Ohhhh my God no!!!!!! Not children too ?!? My husband told me that there was an attack on Friday evening (I'm in Belgium). I am not normally someone who "closes my ears to the noise" like some spoiled brat but I couldn't deal with knowing more on Friday.

Once he told me I IMMEDIATELY thought of the deep state attack on Belgium exactly 8 years ago . Yep, 22 March 2016, as you might recall the "ISIS" (aka CIA) terrorists attacked our international airport and a métro station in Brussels leaving about 30 or so dead. I KNEW it then that it couldn't have been the delinquent patsies they blamed - who were allegedly too thick to tie their own shoelaces.

Indeed 322.

Once I saw that Greg posted a new video, I could not resist looking... I'm in tears and totally heartbroken! I'm a mom too. Ugh! Dear Lord WHEN will those PSYCHOPATHS leave us all alone ??????

We've got that INSANELY UNHINGED Macron who wants war with the Russians. The puny French army is NO competition for the Russians obviously - and the sad part is that the French military KNOWS this of course and I honestly don't think any of them want war with Russia - like ALL sane, Europeans !!!

Not only do we NOT want war with Russia, MOST of us have absolutely NO hatred whatsoever for that country or its leader ! Why would we ? They did absolutely NOTHING to harm us or anyone else! NONE OF US WANT WAR or any problems for crying out loud !!!

I am praying to our Lord and His mother the Virgin Mary to protect us. Please met's pray for PEACE ! This cannot be allowed to continue !

These psychopathic Luciferian Freemason Satantists (or whatever they call themselves) need to be eliminated! They've already caused SO MUCH misery and hardship for NO REASON over the past 4 years - longer actually....

God have mercy on us all.

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Total death and annihilation to the luciferian Freemason Satanist globalist oligarchs!!!!🥰🥰🥰

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From your lips to God's ears.

Bizarrely, despite all this horror, in my gut I can't help but think that it will be different somehow. They will NOT get away with this!

What "sort of" frightens me though is that I work in what they call the European Quarter of Brussels and exactly where I work could very well be a target.

I am sure I'm not thinking straight as I type this (too upset still) but if it is bombed, I hope I am either (of course) teleworking on that day or, can't believe I'm saying this, but right at "ground zero" so I don't feel any pain.

And I understand that if Putin does indeed choose to attack us, they (those taking these decisions, not ordinary people like myself obviously) will more than deserve it !

May they rot in hell those psychopaths.

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Donnie! *It’s terribly important that you make contact as soon as possible with Most Holy Family Monastery in New York! They are the last remaining traditional Catholic Monastery worldwide! Send an email to the superior, Brother Michael Dimond at mhfm1@aol.com who will inform you how to convert to the true Faith and where to receive the sacraments to help you to save your soul! Please visit with www.vaticancatholic.com

May Almighty God bless you and everyone that you love and care for during these turbulent times! God bless you all! 🙏 🙏 🙏 from Ireland. 💗 🇮🇪

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Faith in God is not with a conduit (priest, bishop, cardinal or Pope), that is Hogwash! As a Christian we have a direct connection with Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible! Read John 14:6 as well as not refer to someone here on earth as "Father" as in a priest read Matthew 23:8-10

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really? so why Jesus have apostles?> Why he gave Peter the power to forgive sins..The mere fact you think you are smart enough to understand the logic of God just by reading a bible, is laughable. Theologians spent 2000 years trying to understand the mysteries of God!! why they didnt call you?

Luter and later on Calvin, created this monster with the predestination theory that promotes pride, egocentricity, selfishness, greed and ignorance.

I think Jesus should have just came with bibles under his arm, to spread among people, Instead of multiply the fish and bread, he should have multiplied Bibles

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The apostles followed Jesus; Jesus did not follow the apostles! If you read the bible, there is the parable of the rich man, Matthew 19:20-30. As for your second sentence, we live in a "World" ruled by Satan. That is why Jesus Christ died for us! I can understand your confusion however if you dig deeper in scripture it will all make sense to you. God Bless!

