Well, we can't stop it while most of the population is vested in their corporate, financial/BANKING, medical, media, "educational," "entertainment," et al trappings.
We refuse to relinquish those, ergo, the two dots aren't difficult to connect.
Trump’s military moves in and takes over the rogue government in charge of this chaos.
1. Military Takeover
2. Arrest All Traitors
3. MSM Takedown
4. 24/7 PSAs of Truth
5. Restructure All Levels of Government (Small)
6. New Declaration of Independence
7. Public Town Square Executions
8. Reverse All Unconstitutional Laws Passed Federally & Statewide Since 1878
9. Liberate All States & Territories Which Want to Declare Independence From The United States
10. End The Monetary System (All Central Banks)
11. End The Stock Market
12. End The UN, The WHO, The WEF, The Vatican, The Corporate Monopolies.
(Feel Free to Add More)
Not necessarily in that order . . .
Somewhere in this (immediately) would be Law and Order. Probably Martial Law.
Voting? I’m questioning whether we will ever have another election . . .
I think where we ultimately end up is off this circus. We who are awake and aware will rise up ~ raise our vibration from this 3D matrix to 5D and beyond.
The process has begun. We need to finalize it.
[They] are scratching their way back to relevance. We have [their] number now. There’s no way for [them] to succeed.
I agree. I suspect they are letting crime get so out of control that the npcs will beg for 'order', and they'll get it under martial law. order out of chaos. repeat.
My guess is they need to lock down the surface for final preparations leading up to the cataclysm when they go underground. And that's what all this has been about.
nearly got arrested last summer by a Fed park ranger for mentioning that maybe the Oregon Caves kept closing...two years ago, and opening and closing...was because anyone interested in microwave research would be interested in caves.
Theyve had that location going on special for some years now. First sussed it out from a Fed who infiltrated one of the pot towns, saw where his bs was focussed, put two and two together....long time ago...anyway, yeah, we're fucked. Everyone too busy minding "their own business" making sure the money keeps flowing.
Without ever ever considering just what money is. Oi vey!
We're fucked. Jesus didn't sacrifice himself to save anyone else from their sins. Jesus was murdered by the bankers, 'cause that's who the people chose, everytime.
Jesus' message is that as long as you worship the bankers' game, ..money-monopoly, you create human sacrifices.
Just love hearing all this moaning about the "poor folk " of Maui. Ha!! I've lived on the island, a decade and a half. Both Maui and Big Island.
Dream on, folks dream on.
Look up the average worth of a house in drug central of the Pacific, Lahaina, Maui. It' ain't pocket change.
Oh, yeah, about the Oregon Caves...they are redoing the elite "chateau" up there.
For whom, I wonder? Good water in these mountains. I drink from the creeks there.
You're kinda warm here, Greg...yes, Saturn's passage through it's own two rashis following the Saturn/Jupiter 2020 conj. in Capricorn has been directing the timing and possibilites. Now, as Saturn sits in mighty Shastabishak, well, look it up...a closed circle, finishing up the "space fence"? Then again, Varuna rules the night with "a thousand eyes", a relief to Shiva after the century or so of being covered with a thousand vaginas, but "the night has a thousand eyes" and Varuna's noose catches wrongdoers who are in danger of losing theri souls.
Not sure what the policy is on those soulless ones, tho.
YOu know?
Well, all good "owners" can understand a fence. Hope they remember that word has additional meanings.......
I think you're right, but not just what they can't sell but everything. Like having a clearance sale (or we could say a fire sale) at full price, then close down their stores, one by one, two by two. Sell out at full price, get out and put that money into stocking up their underground bunkers and whatever they know will have value by the time they crawl out into the sunlight again.
Non-Player Characters (NPC) in a video game. The ones who don't matter and are just filler. It's a degrading comment toward other people. Just like "useless eaters". People who use this term are haters of their own species exactly like the rulers they claim to oppose. It's sick really. God Bless.
2. Someone who uses no critical thought or reasoning skills but simply hears, and then regurgitates, a set of talking points which the media or the government feeds them.
3. Persons who simply adopt media narratives as true due to a lack of curiosity and critical thinking.
So...you see yourself as NOT a npc? Great. I love self-appointed importance. Admirable quality. Also hating on your fellow man. Great. You and Klaus would be big buddies if only you could get in a room with him which obviously you can't, so that would render you a ncp in his world....interesting.
Whatever it is, it's not good. People generally speaking, and I'm largely referring to "the awake" as they call themselves, are not coming anywhere near grasping the magnitude and underpinnings of the situation at hand.
When people are more concerned these days over their pensions, investments, and wealth in general, than they are for their own liberty, their childrens' and grandchildrens' liberty, SMH, it's beyond clear that they are entirely not atune to that gravity of it all.
You're right. And when the SHTF over and over and over as it seems it inevitably will, these "awake" people will realize they've only been living a dream at best. It will be a shocker.
