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Hi Owen,

I agree. Can you share some of your sources for coming to this conclusion? I want to see if we arrived in the same way. Thank you.

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It’s difficult to say exactly where I got my sources. It’s been a journey of deconstructing my old long held understandings of scripture and today’s reality. It’s like putting a puzzle together without the box that shows what the puzzle is supposed to look like, or worse, having the top and, when you get the puzzle together, it looks nothing like you expected. AD70 is the key starting point. It was a pivotal moment in history that very few people actually know anything about. If anything, it was taught as this great persecution of the “jews” by the romans and that they’ve been persecuted ever since. What’s not taught is that what happened was a great judgment on Israel for their rejection of their own messiah. It was total. Yahwehs purpose for Israel was complete. Yeshuas last words on the cross was “it is done”, which means that there’s nothing left to be done.

On this thread I’ve been called an antisemite by someone who doesn’t even know what a Semite is. The Israelis are probably the most antisemitic people on earth because they persecute the Arab Palestinians who are actually Semitic. It’s pretty well established that the “jews” who migrated to Palestine were Eastern European and had no roots in the Middle East, much less Palestine. The main takeaway, for me, is that there are no “jews” in this world and anyone who claims to be one has no way of proving it. The genealogies were destroyed in AD70 and DNA (ha) would only lead back to Chaldea where Yahweh took Abram (Abraham) from. Anyone today who claims to be “Jewish” is an imposter at worst and deceived at best. The khazars are imposters. They hide behind this “jewish” facade and commit unspeakable crimes in their name. They’re the epitome of the identity thief though they steal so much more than that.

There’s so much more than this. I’ve tried to touch on the high points. My sources are scripture and history. Hope that helps.

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You should watch this one minute video from 1933. Notice the flags. Read the video description https://ugetube.com/watch/jews-celebrate-with-human-sacrifice-to-moloch_1JhxyawnuJ8Ix1H.html

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Hi Owen,

thank you for your response. I'm so glad. We arrived at basically the same point from very different paths. I realized years ago that our history has been corrupted and that if we are ever going to find out who we are and what we are doing here we are going to have to figure it out for ourselves. I mean using our logic/deductive reasoning. Nobody is going to be able to tell us exactly what happened or why.

I have been reading a lot of what some call alternative history ever since i was a teen some 50 years ago. Von Daniken, Velekofsky, Sitchin, Cayce, Mother Shipton, you name it. But only in the last few years have i realized the degree to which we have been misled. Through the efforts of people like Clif High, and now Matt Ehret and Doug Gabriel and Michael Mckibbon have i begun to understand the role of the Khazarians and realize how far back they go. At least to the Babylonian Moneychangers. To me it seems to all tie together with the astrological ages. The age of Pisces is ending and with it it's schools. I don't think that means just the education system, i think it means any top down organization, political, religious, medical, etc. And we would then enter Aquarius, the age of individualism and enlightment. And as part of that we experience the apocalypse. Not some end of the world doom scenario, but a great revealing, about all the things we should know but have been covered up.

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Hitler was right

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So it would seem.

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