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The people in Europe must stop their government puppets, the European people must stop the European masonic Union. These Luciferian Freemason Satantists leaders follow the CIA's orders. They want to involve us in the 3 WW, starting the war against Russia. They enslaved Ukraine and with a coup, they put this cocaine addict as president. They forced their puppets in the EU to stop buying cheap energy from Russia and buy much more expensive and "dirty" energy from US and other friends of theirs, as a result, a lot of houses and enterprises to live these cold winters without warming and poor European citizens to die inside their freezing houses. And of course with many other problems involved with the energy crisis, the

fake energy crisis which US and the rotten European politicians build. They preferred to destroy their own people in Europe in order to follow the Luciferian Freemason Satanists from CIA. So here in Europe, we must stop these bastards. We must wake up finally. For our common good, for our life

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Read Matthew 24 in the Bible!! Unfortunately, I believe we are only seeing the beginning of what is to come!

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Donnie! Thank you for your comment! At Fatima, Portugal in 1917, the Mother of God, Our Blessed Mother, appeared to three little shepherd Children, Jacinta, Lucia and Francisco Marto with a series of messages for the world! Our Lady told the visionaries that “the war is going to end, but if people do not stop offending God, a worse war will break out”. We have been warned over the centuries that we need to convert to the true Traditional Catholic Faith, make sacrifices, do penance and make reparation! Our Lady told Jacinta that “war is a Punishment for sin! Please study carefully from the fantastic website www.vaticancatholic.com also mostholyfamilymonastery.com 📿

Listen to the wonderful inspiring videos, debates, discussions and read the eye-opening information for yourself! Take precious time to read: re-read the critical information and listen again to Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond as they expose the false Vatican 11 counter Church and help everybody to properly understand the true Teachings of the Catholic Church! See the video: THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA and many, many other relevant videos and articles. Do the research and you will discover the TRUTH. Pray the Holy Rosary of The Blessed Virgin Mary, all 15 decades, EVERY day, if possible please! Our Lady asked us to pray her Rosary during her many apparitions over the centuries. If truth matters to you, you will make every effort to learn your beautiful Traditional Catholic Faith and afterwards EVANGELISE! This is key! There Is No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church and all those who die outside the Catholic Church will not spend eternity in Heaven! This is dogma! Please inform everybody most especially in your country! God bless you all In Belgium and everyone Worldwide. 🙏 🌹 and ❤️ from Ireland 🇮🇪 Thank you too. Xx

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Quit looking for signs with your faith and turn to Jesus Christ!! Matthew 16:4

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If truth matters to you, you will investigate for yourself! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com

Study carefully please! God bless you.

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Faith is about, for, and through Jesus Christ, not Mary. Denominations of 'religion' have all brought their Revelations of, by and for Jesus Christ. Mary is not the doorkeeper. Jesus Chrust Alone, Is, Was and Always will Be. I know good, faithfull Catholics who love and adore Christ and He is present with them. But putting any With, Before and as gateway to, is a lie. Many religions have individual blinders. Read the Word. Not a word by a pseudo mixture of political and religious spirit (lower case). Please. The Foundation of Gid's throne is Apostolic and Prophetic and requires no human entity other than Christ and Him alone.

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No thanks, gave up on the fraudulent catholic church many years ago. Stick to the Bible and ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness not a priest, bishop or cardinal! God Bless You!

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Another great report! Absolutely a CIA operation. It is growing harder for me to even imagine the levels of naivete required to swallow the MSM Party Pabulum at this point. At the very least, many powerful "nations" are essentially run by seemingly sociopathic if not outright nefarious shadow organizations. Unfortunately, besides helping in increasing awareness, I must confess I am at a bit of a loss for how to actually improve things though.

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a French Revolution of the good people.

these leeches in power always play the role of the victims...and blame someone else. the keep us fighting the wrong enemy or their own control opposition.

check USS Liberty...Who attacked her?

check who were the puppeteers that were behind WWI and WWII. Whose really behind Churchill and Roosevelt (Henry Ford knew it).

nothing change much since then...Although they are more powerful (They have the whole world in debt with the dollars they print and they run 99,99% of media) and the people now is more stupid than in 1930.

They know how to manipulate us. They laugh about it. How stupid we are. People keep watching THEIR news.... Think about all those brainless citizens that put a Ukraine or now Israhel flag in their front yards....Those retarded may be celebrating the killing of innocent Russians

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Remember God is in control

They are only Gnats

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Yes, Almighty God holds the key! However, He is giving us free choice, every moment during our lives.

People need to study carefully and learn the true Catholic Faith! There Is No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church and all those who die outside the Catholic Church will not spend eternity in Heaven. See www.vaticancatholic.com

Thank you and God bless you and yours. 🙏 from 🇮🇪 xx

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Amen Marianne!!

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Turn to the Bible and Jesus Christ!

