100% on target. They are shipping in pre-trained military age men from alien cultures to violently put down uprising amongst the citizenry of Western countries when Disease B-ull-Sh**t or its variants is unleashed. The Great Replacement defines their overall plan: step one is to brutally suppress white Americans and Western Europeans not because of ethnicity but because white people of European descent are highly educated and not submissive. That is why they introduced critical race theory in the US, race-shaming and transgenderism. They want to trample down white Americans, eliminate testosterone, inject guilt and induce passivity. Step two is to transform the beaten down residues into compliant cyborgs so the Western world can be reformatted on the CCP social credit system (techno-dystopian model). Step 3: expand this across the entire globe placing all populations under One World government, One Health policy, One (fake) religion. But as John O Looney says, only 3% of an active resistance movement is required to turn the tide against them. But this only occurs after much loss and bloodshed. Many will perish before freedom returns.

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""The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left alone." They know that the moment they fight back, the lives as they've lived them are over. It is a small form of suicide as they're literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "men who wanted to be left alone"" will fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who play-act at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Enemy's door, and they will scream, cry, and beg for mercy, but it will fall on deaf ears. For these men simply wanted to be left alone."

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Solzhenitsyn. These "men who wanted to be left alone and provide for themselves and those they love...resist every impulse to fight back." Hence when these quiet and peace loving men feel compelled fight back, it is "with a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror." It is a spring suddenly releasing all its pent-up energy. Explosive upward force combined with utter surprise is what skittles the play-actors on their complacent little stages.

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Great quote! However, the play actors are trained by our purported Government, and those who want to be left alone are not organized to fight back. There will be a costly learning curve before that spring unleashes. I believe the psychopaths have and are trying to account for that spring action. Social media, censorship, surveillance and false claims of domestic terrorism. Well Now!

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Slaughter-bots and cyborg infantry will undoubtedly be deployed as well as / in conjunction with the "next pandemic" (per Demon-putz Bill Gates). Agreed - the learning curve will be steep; but people like those Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn refers to (above quote) who survive those attacks will refine tactics and evolve to fight and defeat Satan's puppets.

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satan Has Already Been Defeated!! #FUsatan🖕

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Slaughter bots? When is this happening? I suggest it’s fantasy horror show science fiction at least for the near future. It might be their ultimate goal as they replace murderous genocidal humans. Starvation has that effect.

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You’ve Not been paying attention if you believe that.

There Are drones that have infrared heat seeking capabilities

that can be armed with machine guns or rockets that can fly with hundreds of other drones, killing everything they come in contact with. WTFU!!

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Thank you for mentioning Solzhenitsyn.

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Yes, I read One Day in the Life of I.D, The Gulag Archipelago and The First Circle as a boy, and these works made a tremendous impression on me.

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Interesting: on the “final edit” of I. D. Sohlzenitzen changed the end where D. now ends the day without the crust of bread.

I’ve read his speech at Harvard a number of times.

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I did not know of that or the speech he gave. Thank you.

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You do not have a clue as to what they can do, nor where they are from. Look at those whom Russia attacked.

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this is exactly correct. reminds me of gary oldman losing his shit in Bram Stoker's Dracula (Coppola's film version of the story) the kind of bloodrage that ends with heads on sticks

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The next generation will not remember our names, but let it begin with us.

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Hi, Hugh!

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I am in 100% agreement.

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The world we live in is a lie on so many levels. All by design. This truth is a very large pill to swallow, but it is slowly everyday and those who desire to be left alone will rise and rise again to defeat the lies.

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The Boston Tea Party was also a lie. Just like everything else. This country was founded by Freemasons. It has always been a lie.

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Well that's not true because the educated were the most compliant in the scamdemic.

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I actually strongly agree with you on that point. It has been the non-formally educated people that have shown the most common sense and best instincts. The "educated" have been the most compliant and idiotic. What I really meant was that the globalists are aiming to strip away all cultural heritage and higher knowledge from Westerners and reduce them down to the state of manageable livestock.

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I totally agree. The academics are more prone to indoctrination that makes you lose the common sense.

But fortunately, there are exceptions among all branches of professions. You find a small but sufficient percentage of common sense people everywhere who can use their professional background to fight back at all the different levels as needed.

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But God...."They" don't inherit the earth, we do.