Haha. Recall a time about ...lord, twenty years ago? ...when Tom said to me "when the shit hits the fan" and I replied, "what makes you think it hasn't already hit the fan? "
Yup and they're proli going to use the Nat Guard which will prove to be too much then the military (whatever that will look like most likely someone ala Tienanmen Square job where the tank drivers didn't speekee d lokal lingo) and martial law will rear. Then all the homeless will be shoveled into FEMA CAMPS to make soylent green fertilizer for the NWO hiding in their basement cities.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
Thank you for this, Depswah. Agree...We the People must see the underlying agendas and unify. Somehow, in spite of multiple tragedies, doomsday warnings, and the views of those who only speak of negativity, We Must Keep Our Visions of a Beautiful, Abundant, Peaceful future for all of humanity. We carry the Divine Spark of Divinity. Those without the Divine Spark, whether dormant or awakened, are not fully human. Where do we access the virtual prayer meeting?
Watching Jason Jones on AJ yesterday was heart wrenching. But there are so many holes in the information. Yes there have been genocide agendas as far back as we can go back in human history. Sad when the innocent suffer diabolical agendas.
It's the "hero complex", which every dumb dude on the planet is addicted to. Hard call, that one....got a sticker back of my guitar, lovely, "we don't need another hero."
My plinko board comes up with martial law as well then fema camps then Soylent Green end game good nite. A declaration of martial law is the ticket to supercede the constitution, kinda like hitler did with the enabling act.
I've been thinking that those seven days in May occurred before the book was writ. It's a long time gone. I'm one of those insane folks from the seventies who's been warning since 1980 that this US of Europe was heading into military law.
It's long gone, Greg. Long long gone.
I had to flee today where I was breathing nothing but ashes and smoke, southern Oregon. Ashes ashes we all fall down.
"If I had all the money in the world, I'd probably burn it down. "
And "martial law"...mars law, the law of war...has no law whatsoever.
If we can't recognize that the militaries have been running the show for thousands of years, we're a little behind the times. When was Europe not at war with itself?
Thank you Greg for tying so many of the pieces of the puzzle together. Anyone who doesn't believe that these people were burned out, and this was a purposeful event to steal this land, the governor's words are testament. This isn't the first time they've burned people out (as well as many other ways to get them off the land they want), and brings to memory the Rockefeller's burning out the miners and their families in Colorado, and interestingly shortly after the Federal Reserve Act was passed months before.
End the Central Banking system, and by that I mean everything that sits under the B.I.S., of which the PRIVATELY OWNED corporation of the Federal Reserve is merely one such enterprise of what, 50-ish, and most if not all of the other things that you say take care of themselves.
The [Deep State] is anything but dead. Their plans are progressing quite nicely for them. The reason why it can is precisely because of thinking and sentiments like that.
Voting has been useless for decades. Unless you're younger than 30 you should have noticed this by now.
Trump is one of "them," a freemason and accomplice. Putting your faith in him, well, again, is why they're succeeding.
Not to be snarky, but if we're EVER going to have a chance, then it's thinking like that that needs to be ENTIRELY abandoned.
If you haven't already, a good place simply scratch the surface on the Big-Picture is Corbett's Century of Enslavement documentary.
BTW, may I ask, what's your understanding of what this "Deep State" is?
The [DS] is trying to end any possible chance of Trump getting back in the WH. If he were to be hurt or Heaven forbid (I dare not say it) worse, there would be a civil war and [they] can’t afford it.
CFR, BIS, CERN, WEF, UN, WHO, the Fed, GAVI, CIA, FBI, IRS et al along with all corporations, ie Comcast, Blackrock, Vanguard, all politicians, all CEOs, all city/town councils, all county commissioners, all school boards, all governors save one or two, all DAs, AGs, represents what the DS consists of. George Soros, Klaus Schwab are low fruit for us to see.
The real players, the ones who own us (or think they own us) are extremely wealthy families who have been manipulating the entire world for centuries if not millennia. The Payseurs is one I researched.
Those who think Trump is in on it haven’t listened to what he’s said or done in Truth.
If he’d have let [them] do what they wanted to do (with Covid-19) we’d have been there by now. If he wasn’t elected, we’d have had a nuclear holocaust already and we would have been there by now.
He’s a wartime President. There are casualties in war. Unfortunately.
We have been so fast asleep and complacent. Everyone yammered on daily, including me, near 70, with little physical strength. And we don’t do anything except yammer.
We are lazy. Look at France & The Netherlands. They’re actively protesting against their government.
MSM keeps us in the dark & under a spell of narrative propaganda.
They spent decades sowing the seeds of change. Have you ever listened to Yuri Besmenov? If not, look him up.
SMH ... you're very misled if you think that Trump's any sort of solution.
"Those who think Trump is in on it haven’t listened to what he’s said or done in Truth."
I would argue the opposite. Those who think that Trump either isn't in on it, or is merely used as a Judas Goat to entrap people such as yourself, haven't paid attention to what he's DONE, in Truth!!
