They are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar. Most will be impoverished or killed and those left alive will be imprisoned in tiny areas while the wealthy have the run of the place.

All of this - the catastrophic lockdowns and deadly injections included - are geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.

In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into abject slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival.

Here is a 15 minute prison city in China, this is what the WEF is planning for the entire world: https://bitchute.com/video/bwcnOTGI4nd7 [2.48mins]

Think You Won't Comply? I Think You Will: Australian Senator Antic On 15 Minute City Nightmare: https://bitchute.com/video/CxsyAqM4oTod [1.32mins]

EU MP Christine Anderson: Digial IDs Will Be Mandatory--Will Imprison You In Your 15 Minute City: https://bitchute.com/video/q3UcxGYDhyGc [1min]

Boris Johnson Explaining the Future Hell the Elites have Planned For You https://bitchute.com/video/QAxI56FTNqAg [1.23min]

This is what they've meant all along with their catchphrase 6uild 6ack 6etter. Enslaving the population and destroying mankind's spirit: https://bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [1.53mins]

https://bitchute.com/video/lW5xHt4RySSb [2.20mins]

In order to 6uild 6ack you must first destroy. And they are destroying. Resist and take action, or be a slave.

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I’ve never looked at that phrase before “Build Back Better. You have to destroy to build back. They never hide their evil intentions.

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It's called "culling the herd".... abortion, virus, vaccine, train wrecks what else are they going to do to get us down to half a billion people???

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Even the LGBTQ community helps with this purpose as they know most of these people will not be procreating so they are celebrated, and young kids are being indoctrinated at school to be whatever they want to be.

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I see bio weapons like marburg, ebola, mosquito carriers of encephalitis, etc. being used.

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I recall when some accused Biden of plagiarism but the BBB is the catch phrase from Klaus Schwab down to his lap dogs of the G7. They were all saying this like parrots. Every country is testing various plans of UN/WHO/WEF which are all really one to varying degrees with Trudeau being the most aggressive. Republicans are silent on this matter in fact I wrote a couple asking what they were doing to combat the Great Reset and was completely ignored so I asked a second and third time and one responded with a canned statement on election integrity so basically ignored. Both parties are in on it.

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Yes Dean, you are correct; "both political parties (Dem.-Rep.) are in on it".

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BBB = 666

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GREAT - All "B"

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It's a Jewish concept: "shevirah" = "the shattering"", followed by "tikkun olam" = "putting the pieces back together more beautifully than before". Tikkun olam often considered as a means for "preserving social order". Look it up.

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Excellent info - thank you. Shiva's explanation is spot on and exactly why so many are foolish to look at trump and kennedy or even shiva as the knight on the white horse.

Freedom is community based, not government based. Rally your communities now!

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Agree. Politics are mind control:

Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated

You will remain a pawn in someone else's game

-Evita Ochel

The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

Politicization is so effective at manipulating the populace because most people emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party - legitimate or otherwise - is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.

excerpt from https://tritorch.com/folly

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Exactly. Always us and them, even little bush said it.

I have no capacity for more reading, yet I follow your SS now.

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Stop being "Politically possessed", instead - Take an active roll and be in charge of your life!!!

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Congress is a sell out to globalist agenda 2030. These bastards will be eliminated by the globalists when their uselfulness is over right after the complete takeover soon. Congressmen and women never cared about their kids or g'kids only their wallets.

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Sadly, Sabrina Wallace, on Odysee and elsewhere, has freely provided unclassified links, and a PDF, to the scientific and technological advances of electronic weaponry -- both in military use(s) and now profitably spreading to corporate utilization of the wireless body area networks -- of every individual on earth today.

With such control of any body/brain, internally, and with the ability to eliminate trouble in an instant, from afar, with AI and human psychopathic opportunistic operators (for now), it really is too late for any type of conventional or traditional resistance, except, perhaps, to impede the speed of such widespread electronic weaponry activation.

Personal body control of an individual's own electrical capacities may be an option IF one applies Eastern knowledge of what has been traditionally known as body auras or chakras, and what Sabrina Wallace describes as "a body part," stolen from all humans over time.


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It's never too late. Stop waiting.

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Well, if you do not know or understand your enemy, and the scientific, factual, advances in weapons technology over decades, you could easily kill yourself while playing into the hands, for convenience, of your extremely advanced foe.

If "going off half-cocked," as is said...with bravado and ignorant rashness, is your modus operandi, then, you will, with impulsiveness, self-destructively, "Stop waiting..." and start flaying your own self to death, foolishly.

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It does seem that any action we could take plays right into the hands of the demonic.

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Prayer to the Lord Jesus doesn't.

