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These are all Zionists marxist Jews. Their own religion has prayers to open demonic portals and bring forth demons...What kind of religion is that called? Read the Talmud, look at what their own have said and about whites specifically, look at how Christians are treated in Israel, look at how our congress and POTUS fawns over Israel and Judaism when they are not Jewish & have not adopted the religion, and say with a straight face our government is not a ceremonial - proxy government of Israel.

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They’re Khazarians masquerading as Jews. Jews don’t exist. Before AD70, they were known as Judeans. When Jerusalem was destroyed along with the temple, all genealogies were destroyed with it. This was deliberate on Yahweh’s part. His purpose for Israel was complete. Those who weren’t slaughtered in the mayhem were scattered with no way of ever recovering their identities. The Khazars were the “name stealers”, some of the most viscous people ever known and I speculate may even be progenious of nephalim.

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They are from their Father the Devil

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And now they mean to re-populate the Ukraine there’s a whole generation of Ukrainians have been killed thanks to Zelinski the fake orthodox Christian Zionist Bi sexual

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Alexandre Solzhenitsyn said that the Bolsheviks weren’t Russian, they hated Russians and they hated Christians. The holodomors were responsible for the mass eradication of untold millions of Russian christians and the Chinese Christians following. There’s nothing Christian about Zionism.

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It’s interesting isn’t it in some protestant religion played Christian churches or halls as I would call them, they proudly fly the Israeli flag as if the group of militant people were actually their friends They might want to ask some Palestinian orthodox Christians about that situation 🤪

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Isn’t it ironic that these European “Jews” Attempt to depopulate the Ukraine in order to re-populated with themselves with the help legitimate SS “Deaths Head” nazi s ??!

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And now apparently it is known that Ukrainian medical officers are stealing body organs and parts from wounded Ukrainian soldiers and selling them on the black market. Removing organs like kidneys and livers without anesthesia while these mortally wounded soldiers cannot resist even doing this to wounded civilians apparently. This is what we’re dealing with completely satanic group of people apparently, neo-Nazis SS deaths head .

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If memorry serves & I need more info on this, the star of IL is a rothschild emblem.

I'll keep repeating. Most jews & israelies are morons. They have no idea what they are worshipping. They think it has to do with their mainstream gawd & it doesn't.

You can't blame all jews for their stupidity.

ANYONE who is religious is a brainwashed part of the CULT.

RELIGION is the biggest psyop of ALL TIME & I'll bet you that most (not all) of the so called "jews" who are evil aren't even religious.

To me it doesn't matter, it only matters if they are spiritually conscious, intelligent, a kind person & study THE TRUTH!

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Nope, There is not. He also said communism and Judaism are one and the same. And he would know

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Hi Owen,

I agree. Can you share some of your sources for coming to this conclusion? I want to see if we arrived in the same way. Thank you.

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It’s difficult to say exactly where I got my sources. It’s been a journey of deconstructing my old long held understandings of scripture and today’s reality. It’s like putting a puzzle together without the box that shows what the puzzle is supposed to look like, or worse, having the top and, when you get the puzzle together, it looks nothing like you expected. AD70 is the key starting point. It was a pivotal moment in history that very few people actually know anything about. If anything, it was taught as this great persecution of the “jews” by the romans and that they’ve been persecuted ever since. What’s not taught is that what happened was a great judgment on Israel for their rejection of their own messiah. It was total. Yahwehs purpose for Israel was complete. Yeshuas last words on the cross was “it is done”, which means that there’s nothing left to be done.

On this thread I’ve been called an antisemite by someone who doesn’t even know what a Semite is. The Israelis are probably the most antisemitic people on earth because they persecute the Arab Palestinians who are actually Semitic. It’s pretty well established that the “jews” who migrated to Palestine were Eastern European and had no roots in the Middle East, much less Palestine. The main takeaway, for me, is that there are no “jews” in this world and anyone who claims to be one has no way of proving it. The genealogies were destroyed in AD70 and DNA (ha) would only lead back to Chaldea where Yahweh took Abram (Abraham) from. Anyone today who claims to be “Jewish” is an imposter at worst and deceived at best. The khazars are imposters. They hide behind this “jewish” facade and commit unspeakable crimes in their name. They’re the epitome of the identity thief though they steal so much more than that.

There’s so much more than this. I’ve tried to touch on the high points. My sources are scripture and history. Hope that helps.

