This is super fucked up - he should have done it from jump street in 2017 instead of putting us through this shit and killing off unknown millions, right out of his own mouth:
This is super fucked up - he should have done it from jump street in 2017 instead of putting us through this shit and killing off unknown millions, right out of his own mouth:
Think about it. Did he have to pull in Pompeo & Barr & Pence? He had everything he needed and he pulled in psychopaths that back stabbed him and the country, AND hit us with operation warp speed.
It had to happen , it had to awaken people. They were going nuts with climate & carbon and no one putted 2+2 together. In 2008 they stole so much money noway its only 27 trillion. They pulled off the 9/11 heist , implemented most of Hitler wartime laws no one went against the grain coz everyone wanted a pound of flesh.
MANY caught on but it never reached critical mass.
Even i a truther , a Ron Paul guy , aware of the Gates vax agenda / UN depop , i had my doubt ; yes i heard Jones , yes i heard the docs . Still i couldn't believe the whole power structure was so bad it would turn the way it did. I always tho it must have been green lighted after 20 years of trial and error . . . someone would say something. Right?
Well the goal was clearly to kill , maim and triage like in NAZI Germany for the great green leap forward . . . .
People are exposed for all to see , there is no second guessing. I agree with him.
Kissinger vision of government at war with the people has never been so clear.
Trump is the spear head , we the people have to do the work. At the very least get him the authority and will do the rest. A republic is about SELF governance . . . no more sleepwalking everything is up for grab. Its the only time in human history we the people can shape the things to come. Not the technocrats , not the Experts.
We need a new generation of Patriot kids , renaissance man & woman.
I see Patriots who gets it having kids more and more it will make sure the work continue !
The Abrahamic Accords are right in line with Oden Yinon for a Greater Israel. He did that. Look up the Bunting Clover Leaf Map from 1581 and get a good look at the center of control. It's ALL going according to ancient plan.
We're seriously between two worlds, this one and the next. I chime in on this and get ready for the next so I DON'T wind up as grist for Hamlet's Mill.
I dunno , like i was saying to DragonG , Israel need to be SHUNNED . isolated , Left alone to sort it out. Chrisitans have to realize they are useful idiots in the grand scheme of things. Thats hared to do. . . . well churches have gone woke cant be that's hard t o convince them . . . hahahahaha
no one can rule the world , impossible. The UN A.I. society that's nonesens. . . . there will be uprising all over the world.
Everyone woke up to the babylon scheme . We just need a general , on our own we are just "terrorist". I dunno i don't think it will get that bad.
Beside . . . the awakening is global winning is in many ways : Keeping the internet free. if we all accomplish that we win ! the pen is mightier than the sword ... sometimes hahahahaha
It's being ruled right now I.A.W. Ordo Ab Chao, Order Out Of Chaos - and they've got the world on chaos - From it will come order through total control via non-fungible tokens, digital ID (Trumps all in on facial recognition for "immigrant invaders") - - - I'm done -
For what its worth , i watched both speech Trump gave at the UN last week , the second one where the room laugh him of. The world Order has gone overboard under their watch . . . . those great democrats . . . It puts everything in perspective. I want to remind everyone those speech are a turning point.
Those words can't be taken back . Telling to their faces , NO your project is dead ; Transferring the world under China , having the UN rule the world with NATO the world army,. He knew this , he knew the Rockefellers . . . HE knew the plan.
That's no speculation. You can take this to the bank.
I gotta chime in.
This is super fucked up - he should have done it from jump street in 2017 instead of putting us through this shit and killing off unknown millions, right out of his own mouth:
Think about it. Did he have to pull in Pompeo & Barr & Pence? He had everything he needed and he pulled in psychopaths that back stabbed him and the country, AND hit us with operation warp speed.
It had to happen , it had to awaken people. They were going nuts with climate & carbon and no one putted 2+2 together. In 2008 they stole so much money noway its only 27 trillion. They pulled off the 9/11 heist , implemented most of Hitler wartime laws no one went against the grain coz everyone wanted a pound of flesh.
MANY caught on but it never reached critical mass.
Even i a truther , a Ron Paul guy , aware of the Gates vax agenda / UN depop , i had my doubt ; yes i heard Jones , yes i heard the docs . Still i couldn't believe the whole power structure was so bad it would turn the way it did. I always tho it must have been green lighted after 20 years of trial and error . . . someone would say something. Right?
Well the goal was clearly to kill , maim and triage like in NAZI Germany for the great green leap forward . . . .
People are exposed for all to see , there is no second guessing. I agree with him.
Kissinger vision of government at war with the people has never been so clear.
Trump is the spear head , we the people have to do the work. At the very least get him the authority and will do the rest. A republic is about SELF governance . . . no more sleepwalking everything is up for grab. Its the only time in human history we the people can shape the things to come. Not the technocrats , not the Experts.
We need a new generation of Patriot kids , renaissance man & woman.
I see Patriots who gets it having kids more and more it will make sure the work continue !
The Abrahamic Accords are right in line with Oden Yinon for a Greater Israel. He did that. Look up the Bunting Clover Leaf Map from 1581 and get a good look at the center of control. It's ALL going according to ancient plan.
We're seriously between two worlds, this one and the next. I chime in on this and get ready for the next so I DON'T wind up as grist for Hamlet's Mill.
I dunno , like i was saying to DragonG , Israel need to be SHUNNED . isolated , Left alone to sort it out. Chrisitans have to realize they are useful idiots in the grand scheme of things. Thats hared to do. . . . well churches have gone woke cant be that's hard t o convince them . . . hahahahaha
no one can rule the world , impossible. The UN A.I. society that's nonesens. . . . there will be uprising all over the world.
Everyone woke up to the babylon scheme . We just need a general , on our own we are just "terrorist". I dunno i don't think it will get that bad.
Beside . . . the awakening is global winning is in many ways : Keeping the internet free. if we all accomplish that we win ! the pen is mightier than the sword ... sometimes hahahahaha
It's being ruled right now I.A.W. Ordo Ab Chao, Order Out Of Chaos - and they've got the world on chaos - From it will come order through total control via non-fungible tokens, digital ID (Trumps all in on facial recognition for "immigrant invaders") - - - I'm done -
fucking masons . . . sigh
For what its worth , i watched both speech Trump gave at the UN last week , the second one where the room laugh him of. The world Order has gone overboard under their watch . . . . those great democrats . . . It puts everything in perspective. I want to remind everyone those speech are a turning point.
Those words can't be taken back . Telling to their faces , NO your project is dead ; Transferring the world under China , having the UN rule the world with NATO the world army,. He knew this , he knew the Rockefellers . . . HE knew the plan.
That's no speculation. You can take this to the bank.