Criminal punishment warranted. Murder is killing individuals and it is punishable under the law. But, none of the responsible parties will be held accountable because they were in on the planning and execution of the debacle.
I reside in Texas and recall the Waco massacre with clarity. Different time. Different place. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno.
Criminal punishment warranted. Murder is killing individuals and it is punishable under the law. But, none of the responsible parties will be held accountable because they were in on the planning and execution of the debacle.
I reside in Texas and recall the Waco massacre with clarity. Different time. Different place. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno.
Criminal punishment warranted. Murder is killing individuals and it is punishable under the law. But, none of the responsible parties will be held accountable because they were in on the planning and execution of the debacle.
I reside in Texas and recall the Waco massacre with clarity. Different time. Different place. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno.
Atta boy, Joe. You knew.