He fully facilitated and took claim for the proliferation of deadly Injected toxins into humanity.
While endlessly shouting "Drain the Swamp," he promply filled his Cabinent and almost all other prominent Government positions that he controlled, with, wait for it, ... SWAMP DWELLERS!!!
He kept a stooge entirely controlled by the Global Elites like Fauci around to lead us to slaughter!
Yeah, sorry, actions speak louder than words in my world, they should in yours as well.
Nevertheless, I'll leave you with this thought;
Did the NWO Agenda (capital "A") advance during Trump's Presidency?
The honest answer is, "Yes!!! In spades!" Anything else is mindnumbing denial, and to suggest that more of the same is some kind of solution, well, I'm a little speechless on that one.
He was an outsider from the start. How is it you cannot see that? He’s been vilified to the nth degree. MSM has repeatedly been on his and Putin’s back since the beginning of his first campaign.
This is far more complex than most could possibly imagine.
When we all find out the Truth most people, including those of us in this thread will shit their britches and collapse with a heart attack. That is how ugly it’s going to be for some.
My intuition is and always has been 100% correct because it’s a direct line to God. We were born with it. You were born with it. Start to nurture it. It will help you survive the onslaught of what’s to come.
Evade if you like. I'll take that as an admission that you do not truly understand what the "Deep State" truly is or is not.
And ultimate "love" as you claim, also loves its enemies. Unfortunately, and seemingly contrary to your opinions, that is not a solution to our societal woes in this case.
Trump is not the savior you think he is. You think he will help the people? In the same way he helped the people he lured to the Whitehouse on January 6th? The people who non-maliciously but naively walked into the Capitol Building when invited in by Capitol police and had a little saunter around, an unguided tour. Misdemeanor trespass at worst. Yet they were incarcerated, held in solitary confinement (considered torture) for over a year without charges before even having their case heard. Some are still waiting. One, who got a lot of camera time (he is an actor after all) was convicted to 4 years in prison - for misdemeanor trespass. You can watch the videos to see he just walked around, took selfies, maybe did some posturing. All with the police standing around watching. Trump did nothing to help these people. Nothing. He condemned them by implying they had been violent. There were violent people there - plants. Of course there were. But the people arrested and held were not the violent ones.
Trump claims credit for creating the vaccine that has killed hundreds of thousands, permanently disabled even more, and the effects of it are not over yet. Trump claims he got the vaccine himself and went out telling people to get it like he was in a competition with Biden for who could be the top vaccine salesman of the year. Trump signed in the CARES act and other legislation that gave immunity from liability to the vaccine makers, and everyone in the chain right down to the person with needle in hand injecting an undisclosed, untested, toxic substance into people.
Trump took money from BigPharma. I think it totaled to 4 billion (check OpenTheBooks.com for the exact amount). A small fraction compared to Biden (just since his presidency) but still, is 4 billion not substantial enough to influence? I would say it is, especially to someone obsessed by money.
During the Trump regime while he said he was against the lockdowns and masking mandates Trump did nothing to stop the tyrannical state Governors from illegally and unlawfully infringing on the rights of their residents. He maybe bluffed that he would a couple of times, then threw up hands saying, there's noting I can do.
He did nothing then. He will do nothing now and nothing in the future. To think otherwise is to deny his past behavior and to drug yourself up on the hopium he spreads.
Continuing to expect a savior, someone else to come and save us and stop the 'bad guys' is what they want us to be doing. It keeps us from taking action, from doing things outside our comfort zone. And it leaves us right where they want us... controllable. Slaves, who can't even stand up for themselves.
Trump is clearly not on our side. None of them are. There may be actual good people with the best of intentions running for president, but we will never know their names because the propaganda media will never acknowledge them. They will not be given a voice. They will not be allowed to enter the debates.
