"...would you prefer a NUCLEAR BOMB ON AMERICA FROM IRAN?"
Ok Christine, you believe that if Americans don't go to war for Izrael, that Iran will nuke the U.S.. Correct?
Where have I heard that before?
Oh yeah, 9/11 when 'Al Queda' took down the World Trade Center (wink, wink ;) and we just HAD to go to war with Iran,...and Afghanistan???
Which is interesting because Afghanistan had the second largest poppy fields in the world. And those poppy fields have been cutting into the llluminati/Bush family's massive COLOMBIAN drug trade for years.
The reason that's interesting Christine is because before Afghanistan, the country that had the MOST poppy fields was...oh wow, Viet Nam!
Don't bother watching the political puppets Christine, instead watch the Puppet Masters.
The Military Industrial Comlex is running this show....NATO....International Bankers....the next Administration will have to re- appoint the positions Pentagon and State Department to end these wars and the open check funding it. The next leader will need to re-open the Energy Sector for the dismantled economy, sanctions will be used to end the wars. And secure the border. IMO Iran has been the worst threat for many years now, the leader is a psychopath that has complete dictatorship of his country but he is crazy enough to use a nuclear bomb. Russia and China may be the only thing preventing him. NATO will not support or they will completely destroy all their resources. Now, the war is about Israel maintaining their position, but this too will de-esculate in about 30 days. If " Harris" clan steals the election all bets are off because this Executive branch is simply fleecing the country for their personal gain., which is obvious by every single " policy" they have enacted and or proposed, and their results thereof- every " program" FEMA etc billions in pork circling back to NGO's and donors. WE MUST TAKE THE BETTER BET TO GET THINGS UNDER CONTROL. There in lies the decision we have been continuously handed for every election since JFK. These wars will be ended as the FED is about to go belly up - and The BRICS momentum is growing support which threatens the Reserve Currency. CHESS - WE NEED A CHECKMATE ON THE WAR MONGERS and that will never be delivered by this current crew in office.
"The Military Industrial Comlex is running this show."
And who runs the Military Industrial Complex Christine?
And who controls Izrael, and America, and Russia, and China, and every other country on the planet Christine?
The llluminati. The 13 bloodlines that secretly run this planet.
And this is FINANCIAL Christine. War is their second most profitable industry on planet.
Pharmaceuticals is the first.
Do the genealogy Christine and learn who really runs this planet and HOW they do it.
Then you will understand why Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, the Bloodline born-and-bred Bavarian JEZUIT llluminati prince, and their 'Herald Of The New World 0rder' is still pushing the genocidal vaxxine, even though 35million vaxxed are dead.
So who is Donald Trump serving Christine. the American people, or his llluminati brethren?
Stop your rants The Illuminate may have controlled the levers for the last 100 years but the original designers are dead, the last vestiges of the walls they created after WW2 are beginning to crumble, which is why they are going stark raving mad and desperate. It will never be just one man to help create the next administration and put in order. The way our civilization has been designed is whoever has the strongest military rules the game, whoever has the best scientists, in today's world AI, 5, 6G, technology, like it or not that is what we are dealing with, and the reserve currency. The only " Silver lining" is that the internet and free speech if you can keep it , had prevented total takeover. The next social agenda is full on attack of free speech. Same formula. DJT Interrupted what they thought was controlled, he is the outsider who interrupted their 100 year wall. If you still want to rant about DJT go listen to Brett Weinstein a very intelligent scholar on these theories. Also a great book. The Art of War, Sun Tzu
I see how important it is for you to believe all that White Hat Hopium Christine. So I will leave you to the CabaI's QAnon Scam fan-fiction, where the White Hats are in control and Trump is going to save us.
I still have the question though Christine: There never was a deadly virus. But there IS a deadly vaccine. 35million vaxxed are dead. Why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them that there is a genocidal virus and the deadly vaxxines will save them?
Yes we have known the perpetrators of 9/11, Poppyfields, etc for a long time......ditto.....same crew different day as I said. The perpetrators are intentionally handing this suppresdive scene to the next administration. Funded protests et al.... read the book. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Or the book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism by Patrick Wood. And see the book Arabella. This machine is going to take alot more than angry social media posts. We need a leader who can put back in good control and mitigate further war.
"...would you prefer a NUCLEAR BOMB ON AMERICA FROM IRAN?"
