Looking at "Hamas" another way, it's "a sham."

It's a US-IS and international zionist sham to help facilitate the engineered takedown of the Middle East into a greater state, and then create Armageddon by the book, as laid out in Revelations. They're either following an ancient blueprint of evil, or the Book of Revelation was heavily rewritten for Freemason King James I by major Freemason Francis Bacon for the current fraud. Either way, that's what they're doing.

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Yup. They call it 'scripture' b/c it's a script; and (((they're))) following it to a 'T' - as in a Masonic 'T' square.

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i heard rumors there's giant billboard with Trump face and 33° all over the place . . .

i can't find any pics if you see things let me know ! this month is so crazy my head wont stop spinning for a year. hahahhaha

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Damn your good!! Hats off to you Miss Parker!

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You already know this Miss P, the following is for the thinking who might actually "be saved" from the illusion by themselves (the only way it's done):

The KJV was commissioned in 1604, begun in 1607 and published in 1611 by very intelligent and learned men we call polymaths. One of them was its editor, who was tutored by Sir John Dee (the original 007 and builder of the Enochian cipher). He was also QE 1's tutor, she's better known as 'The "Virgin" Queen, who it is "rumored" to have been knocked up by Robert Dudley. She subsequently gave birth to a child in 1561, and the child was given to Sir Nicholas Bacon and his wife Anne to raise (Palace intrigue?) and that child is Sir Francis Bacon - who later was pals w/ King James, QE 1's successor! Well Jim wanted a tool to shove up Romes butt so he commissioned a bible for everyone (yay) and put a little extra in it by hiring some really smart guys that could read and write Hebrew, Greek and English too. Not only that, but they knew how to code - long before the invention of the CPU and laptop, and hide little (pardon the pun) Easter Eggs in the bible. Here's one you can decipher for yourself, But it only works with a KJV, so here's one for you: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ Now go to the 46th Psalm and count 46 words in from the beginning and note the word. Now go to the end of the 46th Psalm and count 46 words back. Well well well. It just so happens that Franny Bacon, who was born is 1561 happened to turn 46 in 1607 and the fellas wanted to congratulate him on his birthday by letting him know they knew he was the ghost writer for the guy from Stratford-upon-Avon. In closing, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion and Mark Passio all state the same thing, you've got to read to figure it out. No one is going to save you but you.

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Yes, I've seen this before-- "Shake" and "spear"! And, we've been told his muse (and of Masons in general) was the goddess Pallas Athena known for shaking a spear to bring forth the light of wisdom and knowledge. Ironically, that illumination included a deep historical fraud upon the rest of us who never realized Shakespeare was every bit as much of a fictional character as the players, fools, and loves in the putative Shakespearian comedies and sonnets.

Despite the comfort it brings to millions of believers, the KJB Bible version is a distinctive work of Masonic editing, encoding, and, apparently, insider jokes. Is nothing sacred?

Good history lesson!

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Also, wasn't King James obsessed with witches and demonology and wrote several books on it?

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When Jim crossed the North Sea to retrieve his bride, Anne of Denmark, on the return trip they ran into violent seas (imagine that - the north sea violent - duh) and he blamed it on witches trying to kill him and his bride. So, he wrote Daemonologie (you should read it) and furthered the age of state sanctioned witch-hunts, burnings etc.

Exo 22:18  Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 

Let me fix it: Exo 22:18  Thou shalt not suffer a religious or political psychopath to live.  - There, now it fits in with the right response to this GRR.

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🎯 👍I completely agree!

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I don't know, Proberta, but it wouldn't be surprising if so. Public religion in those days was often about politics, especially for England, and private beliefs and secret society practices frequently went to the occult, especially for the Freemasons.

Tom, above, would likely know. He mentioned John Dee, a renowned occultist, as well as mathematician and astronomer,

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Looks like a relevant vid, JesuSalva, which I'll watch later tonight.

Pike appears to have broadly scripted the 20th and 21st centuries in his 1870s letter which "foresaw" upcoming Masonic instigated and managed three world wars, political movements, and theologies, ending with the disenchantment with Christianity and embrace of Luciferianism by the remaining world population.

Or, do I have it wrong about the video link? The above very much seems to concord not only with the history of the 1900s, but with current conflicts and movements, as well, especially those centered around Israel.

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They are letters between high-degree Luciferian Masons, in the case of Pike, who is still a 33rd-degree Mason and a worshipper of Lucifer, and describes not only this war but also the other two world wars caused by the international synarchy preparing for the arrival of the antichrist. Israel, Iran, are just pawns on their board. Above all, this was perfectly described by the great William Cooper, murdered by the FBI in his own home after revealing the 9/11 self-attack, for example, a true hero and patriot.Greetings, and may God help us.

