Realizing how widespread the pedo problem is, is a hard truth to except. How is Killary not in prison or Joe B. His daughter testified in court that everything she wrote in her stolen diary was true. Keep prepping, I have a bad feeling that this is going to be a very "DARK WINTER"

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Because these people are above the Law and this goes much deeper than just the people you hear about! Here is a good 1994 Documentary called the Clinton Chronicles and goes in depth about how the Clintons are Ganstaaaa! https://rumble.com/v5544ia-the-original-clinton-chronicles-a-1994-documentary-urban-legend-or-fact.html These are Demons walking among us.

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Thank you for posting the link to the Clinton Chronicles. I just watched it and appreciate the amount of research and dangerous work done to bring the contents to light.

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They fucking HATE DEMOCRACY , They think you all plebs & deplorables are incapable of taking decision in your own life . No way should you be allowed near Power !

Still Hillary , the witch of the east coast , deflect ! it never was about the pizzeria , it ALWAYS been about Cuomo telling it was illegal to look into the EMAILS , don't look , let the media tell you . . . . .

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Not Democracy; they hate the Constitutional Republic that we live in! They wipe their ass with our Constitution. This all started on Christmas Eve in 1913 at 11:50 p.m. when President Woodrow Wilson allowed the Central Banks to Hijack the Government and allow them to print our currency and charge the Government interest, and in turn, our Government implemented an income tax on We the People! We have been paying for this ever since

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Oh ya i know but cant you see them squirm when they have to go shake hands and talk to regular people , they cant wait to be done with voting !!! When they yell its the end of Democracy its literally projection.

Its like the civil war sham the abolitionist wanted to torch the constitution . . . EVERYONE agreed slavery had to be wipe of the face of the earth but not everyone wanted to toss the constitution . . . they are the worst kind they say 1 thing they mean an other AND they have not ethical problem killing people . . . Covid was the proof.

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That income tax was supposed to be for those who lived and worked in DC. Only a few have fought and won about that tax. The national debt is not our debt. We, the people, are not their slaves. It’s time to take back our country and fight until The good Lord takes us Home before the trib starts. There is no law to pay taxes. Look into it. It’ll convince you more than someone telling you about it.

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I’ve been saying something similar for months now. I agree, we are in for some incredibly dark and/or tumultuous times in the coming days and months. Prepping is necessary and so is Jesus! I would not want to go through the increase of evil times without the God with us and for us!

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I don’t think I’d be writing this if I didn’t have/know/love God. I consider myself a very fortunate soul.

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What Hilary DIDN'T talk about was her assistant in her Haitian chlldren's charity that was caught smuggling 30 kidnapped children in a shipping container. And how Hil's hub President Bill Clinton went to Haiti to personally plead Laura Silsby's case, and was so effective that Silsby's charges were dropped from Child Trafficking and Kidnapping to "Arranging Irregular Travel" and she was released with Time Served, and is now living in Idaho under a new name and identity and working for a company that works with Amber Alert.

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The Clinton Cartel have gotten away with murder for decades. That old hag should be rotting in a jail cell.

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I so remember that too. Thanks for that. Not that it matters but I thought it was 33 children. Gematria being a big deal with these pseudo elites.

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I bet you're right Paula!

33 is Their signature!

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"... the press, which is pro-Trump anyway..." - what alternate dimension is she living in? In the dimension I live in nearly all the press are brainwashed, far-left propagandists who spin up the most fantastical stories against Trump, with absolutely no evidence supporting them. They outright lie. They lied to us during the scamdemic and were caught out repeatedly. They lied about us!

If you want a good example of what predictive programming is, watch this clip of Clinton again... that's designed to pre-program the already brainwashed audience so that when the thing happens, they think it's not true, it's just a story designed to discredit Harris, because Hillary predicted this, she warned us of it. She wasn't even saying it like, "I think they might try something like this...", she seemed pretty definite that this is what was going to happen. So we'll see what actually does happen. Sometimes they say stuff like this with what seems like absolute certainty (e.g. Trump is literally going to be like Hitler), and it doesn't happen. But when they say things like this, with absolute confidence that this is going to happen, and then it does. Just remember this saying, "The best way to predict the future, is to create it".

