Aug 20, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

I just listened to Karen as she is now back in the states, with a known security firm. So, as of this moment they have not reached her.

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How can we know it's real?

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Are you asking me if it could be AI?

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Greg, you are a very good singer. You have a very nice, warm singing voice.

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"The wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord " Rom 6:23

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I love your voice. What a bonus you've put it to song. Good job!

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The year 2046 will be the end... ah, crap, I'll be 90 years old then, but I'm shooting for a 100 - oh well.

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I’ll be a young 83 😉! I’ll be on my porch in a rocking chair with some whiskey and my shotgun...or AR...or both.

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Kind of like Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies? ... :)

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“Hills that is…swimming pools and movie stars…” 🤣

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Your body avatar will be 90 years old, according to this culture's timeline. YOU, are immortal!


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First time I heard the 2040/46 end of world.

Not sure how to digest that info yet.

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Resets happen every 138 years. Jason Breshears (Archaix.com) has created a historic chronology of events and future predictions that make the next one due in 2040. The next Phoenix event in 2046. Fascinating stuff.


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He's been detailing his evidence that 2020 was the breaking of the first Seal of the Apocalypse, and that the first "horseman" (from the Greek interpretation of the Bible that preceeds King James) is the medical cult; the white lab coats of doctors are the symbol, along with the arrows of death as the mechanism. Very interesting stuff!

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So what resets happened in 1902 and 1764?

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Greg, Mike Adams posted an update on Karen either Thursday or Friday saying her son suggested she could have had a bad reaction to a Malaria shot. I came across an update on Health Ranger telegram channel. Thanks.

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Just as there are "elites" on planet earth , planning for many generations to pull off a dark feat...there are many of us who are here to counteract what they do. Some are activated already and some may decide not to activate, but our souls that are not of this human world, are housed in a "dirt suit" to be able to exist on earth, have power connected to divine source and by raising their own vibration break away from the dark earthly web constructed by "the elite" beings.

I know this sounds like science fiction but it is not, each human has free will to break generational traditions and elevate their own soul...like being saved because you choose light over darkness. I speak from spirituality and not from religion. After centuries of just existing, the paradigm is shifting in the direction that is going towards people finally understanding that they have free will and the more people that come to that realization, punches holes into the dark and lower vibration. Evil cannot exist where there is light, as the illumination of spirit is blinding and causes madness and implosion to the evil...breaking off the collective evil, piece by piece.

We are the sum of what we tell ourselves and elite dirt suits have no more power than we higher vibrational beings do, they just have wealth and wealth only exists on the dense plane which is where they exist. Whew...there is so much more but so little time and space!

Namaste beautiful people XOXO

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Namaste beautiful Catherine 🙏

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That was an awesome song, sounded like a blue grass pro! I love the Sunday pod cast, you never know what you're going to get! LOL Keep the hits coming!

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Speak to adversity as though it is a person as David spoke to Goliath.

Death, get lost! I am not your hotel. In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, you are rejected! Get out! Be gone!

Psalm 118:17 KJV

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

Psalm 23:4 KJV

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Psalm 107:20 KJV

He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

Luke 10:19 KJV

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Matthew 10:8 KJV

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Romans 12:2 KJV

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

If you look in the Bible, you will find the power of which I spoke. But many look into it and find no more power than exists in a dictionary. God's plan is that sons represent Him in demonstration of truth and power as His first son did by faith. Most do not, by the scriptures, believe it possible to be Jesus to the world in demonstration of the Spirit and power. Missing this, a Bible study misses the point although awash in it.

As the Word is read and studied, it is usually filtered through human reasoning and experience, which emaciates its purpose and sanitizes it of effect.

Faith is counterintuitive because it chooses to believe the Word even when it contradicts physical evidence. Faith, according to Hebrews 11, is the evidence of things not seen. It requires switching horses from sight-based believing, thinking and acting to faith-based believing, thinking, and acting. I once wondered whether it was fair to be initially soaked in sight-mode and then to require a switch to faith-mode. But all the power walked in by Jesus and His followers occurred by faith. Without faith, the Bible says it is impossible to please God. The Promised Land was not available except by faith. The promises of God listed in the Bible are not accessible except by faith--choosing to believe without proof. Axioms are statements accepted as true without proof. A leap of faith is required. You simply decide to believe, which is anathema to most people. Bible study will not do this for you. People will simply dismiss scriptures that make no sense to them.

John 14:12 NKJV

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

1 John 4:17 KJV

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

Romans 15:19 KJV

Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.

