GOD created the heavens and the earth, and that didn’t happen millions of years ago!

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Answers in Genesis has really helped me in that subject matter...

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This is a nice find! This is proof that alchemy was poo poo'd by mainstream science for a reason because this "petrification" is just a alchemical transmutation.

I know a lot of 'christians' have been indoctrinated that alchemy is evil but it's time for everyone who still buys that nonsense to grow up because the source that has come from has shown their true colors for quite some time now and it's time to start looking at this from opposite point of view.

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Please explain how alchemy relates to the petrification articles I cited in my reply

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Jul 26, 2023
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This site may be OK, but I never visit sites unknown...the last time I did, it was an ad for something ridiculous

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I mean no offense with this comment, but do I not completely agree with what you are saying here as far as the millions of years statement and at the same time, I just don't know like all the rest of us. I want to point out a couple of things to keep in mind.

If you're only trying to understand the bible at the surface level, you're not really trying because objectively, this book is encoding Astrotheology. Also, remember there are numerous other religious texts and the bible is only one source and even the oldest translations are probably skewed.

I forget the exact wording, but in the beginning has also been said to imply "after the reset" -- don't quote me on this but I believe that comes from The Cepher bible. There's obviously the 1611 KJV & the 1560 Geneva Bible.

Also, keep in mind that India's history has been wiped for a reason. For example, in the Hindu tradition, the Yugas aren't just some made up nonsense, they were used to keep track of cycles & right now people are trying to use Astrology (sidereal & tropical) to figure out exactly where we are because it's pretty obvious that what we're told makes little to no sense so to not use all resources we have available to cross reference -- all you need to do is look at what's been done to ALL of the oldest cultures around the world -- Native Americans (including Canada and Mexico), Australian Aboriginals, and India are just a few to look at. And then there's The Bock Saga.... that's a whole other can of worms and I think has legs to stand on because The Vatican wanted to wipe them out as well. I mean...Hel was a paradise according to the history that was passed down. It shouldn't be a surprise to anybody that the Vatican refers to "Hell" as a negative place -- anything "they" do, look at the opposite direction and you'll be a lot closer to the truth.

Don't get me wrong, this is such a deep sub-topic under a much larger umbrella and we all have to do this more or less on our own time after working 40+ hours and everything else life entails. I would love to find others near me in Wisconsin to study this stuff once a week, or even once a month!

I just wanted to remind you that there are a lot of other resources to keep in your back pocket & don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion....

Some of us try to follow the evidence and the facts.

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If you stop the video @54:46 and pull up an image search for Lorenz’s Butterfly - you'll have a match; albeit for me it was a MAJOR synchronicity and a kick in my "turning to stone" heart. After having left on comment on Greg's Banking Insider video in which I wrote about hating 'sheeple' - then seeing 46 others caught my mind virus, actual S-P-E-L-L of hate, and "LIKED" it, well OOFTA! And since that hate filled comment drew attention to my rapidly deteriorating physiology & psychology, it also had me halt all thought and go back to 'cause & effect' basics - AND - come to grips that perceived and actualized conditions arise from within. So that had me grabbing my copy of Dr. David R. Hawkins book, Power vs. Force (a must have to self heal and so much more) and took a look at where that 'hate' level of consciousness resides on the 'Map Of Consciousness' and in me. Additionally, on page 47 of Hawkins' book is a diagram of Lorentz's Butterfly - because as he explain the mechanics of Kinesiology - our heart, the seat of the soul, is key to knowing 'yes vs. no' for action and 'true vs. false' for benefit . It was also key to the Egyptians who would weigh the heart against a feather to determine one's fate in the afterlife. We do not benefit from hearts of stone, so it's time to repair now and stitch the damage done; 1st, forgive me for pulling you into my s-p-e-l-l of hate. I know better than to extend negativity through me and feed the demons that thrive off it. 2nd, I promise to leave only positive comments. "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." - Mom What incredible timing. The forces of good are at work. Have a great week cyber friends.

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Thank you. I've finished several of my videos with the words "Keep your hearts soft... They work better that way!"

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Lovely, good reflection and integrity here. Much appreciated.

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Wow. This is amazing what you have written. Metta to you, Sir.

May we all remember these things and guard ourselves in this way as well.