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Read Matthew 24! Jesus Predicts the Future!!

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CIA OPERATION to BRING New World Order! Pay attention!

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My attention is on the HEAD of the snake. This kind of event is going to continue until the snake is dead from a severed head.

Imagine some nuclear tipped hypersonic missiles dropping in on the one mile square area called "The City of London" and the mansions of the criminal central bankers. That would be a good start... change my mind.

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Get The Bank of International Settlements, whose HQ looks suspiciously like the Tower of Babel, in Basel Switzerland.

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Imagine if the Russians reacted to this the same way to this atrocity as Israel reacted to the (deadliest attack on Israel since the holocaust) October surprise…indeed, the trick is to find the head of the snake 🐍. But, I think that if anyone could do it, it would be Putin.

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Listen to Mr. Greg Reese on Brighteon.com

Sign up on his website for more information

Thank you and May God Bless You!

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I looked up the picture. Good observation. Basel/Babel. Who knew?

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Another good target!

Seems like there are many out there.

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You're 2210 miles to the Southeast off target. That's where the head of the snake is.

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"Even if one could imagine..Jerusalem becoming the capital of the planet and which will one day be a campus around a world government. It’s a nice spot for a World Government." Jacques Attali.


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For the comment readers in a learning mode, meet the Bunting Cloverleaf Map - from 1581:


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you truth digger ! X marks the spot !

I swear i cant ever find Nicolas Sarkozy saying Jerusalem will be the world capital. It's such a classic. They are scrubbing the web, In any case great find Tom.

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Interesting. Thanks.

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Jacques Attali's (international banker and unapologetic eugenicist) statements, made in 1981 were taken from 'Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future,' Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit while Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand.

Attali also helped Emmanuel Macron's (former Rothschild banker) rise to power.

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{...Jerusalem becoming the capital of the planet...}

How about NEOM, once Greater Israel between Euphrates and East-bank of Nile has been incepted ?? Or even before as MBS's genetic lineage has very close ties to "them" ??

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I vaguely remember hearing that...so I am reading this account:


Since Dmitry Medvedev wants to "kill everyone", the House of Saud should surely be included?

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Thanks so much for THAT link !!!

{...Since Dmitry Medvedev wants to "kill everyone"...}

Does the man have shares in Pfizer ???🤣🤣🤣

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I think that country that is home to so many world organizations, who have managed to stay neutral in all of the world wars, who guard the Vatican and host most if not all world leadership events should be the first target. The rest should follow in quick succession.

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They want Ukraine as an Israel 2.0. The Israel in the middle east is becoming a liability, except for the gas and oil off the coast of Gaza which they will steal.

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Thanks Greg, good works like always. I keep seeing Harvard graduates are hooked up with satanic stuff. For example a young Kyle is researching and exposing the $atanic ( above the law) Bohemian Grove, watch his latest work on Stew Peter's show. He mentions most on the Boho guest list are mostly Harvard/Yale graduates, where they brainwash young lawyers to be corrupt above the law non-free $atanic ma$onic club members. They will all be EXPOSED by GOD the Father, the guy we all can not escape from. Might as well join HIM instead, (hint, hint) Another rapist that is set free, is another creepy Harvard graduate is "American Nightmare" a rape case that gets solved in the end, but the guy is not charged with rape and will be let out soon? Watch on Netflix, it was done well, worth the watch. A TRUE story. The Gay area : Vallejo police looked the other way and blamed the poor victim that she made up the kidnapping/rape story, to cover up their brother of the Ma$on $atanic Club member? I dunno? Makes one wonder. Wake up sleeping sheeple. Wake up and be the "roaring lion" of TRUTH set into your hearts of gold, lead by GOD the Father himself Amen!

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This was my immediate takeaway as well. I don't even research anymore I just know.

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Genesis 3:22

“And the Lord God said,”the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever”

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Hi Gregory,

The fact that Ms Nuland wants to get on camera to gloat and say she has secret knowledge or advance knowledge about how the war will go is scary stuff...also makes me nervous... this is unbridled tyranny. Your friend Ace.

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Unbridled PSYCHOPATHY! You can literally SEE the evil all over her horrifically ugly face!

Btw, I don't care about "appearances" but I mean that her pure evil is like a massive red flag showing right on her face !

I cannot even begin to wrap my head around how ANYONE could gloat over murdering a single person - unless it was a monster like her perhaps. I mean she MUST have known that children would be killed too. Even if no child was harmed, cleared ALL of these people who were murdered were innocent !

