The "trick" to getting out of the sugar addiction is to load up (overload) on animal fats and flesh, i.e., eat these, and NOTHING ELSE until you are STUFFED. If you overfeed your body of the things it NEEDS desperately, and which you've deprived it of, probably for your entire life (like most people have), then you won't WANT anything, l…
The "trick" to getting out of the sugar addiction is to load up (overload) on animal fats and flesh, i.e., eat these, and NOTHING ELSE until you are STUFFED. If you overfeed your body of the things it NEEDS desperately, and which you've deprived it of, probably for your entire life (like most people have), then you won't WANT anything, let alone crave it.
My start on carnivore was a few days of WAY overeating (eggs, meat, FAT/butter, raw whole cream, fish-drenched in butter, etc.) for about 3 days, averaging between 6K to 10K calories per day. I dealt with my "sweet tooth" by making custards (cream, vanilla, a few drops of Monkfruit, and eggs) or homemade ice cream (egg yolks and raw, organic whole heavy cream sweetened with pure Monkfruit concentrate/liquid/extract/drops, and maybe a dash of vanilla, or even a little bit of cocoa powder)
Do NOT get the Monkfruit that's mixed into a pile of Xylitol, (or related stuff) So I "cheated" with a sweet flavor, even a little cocoa powder, but I still stayed "keto" the whole time.
During those 3 days ALL inflammation in my body was eliminated. I lost 2 pant sizes, and felt BETTER than I had in years. But I made sure to have the keto custard and ice cream handy at all times. It helped a great deal. After 3 days of basically gorging myself like this, I woke up on the 4th day, thinking I could not possibly bring myself to ever eat ANYTHING ever again;-)
This "fast" (which I could not have avoided if I'd wanted to) lasted about 48 hours, and then my appetite returned, but in a way I had never experienced before. Instead of feeling like I "must" eat, or that I wanted to eat anything in particular, my brain fog was gone now, and I had ZERO "compulsive" feelings or thoughts about food. I became RATIONAL/LOGICAL about food, for maybe the first time ever in my life. And there was no urgency to eat.
I was so full of energy (and so well nourished with what my body ACTUALLY needed) that I just felt like I could work forever, and I PREFERRED doing things, to the idea I needed to sit down to eat something. The entire food thing was more like: "I guess I better take care of that "food" thing at some point today." But it was more like a chore to even deal with food, (more like figuring out how you might manage to find a restroom to take a solid dump you feel coming on;-) since I was so focused on DOING things, (which now felt FUN, even things like laundry and dishes;-) and nothing I did, no matter how physical, (or mental) felt "taxing" or difficult. This switch excited and interested me, made me feel anything was possible, hopeful!
LIFE, tasks, DOING THINGS, none of this was difficult or boring anymore. And my prior ability to procrastinate had just left me, and it felt like a my new life, a REAL shot at living. And by the time I figured out what I might eat that night, I had settled on 8 ounces of grass-fed ground beef. (About $3 or $6 for a pound, at Grocery Outlet.) I overcooked it, so I dumped about a half a cube of butter on top of it and slammed it down without making a "ceremony" out the affair, due to the fact there were a few more tasks I wished to complete before I went to bed.
Carnivore saved my life, in too many ways to mention here now (without writing a novel;-). And I am never going back to a plant diet. My "cheats" (or desire to ever cheat) have been NATURALLY declining in frequency and duration over the past year. I haven't had to "refrain" from cheating, so much as not give in to the PEER PRESSURE of social events, etc. The ONLY times I feel yucky or have ANY type of "flair up" of past problems, is when I CHEAT. And I don't even LIKE cheating. So I am now at a point where I really don't care what anyone thinks.
Everyone in my life has been "prewarned" now, and they all know I will NOT appreciate (or eat) cake, or cookies, or chocolates/candies. So if they want to get me something, get me a quality steak, (or some good hand lotion?) as a gift. For Valentines, my husband got me flowers and a couple of wonderful grass fed filets. Some times now, he'll go buy me several quarts of heavy cream (this and butter are the only dairy, or non "carnivore" I indulge in, although early on, I was into Lilly's sugar-free baking chocolate chips (to eat like candy).