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You are absolutely on the same trackas I. Thank you for that.

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Sounds as if you want folks to surrender.

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Walter: You need to read "The Art of War," by Lao Tzu, and works by Clausewitz on warfare. Additionally, you also need to get up to date on "The Breakaway Civilization" since WWII, and prior, and discover the vast and incredible scientific and technological advances in weaponry, especially electronic weapons, that have been hidden from the majority, but held by the major militaries and corporations of this world -- in ever increasing scope and power.

HINT: This is not a conventional crisis, nor an historical, physical, battle zone with traditional weapons. Thus, speaking out and acting rashly -- with ignorant, feisty, bravado, will only hasten a result much sought by those who hold the hidden, technologically-advanced, arsenals.

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Have you heard of the 16-year plan? Trump knew. White-hats are in control. (See articles that mention Donald Trump here: https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/history-of-the-human-race/)

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Sadly, you are believing a fantasy...in self-delusion and denial.

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...Or maybe you're being sarcastic here, and I missed the joke?

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Your link here provides a fictional view, well-written fantasy, about a breakaway civilization inhabiting many planets. A vivid imagination with lots of silliness presented in your linked narration, but good for sci fi fans. If you want to know the reality, without fiction or unsupported speculations, refer to the works of Dr. Joseph Farrell, who has written many books related to the genuine "Breakaway Civilization" of the Nazi network since WWII.

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I might consider your theory that John is a fantasist, except that I've watched hours of interviews with him. One was on-camera. But you can consult supersoldiersirens.com and ask them to confirm John's story. I don't need to convince myself of what I already know to be true.

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Believe whatever you wish, in fantasy, without proven evidence...from superficial interviews with good actors (who may, themselves, believe what they're saying). However, there is absolutely no proof to the fantasies that he recounts in his well-written narrative. Sorry, but find, and face, facts.

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Thank you for the links. God be with you.

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just watched the build back better video (last one on your list) and couldn't help but notice who all was wearing the color BLUE.

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Interesting how just recently Trump spoke about the time China bought the Panama Canal for pennies on the dollar.

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It may sound 'mean-spirited' to say this, however: For all those who went along with the vaxx program and mask mandates--they were/are collaborators. Those who follow the dictates of tyrannts invite tyranny to rule the kingdom. The psycho-sociopaths and ruling inbreds rely on us to remain fearful and in awe of their organized gameplan. This renders many people as spineless jellyfish who have come to believe that they have no power. Resistance and non-compliance are essential. As for the Australian renegades, they have been courageous and persist despite the facts regarding serious weaponry and bioweapons used against the citizens.

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The propaganda to get them to conform and reform their thinking was merciless. Ever since the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act DARPA and Washing DC have been running nonstop PSYOPs on Americans for a decade. And they've gotten exceedingly good at it:


New Normal ● Alone Together ● Build Back Better ● Flatten the Curve

Stay Home Save Lives ● Protect/Save the NHS ● We’re all in this together

Test, Trace, Treat ● Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open ● We Stay Home!

Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock ● Only You Can Prevent the Spread

Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline ● Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5

NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us ● COVID Ends With You

Follow The Science ● Trust The Science ● Believe In The Science

Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19

The vaccine will save us ● The booster will save us ● The 4th dose is the answer

Your freedom ends where your contagion begins ● Self Isolate!

I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me

There is no evidence of harm ● This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated

Out of an abundance of caution ● No one is safe until everyone is safe

This is for the greater good ● It is Safe and Effective ● The science is settled


These are not science terms and phrases. They are hypnotic chants meant to induce an audience into a suggestive state of mind – this is why they are repeated over and over and over again.

Furthermore, masking has historically been an integral part of an initiation ritual: in our case the initiation into the “new normal” the globalists have planned for us.

Put another way—all of this was one giant world-wide psychological operation.

Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/covidhypnosis


You cannot fix gullible—it has to fix itself. Pain and failure are the best teachers, but no one wants to be their student. The problem with these injections, however, is that you cannot learn from your mistakes if you are dead.

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Wow - I think you got them all - well done!

Masking also serves to dehumanize - and even to negate - like the hangman's hood. They were well read on this. One of the most interesting papers was a survey they did I think maybe summer 2020 looking at what was the best tools to use to overcome vaccine hesitancy - there were like 10 different scenarios - they used the results.

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Yeah, it's Called The Arrival of The Anti-Christ!!!, One World Government Under His Rule!!!, Where Anyone who Refuses The Mark of The Beast, will be unable to Buy or Sell anything!!!,and Those Who refuse His Mark will be Eventually Killed!!!