Pray that she and her ilk are removed any means possible.

I'm in shock - even though I shouldn't be, I know!

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Madeleine Albright

Hillary Clinton

Victoria Nudelman

The "ladies" of the State Dept. Don't assume that all women are nurturing, loving and caring. Think again.

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Michael Tsarion did an epic expose titled The Female Illuminati, here's a bit of it from an interview, with a link to his entire work on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1G6OqAvyrg&t=17s

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Thank you! Love Tsarion, I'll watch it tomorrow.

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100% - the Yoda's of the "Black Widow" psyche.

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"Black Widow" is right!

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She's just following Killary's lead.

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It is time to take one step further to face the real perpetrators; CIA/Mossad are proxy operators for the trans-national Zionist cabal. They are the criminal gang that is actually in control of most of the world's so called governments as a result of a multi-generational attack by way of infiltration, secret collusion, murder, blackmail, and extortion with the deliberate intention to steal everything of value from all of humanity, to then poison, degrade and murder the majority of other races, leaving a small minority population of compliant slaves to service their needs.

322 is the calling card of Skull and Bones, yes, but we need to look beyond the middle management layer of useful Goyim. They are pledged in service of Moloch, patron deity of the racist Talmudic Jews; They are the pretender jews, the "Synagogue of Satan"- as Jesus called them.

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Do you have references for this information? I am confused about the stance of Scripture to bless and pray for Israel and the end time acceptance of Christ as their Savior , but at the same time how to understand the history of this evil false Jew cabal that appears to state that the anti Christ will be Jewish as he sets himself up in the temple as God. Thanks!

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Agreed Kill them all, this is much bigger than a bunch of ISIS assassins!

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When I first heard on 3/22, my first thoughts were the CIA in conjuction with their partner in crime the Mossad. May be wrong on the latter but there are many who still refuse to believe their involvement with 9/11.

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I still think Putin is in on this whole thing....can't shake the fact that he wasnamed one of Herr Schwab's young global leaders

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I think every leader is now in lock step as well.

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Stay objective - it's all orchestrated - they're all in on it - problem - reaction - solution, and the solution is total world control through a multi-polar world order government - run out of the planets epicenter of evil:


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just a theory

I think the plan is to destroy Russia for 2 reasons, steal resources and destroy an Iran Allied.(of course, they will make them pay for the war as they did with Germany and Austria)

The goal is to create the "Great Israel" and build up the Salomon temple again. (unfortunately, there is a big Mesquite there)

but because they are not subject to any international nor moral law, they will blow up the Jerusalem Mesquite and once they put a puppet like zelensky or biden in Moscow, they will attack Iran (they had been trying for the last 40 years. They already started the media campaign again). Or they attack Iran first and make a war against Russia and Iran (the axle of evil, of course)

And the best part, is that they will use OUR soldiers and OUR money to do it all.

Then, they will make movies that will all pay to watch

isnt it all so sick!??!!?!?

no wonder why Jesus call them the son of the devil

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Follow the money: Russian resources, Iranian oil, Gaza gas fields etc etc

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although, I think there is not only the money.

they already have the money printing machine (FED)

is a Religious thing...God chose them to rule the world (they convinced themself about this bullshit) from their land of israel, which includes part of Siria, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, etc, etc)..

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Correct, some believe the Jews to be a race, when it's only a religion led by a bunch of delusional psychopaths.

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Although having just watched an interview with Steve Falconer (on Jermwarfare) about his upcoming film, it now seems the Jesuits are and always were in the shadows behind everything, even the Jews. This explains why the so-called Jewish conspiracy has been more or less public knowledge over the years - they're being manipulated to take the blame by secret elements within the Catholic Church and Church England.

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They are NOT the jews (not even a word in the Bible)/Judeans. These entities are from Khazaria or modern day Ukraine 🤔 and Georgia. But their bloodline goes further back all the way to Canaan. They are truly the sons and daughters of satan. It is an historical fact.

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John 8.44

Jesus told the J "you are the sons of the devil"

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I totally agree with you and will add reason #3- eradication of their white Christian population.