Where THEY Go One, THEY Go All

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We Know This! We the Disowned who Learned from those that spoke what you say but were Vilified with Labels&Prison and are Gone Now but whose Names will be Enshrined One Bright and shining Day -S_ _ _ H_ _ _

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Another Troy must rise and set,

Another lineage feed the crow,

Another Argo’s painted prow

Drive to a flashier bauble yet.

The Roman Empire stood appalled! (Yeats)

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The barbarians are due here today.

Why isn't anything going on in the senate?

Why are the senators sitting there without legislating?

Because the barbarians are coming today.

What's the point of senators making laws now?

Once the barbarians are here, they'll do the legislating. (Cavafy)

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Nah, the Barbarians have all been making their way back to the Netherworld

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Well Said Dr!🙏

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The Rothschilds who are behind this war and all wars have at the behest of the American Civil War brought in over 100 000 German Soldiers.

The Clinton Rockefeller Rothschild Obama Biden Mafia... they are all Zionist Jews who want a Civil War in order to get their WW3.

They are also behind the war in Ukraine.

They are behind the Trans Agenda.

They are behind everything... Soros Schwab... forget them... the ones in charge and behind it all is Clinton Rockefeller Rothschild the Zionists and Jews and Freemasons.

I wrot ethis two years ago:

Civil War... Viva La Muerte

The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War


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The Talmud is their inspiration for all the evil work. Their leaders for 1000 years recorded their agenda and obsession with killing the human beings. On videos in plain English, and French I found their leaders full of hate against the Christians describing their plans to kill them all? The Georgia Guide Stones even etched such plans in fuking stone? The population of the earth must be reduced to 500 millions. This monument was on display for 35 years!! Conclusions, we were warned in videos, books. Speeches, and even etched stones that evil gang going to kill us, yet, nobody cared.

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“The Talmud…” what Masekhet are you learning this from? Daf? Give me the Rashi. You can read the Rashi, right?

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He may perhaps be confusing that with Hammurabi's code since it too was etched in fuking stone a long time ago.

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Its not just democrat leaders, its right wing leaders too. They all do what they are told by international Jewry, who run central banking and have infiltrated every influential pillar of society in every major country in the world. Two wings of the same treacherous vulture. Look at what the Bushes did for them in the Middle East starting in the 70s, then 9/11, then completed by Obomber, all one operation. Look at Trumps new silver Moshiach crown he was given by Israel. He says antisemitism should be punishable by death! The Presidents have no real decisive power to independently make lasting, non-superficial changes. They dance on their Kabbalistic puppet strings and if they break the rules they have their head blown off in their car on national television.



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Don't make the jews the target. Hitler made that mistake. The poor fools are being run by a much bigger power group. To cut the head off the snake think BIG.,

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No. They are the head, the international, elite ones. All the Satanic secret societies are based on them. The whole “Black Nobility” thing is bs, they are just a small part of who used to reign over Europe. Don’t tell me about Hitler. I know all about that. He was right.. Even if he was being played and having his strings pulled. Getting the jews out of his country was not a mistake. The whole Holocaust story is bullshit too. If you don’t know this stuff you need to look into it deeper. Everything we think we know is a lie. This is the most important thing for every person in the world to learn, especially Americans and Europeans, before its too late. 🙏🏼

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Barely .09% of the human population, and despite repeated decimations and pales of settlement Jews end up controlling EVERYTHING? Huh? …endless expatiation here that you won’t read so I’ll spare you….

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And the Bushes ties to Hitler.

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Do you mean this guy?:

"The Most Hated Man In History

Was Also The Most Loved"


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Bush was deep state back in Germany !

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The Bushes are Knights of Malta, so is Bill Gates, they ultimately do the bidding of the Papacy

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When this happens the “ woke alphabet” followers will be shocked to see themselves being attacked. They’ll be hated just as much as us white CHRISTians.

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William, You have it so right, they all are puppets, just different stripes.

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Yep...we know all that. Thanks for sharing though.

There is nothing new under the son....Until a New Day Dawns

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Myron called it back in the 60s the CFR and the illuminati https://gibraltar-messenger.net/jahtruth/the-illuminati-and-the-cfr/

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Dr. Rima Laibow

Catalytic Conversations

Talking United Nations (UN)

May 11, 2024

Very interesting history regarding Russian / German Scientists and Fluoride. At the 41:21 mark, Dr. Rima explains how it ended up via Operation Paper Clip and the beinning of Fluoridation in the U.S.A.