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No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation. -David Spangler

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They? Who are they? Are you one of they? Am I one of they? How many they are there?

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Answer to "They"

Watch Europa - The Last Battle. At the Internet Archive website

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These guys and their controllers: https://bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [1.53mins]

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The 'controllers' is what I mean by 'they'.

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... the controllers, the predators, the global mafia...

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Here is a lead for you:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/RothschildAbramovicSatanSummoningHisLegions.png [image]

https://tritorch.com/degradation/YouMayBeARothschildIf.jpg [image]

Feel free to take it from there and do your own research.

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Thanks. I've been touching on that path. Coming to similar conclusions on my own. So incredible that it's beyond believable unless the mole holes are investigated. I still don't want to think it is true, but as a Christian, I have the truth and it says that this will come to pass. Destruction will be fire from the sky, but also, Satan's leader will, as said in Revelations 13:13 "And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." Yep, the more I study history and the 'they', the more I'm convinced it's the end times. May the peace and understanding of Jesus Christ be with you all that read this!

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I wish you the best on your path. It is a crushing rabbit hole to go down, but the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow: https://bitchute.com/video/LOEfoyc0VR1a [3.49mins]

Give this a read, you may find something that you consider helpful on your journey: https://tritorch.com/occult

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It's the KHAZARIAN MAFIA - fake jews that are gentiles that worship and sacrifice humans to the devil.

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The goals of the global parasites would never work if it wasn't for government employees, military, contractors and subsidized NPOs carrying it out for them and using our taxes to implement their masters' planned serfdom. And when parts of their agenda are successfully implemented - those doing their evil deeds will then be the first ones they will eliminate, as has been the pattern in all tyrannies. Just following orders may get you a pass on earth - but I doubt if it works in the afterlife. If you have been involved in these events - now is the time to come clean and expose it. You have the power to stop it.

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666 the number of the beast of burden : carbon has an atomic number of six : It has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.


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We’re the carbon they want to eliminate.

Blue, by the way, is not 6.66. A quick Internet search will confirm it.

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Thanks, Aldous. I stand corrected. I had looked this up a few times and hit different results.

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I didn't believe it at first either, a little too on the nose, but, there it is. Unreal.

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This whole ordeal is surreal. The globalists seriously want a population reduction. ☹️

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Sep 1, 2023
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As you know, there are two (2) sins Jesus Christ will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) of the Holy Spirit, (Matt. 12:31) and; (2) Receiving the Mark of the Beast, (Revelation 13:16-17). According to Revelation 13:16-17, the False Prophet, working on behalf of the Antichrist, will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, and that no one may buy or sell except those who have the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. All true believers in Jesus Christ will refuse this mark, and many will be executed as a result.

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If you confess Jesus and need some comfort right now, see this old Dolly Parton song:


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Paradise, CA was exactly what you described here. EXACTLY !!!

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Thanks Greg, be safe, GOD bless you.

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1. Probably not lasers or lasers alone. Lasers are blocked by dust and debris (smoke).

2. 9/11 was the first display of the weapon. Dr. Judy Wood exposed it and tried to wake the world to the horrors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_pLOvvUpi8

3. If China has the weapon, why do they care about Oprah's house? China is dealing with horrendous floods this year.

4. They will keep themselves hidden so the white hats don't take them out; so the hordes of non-sheeple public don't take them out. But they can't hide forever.

5. It's simply evil versus good; Lucifer vs. God. Lucifer pushes people away from salvation by promoting 1.) ignorance and 2.) the fallacy that belief in God is currency for a vending machine of the 'good life' and that a loving God wouldn't allow evil to exist; wouldn't allow bad things to happen. Says who?! God never says that in the Bible. Lucifer, Satan, the beautiful angel of light, the deceiver says "If God loved you wouldn't you have everything you wanted?" Yeah, right, like Eve in the Garden of Eden.

6. Become educated in Christianity. God does love and gives people a choice. He gave us Jesus, out of love, but submission is required. Jesus BOUGHT everyone's soul and will judge everyone on judgement day. You reading this fall into a few different groups: don't believe it, offended by it, walk in the way and are building a relationship with Jesus. Remember, "There shall be no other gods before me." You don't control your life (you are not your own god); you don't control your heart beats; you can't even make a rock (Book of Job).

Educate yourselves. Start by looking at videos by Ray Comfort, then dig deeper, then find a church that follows the Bible and become a member of the Church.

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"3. If China has the weapon, why do they care about Oprah's house? China is dealing with horrendous floods this year."

As Dane W pointed out in an M-zee podcast these globalists/nations all band together when it comes to weather weapons so to see that there is a disconnect is part of the cover-up.