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"Kill them all." That's just not gonna happen. No force, ever, since the founding of Rothschild Banking in the 1760's, has destroyed the pyramid from the top down, ever. Everything you see happening in the world is orchestrated out of the planets epicenter of evil, which has a Boulevard running through it named after Rothschild. The Rothschild who said, "Give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes its laws." Get your head out of the L v. R paradigm - they created that psyop eons ago. To quote Patrick Bergey, "You've got to get the politics out of your head, once you remove the politics things begin to make sense." And that doesn't mean it's "sensical" from a moral & ethics standpoint, Sabbatean Frankists have none. It becomes logistically sensical as the observer keeps landing on the same square populated with the same types - the funders, the organization heads, the benefactors with either a blackmailed, passport or genetic connection to the planets epicenter of evil. Bye for now.

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I heard that Blackrock headquarters is on Rothschild Boulevard.

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94 Yigal Alon Street

Alon 1 Tower

20th Floor

Tel Aviv 6783139


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Apparently they have some sort of office on R.Blvd. as well.

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Victoria Nuland is the most despicable human (assuming she is human) being alive today. She is one of the "tribe" which I'm not sure if she is the way she is because of that or the other way around. Kinda like the chicken and the egg. No matter, even tho she retired, she is still able to reek havoc and should be perp walked right out of DC to gitmo, imho.

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Excellent podcast; but, I've now recently observed two photos of dead-ass John McCain with the Ukrainian Neo Nazis. We know that Lindsey Graham was accompanying McCain on most if not all of those Kiev Neo Nazi / U.S. government armament supply talks and there are lots of photos of McCain and Graham with the Azov Neo Nazis; so, let's use some of these latter photos in these reports to give Graham some accomplice-skin in this game. (-:

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John McCain and the French 'intellectual' Bernard-Henri Lévy were a two-man-terror-welcome-wagon.

Everywhere they visited -Syria, Libya, Ukraine- was then infested with vicious proxies and head-chopping militias.

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Wow, thought Levi was honest…have to revisit 🤔

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Described here By Libyan War The Truth:

"Bernard-Henri Lévy, one of the top Zionist Criminals in the world, the "lead-dog" who shows up in foreign countries to start and fund "false flag" revolutions, was secreted into Libya yesterday. The US counterpart to Levy is John McCain who also shows up in foreign countries supporting terrorists ..."

Last visit to Libya:

Uproar in Libya as French writer Bernard-Henri Levy visits

The writer was a champion of the 2011 Nato intervention that helped topple the regime of Muammar Gaddafi


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"NATO training methods, firing in short bursts, proper magazine reloads" As a British army veteran that is a ridiculous statement, every trained soldier in the world does this.

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That's is the point!... Islamic terrorists Don't stop, until their dead! And ISIS is a CIA/MOSSAD terrorist trained group... But we'll find out soon enough who these murders are.

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Mar 25Edited

This attack obviously took a lot of planning , it doesn't make sense that the group responsible would take some much time to plan the attack and not teach the attackers the most basic skills of firing a weapon properly. Not to mention that groups like this probably teach themselves from NATO or other modern military documentaries and manuals.

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Gee. I wonder who has such an implement resource rich and well funded training program with the rat lines of support?

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90% of the countries on earth and a large majority of corporations and other private entities.

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"90% of the countries on earth and a large majority of corporations and other private entities" = all subverted and controlled by one trans-national Zionist criminal gang. There, fixed it for you.

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If that were true why would many countries oppose Israel through the UN? They're clearly not all controlled.

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Precisely my thought.

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Lex, please explain to me. What is your thought on this?

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I don't know Paula, that's the point, it's best not to jump to conclusions. Until there is hard evidence.

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Is Victoria Newland Catholic? Seems to me that Roman Catholics and Roman Orthodox have been at odds for a VERY long time. Isn't it bizarre? Two religious factions from the same core theology are at war with each other. Guess they are not very "forgiving" at the end of the day.

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She is a Ukrainian Jew

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Oh my gosh.

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Her real name is Nudelman, a Jew. She has no business in the U.S. government with her baggage and conflict of interest issues. She is probably a descendent of the Bolsheviks or Cheka. A real nasty piece of work. Her fat husband (Robert Kagan) is just as bad, if not worse.

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I'm a Roman Catholic in Belgium and I beg to differ. Like I said in my comment above, NO sane, decent European has ANY hatred towards the Russians - no matter what religion we are. Period.

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Nuland, Zelensky, Blinken, Wolfowitz, Kagan, and more are Straussian Jews, not Catholics.

Leo Strauss is the head of the snake with this group.

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Thierry Meyssan - a class act.

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You start with a false premise and end with a stupid conclusion. Maybe you'll learn some worthwhile history from this:


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