It happened very slowly at first and then all at once. I consider myself to be a 6th-degree COVID RedPiller as follows:
7-Degrees of COVID RedPillery (inspired by the 33-degrees of FreeMasonry):
0-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media/government/experts.
1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective. (I was promoted to this degree in 01/2020.)
2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the MSM and politicians.
3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.
4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and a cover-up for imminent global financial collapse.
5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/satanists/freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. Politicians are just puppets. The NWO is the real goal.
6th-degree: Many conspiracy theories (e.g. 911, JFK, pizzagate, Moon Landing, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official science and history are very suspect.
7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? Lucifer, Nephilim, demons (from other dimensions), aliens, just delusional human psychopaths? I may never reach this degree. Perhaps there are higher degrees as well (TBD).
Ha! Brilliant! Thrilled to read that you've maintained your humor, creativity and sanity throughout the journey of fascist totalitarian discovery. Blessings!
Glad you're here..... Did awakening happen in slow stages or seemingly all at once?
It happened very slowly at first and then all at once. I consider myself to be a 6th-degree COVID RedPiller as follows:
7-Degrees of COVID RedPillery (inspired by the 33-degrees of FreeMasonry):
0-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media/government/experts.
1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective. (I was promoted to this degree in 01/2020.)
2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the MSM and politicians.
3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.
4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and a cover-up for imminent global financial collapse.
5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/satanists/freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. Politicians are just puppets. The NWO is the real goal.
6th-degree: Many conspiracy theories (e.g. 911, JFK, pizzagate, Moon Landing, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official science and history are very suspect.
7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? Lucifer, Nephilim, demons (from other dimensions), aliens, just delusional human psychopaths? I may never reach this degree. Perhaps there are higher degrees as well (TBD).
Ha! Brilliant! Thrilled to read that you've maintained your humor, creativity and sanity throughout the journey of fascist totalitarian discovery. Blessings!