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🎯 I agree! Either way "we the people" are caught in the middle and it's "we the people" who gets fucked! I don't America and Americans will survive this!

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Someone please remind me, what is Trump's reasoning for why Americans must support the psychopaths?

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He doesn't want to wind up like JFK?

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"He doesn't want to wind up like JFK?"

Nah, JFK was a threat to the llluminati. Trump is their front man.

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We'll find out. Meanwhile, can we get through the day without TDS?

Ya just can't fix stupid.

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I know right! Trump DENIAL Syndrome

The pink-pilled just can't get beyond it :(

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You sure are a black pill. lmao Ya can't get passed your derangement society. We call it like it is.

You cant dispute and take your company with you. Vote for Comrade Kamala ya fuke!

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"Vote for Comrade Kamala ya fuke!"

Why is it that the pink-pilled always assume that if someone doesn't like Trump they must like Harris.

Personally I can't stand either one of the llluminati scum.

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So... you agree with JimmyT?

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"JimmyT" ?

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The guy you replied to above.

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Oh I see Misterkel!

No, as I said JFK was a threat to the llluminati. Donald Trump SERVES the llluminati.

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He's so stupid, he cannot recognize who responds to him. haha

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You need to look into Haym Solomon and his role in the revolution BUT TODAY it has been decided in 1913 , who are the shareholder of the FEDERAL RESERVE ?

JFK and Lincoln , Jackson had 2 thing in common ; they had a different view on the creation of money and they died trying to change things.

The UN think they will come on top flaring things up . . .

We the people need to get out of the UN .

Trump is just the spear head .

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Trump is an out and out Zionist who recently converted to Judiasm. Trump will put Israel first and the U.S. second.

I'm not saying don't vote for Trump...he's definitely preferable to any Satanist Democrat; but, if he is elected as President, carefully study everything he attempts to do; because, he recently said that if he is elected, we Americans will never have to vote in another election.

I also believe that Trump supports a 'Greater Israel', which means that we U.S. taxpayers will continue to finance; and, the U.S. military will be assisting Israel in, wars in the Middle East for Israel to acquire the land it wants to create this 'Greater Israel'. This is what Netan-Yahoo has been doing in Gaza and Lebanon and setting up for in Syria.

Eventually, the Middle Eastern countries who would lose land to Israel, will have to do what Avi Lipkin said in the above video, where he stated that Israel will have to "purify" certain lands it acquires; except it will be Israel which will have to be "purified".

Scott Ritter believes that Israel will be annihilated within 20 years. I'm just starting to catch up on Russia's cooperation with Iran; and, just finished reading the following, which might interest you:

Ritter: Israel Strike On Iran Is Suicide


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The only mass murders I see are praying in the direction of Mecca 5 times a day!!!

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

So, what's your plan, Genius? You going to vote for Kamala, or stay home and jack off?

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Because he is one of them.

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We are truly in post-modern times, where no one can agree on anything, and everyone essentially has their own religion, their own narrative, to explain what is happening in both the natural and political world. Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

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We really had to win the Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln had communist generals all around him: https://files.catbox.moe/5g0m3z.png and https://files.catbox.moe/s9xb46.png

Not to mention what "200 Years Together," even worse news of our situation, there's a reason 20 years later this book still isn't in print in America:

Why they push mass immigration in the US/Europe: https://files.catbox.moe/pti3tl.jpg

What WW2 was really about, Germany was invaded by Communist soldiers, those weren't random civilians in those camps, it was antifa, communist militants: https://files.catbox.moe/khk98o.jpg

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Isra-hell & Satanyahu

Worthless Joos willing to kill the world

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guess you are not eagerly awaiting the return of Messiah…..just. a guess….

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It's obvious your whole life thus far has been a missed guess

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Thank you Greg! I am with Bill Cooper on his assessment here as I am a follower of his. All those countries, about 200 are agreed to this ideology and we are the pawns in that game. The grand chessboard has been laid out for centuries and we are playing out the game that has been already prophesied in those 'holy books' written by 'god's chosen people'. What if an ancient malevolent supernatural power existed and controlled the mind of man thousands of years ago. Those men in their writings would formulate the coming future events as directed by this malevolent timeless supernatural power. Manuscripts and writings and rituals for esoteric powers were gifted to those that would follow its purpose then could control events to unfold at a future date?

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Greg, did you hear anything about this? First in April the movie called Civil War came out, (Predictive Programming) and this just took place September 19th I asked Bing Chat on this claim. Is this true? BREAKING: Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event.

