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My guess would be they simply took that opportunity to test them out in the public. These people know how to take full advantage of every attack.

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The 1400 "toasted" cars on 9/11. "Toasted" means they're toast, done for, unfixable.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-1-400-toasted-cars-on-911

You might just find this video playlist on Directed Energy Weapons rather informative.

A short history on “science fiction” that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.


DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society - You'll be surprised to hear who the members are. Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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Thank you so much!! I will look at all of this!

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Now that Greg has been delving into DEW with links to the fires in Hawaii and the "voice of God" technologies... Maybe it's time for him to delve into the black op DEW's that aren't in the public domain yet.

Ever heard of COLD DEW?

Now these ones are rather exciting, because they have the ability to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.

Research the term: Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction & The Hutchison Effect

Watch this 2012 presentation: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911---Dr.-Judy-Wood-Evidence-of-Breakthrough-Energy-on-911-B---full-2h-seminar:4

Check out this playlist: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/DEW---Directed-Energy-Weapons:5

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That’s all I could think of too.

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9/11 resulted in a control of oil (money) overseas and the beginning of American enslavement through removal of liberties via the Patriot Act. (among many other evil things). Power, money and destruction of the USA from within.

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Yes, the Patriot Act, proposed by Joseph Robinette Biden. Have you noticed that Trump never talks about locking up Crooked Hillary and keeps saying that Biden's "gone"?

Nobody listens to the man. https://realrawnews.com/

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Looks like Q-Anon lives on. This is worse than the National Enquirer.

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Hey Greg, now that you've been delving into DEW with links to the fires in Hawaii and the "voice of God" technologies... Maybe it's time for you to delve into the black op DEW's that aren't in the public domain yet.

Ever heard of COLD DEW?

Now these ones are rather exciting, because they have the ability to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.

Research the term: Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction & The Hutchison Effect

Watch this 2012 presentation: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911---Dr.-Judy-Wood-Evidence-of-Breakthrough-Energy-on-911-B---full-2h-seminar:4

Check out this playlist: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/DEW---Directed-Energy-Weapons:5

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Hi Greg

With all due respect, but tell me - Can you count past 3?

Here is some reading for you to do, as it is time for you to show what disinformation agents all the so called 9/11 "truther" talking heads like Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Jim Corbett, Stephen Jones, Richard Gage, AE911 and the entire collection of 911 Truthers really are, seeing they ALL have failed to address the work of Dr Judy Wood and her book "Where did the Towers go?"

- The censorship of her work by the "tuthers" and Wikipedia for the last 16 years:

- https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/6.-QuiTam-and-Censorship:f

But first a few short clips:

Alex Jones: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Truth-can-Alex-Jones-be-trusted:e

Richard Gage: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-does-not-know:0

Jim Fetzer: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer-super-edit-Resized:6

James Corbett: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-James-Corbet:e

David Chandler: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Colorado 9/11 Truth: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

Center for 911 Justice: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Disproving-John-Cole:8

Is the 9/11 "truther" movement part of the bigger cover-up?



WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition

Truth seekers have been bamboozled by the "trusted experts" for nearly 2 decades

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-operation-reason-building-7-didnt

Was every BOOM a bomb on 9/11?

Not everything that goes boom is a bomb

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/was-every-boom-a-bomb-on-911

The controlled demolition of the thermite theory

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory

People are so easily led by perceived "experts"

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/expanded-the-controlled-demolition

Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3

Official narrative – Jet fuel. Option behind door no 1 – explosives, door no 2 – thermite, door no 3 – buried or mini nukes. Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/nuking-the-steel-of-the-twin-towers

These articles and video's will help you wake up.

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