The official story invariably falls apart upon close scrutiny. It is a sign of our times. And the geological theories taught in school are no different. Occam’s philosophical razor advises us to favor the simplest explanation. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and swims like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.
Many are referring to these possible petrified giant trees of the past as “biblical trees” because both the bible and the book of Enoch contain passages on the giant trees. And after factoring in the science of petrification via plasma discharge and flooding, this theory does make more sense. It aligns with ancient scripture and ancient mythology. And it aligns with the theory of past cataclysms.
This is just an introduction to Mike’s work. If you want to dive in for yourself, his links are below. Here are a couple of the videos that got me thinking:
Stellium7 YouTube:
Stellium7 Patreon:
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