Once an emergency is declared according to the UN treaty already signed before Trump, when a ‘pandemic’’ is declared NO American has constitutional rights any longer. We are no longer living under the US Constitution. They was a coup. Game over. Currently and some in the past, those in cabinet offices, have not officially taken oaths of office, loyal to the United States. UN founding members took official oaths to someone though, want to guess? Satan. Ask vax attorney Todd Calllender, he’s seen the documents. I think you believe Trump knew more than he did, but the man was played and told if he gets behind the vax, rah, rah, warp speed, everyone will do it and get the economy going again. You may not believe it, but he loves the American people, he wants them to prosper. He despises communism. His kids will attest, their parents took them to the grandparents communist countries in which they resided, and taught what it was to live under Communist rule vs what being a free sovereign individual and nation is. I’m not saying the man’s perfect, he’s got a lot of flaws. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be married to him. I think his biggest problem is his ego getting in the way. Insiders say he was sold on the vax, and advisors told him naysayers are anti vaxxers. He wasn’t vaxxed, and he doesn’t know it. A lot of people were subject to that, termed the ‘’Advocate method’ (for years some vax lots have been varied, giving way to people saying they’re fine, it must be in peoples heads, or not as bad as they say, purely psychological op). With this vax, it was so much worse, and independent media did such a fine job spreading the truth as it came in. It’s complete denial of some people still saying it’s not true. I know some. My sister died after it, they totally bought it. Three different levels of lots, some without venom. Even Biden got a placebo, or he would have died after it. According to those closet to him, Trump has been shown some evidence of the damage, and was/is expected to squash the whole thing. But talking so much about the deep state hurt him badly, and he needs to do things more carefully. He’s already talked about freeing and pardoning 6 er’s, shutting down the FBI, overhauling DOJ. I’m not a Trump fan, I didn’t even vote in the last election, but I can at least see the point if he doesn’t get in, he can’t begin to do those things. The second term is where the rubber means the road and he was going to meet that road head on. He made remarkable inroads in the economy, he helped most people if you did your homework. You’re expecting a President to be able to do anything, and this country is run by complete unknowns, the politicians are puppets with puppet masters. Obama’s a puppet, an invented puppet, and Trump was an accident as far as those in power are concerned. There is master control, even Bush said when asked about having so much power, basically said -you’d be surprised how little power a president actually has, and that so much is in play, that the president can’t do a thing about. It was a moment of candor I’ll never forget. The elites would stop at nothing, do you understand ? They will kill the man, Trump, before they let him take the reins again. He was very effective even with all that restraint, and they despise him for it. He openly rejected the WEF, the Paris Climate Accord. The Abraham accords were a peace treaty that was a miracle, he was told couldn’t snd would never happen. Four peace treaties. Before the phony lying traitor advisors that were pushed on him after they got Flynn and others out of there, he had several deliberately placed Christian’s doing incredible good for him, and us as a result. They’re trying to take him out for non crimes, for a man YOU and others believe is evil, and on their side. Think about it, would they go to this extreme if the man was one of them? If he were one of them why not let him win in 2020? While the FBI was in Georgia shredding ballots in a non descript warehouse, with sniper nests up and down the street, the actual votes were counted. Stolen from mostly China, but every which way from Sunday. Did you watch the votes go backward, get flipped to Biden, just halting in the middle of the night?
Losing over 4 million votes doesn’t happen for someone who’s one of them.
I believe that the invasion & subsequent secretive political, economic and cultural control of the US began with President Woodrow Wilson, an avid acolyte of Israel & Judaism. He not only appointed the very first “Jew” to the USSC, he also laid the groundwork for the bloated federal government most Americans struggle with today. Clif High of HalfPastHuman refers to these interlopers as the Khazarian Mafia, Name Stealers and also as the Elohim worship cult.
As a side note - Given their ubiquitous presence in virtually every government agency, I would posit that these “Crypto Jews” played no small part in by the blatant suppression of zero point energy by the patent office influenced by the CIA, DOD & the FBI. All under the guise of national security.
Ugh. Suzannne. Trump is not who you think he is! You need to save yourself and your family. No one is coming to help us. It’s a Uniparty. They all only want to save themselves and Trumps a part of it!
I’m fully aware. None of us know what is going to happen in the long run.
I’m not a gloom and doom person.
I’ve done thousands of hours of research. Enough to know intuitively the Khazarian Mafia is very close to being taken down.
Yes it’s ugly out there. The evil is being exposed by the Light of day as they are scrambling, scratching and clawing to remain relevant, in control and in charge They aren’t!!
Those of us who are awake won’t allow them to continue . . . And that includes God Almighty.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
I agree. Trump is not part of the solution; he is part of the problem. I haven't trusted him since he started pushing the jab so hard. Washed my hands of him right then and there.
Exactly. No matter what DT says now, he stood by while they poisoned the planet. Very few realize that the vax is not going away unless they release an antidote. Useless to say "MAGA" when homo sapiens is done. Who's going to MAKE-MAN-GREAT-AGAIN?
Me too!! A lot of things were not adding up leading up to the election. He kept saying beforehand it would be stolen without actually saying it. He went on and on about the ballots but never did a thing to block it or stop it. Then all the BS he spouted out about Pence and his plan to reject Biden as president. Then his constant bragging about his beautiful vaccines! I now hate the guy and I did vote for him! I believe the votes do not matter and anyone relying on the 2024 election to be saved is a fool. If you want to escape what is coming u must purchase some land deep in the woods and have a water source and food source and a well and solar power and get ready!! I can’t get anyone I know and love to believe this! They all think I’m crazy! I’m completely alone on this. I’d love to get a group set up on email( not social media sights) who I can plan with!
I'm no Trump fan. I was just questioning the commenter who said Trump's Military. I never have been a Trump fan going all the way back to the 80's. And when I saw that he was going to be the Republican nominee for President I did my homework. Donald Trump is a wicked man.
That is exactly what mainstream media, WEF, NATO, and the US current regime wants you to think. At least stay neutral. The truth will eventually be revealed. Do not be caught in the dark web.
