Go back further to Agenda 21 with the Sustainable Development moniker and the "carbon sink" scenario that was signed onto by Billybob "i did not stain that blue dress" C as POTUS in 1994 so 2030 is just the in your face A21.
Go back further to Agenda 21 with the Sustainable Development moniker and the "carbon sink" scenario that was signed onto by Billybob "i did not stain that blue dress" C as POTUS in 1994 so 2030 is just the in your face A21.
Go back further to Agenda 21 with the Sustainable Development moniker and the "carbon sink" scenario that was signed onto by Billybob "i did not stain that blue dress" C as POTUS in 1994 so 2030 is just the in your face A21.