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You should watch this one minute video from 1933. Notice the flags. Read the video description https://ugetube.com/watch/jews-celebrate-with-human-sacrifice-to-moloch_1JhxyawnuJ8Ix1H.html

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Hi Owen,

thank you for your response. I'm so glad. We arrived at basically the same point from very different paths. I realized years ago that our history has been corrupted and that if we are ever going to find out who we are and what we are doing here we are going to have to figure it out for ourselves. I mean using our logic/deductive reasoning. Nobody is going to be able to tell us exactly what happened or why.

I have been reading a lot of what some call alternative history ever since i was a teen some 50 years ago. Von Daniken, Velekofsky, Sitchin, Cayce, Mother Shipton, you name it. But only in the last few years have i realized the degree to which we have been misled. Through the efforts of people like Clif High, and now Matt Ehret and Doug Gabriel and Michael Mckibbon have i begun to understand the role of the Khazarians and realize how far back they go. At least to the Babylonian Moneychangers. To me it seems to all tie together with the astrological ages. The age of Pisces is ending and with it it's schools. I don't think that means just the education system, i think it means any top down organization, political, religious, medical, etc. And we would then enter Aquarius, the age of individualism and enlightment. And as part of that we experience the apocalypse. Not some end of the world doom scenario, but a great revealing, about all the things we should know but have been covered up.

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Hitler was right

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So it would seem.

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The Khazarians AKA name steelers came from the Ukrainian area. Just as their bloodline is so important to them so is Ukraine. They are reputed as being evil to the core, no conscience, empathy, or sympathy. I also believe them to be Satan related.

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I still don't have any good videos (any at all really) on the Khazarians or even WHY they would want to become jews.

Do you have a video on them & also their link to Ukraine?


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From the bloodline of Caine.

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Do you remember where they're from originally?

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Amen - awesome thanks for sharing. See Seed of Satan on Rumble

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Is 'Seed of Satan' a channel on Rumble? I'm having trouble locating your recommendation?

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You are nothing but an ANTI SEMITE! Hitler would hv loved you and you probably would hv been first in line to hv signed up for the SS!!

You are nothing but a small minded individual ( and I’m being nice giving u credit that u hv a mind). It’s a broken record once again to blame everything on the Jews! What a joke considering there are only 13 million Jews on the entire planet! You fool. How many Christians are on the planet that hv ruined this world!!? do the math!! And who do u think does all the child trafficking!!?? Not Israel. Easy to blame this tiny country the size of NJ who only has the time to defend itself from all sides that is trying to destroy it!! U really think Israel has time to do anything else??!! Ha! You truly r a fool! Keep dreaming.

Why don’t u concentrate on the Chinese! And wake up if u want to blame the Rothschilds! They hv not been Jews for 200 years. Name only!! Same with George Soros! He was adopted by Hungarian Catholics and worked with the Nazi’s! He’s a Jew hater!! And the left wing Jews hate Israel more than u! They are the worst anti semites.

So stop with you disgusting rhetoric and take your anger somewhere else! But don’t u dare blame what happened with this ritual horror on the Jews!

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Sorry for the Jews of the Bain of the entire earth. It was the Jews that started the Marxist revolution of Russia that led to the murder of 60 million orthodox Christians The antichrist will be a homosexual Jew born to a prostitute. When the Jews rebuild the third temple and they will He will among us As St. John The Golden tongue send back in the 19 century, “why would you want to be a Jew when you have Jesus Christ?” That’s a very fair question

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The "antichrist" better known as the beast of Revelation, or the "man of sin" will not be a Jew. He will not be affiliated with any known religion, except the one he promotes himself.

36 “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 37 He shall regard neither the [q]God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for [r]gain. Dan. 11: 36-39

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The Antichrist will come out of the European union

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Well actually he will subject the EU to his control. We see that with the 10 nation league, of which the Antichrist with subdue three of the 10 kings. Dan 7: 8 and 7: 20- 21.

Remember the beast and his seven remaining kings all decide to destroy mystery Babylon. which most of us believe is Rome. So the antichrist will control most of the EU.

But the antichrist is geographically from the old area of Assyria. which is where he proceeds from to take over Europe and the world. That is why you see him referred to as "the Assyrian" in many of the prophecies:

Is. 14: 25, Is. 30:31. Is. 31:8 . Micah 5:5-6.

