cruel, thieving Khazarian sect, operating under the secret society groups they formed, that has been a destructive , hateful bunch, - but it is NOT ALL Jews.

Their are many good Jews, including Messianic Jews (who recognize Jeshua (Jesus) as their messiah)

The violent Khazar sect who originated from Turkey joined the Jewish faith (Judaism) , to covertly blend, like chameleons, into the Jewish community.

They were forced out of certain communities because they were murderous and thieves , and some say they sacrificed children…and they needed to assimilate in order to function in other cities.

Now , if they truly converted to transform into a peaceful group, that would be fine. People can change, however this group don’t want to change.

They merely used this tactic to become invisible, to conduct their evil, without being identified.

They are like the chaff among the wheat.

And now in present day, this particular secret society, Illuminati group don’t worship God, as Judaism does. And they continue with their hateful destruction of everything that is ordained by God and want to destroy His laws and anything good.

This group are just using the protection of anti-semite shield,

but in reality, this sect really worship - Lucifer .

Saying it’s “all” Jews that are a problem, is like saying “ALL whites” are bad.

Aren’t you sick of these weak, manipulative accusations yourself from others?

So we need to be accurate with identifying the root cause of an attacking enemy.

There are elements within many races and tribes that hate other groups - without cause. This secret group however ARE the MOST RACIST, and destructive, and unfortunately, powerful narcissists.

Behind them operates a force of darkness -“ legion” is their name and they have a master commander satan. Evil exists and works through humans who chose to align themselves with satisfying only the sensual pleasure in life without conscience .

Even Jesus (a JEW himself )identified a certain GROUP within the religious Pharisees at the time, as being hypocrites, and following satan (their father of lies and murder).

We must be restrained when using our “little member” with accuracy and truth.

It is essential, or we are no better than the false accusers, that we ourselves, seek justice against.

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