It was first introduced in Grand Rapids Mi, on January 25, 1945, became an official policy in 1951 and by 1960 widly used. World Wide -Apathetic Gulags!


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And the Rothschild's are the Guardians of the Treasury for the Vatican.

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The Third World War has already started—and the Russians are winning.

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No one is winning.

We are all losing.

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Zionists aren’t necessarily Jewish.

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Such assertion may muddy the water for simpleton. Zionism is 100% Jewish, and have employed the evangelicals in the past 50 years. They even employed the Muslims, and many other malcontents.

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The Zionists were atheists and hated the Jews. The head of the movement, Herzl, originally envisioned making the Jews all convert to Christianity. The Zionists worked with the NAZIs to rid Europe of Jews. To conflate Jews with Zionists is the intended plan of Zionism.

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The Zionists terrorized the Jews to move them to Palestine, and to cause further isolation and incestuous solidarity among themselves. Hertzl said "Anti Semitism is our friend"

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The Zionists ran the Nazi SS in WWII and had all the real 12 tribes of Israel sent to the concentration camps.

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How about the Gypsies, political prisoners and undesirables? Was the starvation caused by Allied bombing and the decimation of German infrastructure at the end of the war? And who did all the labor at IG Farben from the Auschwitz’s camp? Why was Auschwitz closed and quarantined for cholera outbreaks? Where do those dead bodies get buried? Just curious.

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And Trudeau has now condemned the “persecution of Zionists”

In his words, this will not be toterated. The video is out there.

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Sounds about right for Justin "Trudeau" Castro

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When menacing bagel & Shamir came to AH he rejected their entreaties

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there are real Jews who love God and there are the Rothschild family and others who worship satan, Luciferians. WEF has converted many to their Zionist beliefs of the OWO.

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And the problem is, its NOT just Zionists its international Jewry. We need to stop being pussies and say it.

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And yes you could say they’re not “really jews” but they are though. Kabbalists, Frankists, sacrificers, child killers and rapists, thieves and scammers. Kahzarians or not Ashkenazis or not. They’ve been this way for all of history there are plenty of reliable and ancient accounts from prominent historical figures’ writings.

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They are the synagogue of $atan. Rev 2:9, 3:9

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If you are going to worship a book, learn how to read first. That passage clearly says they are not Jews.

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Yes. I see a lot of comments here blaming the "Zionists" but what we are seeing is actually a very old Jesuit tactic. This is orchestrated by a much larger operation, and has been used continually over and over by Jesuit designs and coordination. It is called "Liberation Theology" among other things, and manipulates the masses into thinking they are "helping" these poor people who are actually set to take over. Former Priest and Vatican critic Malachi Martin revealed this in his Book "Jesuits" which exposes exactly what is happening here.

The Jesuits have ignited countless revolutions and government collapses exactly the same way that we see happening here. Even using church and civic organizations as their tools.

This isn't a "Jewish conspiracy" though the elitist banksters are involved as well. John Paul I (the first) was probably poisoned after only 33 days as pope in 1978, by these same traitors, because he opposed "Liberation Theology" tactics used by people like "Francis" in the Argentina Dirty War. Malachi Martin explains and exposes this to a tee!

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Why are y’all making it so complicated ? It’s very simple. America and the West must be taken out for a OneWorld government. Destroy the culture, make the people miserable, break the laws, destroy the language, education, and the history. There will be no country left.

The more citizens are a part of the world the more unhappy they will become period

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Yes just like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion huh? A coincidence right? Lol. And it is one and the same as the Communist Manifesto

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When I operated in Angola from approx. 1990 - 1997, I watched the UN soldiers who were all Muslim destroy the population, a mostly black population, and a 99% Roman Catholic population. My friends there asked me to tell the US government & media what was happening, along with video evidence, which was ignored by the politicians & media I contacted. Again, they were Muslim. What I saw were predators. Why would you deploy Muslim UN soldiers to keep the peace in a Roman Catholic country?

I'd love to hear your answer Greg.

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For the same reason said in this video, cultural disassociation. It’s not hard to find useful idiot killers in this world. You just need to be evil and have funding.