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💯🤍 Dr. David R. Hawkins book, Power vs. Force (a must have to self heal and so much more) ... look at where that 'hate' level of consciousness resides on the 'Map Of Consciousness'

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If you like the conversation on Stellium7, you'll love Jason Breshears at Archaix.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxFe5EwiFSs&t=2883s 👍👍👍

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And here is my conversation with Jason! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT1lRya7pzQ

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psst , psst : look like giant petrified Mushrooms !!!!

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Some things are hard to unsee once you see it.

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this petrification(?) story is incredible. Rober O. Becker, the late orthopedic surgeon, did the same with human broken bones in order to heal them in extremely short time. All what he needed was a silver wire (connecting the broken pieces) with very low current, and human blood which in these conditions represents the 'salt water' and serves to build up the neuronal connections.

Absolutely right, that the timing of all these events must have been very fast. How else could a stone, with thousands degree melting temperature grow PERPENDICULARLY to the gravity over 'millions of years' into such perfect incredible extremely well ordered structures???

Btw. heart and magnets. Heart filled up with blood 'flowing in a stream' carrying iron, with the strongest magnetic momentum out of all the other compounds, must 'somehow' build up that 'magnetic picture of a heart', which attracts and repels, depending on circumstances.. ANd if you have two N52, they can literally explode.

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I think, all the 'experts' are not really afraid to make the comments, they just simply do not know, too much brainwashing during the entire EDU-CAT-I-ON...

Oh, forgot to add, this is AMAZING post, Greg. Thank you. That happens, when you live in 5G area...

Btw. try to attend some physics classes which try to explain the origin of matter via string theory, etc., etc. Looks like the physicists do not seem to know how the elements heavier than iron are out there... And now Stellium7 (why 7?) gives a hint, transmutation... Oh, what happened to The Pons-Fleischmann Experiment investigating researcher? Disappeared, not only physically but also from wiki...

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there is nothing new to the Scripture.......The story (account) of Existence

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Biological Transmutation rang a bell with me.

I had low potassium when I started a 6 day water fast, (proven by blood test) and on the 6th day I had another blood test, and it had gone up significantly and it was within the recommend range.

Either my body went out and found some stored potassium


It transmuted something else into potassium.

Like the chickens do for their eggs.

I recently read about garden vegetables doing the same. Sorry I can't recall the details.

Great interview Greg.

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Those trees that were layered in mud were from the Great Flood of Noah's time... they didn't grow up through the layers of soil, they were covered in layers of soil in the flood by hydro logic sorting ...

The great flood accounts for most of what we find... mountains that are giants petrified... tree stumps like the "Devil's Tower" in Wyoming, USA.

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Greg, you continue to impress me with your open mindedness and willingness to not accept the narrative that Alex Jones has stuck people to in regards to "Info Wars". Nothing against A.J. but he refuses to address certain topics and his acquiescence on Sandy Hoax kind of shows who he really is. You have EARNED the right to say that you deserve better and even if you won't, myself and many others will.

Much like the mystery of "RH factor" of blood, this particular topic is one of the many (but key) puzzle pieces of the false history we've all been presented yet adds more questions than answers for many of the same reasons it would seem. The most obvious of questions being two-fold; What happened and when?

While it's best not to be associated with any particular group, I know you have connections through the F.E. community. Personally, I think that you should reach out and request a favor to get in touch with the Crrow777 podcast and/or his Co-host Jason's show, Secrets of Saturn. I am going to make the suggestion to Rose via email today when I'm done with work as she's always looking for good guests to get on the show.

You are one of the few OLD SCHOOL investigative journalists who again, has EARNED the respect you have garnered from your listeners, readers as well as your peers and you bring a quality of work that stands at the very top in my opinion. I think you would be welcomed as a guest on either of those podcasts if you were to be connected.

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Wow, that was amazing and some real artifacts I've never seen the likes of. I believe in about 6,00 year old Earth that was destroyed in a flood about 4,000 years ago, due to man's evil (Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually).. We are about there again, only this time Jesus comes with a Heavenly ark ride!

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Wow. Great things that generate questions which MUST be investigated more! I remember getting into the mud fossil theories a while back, and I couldn't dismiss a lot of it, even though I couldn't completely back it either. But this presentation goes beyond just mud fossils, and even though it might generate more good questions, we need to be open to the questions. Great presentation!

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Bravo for the courage to keep doing this research , deep investigation and reporting . IMPRESSIVE . T THX

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He mentions The thunderbolts project. I recommend all look into their research about the electric universe.

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BSD ' can you please request Harrison Smith review @ the American Journal ' the following @ www.infowars.com/show ' Thank you ' https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/16462/jewish/Chapter-1.htm

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