A constitutional amendment is being proposed by these four congressman to make all elected officials choose 5 people who can be picked by their state’s governor if they are killed, without any vote from constituents.

Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.)

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)

Rep. William Timmons (R-S.C.)

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.)


Yes, it's true that a constitutional amendment has been proposed to address the potential for a mass casualty event involving members of Congress. The amendment would allow House members to submit a list of at least five individuals who could be appointed by the state governor as temporary replacements in the event of their death.

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"Designated Survivor" is another example of predictive programming re blowing up the Capitol as an act of deep domestic terrorism.

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Yeah from what she wrote the UN would be ready to step in as well. At that point we would realize all we had are elected puppets as totalitarian governance would become the norm. https://psychicfocus.substack.com/p/happy-friday-folks-things-are-happening

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Like our economy, “In god we trust”, the wars we wager are backed by the same fiat “In god we trust”.

However, the little “g” represents the American Gospell Enterprises’ little god.

The smelting pot of cultures in our nation have come full circle.

The so-called “freedom” and “human rights” we so valiantly smear with a rainbow has resulted in a plethora of trouble… globally!

Human rights have become humans being right. The right to be right.

For all of you math geniuses, two positives form a negative.

Now you can visualize the future of humans being right.

How disastrous!

How defiant!

How deplorable!

How the Fuc$ are we going to withstand the perfect storm?

Israel is full of indignation, they want nothing else but war! In fact, the way to war has been through the USofA. Every nation knows that now.

If you wanna kill people… go to America.

If you wanna get rich… go to America.

If you wanna kill culture… go to America.

If you wanna get fat… go to America.

Do you get it yet!?

Vote yes, The Seven Deadly Sins,

Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth

Can you see the flag waving!

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Proberta- WE GET IT YOU ARE ANTI TRUMP! ON EVERY FEED! Do you have a better solution to your campaign? I think not. Trump quickly ended the Syria sit. And NO NEW WARS FOR 4 STRAIGHT YRS! The minute the plagiarism card was inserted he launched the Ukraine war. After 8 years of set- up by Obama and NATO. Every war same International Bankers have funded both sides of war " hamas" " hezbollah" " Hitler" etc ALL CREATED and funded. Same crew different day....and their created agencies. UN, CFR, IMF, WHO. These same people have spent billions trying to stop Trump. Why? Because he is not blackmailed by them. He has an independent program they don't want.

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Its a valid question Christina, what is Trump's reasoning for why America must support Izrael on it's Nazi death march through the Middle East?

Do you know Christina?

Does anyone here know?

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

At this exact time would you prefer a NUCLEAR BOMB ON AMERICA FROM IRAN? It is chess game at this point now that the coffers have been opened for war., now it has to be de-escalated. The war mongers fleeced as many billions as possible while cardboy was in office. A trillion for a fake pandemic, over 150 billion for wars, several billion to destroy our borders, and at least that now added to entitlement checkbooks.

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Speaking of chess ; Iran can't and won't : too much is at stake for them.(BRICS)

and that whole Israeli panicking histrionic about Russia being an enemy because Iran is nonsens. Its the whole dialectic from the soviet time playing out.

East-West and the end goal is bringing Iran back to the time before the Jewish British bankers fucked it all up with Islam.

The only solution outside the box is to stop the US dollar diplomacy , destroy the FED , create our own money debt free AND come out with technological wonder MADE here in the US.

India , Russia , China , Europe they can say what they want its the same imperial banking system that wrecked humanity. . . its not progress its more of the same.

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i know , here a piece of history that will cross people wire ;


People need to look into the middle east tie to the Nazi

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Agreed! The expansion of “Big Israel”. Maybe the Star of David represents Big Israel, the number 6, the mark of a one nation world, the mark of a beast. All of the multiple choice answers, all of the above.

We all know in the end, Issac wants Ishmael out of the picture.

“Father Abram” only had one son… at least that is how it appears in the prophecy.

Did Hitler hate the Jews or did the Jews hate Hitler?

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Hitler was part Jewish wasn't he?

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more like part Rothschild hahahahahaha

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Adolf and the Grand mufti of Jerusalem were cozing it up.

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Right. We need to be voting on policies, & Trump's policies are better for American than Harris's. Hers will lead us into some form of socialism. Trump's may not be a whole lot better, but they are at least SOME better. He does truly seem to believe in a free, safe & strong America.

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I gotta chime in.

This is super fucked up - he should have done it from jump street in 2017 instead of putting us through this shit and killing off unknown millions, right out of his own mouth:


Think about it. Did he have to pull in Pompeo & Barr & Pence? He had everything he needed and he pulled in psychopaths that back stabbed him and the country, AND hit us with operation warp speed.