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Muslims are uniquely suited for the role as they have little regard for human life. If you think I'm wrong, please explain. If you take an honest look at Islam, and the Quran, and all it's many versions, it becomes apparent it was created solely to control the masses, through violence. You said you just need "evil and have the funding?" Sounds a lot like the Middle East. And it may be that Muslims are the convenient "tools" of the elites. The other tools are those who are the product of public education and those incapable of critical thinking.

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A good answer formany

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Evil: A Florida dentist and Islamic imam who has called for the annihilation of "the Jews" now could be facing punishment for his vicious anti-Semitism, which he included in a recorded sermon to fellow Muslims.

"Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for you. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs," demanded Fadi Kablawi in a sermon first broadcast on Facebook, adding the current Israeli government is "worse than the Nazis."


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I guess it was our wonderful president Reagan who got us in the horn of Africa? Just as today we are giving away our tax dollars to Ukraine to close churches, and to Israel to blow up churches.

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Do you even have a clue about how the Angolan civil war started and why? F-Off. I almost lost my life their prick. I'm so disgusted with IDIOTS who comment on issues without doing the research.

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Not to worry about the WEF and that grifter Bill Gates or WWIII when the “opposition” fields people quoting the Talmud who learned everything they know about it from the side panel of a Cheerios’ box.

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In the case you experienced it was muslims acting evil against roman catholics. Elsewhere it was the other way around.

Look at the Lisbon treaty. This was also a first step to establish the use of foreign police and military forces within Europe, to be expanded globally later via UN, Blue Helmet and NATO and whatever other international organisation.

Of course, they present you all those alleged "advantages" to mix each other's troops. But the real reason behind is to reduce the emotional threshold for the police and military men to act brutally against a foreign population which is easier than against the own "brothers" of your own culture and nation.

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No, it wasn't the other way around. Have you lived in a Muslim country before? Where do you get your information?

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You misunderstood. Not in your case, but in other conflicts. Think about all the US bases in muslim countries. What are they doing there?

And yes, I have lived in a muslim country before. French oppressed and massacred the indigenious muslim population there. So the other way around.

But now, we have to look forward. Fighting the vertical war, very high up against the the rest below, it is.

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It was all about Blackmail and Greed.

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Is it possible that you were betrayed by the Roman Catholic clergy who caved in to this agenda? This has all of the signs of "Liberation Theology" used by the Jesuits to destroy independent and Christian governments. There is strong evidence Rome actually assisted Mohammad in the formation of Islam to attack Christians who were submissive to the Vatican. We see Zelensky burning Greek Orthodox churches today, backed by the Austrio-Hungarian Catholic empires today. Look at what happened with the "Dirty War" in Argentina as "Francis" was an archbishop there at that time. Were you betrayed in Angola?

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Fellow Patriots, it looks like we have our work cut out for us in the future.

Expect another False Flag Event to kick off the Parasites continued push for their NWO depopulation/control agenda. Will it be the "Bird flu" hoax?

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God bless America 🇺🇸 😁

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God used to bless America. Everything nice about America is no longer… Too many heathens.

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Man kind has always been under divine judgement! John 3:16 repentance and faith in the one true God Jesus Christ is the answer!

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As it says over again in the Good Book Do not Fear… Therefore, I will Not Fear.

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Woe To The Nation That Forgets God!

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Also, we’ve legally sacrificed more than 64 million human children here, with more added to the death count daily.

We deserve God’s wrath for so many things, including legalized abortion/infanticide.

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America is originally a Heathen/ Pagan country and still is blessed by God. The Abrahamic religions are foreign to the Americas.

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I will not argue what you say. Of course there was much paganism in early times of man. However, I will refer to the constitution of the United States that says our rights come from God. Most early laws were based on Judeo Christian scripture.

The point I was making is there has been a sharp decline in church attendance. And more than that is our culture is permeated with horrible movies, pornography, and many other sinful elements. We are no longer a society that protects children. God has been eliminated from our society. However, I will not lose hope.

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America is also the result of a population replacement program. And now it's another round, in America as well as in Europe.

I'm not sure about Australia but probably there, too?

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I would suggest all American's familiarize themselves with the art of a democide. That's when a government looks to kill its own population. And menticide is being used to carry that out: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/september-11th-and-menticide#details

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I'm somewhat doubtful. Look at the time during the plandemic. In most European countries, they didn't need migrants in police and military, the locals in uniform already obeyed without thinking and beat up old women, among others, because they weren't wearing masks. Previous dehumanization in the media was enough to do this.