Just find some sort of "keto" and sweet tasting treats for the transition off of sugar. And seriously load up on animal fats, (which are VERY healing btw). Before you know it, you forget you ever even liked sugar.
Oh, a year later, I feel better than I ever have before (physical and mental) and I have less fat on my body than when I was 13 years old, slimmer and sleeker than since I was a child. ALSO, massive muscle gains WITHOUT working out!!! I can now actually SEE a substantial "bootie" muscle under my REASONABLY-sized butt padding. ZERO excess fat on my stomach, ribs, or arms. And finally, for the first time in my life, I love my slim legs!
I have now settled into about 3/4 pound of some time of meat, and about 1/3 cup of butter per day. Many days I get an urge to just drink a cup of pure heavy cream though, so I just go with it;-)
Wow, what a journey! Amazing what happened in just 3 days, and then the 48 hours naturally fasting without forcing your body after that was really interesting too. I have never made custard, but I love it! I think it's time I find a recipe and start making it. The only problem where I live it that it's so hard to find pure cream. What I most often see has fillers and thickeners (if they need to add thickeners, it's not cream!). But I do have a source nearby of raw milk right the vat the milk goes into when they milk. It doesn't have a lot of cream (nothing like what I could get in New Zealand at the organic farm where I bought raw milk), but it's at least it is actual natural cream. I eat a lot of coconut oil, but I have been craving butter lately too, so I have a lot of it at the moment. The only thing won't be able to eat is meat other than chicken and turkey. I have never liked it, and would almost gag on it when force to eat it as a kid. I can't stand the taste or the smell. But fish and shrimp, eggs, butter, cream (to the extent I can find it), I can do all that. Thank you so much for your advice and for taking the time to write about your experience! I don't know if you did, but you might want to save that as a note to your substack too. I'm sure it can be valuable and help others too.
Raw cream for the ice cream;-) I just add about 4 to 5 egg yolks to a pint of cream (or more to a quart) and whip it with some flavoring until it's fluffy. Then into the freezer (in the same bowl) for about 30 minutes. Take it out and whip it again, and back to the freezer for 20 minutes or so. The more times you take it out and whip it again, the better the texture. Once it's super thick, you can pack it in a container for "hard freeze." It's best if you give it a few minutes to soften outside of the freezer before scooping.
Can you eat lamb? Stay open and resourceful. This is SOOO worth it!!
I'm going to try that for the ice cream. I always loved Hagen Daz and which has egg yolks, so I really like that idea. And it's low tech enough, no fancy ice cream machine, so I'll definitely try it, maybe when it gets a little warmer. The raw milk forms yogurt or cultured milk or something similar after a few days, even sitting in the fridge. I don't have to do anything, it just happens :) So I will probably try doing the same with some of that to see if I can make frozen yogurt, and save all the cream for ice cream and custard. Yum! I have stevia powder, but I'm going to order some of the monk fruit drops I had gotten before which I really liked.
No, lamb is even more disgusting than beef to me. I accidentally got a piece in my mouth one time when I was told something was vegetarian (and it did have a lot of vegetables in it so I didn't see the lamb). It was really disgusting tasting... I spat it out.
Thanks, I do try to be resourceful and open in general. But it's good to have a reminder, especially in this context. I live near the ocean (like 10 minutes drive and I'm on the beach), and so can get good fish, shrimp, sometimes lobster and crab. I love all of them. Unfortunately my fisherman friend seems to not be fishing very much these days. He often doesn't have any. I need to reconnect with the guy who was coming around to sell fresh fish and shrimp. I think I need to stop at the boat yard and if he's not there talk to his fisherman friends :)
Just make sure you're getting enough fat. I didn't clear up the rest of my problems, (including excess weight) until I made sure to get TONS of animal fat every day. Trust your body. When you've had enough fat your body will tell you. And if you've not had enough, you'll still feel like eating.
Okay, I will focus on the fats. Knowing that without enough fat we will keep eating, and eating the things that will make and keep us fat it's really clear that the 'animal fat is bad for you, but here you can have all these seed oils instead' narrative we were taught when i was a kid was clearly to get us to make ourselves fat, sick and in some cases dead.