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It had to happen , it had to awaken people. They were going nuts with climate & carbon and no one putted 2+2 together. In 2008 they stole so much money noway its only 27 trillion. They pulled off the 9/11 heist , implemented most of Hitler wartime laws no one went against the grain coz everyone wanted a pound of flesh.

MANY caught on but it never reached critical mass.

Even i a truther , a Ron Paul guy , aware of the Gates vax agenda / UN depop , i had my doubt ; yes i heard Jones , yes i heard the docs . Still i couldn't believe the whole power structure was so bad it would turn the way it did. I always tho it must have been green lighted after 20 years of trial and error . . . someone would say something. Right?

Well the goal was clearly to kill , maim and triage like in NAZI Germany for the great green leap forward . . . .

People are exposed for all to see , there is no second guessing. I agree with him.

Kissinger vision of government at war with the people has never been so clear.

Trump is the spear head , we the people have to do the work. At the very least get him the authority and will do the rest. A republic is about SELF governance . . . no more sleepwalking everything is up for grab. Its the only time in human history we the people can shape the things to come. Not the technocrats , not the Experts.

We need a new generation of Patriot kids , renaissance man & woman.

I see Patriots who gets it having kids more and more it will make sure the work continue !

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The Abrahamic Accords are right in line with Oden Yinon for a Greater Israel. He did that. Look up the Bunting Clover Leaf Map from 1581 and get a good look at the center of control. It's ALL going according to ancient plan.

We're seriously between two worlds, this one and the next. I chime in on this and get ready for the next so I DON'T wind up as grist for Hamlet's Mill.

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I dunno , like i was saying to DragonG , Israel need to be SHUNNED . isolated , Left alone to sort it out. Chrisitans have to realize they are useful idiots in the grand scheme of things. Thats hared to do. . . . well churches have gone woke cant be that's hard t o convince them . . . hahahahaha

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no one can rule the world , impossible. The UN A.I. society that's nonesens. . . . there will be uprising all over the world.

Everyone woke up to the babylon scheme . We just need a general , on our own we are just "terrorist". I dunno i don't think it will get that bad.

Beside . . . the awakening is global winning is in many ways : Keeping the internet free. if we all accomplish that we win ! the pen is mightier than the sword ... sometimes hahahahaha

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It's being ruled right now I.A.W. Ordo Ab Chao, Order Out Of Chaos - and they've got the world on chaos - From it will come order through total control via non-fungible tokens, digital ID (Trumps all in on facial recognition for "immigrant invaders") - - - I'm done -

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fucking masons . . . sigh

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For what its worth , i watched both speech Trump gave at the UN last week , the second one where the room laugh him of. The world Order has gone overboard under their watch . . . . those great democrats . . . It puts everything in perspective. I want to remind everyone those speech are a turning point.

Those words can't be taken back . Telling to their faces , NO your project is dead ; Transferring the world under China , having the UN rule the world with NATO the world army,. He knew this , he knew the Rockefellers . . . HE knew the plan.

That's no speculation. You can take this to the bank.

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Thanks Greg for the shout out to Cooper , he was a good christian AND one of the few Paul Revere of our time , much respect.

For what its worth his death is part of the CLINTON BODYCOUNT.

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10 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Pomposity at its best. Land-grabbing vis a vis SCRIPTURE SQUATTING. Funny how "Israel" was made into a country in 1947. Yet Zion claims it's as old as Moses' toes and just as moldy. Doesn't it follow that to claim scripture and "god said" you would have to prove that you were a thing for as long as the Bible has been around and not just a few decades ago? And with the FINAGLING of D'Alesandro to do then what the ADL has continued now?

Invent and CIRCUMVENT?

D'Alesandro Bergson Group:


Now you know how and why Pelosi got to squat in American gov't.

And then according to this article, 20 thousand Jewish refugees were sneaked into Palestine.

Which is correct history on this?

Nothing but underhanded subterfuge we see as involves these people?

And before anyone paints this wrong, not hating Jews, best friend is a Jew. Just don't like being hoodwinked. Like watching a mashup of every Wile E. Coyote scene in The Road Runner in a real life version of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.



Which is it Zion? What does Zion offer to humanity? Other than ultimatums and dictums. They don't even realize how ridiculous they look and come off. They are the counterpart to Schwab with "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy." Another side of the Nazi coin.

If Mr. T gets in, is he going to make legislation that incriminates those that speak out against Zion tyranny?

To Zion; acting like a thug is not going to go over well to people with common sense and human sensibilities.

You pulled off that WW2 debacle after putting in your puppet Adolf so you could create a "poor Jew" legacy and then pull that excuse out whenever convenient.

