Such assertion may muddy the water for simpleton. Zionism is 100% Jewish, and have employed the evangelicals in the past 50 years. They even employed the Muslims, and many other malcontents.
The Zionists were atheists and hated the Jews. The head of the movement, Herzl, originally envisioned making the Jews all convert to Christianity. The Zionists worked with the NAZIs to rid Europe of Jews. To conflate Jews with Zionists is the intended plan of Zionism.
The Zionists terrorized the Jews to move them to Palestine, and to cause further isolation and incestuous solidarity among themselves. Hertzl said "Anti Semitism is our friend"
How about the Gypsies, political prisoners and undesirables? Was the starvation caused by Allied bombing and the decimation of German infrastructure at the end of the war? And who did all the labor at IG Farben from the Auschwitz’s camp? Why was Auschwitz closed and quarantined for cholera outbreaks? Where do those dead bodies get buried? Just curious.
there are real Jews who love God and there are the Rothschild family and others who worship satan, Luciferians. WEF has converted many to their Zionist beliefs of the OWO.
And yes you could say they’re not “really jews” but they are though. Kabbalists, Frankists, sacrificers, child killers and rapists, thieves and scammers. Kahzarians or not Ashkenazis or not. They’ve been this way for all of history there are plenty of reliable and ancient accounts from prominent historical figures’ writings.
Yes. I see a lot of comments here blaming the "Zionists" but what we are seeing is actually a very old Jesuit tactic. This is orchestrated by a much larger operation, and has been used continually over and over by Jesuit designs and coordination. It is called "Liberation Theology" among other things, and manipulates the masses into thinking they are "helping" these poor people who are actually set to take over. Former Priest and Vatican critic Malachi Martin revealed this in his Book "Jesuits" which exposes exactly what is happening here.
The Jesuits have ignited countless revolutions and government collapses exactly the same way that we see happening here. Even using church and civic organizations as their tools.
This isn't a "Jewish conspiracy" though the elitist banksters are involved as well. John Paul I (the first) was probably poisoned after only 33 days as pope in 1978, by these same traitors, because he opposed "Liberation Theology" tactics used by people like "Francis" in the Argentina Dirty War. Malachi Martin explains and exposes this to a tee!
Zionists aren’t necessarily Jewish.
Such assertion may muddy the water for simpleton. Zionism is 100% Jewish, and have employed the evangelicals in the past 50 years. They even employed the Muslims, and many other malcontents.
The Zionists were atheists and hated the Jews. The head of the movement, Herzl, originally envisioned making the Jews all convert to Christianity. The Zionists worked with the NAZIs to rid Europe of Jews. To conflate Jews with Zionists is the intended plan of Zionism.
The Zionists terrorized the Jews to move them to Palestine, and to cause further isolation and incestuous solidarity among themselves. Hertzl said "Anti Semitism is our friend"
The Zionists ran the Nazi SS in WWII and had all the real 12 tribes of Israel sent to the concentration camps.
How about the Gypsies, political prisoners and undesirables? Was the starvation caused by Allied bombing and the decimation of German infrastructure at the end of the war? And who did all the labor at IG Farben from the Auschwitz’s camp? Why was Auschwitz closed and quarantined for cholera outbreaks? Where do those dead bodies get buried? Just curious.
And Trudeau has now condemned the “persecution of Zionists”
In his words, this will not be toterated. The video is out there.
Sounds about right for Justin "Trudeau" Castro
When menacing bagel & Shamir came to AH he rejected their entreaties
there are real Jews who love God and there are the Rothschild family and others who worship satan, Luciferians. WEF has converted many to their Zionist beliefs of the OWO.
And the problem is, its NOT just Zionists its international Jewry. We need to stop being pussies and say it.
And yes you could say they’re not “really jews” but they are though. Kabbalists, Frankists, sacrificers, child killers and rapists, thieves and scammers. Kahzarians or not Ashkenazis or not. They’ve been this way for all of history there are plenty of reliable and ancient accounts from prominent historical figures’ writings.
They are the synagogue of $atan. Rev 2:9, 3:9
If you are going to worship a book, learn how to read first. That passage clearly says they are not Jews.
Yes. I see a lot of comments here blaming the "Zionists" but what we are seeing is actually a very old Jesuit tactic. This is orchestrated by a much larger operation, and has been used continually over and over by Jesuit designs and coordination. It is called "Liberation Theology" among other things, and manipulates the masses into thinking they are "helping" these poor people who are actually set to take over. Former Priest and Vatican critic Malachi Martin revealed this in his Book "Jesuits" which exposes exactly what is happening here.
The Jesuits have ignited countless revolutions and government collapses exactly the same way that we see happening here. Even using church and civic organizations as their tools.
This isn't a "Jewish conspiracy" though the elitist banksters are involved as well. John Paul I (the first) was probably poisoned after only 33 days as pope in 1978, by these same traitors, because he opposed "Liberation Theology" tactics used by people like "Francis" in the Argentina Dirty War. Malachi Martin explains and exposes this to a tee!