Its not just democrat leaders, its right wing leaders too. They all do what they are told by international Jewry, who run central banking and have infiltrated every influential pillar of society in every major country in the world. Two wings of the same treacherous vulture. Look at what the Bushes did for them in the Middle East starting…
Its not just democrat leaders, its right wing leaders too. They all do what they are told by international Jewry, who run central banking and have infiltrated every influential pillar of society in every major country in the world. Two wings of the same treacherous vulture. Look at what the Bushes did for them in the Middle East starting in the 70s, then 9/11, then completed by Obomber, all one operation. Look at Trumps new silver Moshiach crown he was given by Israel. He says antisemitism should be punishable by death! The Presidents have no real decisive power to independently make lasting, non-superficial changes. They dance on their Kabbalistic puppet strings and if they break the rules they have their head blown off in their car on national television.
Don't make the jews the target. Hitler made that mistake. The poor fools are being run by a much bigger power group. To cut the head off the snake think BIG.,
No. They are the head, the international, elite ones. All the Satanic secret societies are based on them. The whole “Black Nobility” thing is bs, they are just a small part of who used to reign over Europe. Don’t tell me about Hitler. I know all about that. He was right.. Even if he was being played and having his strings pulled. Getting the jews out of his country was not a mistake. The whole Holocaust story is bullshit too. If you don’t know this stuff you need to look into it deeper. Everything we think we know is a lie. This is the most important thing for every person in the world to learn, especially Americans and Europeans, before its too late. 🙏🏼
Barely .09% of the human population, and despite repeated decimations and pales of settlement Jews end up controlling EVERYTHING? Huh? …endless expatiation here that you won’t read so I’ll spare you….
When this happens the “ woke alphabet” followers will be shocked to see themselves being attacked. They’ll be hated just as much as us white CHRISTians.
Its not just democrat leaders, its right wing leaders too. They all do what they are told by international Jewry, who run central banking and have infiltrated every influential pillar of society in every major country in the world. Two wings of the same treacherous vulture. Look at what the Bushes did for them in the Middle East starting in the 70s, then 9/11, then completed by Obomber, all one operation. Look at Trumps new silver Moshiach crown he was given by Israel. He says antisemitism should be punishable by death! The Presidents have no real decisive power to independently make lasting, non-superficial changes. They dance on their Kabbalistic puppet strings and if they break the rules they have their head blown off in their car on national television.
Don't make the jews the target. Hitler made that mistake. The poor fools are being run by a much bigger power group. To cut the head off the snake think BIG.,
No. They are the head, the international, elite ones. All the Satanic secret societies are based on them. The whole “Black Nobility” thing is bs, they are just a small part of who used to reign over Europe. Don’t tell me about Hitler. I know all about that. He was right.. Even if he was being played and having his strings pulled. Getting the jews out of his country was not a mistake. The whole Holocaust story is bullshit too. If you don’t know this stuff you need to look into it deeper. Everything we think we know is a lie. This is the most important thing for every person in the world to learn, especially Americans and Europeans, before its too late. 🙏🏼
Barely .09% of the human population, and despite repeated decimations and pales of settlement Jews end up controlling EVERYTHING? Huh? …endless expatiation here that you won’t read so I’ll spare you….
And the Bushes ties to Hitler.
Do you mean this guy?:
"The Most Hated Man In History
Was Also The Most Loved"
Bush was deep state back in Germany !
The Bushes are Knights of Malta, so is Bill Gates, they ultimately do the bidding of the Papacy
When this happens the “ woke alphabet” followers will be shocked to see themselves being attacked. They’ll be hated just as much as us white CHRISTians.
William, You have it so right, they all are puppets, just different stripes.