I believe Soros hates jews.. part of his job during WW11 was packing them on train cars after taking their wealth. You see. he is not just a Jew by blood but aligned with satan, a zionist. Israeli Jews insisted that all the people over there get jabbed and boosted.... murdering their own people for the agenda.. Now they are dropping like…
I believe Soros hates jews.. part of his job during WW11 was packing them on train cars after taking their wealth. You see. he is not just a Jew by blood but aligned with satan, a zionist. Israeli Jews insisted that all the people over there get jabbed and boosted.... murdering their own people for the agenda.. Now they are dropping like flies... just like in the UK, Ireland, USA and elsewhere. It's the ultimate sacrifice for Moloch.
John 8.44, Jesus told the joos "you are the sons of the devil who is a liar and a murderer...."
some people is only faithful to the scripture when they found something to attack Catholics...The whole New Testament is about Jesus explaining that joos are the lost sheep, the ones that needs salvation...Maybe the sons of God, even bad, are not as bad as the sons of the devil that needs Jesus intervention to save them...But many "christian" sects financed but the printers of money only read the Old Testament
I believe Soros hates jews.. part of his job during WW11 was packing them on train cars after taking their wealth. You see. he is not just a Jew by blood but aligned with satan, a zionist. Israeli Jews insisted that all the people over there get jabbed and boosted.... murdering their own people for the agenda.. Now they are dropping like flies... just like in the UK, Ireland, USA and elsewhere. It's the ultimate sacrifice for Moloch.
John 8.44, Jesus told the joos "you are the sons of the devil who is a liar and a murderer...."
some people is only faithful to the scripture when they found something to attack Catholics...The whole New Testament is about Jesus explaining that joos are the lost sheep, the ones that needs salvation...Maybe the sons of God, even bad, are not as bad as the sons of the devil that needs Jesus intervention to save them...But many "christian" sects financed but the printers of money only read the Old Testament