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Sorry Dude, but Thou art wrong. You don’t actually mean to argue with the orthodox Christian clairvoyant Saint Cosmas of the 18 century do you ? His title being “equal to the apostles”. Not only will he be a Jew but he will be a GAY JewWe all have something to look forward to

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I would love to share with you some of what I have. But my source is not a man. but the Bible itself and the message and direct command from God. Have you read that>

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Your twisted dude

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Yo moma

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Sounds like Noah Yuval Herari

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That trans humanistic piece of shit in the world economic forum, nah don’t think so

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Jesus'was Jewish m

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So what? He was God first. All the apostles were Jewish too what’s your point . Operative word was they were Jewish, until the Jews killed God and rejected him out right

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And He forgave them.

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Of course, but they do not except his forgiveness and therefore it does look them no good, unfortunately It would be much better if they would come to their senses , but they will not. As a collective there people have been much behind the turmoil and chaos of the last three years much behind the agenda to cull the non Jew. This is not hated of them is just speaking truth. Hell, The president of Pfizer is half Jew half Greek and he has poisoned millions of his own people in Israel ! So pure evil knows no bounds or friends

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The word nazi mean’s Nationalism. Wake up from your MKUltra’d trance! Division is the main game piece because it works! Don’t let it work!

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Well...and just by chance, the NSDP were the ONLY ones who fought COMMUNISM...financed and supported by the "capitalist" in Wall St and the City.

lot of white Christian blood wasted to save communism?...Yeap!

guess why Patton died...

here some of his comments

"Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed."

"There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.

"Eisenhower's pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jewish demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing.

He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of America's enemies:

"I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander..."

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Do you have a source for this Patton quote?

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General Patton Discovered The Truth

By Adam Austin

Subverted Nation


you should also check "Germany must perish" by Kauffman (praised by NYT and others back then), the Morgenthau Plan, Eisenhower death camps, etc, etc. They invented WW2 to destroy Germany. The "deep State" that ruled UK and US and create the jooish gov of Moscu that killed 30 million white Cristian Russians (and didnt really persecute joos)...I dont know if there is any non assesinated president of the US Corp that was not pure evil. Maybe being masons has something to do with that?

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It means National Socialism.

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I don't care what it means. If I say SS, no one understands me, so I will continue to say nazi.

The fact STILL remains, they were pieces of shit led by your piece of shit freemason rothschild family member.

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Soros hate jews?..That;s a good one.

by the way...regarding your comments about small minded, I d like to share with you an old spanish saying (that I translated for you) "Tell me what you brag about and I'll tell you what you suffer from"

and by the way, just read the Talmud and tell us what you find....Any resemblance to reality is NOT pure coincidence

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I believe Soros hates jews.. part of his job during WW11 was packing them on train cars after taking their wealth. You see. he is not just a Jew by blood but aligned with satan, a zionist. Israeli Jews insisted that all the people over there get jabbed and boosted.... murdering their own people for the agenda.. Now they are dropping like flies... just like in the UK, Ireland, USA and elsewhere. It's the ultimate sacrifice for Moloch.

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John 8.44, Jesus told the joos "you are the sons of the devil who is a liar and a murderer...."

some people is only faithful to the scripture when they found something to attack Catholics...The whole New Testament is about Jesus explaining that joos are the lost sheep, the ones that needs salvation...Maybe the sons of God, even bad, are not as bad as the sons of the devil that needs Jesus intervention to save them...But many "christian" sects financed but the printers of money only read the Old Testament

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Awesome reply

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Have you read the tulmud in hebrew?

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True. Soros said his happiest years of youth were under the Nazi's.vever see his interview saying he had no regrets stealing their belongings, etcm he's ruthless

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You should watch this one minute video from 1933. Notice the flags. Read the video description https://ugetube.com/watch/jews-celebrate-with-human-sacrifice-to-moloch_1JhxyawnuJ8Ix1H.html

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You are so asleep, very SAD!

Or you are a part of these satanic inbreeds!

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It's Ukraine doing the trafficking.. Israel just sticks to murdering Palestinians since they day they arrived on Palestinian soil.... Oh and BTW, plenty of trafficking goes on in Israel.. You should watch this one minute video, note the flags and be sure to read the video description Here's old film footage from the 1933 Chicago world's fair where Jews celebrate and honor Moloch with a child sacrifice. Be sure to read the video description. Note the zionist flags. https://ugetube.com/watch/jews-celebrate-with-human-sacrifice-to-moloch_1JhxyawnuJ8Ix1H.html

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I saw that a week or so ago & discounted it. It looks like a theater production.