Ok Christine, you believe that if Americans don't go to war for Izrael, that Iran will nuke the U.S.. Correct?
Where have I heard that before?
Oh yeah, 9/11 when 'Al Queda' took down the World Trade Center (wink, wink ;) and we just HAD to go to war with Iran,...and Afghanistan???
Which is interesting because Afghanistan had the second largest poppy fields in the world. And those poppy fields have been cutting into the llluminati/Bush family's massive COLOMBIAN drug trade for years.
The reason that's interesting Christine is because before Afghanistan, the country that had the MOST poppy fields was...oh wow, Viet Nam!
Don't bother watching the political puppets Christine, instead watch the Puppet Masters.
Now you are putting words in my mouth. I'm against any war. You missed the point all together.
Well where do you think this is going Christine???
Trump AND Harris, two heads of the same bird, both DEMANDING support for Izrael!!!
Every media outlet censoring anti-Izrael speech.
Where do you think this is going Christine???
The Military Industrial Comlex is running this show....NATO....International Bankers....the next Administration will have to re- appoint the positions Pentagon and State Department to end these wars and the open check funding it. The next leader will need to re-open the Energy Sector for the dismantled economy, sanctions will be used to end the wars. And secure the border. IMO Iran has been the worst threat for many years now, the leader is a psychopath that has complete dictatorship of his country but he is crazy enough to use a nuclear bomb. Russia and China may be the only thing preventing him. NATO will not support or they will completely destroy all their resources. Now, the war is about Israel maintaining their position, but this too will de-esculate in about 30 days. If " Harris" clan steals the election all bets are off because this Executive branch is simply fleecing the country for their personal gain., which is obvious by every single " policy" they have enacted and or proposed, and their results thereof- every " program" FEMA etc billions in pork circling back to NGO's and donors. WE MUST TAKE THE BETTER BET TO GET THINGS UNDER CONTROL. There in lies the decision we have been continuously handed for every election since JFK. These wars will be ended as the FED is about to go belly up - and The BRICS momentum is growing support which threatens the Reserve Currency. CHESS - WE NEED A CHECKMATE ON THE WAR MONGERS and that will never be delivered by this current crew in office.
"The Military Industrial Comlex is running this show."
And who runs the Military Industrial Complex Christine?
And who controls Izrael, and America, and Russia, and China, and every other country on the planet Christine?
The llluminati. The 13 bloodlines that secretly run this planet.
And this is FINANCIAL Christine. War is their second most profitable industry on planet.
Pharmaceuticals is the first.
Do the genealogy Christine and learn who really runs this planet and HOW they do it.
Then you will understand why Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, the Bloodline born-and-bred Bavarian JEZUIT llluminati prince, and their 'Herald Of The New World 0rder' is still pushing the genocidal vaxxine, even though 35million vaxxed are dead.
So who is Donald Trump serving Christine. the American people, or his llluminati brethren?
Stop your rants The Illuminate may have controlled the levers for the last 100 years but the original designers are dead, the last vestiges of the walls they created after WW2 are beginning to crumble, which is why they are going stark raving mad and desperate. It will never be just one man to help create the next administration and put in order. The way our civilization has been designed is whoever has the strongest military rules the game, whoever has the best scientists, in today's world AI, 5, 6G, technology, like it or not that is what we are dealing with, and the reserve currency. The only " Silver lining" is that the internet and free speech if you can keep it , had prevented total takeover. The next social agenda is full on attack of free speech. Same formula. DJT Interrupted what they thought was controlled, he is the outsider who interrupted their 100 year wall. If you still want to rant about DJT go listen to Brett Weinstein a very intelligent scholar on these theories. Also a great book. The Art of War, Sun Tzu
I see how important it is for you to believe all that White Hat Hopium Christine. So I will leave you to the CabaI's QAnon Scam fan-fiction, where the White Hats are in control and Trump is going to save us.
I still have the question though Christine: There never was a deadly virus. But there IS a deadly vaccine. 35million vaxxed are dead. Why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them that there is a genocidal virus and the deadly vaxxines will save them?
Yes we have known the perpetrators of 9/11, Poppyfields, etc for a long time......ditto.....same crew different day as I said. The perpetrators are intentionally handing this suppresdive scene to the next administration. Funded protests et al.... read the book. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Or the book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism by Patrick Wood. And see the book Arabella. This machine is going to take alot more than angry social media posts. We need a leader who can put back in good control and mitigate further war.