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His Words NEVER return void! 🙌

Thank you for posting Our Fathers transforming LIVING Word.

Take every negative thought and deed CAPTIVE in the name of Jeshua.

(Jesus Hebrew name😊)

Speak words of LIFE , not death.

There is TREMENDOUS Power in prayer - take your needs to His Holy Throne.

Engage in this GIFT daily and your life with be transformed.

Read HIS WORDS of LIFE daily at the start of your day and ask Him to BLESS your day with wisdom, His Presence, Joy, Love, and whatever needs you have.

He says “you have not , because you ask not” - so ask.

May His Peace be with you always brothers and Sisters

. We need Him to sustain us in this world. He is OUR LIFE SAVER.🙏🫶🏻

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I am very glad to receive your response! “I have believed and therefore have I spoken.”

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

I did not know this was a new song and it was so familiar to me I was singing along. Did you also write this? I love it. I had no idea it was you singing until you came on to tell us. I love this song. Thank you. Try the carnivore diet, at least for thirty days. You can eat as much as you want as long as its meat. and only water to drink, and coffee usually ppl keep at first too.

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Just make sure you are buying local Vax-free. Started buying my meat, eggs, and butter from


Also, am checking out the list at the bottom of this article:


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Love the song. Wow! So glad you found Joy! The sound quality is outstanding, and I hope you will put an album together. I also appreciate your mentioning the catastrophic reset topic and the powerful anti-dungeon programming at Archaix. Have a great week!

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okay it is sevensons? checking it out now looking for local meat delivery currently. I have been doing grass fed

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Yes, expecting my second delivery this week. Can't trust any store anymore!

Growing my vegetables in grow bags and shopping at the Farmers Market once a week. Not selling Meat yet, but someone said they are going to start soon.

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Sundays with Greg! Soothing like Golf Sundays. 💕

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It's a good to hear you say you are an idealist (optimist) because your song was a bit dark. Your conscious alignment with your soul's journey creates your reality tunnel, not your horoscope. The psychopath genocidal cabal are mimicking the weather? Uh hmm... Directed Energy Weapons, (DEWs) are real. Agenda 2030 is real.

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Read a great article on “All News Pipeline” today written by, Susan Duclos

Check All Food Labels, Even Products You Have Bought For Years!


Almost everything in my Pantry, two years' worth have bioengineered.

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And since the vax was released the people working at the food plants are transfecting the product.

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Not to mention the Infected Invaders with Zoonotic Tuberculosis workers spreading to Meat Farms, causing cattle to be put down. Another very Nefarious plan to cause REAL disease! Check out Michael Von and Ann Vandersteel reporting.


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That was you very impressive! Not that I know you personally, but that was awesome!

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Greg......STOP selling yourself short. You do NOT have ANY 'weaknesses' in the vocals department. I cannot sing; nor am I gifted in the musical instrument department. But, I DO know talent/good music, when I hear it; I DO have an ear for it. I AM, however, REALLY good at photography; primarily (99%) Bands (MOST of whom, are my buds). My friends (musicians/bands) are always asking my opinion on sound/song(s)/new band members/'whatever'.....and I will give them my STRAIGHT-UP, HONEST opinion (even if it is BAD! lol). They all know this, and respect it (which is why they ASK!). Just a lil insight.....at the age of 7, is when I became a major KISS fan! Been a Rocker/Metal-Head ever since (I'm well into my 50's!). I know 'GOOD' vs 'SHIT' music/singing when I hear it! And you have a fine singing voice.....stop second guessing and selling yourself short! If your voice was crap....I'd tell you, 'Love the music, but go and find yourself a singer!'. LOL KEEP SINGING your own stuff!!

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Funny story about singing. When this Nightmare started back in 2020, I started singing a song.

I don't drink or do drugs, so I was sober. Anyway, it is called "Nothin' but Bullshit / Lies. Somehow, it got recorded on my laptop computer. I don't even know how to record on it, just stumbled on it looking for a file. I was very surprised, to say the least, and wonder if it is in a database somewhere in the cloud. My computer has since fried, and no backup was saved.

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I second, "Keep Singing your own Stuff!" Love your voice.

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It’s like a standard transmission with an invisible gear. In order for Peter to walk upon water, he had to turn his attention from the adversity of circumstance and double-clutch into faith-confidence in the Word of the One who authorized him to step out of the ship.

Disbelief that this is possible is par for the course. In order to allow faith, you may need to sit yourself down and walk or leap away from your perspective.

1 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

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