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That's what I thought -- since WHEN has the press been pro-Trump!!!?? They've done nothing but tear him down since he first announced his bid for the Presidency. That's why Trump has to remind people of his accomplishments over & over, the press does NOT give him credit for ANYTHING, & never has!! The press is worthless, anyway --owned by the satanic elite, told what they can & cannot say. Just puppets.

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Haha, I know, it's a ridiculous thing to say. But really disappointing that so many listening to that will be believing it and not even going, "wait a minute..."

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I know. They keep saying things over & over & over, & eventually (if not sooner) people start to believe. SO many blind people in our country.

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That's the sad truth.

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Because they’re stupid. As I’ve always said, stupid is a choice.

On that note, there are two Harris/Walz signs a couple blocks away. WHAT happened to these people? ???

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The press pro trump, that is the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard in awhile.

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Still waiting on Epsteins files.

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I imagine that is a very massive and very sordid file of the kind of things that even the most twisted are afraid to view in private not to mention the “luminaries” and most pious who have yet to be revealed. If it ever finds its way to the surface…boy, there will be a reckoning!

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The day will come when we will name names other than Sean Combs, and there's a lot of names

What’s stopping them?

It’s almost as if the prosecutors are now also engaged in blackmailing. Perhaps it is time to admit they will never reveal what they know and who was involved.

It is a distraction, and one that the public can ill afford to focus on.

The Real October Surprise will be multiples of catastrophic global events - some of which are already unfolding.

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"The Real October Surprise will be multiples of catastrophic global events - some of which are already unfolding." Very insightful and spot on!

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Is it a coincidence that Diddy is exploding the same week the Netflix documentary on Prince Andrew and the facts of the civil suit brought by the 17year old girl against Epstein and Prince Andrew, are coming out because the girl, Virginia Giuffre Roberts, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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You may have noticed that every single appt Trump made was deep state. I've watched him for 45 yrs because in 1981 he talked about deep state being entrenched and he may have to run for president if no one else came forward. He works in very unusual, non-obvious ways and what he's been doing is highlighting these deep state players by appointing them and putting them in the limelight so they can be exposed and so he can catch them in crimes to arrest and prosecute them. White hats in military have been arresting them for last 3 or 4 yrs or more, there is lots of evidence of this. LOTS, if you look for it; i have and that's what I"ve found. Gitmo has been full for quite awhile and other prisons are now being filled up.

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Ugh, White Hat Hopium.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam drug of choice for the pink-pilled.

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Gitmo is real and is a prison military uses, it's been there for a long time. I dated a JAG corp lawyer who was an officer in the navy, he had worked there; my dad was an admiral as well who also told me about it.

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E, please provide proof that ANYONE has been court-martialed, executed, imprisoned, or tried for Crimes Against Humanity, at Gitmo.


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I don't have to provide proof to anyone; I've given you facts, if you refuse to believe it you can do the research yourself. I don't have time to hunt down info I've already seen, if you don't believe me do the research yourself, it's not my job to do your work for you.

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"I've given you facts"

What FACTS E???

You've made statements with nothing to support them. And when asked for proof, you can't provide any.

Because there is NO PROOF that anyone has ever been 'Gitmo-ed'.

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I can believe that...a plan that's working. I pray he'll get back into office, to expose more & drain that swamp.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Drain that swamp by adding more deep state swamp creatures, including from big bad industries and corporations. He didn't drain the swamp, he just injected it with a wider genetic pool to further bring industry and corporations into controlling government.

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Oh not more Q propaganda! What evidence? This is all we hear, there's lots of evidence if you look for it. Show us the proof!

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It isn't my job to hunt down evidence I've already seen just to prove something to you; it's your job to do the research, I've given you clues, now you can do the work, just like I've done for 30 yrs. You can't expect me to dig up evidence that was posted years ago and has been taken down by deep state.

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Actually E, we do require evidence and/or proof.

You know E, 'proof'?

Like testimony that Trump's secret-society frat bro Epstein was pimping girls to and from Mar-a-lago.

That kind of "Proof" E.