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That was the initial test, however don't count on as much compliance on the next round of Scamdemics!

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The best evidence that the U.S. government is afraid of its own military is the dumbing down of the troops with LGBTQ and DEI ideology. White men (the back bone of the forces) are not signing up. Troops were required to get the Covid jab. The U.S. military is only a shadow of its former self. Why would a government weaken its own military unless they were nervous? The U.S. is out of the game militarily. There is no way the U.S. could possibly win a war against China or Russia. UN troops would have a hell of a time securing the entire country. Well, we live in interesting times to say the least.

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Special Space Forces are actively, and have been, working on our behalf. If people can't see that by now, they're not paying attention to what really matters.

This is God's plan, and He appoints people on the earth to see it through.

No Fear Just Believe & Trust Him

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Hopium is what Trump and Q are selling.

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How do you feel day after day without hope?

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Special Forces? Angels? The U.S. military does NOTHING on behalf of the U.S. taxpayers. It's a feature, not a bug.

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1st of all, you need to learn the difference between the Military Industrial Complex, (enemy) & The Military, Armed Forces for the people, for the Constitution.

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Our military is not to defend our borders, but to beat on Israel's neighbors.

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No argument here.

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You also...learn who the Military Industrial Complex is, and the Military who defends our freedom & the Constitution.

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UN troops would face a nation full of civilians with arms due our great constitution!

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You guys are all a bunch of keyboard warriors. American men are not brave, and they will not fight. And, muh constitution is just a piece of paper. The people in charge don't even care about it because they know that most Americans are sheep.

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Maybe if you changed your name, someone might take you seriously

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Greg another amazing video, amazing news.. Here in my country Greece for over a decade the globalist governments they brings together young men from 20 to 35 years old, Muslims and enemies of the white Cristian population. In 5-6 islands are camps with a lot of thousands of these type of people. At first they had the excuse of the war in Syria and called them refugees. When the war ended, they continued to entered and entered illegally. Now after zo many years, we understand that is a Population replacement. That they are soldiers who will serve the globalists where they will be needed. Greg my friend there are small towns inside the town.. In our islands. Please check for it. In Mytilene, Chios, Rhodes and all our islands Opposite Turkey. Also, because there are many thousands, they can be sent all over Europe. Kalergi plan. If I remember correctly from 1950? Somewhere there he wrote about this plan of erosion and decline of the white native population

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If we forced Muslims into Tel Aviv to rape the Jewish women, and burn up stores, I am "sure" their media will be cheering the Muslims? OF COURSE NOT? Why? Because our Media... IS NOT OURS!!

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Huh? And if the media was psychopathic criminals they would…?

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According to John Adams’s writings, about 1/3 of Americans were patriots for the Cause, about 1/3 Americans were fence sitters and the 1/3 were loyalists to King George. That matches up to Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment where over 60% are afraid to buck the system and 10-30% are courageous and unafraid to speak up. So, if even half of the fence sitters can gather the courage to speak up and educate the next generation, we might have a chance to Survive.

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!


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From my own observations there are more courageous immigrants who love America than natives who get brainwashed in grammar schools.

My theory is immigrants who come to America to leave corruption, dictatorship, or for carrer opportunities; they hate very much what is going on to their adopted country. For a person to leave his culture, and language to assimilate in a new place; such is a great price? So, after few decades of enjoying what our beautiful country has to offer, these immigrants are the first to fight for America's constitutional republic.

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I agree completely from my observations in the work place as well. If America survives, it may be because of 1st and 2nd generation legal immigrants and their success stories – they don’t take America for granted.

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The Committee of 300 rules by way of the central banks. Dr. John Coleman was spot on.

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Sure makes sense to me, I can see this happening. Good Job Greg (as usual) Get prepared folks your government wont help you they are behind it.

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What I hope will be thought-provoking is that the comments are articulate and perceptive. They may also be correct. They reflect the ideas of Solzhenitsyn. One of the great "stories" of our time (as seen through literature and film) is the story of the man who just wants to be left alone, but who is finally provoked into action by the evil forces around him. It's a great theme.

Something to consider and talk about, as the Daddy figure is being so thoroughly attacked.

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I thought your team and your followers might like to look at this really strange pdf that accuses "conspiracy theorists" re C-19 and 5G etc of antisemitism. I am beside myself. Flabbergasted.


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