They do it their own.

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China is using water to clear out the DUMBs built by the NSA. They also have to dismantle the Three Gorges Dam.

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I have written two Substacks about this Hawaiian nightmare and agree that it is a land grab. But it is also a warning to the 'lesser inhabitants' that the Overlords are in control and that the 'lessers' will be subjected to the full will and intent of the Overlords. The destinies of others are being usurped by the evil Overlords. It both pains and infuriates me. And I do not trust Governor Green and his Build Beyond Barriers program. It looks to me like the "barriers" they reference in this motto are laws, regulations, and input from the people -- all three he 'suspended' via a state of emergency that was declared three weeks and one day before the fire.

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You are right, everything now if very "in your face"(if your eyes are open). Naomi Wolf wrote a very good substack a couple weeks explaining how this is purposely done to make the people of the world lose heart, so to speak, As you say, to make sure you understand that THEY are in control.

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I will check out Naomi Wolf’s post. Thank you.

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I love how short and concise your report is. I am sharing with everyone and asking them to read it. This is beyond a scary time in the world. I don’t get why they would use a DEW on 9/11. Were they thinking about burning the city? What is everyone’s thoughts on this?

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My guess would be they simply took that opportunity to test them out in the public. These people know how to take full advantage of every attack.

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The 1400 "toasted" cars on 9/11. "Toasted" means they're toast, done for, unfixable.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-1-400-toasted-cars-on-911

You might just find this video playlist on Directed Energy Weapons rather informative.

A short history on “science fiction” that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.


DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society - You'll be surprised to hear who the members are. Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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Thank you so much!! I will look at all of this!

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Now that Greg has been delving into DEW with links to the fires in Hawaii and the "voice of God" technologies... Maybe it's time for him to delve into the black op DEW's that aren't in the public domain yet.

Ever heard of COLD DEW?

Now these ones are rather exciting, because they have the ability to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.

Research the term: Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction & The Hutchison Effect

Watch this 2012 presentation: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911---Dr.-Judy-Wood-Evidence-of-Breakthrough-Energy-on-911-B---full-2h-seminar:4

Check out this playlist: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/DEW---Directed-Energy-Weapons:5

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That’s all I could think of too.

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9/11 resulted in a control of oil (money) overseas and the beginning of American enslavement through removal of liberties via the Patriot Act. (among many other evil things). Power, money and destruction of the USA from within.

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Yes, the Patriot Act, proposed by Joseph Robinette Biden. Have you noticed that Trump never talks about locking up Crooked Hillary and keeps saying that Biden's "gone"?

Nobody listens to the man. https://realrawnews.com/

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Looks like Q-Anon lives on. This is worse than the National Enquirer.

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Hey Greg, now that you've been delving into DEW with links to the fires in Hawaii and the "voice of God" technologies... Maybe it's time for you to delve into the black op DEW's that aren't in the public domain yet.

Ever heard of COLD DEW?

Now these ones are rather exciting, because they have the ability to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.

Research the term: Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction & The Hutchison Effect

Watch this 2012 presentation: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911---Dr.-Judy-Wood-Evidence-of-Breakthrough-Energy-on-911-B---full-2h-seminar:4

Check out this playlist: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/DEW---Directed-Energy-Weapons:5

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Hi Greg

With all due respect, but tell me - Can you count past 3?

Here is some reading for you to do, as it is time for you to show what disinformation agents all the so called 9/11 "truther" talking heads like Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Jim Corbett, Stephen Jones, Richard Gage, AE911 and the entire collection of 911 Truthers really are, seeing they ALL have failed to address the work of Dr Judy Wood and her book "Where did the Towers go?"

- The censorship of her work by the "tuthers" and Wikipedia for the last 16 years:

- https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/6.-QuiTam-and-Censorship:f

But first a few short clips:

Alex Jones: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Truth-can-Alex-Jones-be-trusted:e

Richard Gage: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-does-not-know:0

Jim Fetzer: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer-super-edit-Resized:6

James Corbett: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-James-Corbet:e

David Chandler: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Colorado 9/11 Truth: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

Center for 911 Justice: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Disproving-John-Cole:8

Is the 9/11 "truther" movement part of the bigger cover-up?



WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition

Truth seekers have been bamboozled by the "trusted experts" for nearly 2 decades

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-operation-reason-building-7-didnt

Was every BOOM a bomb on 9/11?

Not everything that goes boom is a bomb

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/was-every-boom-a-bomb-on-911

The controlled demolition of the thermite theory

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory

People are so easily led by perceived "experts"

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/expanded-the-controlled-demolition

Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3

Official narrative – Jet fuel. Option behind door no 1 – explosives, door no 2 – thermite, door no 3 – buried or mini nukes. Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/nuking-the-steel-of-the-twin-towers

These articles and video's will help you wake up.

