Well actually he will subject the EU to his control. We see that with the 10 nation league, of which the Antichrist with subdue three of the 10 kings. Dan 7: 8 and 7: 20- 21.
Remember the beast and his seven remaining kings all decide to destroy mystery Babylon. which most of us believe is Rome. So the antichrist will control most of the …
Well actually he will subject the EU to his control. We see that with the 10 nation league, of which the Antichrist with subdue three of the 10 kings. Dan 7: 8 and 7: 20- 21.
Remember the beast and his seven remaining kings all decide to destroy mystery Babylon. which most of us believe is Rome. So the antichrist will control most of the EU.
But the antichrist is geographically from the old area of Assyria. which is where he proceeds from to take over Europe and the world. That is why you see him referred to as "the Assyrian" in many of the prophecies:
Well actually he will subject the EU to his control. We see that with the 10 nation league, of which the Antichrist with subdue three of the 10 kings. Dan 7: 8 and 7: 20- 21.
Remember the beast and his seven remaining kings all decide to destroy mystery Babylon. which most of us believe is Rome. So the antichrist will control most of the EU.
But the antichrist is geographically from the old area of Assyria. which is where he proceeds from to take over Europe and the world. That is why you see him referred to as "the Assyrian" in many of the prophecies:
Is. 14: 25, Is. 30:31. Is. 31:8 . Micah 5:5-6.