There’s no Trump’s military, and the Biden military has weeded out the best via refusal to submit to injections, those that were injected and suffer injury, and those that died from the shots, God Rest Their Souls. Which leaves only the most woke continuing indoctrination to play military.
As much as Trump commanding the military to mobilize and put an end to this tyranny looks great compared to the road we're on, he couldn't even get sanity and early treatment into the covid response.
I hope RFK, Jr gets enough support to override all the ways they will try to sabotage him. He understands the levers of power, that his uncle dealt with, that he has understood his whole life, and he still is sure he can take them on and succeed, otherwise he wouldn't be running.
Then again, maybe any solution by voting is naive in the face of this much evil.
Then again, there has never been someone with as much solid integrity as RFK, Jr, who also is determined to not cave in to the deep state, within reach of the presidency ...
Military is gone. They vaxed the shit out of the soldiers and with AI those guys are now walking automatons who can be mind controlled or stopped dead in their tracks. According to Doc Mount all the higher ups like Milley are Luciferians.
"Trump's military" " The same one pushing injections? The same "military" ...what a word...that was suposed to show up at the election protests? Trump's military? Trump, the reality tv show actor? He has his very own military, like the Vatican or something? When he and Melania visited the Taj Mahal, there was not only regular miltiary up the wazoo, but even also many languars to keep macaque monkeys away, although it is supposedly illegal to employ them in this way in India. But rules don't apply to some people. I suppose if you have your own reality tv military.......
Precisely! We no longer have the means nor the opportunity to stop these miscreants. We waited too long, and now they own basically everything and everyone and can do whatever they want to us, and they know it.
Well too many misguided fools waiting for hopium were and still are trusting that plan and letting the white hats handle it🙄All the flack I receive not trusting Trump from the start as he did zero to stop this when he could have. All a show indeed🍿🥤🎥🎬
He was just a useful idiot, with fans from his show. The Powers That (should not) Be, got him elected, and then got him unelected when they were done with him.
I think they just swapped Trump out for the next phase which was to totally destroy the economy and the middle class... Trump wasn't the expert in destruction they needed for that. They needed a specialist, someone with skill and experience in weakening and destroying a country's economy. Obama wasn't available, so put his apprentice in place to do the job.
Are any of those you know personally who gave you flack starting to see the light? It amazes me how people keep believing the lies when so much evidence to the contrary exists. They don't update their beliefs. Fortunately there are some who have. Gives me a sliver of hope.
But it’s not only billionaire Americans owning all this land(s). From what I’ve read, the Chinese own the West Coast! I’m from SF, and 40 years ago + entire neighborhoods were Chinese. Their government gives them money to come to the USA and buy property. Entire areas are now Chinese, storefronts are in Chinese. I don’t even recognize areas...it’s like Chyna! It’s all coming together...I get it.
the same along the coast, just south of SF. The most expensive houses taken over by young chinese couples, when you ask them, what they do for living to have millions at that young age?? silence!! The first thing they do around the house?? THEY CUT THE TREES!!! What's left are wi-fi towers!!!!
My own, VERY BITTER experience...
Btw. do we need to wonder why it all ended like this with everything around us 'made in China'???
But some Americans do own a lot too, of course, all these MAUI 'supporters' wanting to 'raise up the ashes' of the destruction?? And who knows, how many are hidden, somewhere, like in Antarctica....
I was thinking that letting San Francisco fall due to out of control lawlessness will result in the Chinese eventually owning the whole city and taking it over. So sad that this is being allowed to happen. Used to live in SF and hubby was born there it was so beautiful last century. Oh well I guess all good things must end.
I’m a 3rd generation San Franciscan. That city is NOT the city I was raised in! If my parents and grandparents were still alive, they’d cry. I refuse to go there. The City also fired me for not putting poison up my nose or in my body. The City IS Soddam and Gemorrah, make no mistake. It is evil.
My extremely strong father who never cried, would cry over the destruction of his city, and country. I know if he were alive, he would take the three of us lone women and leave the country. ASAP
That makes me so sad. Neither hubby or I will go there because I want to remember how it was. Lived there in the 70's and it was so beautiful. Tourists would stop me on the street and I often times became an impromptu tour guide. Loved walking all around the city. I forget which dj used to call it Baghdad by the Bay. Now it's cesspool by the bay. Good for you for standing fast for what is right. Sorry you had to pay such a price for doing what's right.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
BTW, in modern terms, it all began as the "Holocaust" (TM) narrative began in earnest in the '60s. Not in the late '40s mind you, no, but in the very late '50s and early '60s.
It stems from that, but the propaganda has been so thoroughly inculcated into the world that our bonds are invisible, and so easily broken by the truth, YET, we'll have none of it.
2.5M minus 6M apparently equals more than 5M.
And we didn't think that the "new math" began until two decades ago. SMH
We're out own worst enemies at times with our inability to think independently or question anything that the government or its Central Banking Cabal controlled media and "educational" institutions tell us.