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Of course it's not your job. And of course this is the evasion tactic that all of you use when you are questioned and asked to back up your far out claims. You have not given me any clues. And I will not do any research and waste my time on this time sink, because I know that's part of the agenda of the Q scam. I'm certainly not going to sink 30 years of my life into it. In 2020 I follow the Q movement for a while, with a group of 2 others. One got really into it and did a deep dive, went so far as to look at all of the Q drops, watch the channels that were decoding them and then she explained to us. I watched some of these channels. There was so much that did not make sense to a logical person like me, and yet when I questioned it I got the most convoluted, nonsensical answers, circular arguments and this ploy you have just tried, the 'Trust the Plan and just dig deeper, do your own research" answer.

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Ummm no.

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"Anyone who was in the room who watched it happen but made no effort to stop it."

Does this apply to Congress critters?

Who's Raping USA?

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What's pathetic of us is that the people we react to are not even the real people, but body doubles and clones yet we suspend disbelief and follow mindlessly along with the act. I'm hearing Walz at the debate was not the real guy. Something about "ear lobes." Yet we create waves of information based on our reaction towards someone who is not the real person.

As Jesse Lee Peterson said we pick the worse people to run which is correct and that's done on purpose. But we don't spend enough time on dealing with why are we listening and taking as verbatim a sound byte from a body double? Harris' neck is that of a man's neck or who knows what's going on with that. And then sometimes she has a matronly pelvic area but you can see her dancing with long male legs.

We're at the point where it's the idea where if an imbecile points at the moon, he/she only sees his/her finger.

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When she says it will happen, it means she is part of the group that is going to make sure it happens like her buddy Gates.. It will be a bird flu Plandemic like October 2019 Event 201.. New York is having a " Table Top Simulation" exercise for the Bird Flu LOL.. So you can guess what's next.. I truly hope people say no more and do not comply in large mass, enough of these EVIL EVIL people Table Top game BS..

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Why trust anything these so called remote viewers say when they cannot locate a missing person? In fact, one remote viewer who claimed to locate a missing person was caught lying and called out by the family involved.

As far as the rapture is concerned, it's a fabrication that has duped many Christians. Many have been lead astray, and those responsible for propagating this heresy will pay a heavy price.

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One day you'll know the Rapture is true. Biblical. And it will be too late. All you can do at that point is to NOT take the mark of the beast, no matter what, & to accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior. It's the only way to spend eternity in heaven, & not hell. And yes, hell is real.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

I've begun watching. Will finish tomorrow, it's getting late. Thanks for the link, thus far it is very compelling. One of the video "owner's" videos has the late Congressman Larry McDonald in an interview -- it's very good. He was our Congressman here in NW Georgia, & was an amazing patriot....which is why the Korean jetliner he was on was shot down in 1983.

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I'll bet you're a fun guy!

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Loved it! Please combine your videos on Preterism, “Israel” (the State of Rothschild), and the Albert Pike letter, into ONE video to get a-head of what is coming “the religious void” that is coming when there is no “rapture” when WWIII happens. Call me and I will help. Lord bless brother! 828-507-1375

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I have been preparing for this for the last 10 years. It’s ALL I do. I was born for such a time as this. Thank you for your labors in truth!

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Then let's zoom on into that farce of a missile attack they're play acting of Iran hitting Israel with missiles. Yeh right. Missiles WITHOUT WAR HEADS hitting the ground? What the...??

Here's another swallowing the suspension of disbelief while these satanic forces play with people and people's minds.

It's a staged event to keep the world tantalized while they plan for something else to be the real surprise.

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Notice how many times she says "stories?" That's her propaganda method trying to plant the idea that the truth you hear about her, Kammy or any of their pedophile ilk, are "only stories." Problem for her and them, is that too many people are aware now.

It's time for the "witch trials." God bless all the innocent children and people this evil vile woman and her minions have destroyed or murdered. May she receive God's just judgement.

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Hillary is awful as usual. All an assault on free speech.

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This Colorado dad put a GPS on his 5-year-old child in public school. It"d be foolish to think it's not in your own neighborhood too.


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Yes, the rot is in the teachers' lounge, next door, church, lodges, NGOs, and tunnels under D.C. and one's own city.

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Hey Greg were they talking about swapping out Kamala or Trump?

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