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Many reasons...Greg said, test their equipment, but they already knew what would happen -- implode the World Trade Towers + Bldg 7 for the insurance money, start war in Middle East, get money for the construction of new bldgs, implementation of horrific Patriot Act signed by Bush in Oct 2011, increase surveillance, reduce, freedom (TSA, etc)...

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The 1400 "toasted" cars on 9/11. "Toasted" means they're toast, done for, unfixable.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-1-400-toasted-cars-on-911

You might just find this video playlist on Directed Energy Weapons rather informative.

A short history on “science fiction” that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.


DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society - You'll be surprised to hear who the members are. Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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Build back better.

The question is, better than what?

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Better because they will have more. They already have all the money in the world, so now they want to own the world... They are like ugly, ratty, evil characters from Saturday morning cartoons... rubbing their hands together exclaiming with a crackly voice, I vant to own de virld!

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Better for "them."

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Just watched this video and it shows a blue car spared, and also high-end homes spared while low-income group homes across the street immolated.


It has to be DEW. Only DEW can be so precise.

I always wondered what GOOGLE EARTH was about. Then it became possible for it to show you any home from the street and that seemed so convenient for real estate uses. But it would also serve the globalists for other purposes like selecting who gets a house and who doesn't.

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Love looking up new words... In regards to Maui, I like the word Jeff Childers used: carbonized.

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In 2016 it also happened to Alpine Village in Gatlinburg, TN. These men made a 14-minute video of their drove out of it; listen to their commentary on how every roof of every house was on fire - and you'll see it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI2sgyoiL1o&t=604s Here's a sky view aftermath, same pattern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrzxe6ibrkQ You can also find driving tour vids and lots of stills - same pattern. They really do hate us; bringing hell to home is as far from love as it gets.

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Much thanks again, Greg! The images you've chosen are revealing beyond doubt. The shorthand analysis you give of DEWs' and lasers' properties is also very valuable. All in a video of less than 5 minutes! This post of early in the week offers 47 links to information, some of it mainstream, some of it more obscure. The Directed Energy Weapons web-page by an Australian researcher links to 103 videos. Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Raytheon have each publicized new DEWs since 2022. My post gives some history of Josh Green and John Pelletier. Once more , thanks for a great distillation in your video!

'The Lahaiana Massacre: ...' https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-lahaina-massacre-of-sirens-water

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"I met Barack Obama on the Mars Missions"

For his time-travel and space-travel missions, Andrew Basiago was taken to a jump room located at 999 North Sepulveda Blvd. in El Segundo, which is home to all of the deep-state military contractors. The sign in front of the building is just three numbers---999, in RED. Turn them upside-down and you get a big red 666.


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So, a member of the global ruling class who is linked to Israel buys a building in Manhattan with the address 666 Fifth Ave. That place HAS to have a jump-room or an elevator to the underground. Not that that would stop an investor from buying it, since they're all in the same Satanic club.

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Could be.

The older I get the MORE I realize I don't know much.

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The UNs 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aka The New World Order, aka Total Enslavement is all right here: https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda

The UN Summit 2023 is in NY in Sept. Just sayin'. . .

DEWs vaporized 1000 homes Dec 31, 2021 in Marshall-Louisville, CO.


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Go back further to Agenda 21 with the Sustainable Development moniker and the "carbon sink" scenario that was signed onto by Billybob "i did not stain that blue dress" C as POTUS in 1994 so 2030 is just the in your face A21.

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I just realized I can watch InfoWars on my TV! I usually watch the IW livestream on Gettr on my phone. But I just realized this morning that IW has a livestream everyday on Rumble as well. I have a Roku and Roku has the Rumble app, so...

I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s the little things in life... 😀

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Related to DEW and your article. While investigating a mysterious case of science technology. I found an account in the UK where 25+ scientists died mysteriously. The UK lab it turns out is related to Reagan's Star Wars tech. Remember space lasers, we all though it was fake/funny (ouch)? Interested in science, I didn't invest much in conspiracy but there's a book for those interested called, Open Verdict by Tony Collins. My investigation is somewhat related to DEW, a Swiss company from the 30's developed technology to alter binding forces of matter. It would be easy to dismiss but I have proof the technology was sold to American tired companies for economical vulcanization rubber. Disclaimer, I don't presently blog for money and have a day job in a field of science. I'm considering what I know in a different light these days. Part 1 of my article on this case for those interested, https://snarkytruth17.substack.com/p/investigation-of-ternion-ag-part

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