Our best "last chance" was the 2008 "Too Big To Fail" "crisis," at which we didn't want to give up our material goodies, so now we're paying the price.
It may already have been too late at that point n time. We now have 3 companies, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street that, between them, own 90+ percent of everything on the planet. Think about how much power that gives them. Is it any wonder that governments now are subsumed into the corporate morass and no longer make decisions for their citizens? We used to have/enforce laws against monopolies; we've completely abandoned that concept and allowed these companies bo buy up everything. Now the own and control virtually the whole world.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Do you really think that three conglomerates can keep control over the entire planet? I do wonder....The dreams of men.
It won't be easy, of course, but they did convince over 5 billion people to wear masks all day and accept poisonous injections for an illness with a 99.9+ survival rate.
Exactly. It may have already been too late, but had we "let it/them fail," then who knows where we'd be now, but better off for sure, even if only for another decade or two. But you're right with the implication, that had that happened people would have likely just gone back into "ignorance is bliss" mode and allowed them to regroup, as long as they got their interests/share of the mammon.
Point being that it's our own greed and focus on mammon that does us in.
One HAARP could not do it with it frequency range. Multiple sources, maybe with every single wi-fi tower beaming with huge power and controbuting to it all over.. I'm very concerned because the spraying here where I live are incredible too..
Signals emitted by HAARP arrays are reflected by the ionosphere, and when it bounces back to earth it can excite particles that are in the atmosphere (that's my understanding of it), particles that can be sprayed via SAI (chemtrails). So in theory they can manufacture weather events (that end up killing people) anywhere on earth where they've sprayed.
Yep. It's that "simple", somehow. Ionosphere heaters heat, so global warming assured! Now, to the dominance and control part!! As per Lyndon Johnson, 1964, "he who controls the weather will control the world. "
The fact you are describing is valid not only for HAARP but for all the wi-fi sources emitting EMFs, with a special shape. The frequency is the key, that's what the particles will absorb. When you watch the shapes of all the different grids on the skies after the sprayings you will realize these are coordinated multiple sources, just my observations... Btw. this morning I'm finding white powder all over the plants, which btw. do not grow at all this year (similar to others..) due to the aluminum getting into the root system... In 2021 I got 'my covid' after a heavy spraying, it was terrible, like a stroke. In that one month of getting back to life I checked if the ground is actually magnetic, and it was, the entire N52 (strongest magnet) was covered with magnetic dust... ~1 feet deeper, it was clean.. Anyway, physicists should come out and tell us what they do for living... It's a SHAME these days to be a scientist.
What is "debt"? is it a version of death? Who or what are we "in-debted " to? Are we born with the "original sin" of being human, and therefore owe some kind of debt? Why do we have to "earn a living". ? Did someone's mother charge them before letting them out alive? Sometimes I just can't make any sense out of the things people say . There doesn't seem to be any clear definitions in use.
this sad to say is only the beginning the next 15 months is hard telling what they will do . PRAY PRAY! I have heard in several videos that the same sherriff in Maui is the same person or sherriff in the Mass Shooting a few years ago in Nevada.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
The Government outright murdered burned to death little children for property. These parasites masquerading as politicians are outright fucking evil and need to die every goddamn one of them
Unfortunately, it’s only beginning, because we are already defeated. The only way out is through the Rapture, Tribulation and Millenium of Christ. Most have shown their contempt for God, and unless there is repentance, there’s no hope but in the Kingdom hereafter. Anyone who believes in Christ should not be surprised. It had to happen someday. Get right with God now, and pray for the Rapture. Why would anyone want to live here now, knowing the traitors around us?
A comment left on a previous RR was left to draw the attention of the reader to a planning, scheduling and implementation program tool every major corporate entity, including governments and military species, on earth uses called P6. It was also stated that their Bilderberg, WEF, CFR et al meetings is when, out of view, they sit a room behind bi/tri monitor screens with a the P6 schedule master updating progress on the plan to take over the world. What was left out is the rituals they perform - en-mass and individually. The entire Maui op was planned as a death ritual, mass burned sacrifices, especially the innocence of children to their god, Moloch - WITH the return gift a POWER to them. The thing known as Oprah wasn't kidding when she commented, "Many a Phoenix will arise out of the ashes...." - and it's not the majestic mythological creature. It's the birds who cackle and pick the flesh of the dead - the vultures in the shape of humans. I have NO DOUBT the thing call Oprah knew the exact minute those kids would go up in flames, and she was sequestered in her private ritual room doing her prostrations and chants to her god. According to the law of rhythm, that may have been the top of the arc of the pendulums swing to the left. May have been. BTW folks: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Chiron & the North Node are ALL in retrograde and were in retrograde when this went down. Yeah, "Millionaire don't use astrology, billionaires do." - JP Morgan. The North Node goes square and Mercury goes retrograde 8/24, making FIVE planets in retrograde at once - just before the super full blue moon 8/30. Listen for their howls of delight - - - - and stay centered.