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Ha ha.. it was a theatre production.. for the Chicago world's fair 1933.. Over 100,000 people watched it. I told you to read the video description. What would motivate such a production. only darkness

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I hate substack. I can't even go back to your initial comment to see it & I idd't even know what you were talking about b/c I can't even remember what I did 5 minutes ago let alone yesterday LOL

Especially with all of the work I do. I have to waste my time scrolling thru comments & if there had been more, I wouldn't have done it.

Why does anyone even have a substack? Just to get money???

I joined yours, then saw you worship the evil collective trumpet & left.

I did sort of read the description.

I'll get my VA to fact check what you provided.


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Poor baby. Life is freaking tough. BTW. Many people publish on substack and don't charge a dime. Good. I don't want you to follow me. I'd rather not have to process your hate.

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Hate? LOL

If you think me calling you out on worshiping the mafia gov't & evil collective trumpet is hate, then you are way too melodramatic for me.

People who STILL embrace slavery are the crux of the ENTIRE PROBLEM & why the evils are able to do so much.

I ONLY follow people who are equally as intelligent as myself or moreso. And they must believe in FREEDOM, they don't worship their slave masters (the gov't), they are strong individuals & don't glorify others b/c they know that's worshiping.

It's a bonus if they are spiritually conscious.

I'm sorry if this upsets you.

I don't hate you, I am glad that I saw that post when I joined, this saved me time.

I hope one day you wake up to the TRUTH.


Freedom Playlist - https://ourfreesociety.com/Odysee-Freedom-Playlist

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And hark, the brainwashed dupe speaks...... a Khazarian or one of their useful idiots. Complicit in the destruction and misery of the world.

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It's actually everybody if everybody says nothing about it.

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It's great that people are getting together but we must realize two things ultimately that are the problem, the first is the authoritarian psychosis and the second is money based on debt. The solutions are simple but we have to do them. I work on an alternative currency that is issued by the sovereign. As we go into the new thinking, everything needs to be issued by the sovereign and we need software to facilitate that.

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The noahide law has already been signed into American law. It gives the Jewish the right to kill a non Jew. Ask any rabbi to interpret the Talmud in regards to the noahide law. They’re laws allow some twisted stuff.

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You are complicit if you pay taxes or interest to banks.

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Or watch network TV - movies

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BS, I have been watching TV since I was 10 years old & I am NOT complicate.

Why don't you name all the other things that make a person complicit.


And those are just the main 3 driving this war.

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Read "Blood Ritual" (if you can stomach it) by Philip de Vier. He investigates 200 cases along these lines and his conclusions are damnimg and unsettling. He doesn't hide behind this lame "Khazarian", "Phoenecian", etc verbiage either.

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Rather than just fill our heads with more pointless history how about we talk with each other and figure out what we CAN do about it. Are you still paying taxes? Still paying interest to banks? Then you're complicit. There's no other way to see it. Please don't be offended just know that if you do these things you are part of the problem that keeps the cult alive.

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Denise, explain to me how I'm going to pay my rent & all my bills without having a bank account.

And yes I know that the banks are the evils main (not the only way of course) of stealing from us, but you would have to get min. 50% of the population to stop having a bank account. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. I need those accounts to even get paid.

You will get your wish though b/c they have already started closing down accounts & banks.

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please offer solutions that average Americans can do and still prosper without having to go live in the wilderness in a hut.

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I agree, we shouldn't have to live in a hut, but we are going to have to FIGHT & soo long as everyone keeps saying no one is fighting so I won't either (STUPIDITY) than nothing will ever change & we are doomed.

I call most everyone in the "awake" community the AWAKE ZOMBIE COWARDS - that's assuming they are awake more than OH NO, I SHOULDN'T TAKE THE DEATH JAB, BUT I'LL TAKE THE TOXIC IVM even though I'm not even sick. SMH



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Your speaking the truth on this and how many of these evangelical Christians have been deceived by the synagogue of Satan?? God bless

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Which prayers? Be specific.

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No! In my experience many of them are christian evangelics and islamists as well °° They tried to sacrifice me with sleep deprivation ...

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