The "trick" to getting out of the sugar addiction is to load up (overload) on animal fats and flesh, i.e., eat these, and NOTHING ELSE until you are STUFFED. If you overfeed your body of the things it NEEDS desperately, and which you've deprived it of, probably for your entire life (like most people have), then you won't WANT anything, let alone crave it.
My start on carnivore was a few days of WAY overeating (eggs, meat, FAT/butter, raw whole cream, fish-drenched in butter, etc.) for about 3 days, averaging between 6K to 10K calories per day. I dealt with my "sweet tooth" by making custards (cream, vanilla, a few drops of Monkfruit, and eggs) or homemade ice cream (egg yolks and raw, organic whole heavy cream sweetened with pure Monkfruit concentrate/liquid/extract/drops, and maybe a dash of vanilla, or even a little bit of cocoa powder)
Do NOT get the Monkfruit that's mixed into a pile of Xylitol, (or related stuff) So I "cheated" with a sweet flavor, even a little cocoa powder, but I still stayed "keto" the whole time.
During those 3 days ALL inflammation in my body was eliminated. I lost 2 pant sizes, and felt BETTER than I had in years. But I made sure to have the keto custard and ice cream handy at all times. It helped a great deal. After 3 days of basically gorging myself like this, I woke up on the 4th day, thinking I could not possibly bring myself to ever eat ANYTHING ever again;-)
This "fast" (which I could not have avoided if I'd wanted to) lasted about 48 hours, and then my appetite returned, but in a way I had never experienced before. Instead of feeling like I "must" eat, or that I wanted to eat anything in particular, my brain fog was gone now, and I had ZERO "compulsive" feelings or thoughts about food. I became RATIONAL/LOGICAL about food, for maybe the first time ever in my life. And there was no urgency to eat.
I was so full of energy (and so well nourished with what my body ACTUALLY needed) that I just felt like I could work forever, and I PREFERRED doing things, to the idea I needed to sit down to eat something. The entire food thing was more like: "I guess I better take care of that "food" thing at some point today." But it was more like a chore to even deal with food, (more like figuring out how you might manage to find a restroom to take a solid dump you feel coming on;-) since I was so focused on DOING things, (which now felt FUN, even things like laundry and dishes;-) and nothing I did, no matter how physical, (or mental) felt "taxing" or difficult. This switch excited and interested me, made me feel anything was possible, hopeful!
LIFE, tasks, DOING THINGS, none of this was difficult or boring anymore. And my prior ability to procrastinate had just left me, and it felt like a my new life, a REAL shot at living. And by the time I figured out what I might eat that night, I had settled on 8 ounces of grass-fed ground beef. (About $3 or $6 for a pound, at Grocery Outlet.) I overcooked it, so I dumped about a half a cube of butter on top of it and slammed it down without making a "ceremony" out the affair, due to the fact there were a few more tasks I wished to complete before I went to bed.
Carnivore saved my life, in too many ways to mention here now (without writing a novel;-). And I am never going back to a plant diet. My "cheats" (or desire to ever cheat) have been NATURALLY declining in frequency and duration over the past year. I haven't had to "refrain" from cheating, so much as not give in to the PEER PRESSURE of social events, etc. The ONLY times I feel yucky or have ANY type of "flair up" of past problems, is when I CHEAT. And I don't even LIKE cheating. So I am now at a point where I really don't care what anyone thinks.
Everyone in my life has been "prewarned" now, and they all know I will NOT appreciate (or eat) cake, or cookies, or chocolates/candies. So if they want to get me something, get me a quality steak, (or some good hand lotion?) as a gift. For Valentines, my husband got me flowers and a couple of wonderful grass fed filets. Some times now, he'll go buy me several quarts of heavy cream (this and butter are the only dairy, or non "carnivore" I indulge in, although early on, I was into Lilly's sugar-free baking chocolate chips (to eat like candy).
Just find some sort of "keto" and sweet tasting treats for the transition off of sugar. And seriously load up on animal fats, (which are VERY healing btw). Before you know it, you forget you ever even liked sugar.