The Phoenix is a grotesque imitation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no majestic mythological creature called a phoenix. It's all Satanic through and through.
God told us never to use astrology because it is the magic of witches and their demon gods.
Then don't ever read an almanac, because it's totally based on knowledge of the electro-magnetic and plasma fields of the planets, our neighbors here, and their effects on the weather. Nothing a non sailor would need to know.
Whoa, no wonder! I was wondering about the astrological happenings when this went down and the numerology significance.
Creepy as hell that Oprah demon being there. Just seeing her face in some videos is creepy as. Seeing her in a shelter, creepy! Then seeing photos with a few other women and they are laughing and look like they are having a fun time, not a care in the world. Just there for fun, laughter, and photo ops. In the middle of a war zone reduced to white ash, where thousands have lost their lives. By intent of these demons. Interesting that the demon Oprah is the first of the celebrity demons to be there. The early vulture gets all the best pickings I guess.
Maybe or they were not in school and home alone and burned alive in their homes. That would surely be reason enough that the parents would most likely not want to live in the house where their children perished. So they will sell. Mission accomplished.
Full Moon in Magha. It will be significant for sure. They tried hard to get it to rain on the new moon in Cancer. Too many planets in fire. Soon the nodes go into gandanta. Interesting times. Yes, they plan all, all, with sidereal astrology, and the fixed stars are their power source. Can you tell me the precise time of the start of this event? I could show you every astrological/astronomical principle they used.
I cannot. I'm new, using Solar Fire v9.0.29, to shooting and reading charts in Western. I've shot one natal chart in sidereal using the Sri Yukteswar zodiac for a life-long pal b/c he's deep into SRF and out of the many zodiac's to choose, like Krishnamirti et al, that's why I choose it - on a swag - I just entered the data, clicked 'Okay' and when the chart popped up I had no clue what I was looking at. I emailed it to him and told him to find someone at the SRF center he's at who can read it for him. I'm keenly aware of the Vedic sidereal and the volumes needed to go through to digest it and project it correctly. I just don't have the time - there's an f' ton of books in my queue I gotta get through before delving into it - while balancing out "issues" associated with more "issues."
I hear you and feel you. I'm going to begin a new substack soon on this topic, as my gift is to bring it all into simplicity in connection with what is real. I've been working at that for more than thirty years, and I know what I'm dealing with now. It'll make it easy and quick. Esoteric just means hidden, and I'm a revealer. I part the curtains on the huguboogoo.
I had that one, can't get it on this lame computer somehow, gotta get my techno resolved. So lazy I guess, after nursing and raising six mostly alone.
I was watching a British rerun episode of “Antiques Roadshow” 2 days ago, which was filmed in Coventry, England, and an elderly woman had brought in a couple pieces of jewelry to be looked at. She and the gentleman estimating her jewelry prices got to talking, and she started relating her experiences as a child when the town of Coventry was bombed.
My ears perked up when she started talking about the fires, but they couldn’t put out the fires because “the hydrants had been shut off.”
Yes, she actually said that. It gave me chills.
Was it a coincidence that it was such a similarity to Maui? Was it just two horrific moments in time that had the same footprint?
There is evil afoot in this world, and has been for a long time.
Reading so much in "Circle of Stones, The Private Life of War" which reflects what is going on now. Same same throughout time. Burn 'em out. That's how you got the land in the first place, The natives were murdered. Methodically. It's a Euro thing.
There is so much content on YT about chemtrails and directed energy weapons. If these things are true and I believe they are the chemicals being sprayed could very easily be fuel for these fires. Some have discussed where Maui would be perfect for land use of 15 minute smart cities where other areas are no go zones. Seems very planned to me and to force the people to stay and be burned alive. It was called a conspiracy theory but it sure looks like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are playing out step by step. This too talked about a 1 world government and it's benefits. Good has become evil and evil has become good. Some might say we are winning against these tyrants like Bill Gates, George Soros but I do not see it this way. Take a good look at Canada and you'll see what's coming as they are charging carbon taxes. Humans are carbon and this is what the UN/WHO/WEF wants to eliminate and only the most dedicated people who do not question and enjoy their servitude. deserves to live.
I think we're dealing with invisible beams that can melt a 24hour blaze home-safe vault. Boats out on the water "flamed on" so how did that happen? Like what happened with the twin towers, steel melting in plain view. Most fires there is charring left over, black carbon. Do we see much charring? Most electrical fires there is carbon visible. Not white powder and melted cement. Did the missing kids get bussed somewhere like what happened at Uvalde and Sandy Hoax? Didn't the townsfolk of Slimy Hook get their mortgages paid off to join the fray?