A leech exists but it does so at another's expense.

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I lived to see the transformation of the Israeli society from peace loving to blood thirsty racist in about 40 years . . . This is insane , they NEED to look inward and reckon with the constant fear , propaganda , state terrorism inflicted on their own population if we are to explain whats going on .

At this point if i had to give a stateman solution to this debacle ; The Arabs and christians have to leave. There is no unwinding this situation the 2 state solution failed. Let them have all the country. Isreal need to be contain and isolated . You can't deal with these people until they cool down from the constant "existential" crisis. If they are to expand ; have them buy the land. I don't see why we cant punish them for military expansionism .

Expelling the Christians will force the world to see Israel for what it is , it has to happen.

The UN need to be disband , it was the driver that enabled all this shit show.

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They, the Zionists think they are entitled to it. The same way they engage American politicians and secure loyalty from them. Because they control the money is all. They're planning to take over the entire planet and be the only civilization.

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Take back the money printing ! WINNING !

if Israel could entertain 1% chance the US would go after them . . .

They might reconsider ALOT OF things. . . . can't happen has long we have all kind of dual citizen in the power structure access to critical infrastructure. Cyber and otherwise. IE: Alex Karp and his private army.

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I believe in the Israeli people , they need to sort it out. Civil war style.

Them alone , no interference.

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Like button on the blink. Thumbs up!

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Are you kidding me? We will ALL be Gazans treated like cockroaches by the Israelis -- sooner or later. Do you really think that Israel will stop with these Arab countries. No ........they eventually want to conquer the world. Wake up people.

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Isn’t that what this whole report was about? The cry of peace in exchange for human sovereignty?

Maybe sovereignty was not a human thing, rather an animal thing.

Sovereignty suggests that instinct is king.

Human instinct is established on love, not peace.

The animal kingdom survives on peace not love.

Let’s hash it out until love takes us outta here! Let the peacemakers bake acorn pie! While the lovers bake eclairs and sip on espresso for eternity!

Peace is a lie.

Read your science and math books. Chaos is order. Like I said in my first post, two rights don’t make a wrong, anymore than two negatives make a positive.

Psychology is the highest form of logic…. It would do us good to remember that when we think peace is the answer.

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Thank you SO much for having Greg's post on the lunar landings being faked. NOW I can believe that they were faked. I'm so glad I peeked at your profile & saw that!

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I always liked the late Barry Charmish’s work

And now to muddy the waters…

Think of what this means if it’s true.



Michael Yon made an interesting statement today about "nested genocides" taking place in the Middle East. I think he has a point. The State of Israel is to be destroyed. "Greater Israel" is really nothing more than a planned globalist 15 minute smart city. It suits their "agenda" to eliminate any and all contesting religions in the area who think the land is holy. As usual their have their minions do it for them under the guise of creating a Jewish "Greater Israel". I think this is what Kissinger was referring to when he said that Israel would not exist in five years. because it is intended to become a major hub for the Belt and Road Initiative. I have always felt that one of the reasons for the Ukraine war was to ethnically cleanse the Ukrainians from their homeland and replace them with Khazar "Jews" because Ukraine is to be another major hub for the Belt and Road Initiative.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Yes I think you are right. Why have the Jews been ousted from 120 different countries during their existence. It's not because they are so cozy and warm. WHY are they so worried about people speaking badly about them especially if they have nothing to hide.

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They do this shit every time this planet goes by.... If nobody knows it's coming but them, they can use it as a weapon. The whole solar system is doing land grabs on earth, while humans just sit there "Duhh... what time is the football game on.?" https://t.me/ZetaTalk_Followers/58751 https://t.me/yowusachat

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I wonder if the following quotations (all of them from recognized Jewish authorities) have something to say about the Zionists' claims to alleged fulfilled prophecies and the never-ending Middle East conflicts:

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew.'” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled "Identity Crisis" of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today's Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in "The Jewish Encyclopedia," the "Encyclopedia Judaica," "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia," "The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia," and by many of their historians.

According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):

"…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)

"They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…." (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)

"…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants." (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.)

"…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews." (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)

We keep hearing that if we don't bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it's been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there's not an area in America wherein she hasn't become worse off.

Could it because America has identified the wrong people as Israel.

Today's Jews are not the only ones with an identity crisis.

For more, see free online book "The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?" at mission to israel dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title. See especially Chapter 3.

At the same location, see also "God Covenant People: Yesterday, Today and Forever."

Take our 10-question "In Defense of True Israel" Survey and receive a free copy of the book "Israel's Identity: It Matters!"

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