Oh, a year later, I feel better than I ever have before (physical and mental) and I have less fat on my body than when I was 13 years old, slimmer and sleeker than since I was a child. ALSO, massive muscle gains WITHOUT working out!!! I can now actually SEE a substantial "bootie" muscle under my REASONABLY-sized butt padding. ZERO excess fat on my stomach, ribs, or arms. And finally, for the first time in my life, I love my slim legs!
I have now settled into about 3/4 pound of some time of meat, and about 1/3 cup of butter per day. Many days I get an urge to just drink a cup of pure heavy cream though, so I just go with it;-)
Godspeed, and to your good health.
Wow, what a journey! Amazing what happened in just 3 days, and then the 48 hours naturally fasting without forcing your body after that was really interesting too. I have never made custard, but I love it! I think it's time I find a recipe and start making it. The only problem where I live it that it's so hard to find pure cream. What I most often see has fillers and thickeners (if they need to add thickeners, it's not cream!). But I do have a source nearby of raw milk right the vat the milk goes into when they milk. It doesn't have a lot of cream (nothing like what I could get in New Zealand at the organic farm where I bought raw milk), but it's at least it is actual natural cream. I eat a lot of coconut oil, but I have been craving butter lately too, so I have a lot of it at the moment. The only thing won't be able to eat is meat other than chicken and turkey. I have never liked it, and would almost gag on it when force to eat it as a kid. I can't stand the taste or the smell. But fish and shrimp, eggs, butter, cream (to the extent I can find it), I can do all that. Thank you so much for your advice and for taking the time to write about your experience! I don't know if you did, but you might want to save that as a note to your substack too. I'm sure it can be valuable and help others too.
Raw cream for the ice cream;-) I just add about 4 to 5 egg yolks to a pint of cream (or more to a quart) and whip it with some flavoring until it's fluffy. Then into the freezer (in the same bowl) for about 30 minutes. Take it out and whip it again, and back to the freezer for 20 minutes or so. The more times you take it out and whip it again, the better the texture. Once it's super thick, you can pack it in a container for "hard freeze." It's best if you give it a few minutes to soften outside of the freezer before scooping.
Can you eat lamb? Stay open and resourceful. This is SOOO worth it!!
I'm going to try that for the ice cream. I always loved Hagen Daz and which has egg yolks, so I really like that idea. And it's low tech enough, no fancy ice cream machine, so I'll definitely try it, maybe when it gets a little warmer. The raw milk forms yogurt or cultured milk or something similar after a few days, even sitting in the fridge. I don't have to do anything, it just happens :) So I will probably try doing the same with some of that to see if I can make frozen yogurt, and save all the cream for ice cream and custard. Yum! I have stevia powder, but I'm going to order some of the monk fruit drops I had gotten before which I really liked.
No, lamb is even more disgusting than beef to me. I accidentally got a piece in my mouth one time when I was told something was vegetarian (and it did have a lot of vegetables in it so I didn't see the lamb). It was really disgusting tasting... I spat it out.
Thanks, I do try to be resourceful and open in general. But it's good to have a reminder, especially in this context. I live near the ocean (like 10 minutes drive and I'm on the beach), and so can get good fish, shrimp, sometimes lobster and crab. I love all of them. Unfortunately my fisherman friend seems to not be fishing very much these days. He often doesn't have any. I need to reconnect with the guy who was coming around to sell fresh fish and shrimp. I think I need to stop at the boat yard and if he's not there talk to his fisherman friends :)
Thank you for all your help and recipe ideas Joy!
Just make sure you're getting enough fat. I didn't clear up the rest of my problems, (including excess weight) until I made sure to get TONS of animal fat every day. Trust your body. When you've had enough fat your body will tell you. And if you've not had enough, you'll still feel like eating.
Okay, I will focus on the fats. Knowing that without enough fat we will keep eating, and eating the things that will make and keep us fat it's really clear that the 'animal fat is bad for you, but here you can have all these seed oils instead' narrative we were taught when i was a kid was clearly to get us to make ourselves fat, sick and in some cases dead.
The animal fats will HEAL your body, correcting mitochondrial function. They also enhance you Vitamin D, E, A, etc. It's ALL good;-)