Chemtrails and DEW are real, and i suspect the destructive powers of some directed energy weapons can be augmented if used in dry regions which are sprayed with chemtrails, as the vegetation is covered in aluminum and makes it easier for everything to go up in flames
There are videos on YT where it shows as much as city blocks where homes and businesses are reduced to ash while greenery like grass and trees go unharmed. What can we do to stop this? Not a really big fan of Trump anymore as he said to Candice Owens in an interview that not a single person had been harmed by the vaccines which he takes full credit for while PRC Test kits were being ordered by the hundreds of millions in 2018. He like most of Congress & Senate were highly invested in the production of these clot shots. Biden decides to exempt Congress & Senate from the vaccine mandates. Now they say no one was forced to take them.
Oh my goodness these people have to look after themselves with no help from this tyrant government. Plenty money for Ukraine but none for the people in this man made nightmare. Watched some people who survived and the only thing offered to them was just £700 just a total disgrace, my prayers to all these poor souls affected 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Also there not letting on the true amount of people murdered as MSM stays quiet.
Yeah. Just like in the Reign of Terror when the streets ran in rivers of blood from all the public decapitations and the Illuminate was born and the Freemasons gained incredible power and the people degraded themselves to cannibalism, etc. GREAT IDEA!!!!
I hope the locals ban together and not let their government steal their land. And this sounds like a good time to fire all involved. They were more than negligent, they were murderers. Thank you Greg, for your excellent job on getting the facts!
And when Biden doesn't arrive, they'll forgive him, because nothing is Joe's fault, he's a great guy. He can't control what happens, or the economy or anything.
I've heard that so many times from Democrats. NPC sheeple.
If people don't wake up soon, we're next. This was a test, like COVID, to how much torture we'll endure. We need to stop the NWO Commie's now. Before we lose everything and start eating bugs instead of burgers.
Greg, your reports always tell the truth. That's why we need our firearms! The government and New World Order have one mission. Depopulate as quickly as possible, by whatever means necessary!
Karen Kingston (before she went AWOL) posted a template to use to eject State government officials - only takes 10 or so people to countersign. Maui people need to take back control.
If everybody stops voting they're going to be ballerinas in a music box and then we can call them out for certain it's not a mistake of a hanging chad.
Thank you Mr. Reese for nice music and the report!
This Dr Miles Stones, does he really exist??? Amazon cartel sells his books, many, which showed up every few days, one after another, like the smart meters being blown away in a chain, from one house to the other.. I encountered in the past how software writes automatically scientific papers, based upon the data collected up to that moment.. Oh, and that ASRF base on MAUI, was just (end of July) having the VERY first exercises of the DEW's on an unmanned planes.. Imagine chinese take it over and steer the beam there where their people plan to get their properties.. 3 directors in the army resigned, there is nowhere anyone to keep an eye on everything, so lets automate everything.. Was always wondering, why Sugarmoutain (Zuckerberg in german) does not move to his Chen dynasty in China, instead collecting HUMAN and indigenous people's DNA in US, for what?
From what one can see here, ALL of these officials, LOST THEIR MIND, mildly speaking (covid GMO injections MENTAL influence, my opinion..).
A bear comes on you, you have a rifle or knife and you sit down and make a coffee break? Right before the bear starts its digestion?? THAT"S NOT NORMAL, oh, that's the NEW NORMAL.
Klaus and friends have gained confidence and happily announce their sadistic intentions after their runaway success with their pandemic hoax because satanic entities such as they despise the human soul, this is their enemy and must be destroyed at any cost.
SOUL AND SPIRIT, don't forget the SPIRIT.. Why would 'the english language put' the very same word for the one of the most precious equal to that what destroys it, in the same time?? Look at the victims of spirits (vodka for example), you can never heal those poor souls. 'They' had to start with the SPIRIT, in order to get to the SOUL.
I am on fire with anger; there is no amount of water that will suppress the raging inferno within, fueling the path I am willing to take — to take them down. There is nothing they won’t do to get what they want.
911 was not the beginning of U.S. Government terrorism… but the escalation. What they’ve done in Maui should awaken every sleeping eye. The evil is chilling, but will not deter those of us left standing.
We must take this on — lawfully, peacefully — VEHEMENTLY. We are face to face with Lucifer himself, we must NEVER let this tragedy enrich those who unleashed this genocide. This land MUST remain with the people — and not be taken over by anyone for any reason. A memorial would only be a reminder of the tragedy that unfolded, and a trophy for those who carried it out. We must stand together. Everyone — Everywhere must stand.
May the Wrath of God Be Our Strength, His Wisdom Our Guide
The same way they held Event 201 mimicking Covid 19 three months before the bioweapon was unleashed and the MSM played their part in promoting fear and the WHO made it into a pandemic.
Well thats super interesting. The book is no longer under Miles Stone. Per one of the reviews:
"This book was previously published under the name of Dr. Miles stones on August 10, but it got so many one star reviews that they took it down and re-branded it here. They aren’t fooling anyone. Total garbage."
How do you know Coleman is telling the truth? You don't. This who did what, where, ect.,. is nothing more than a game of clue. It was Mr. Mustard in the Conservatory with a Candlestick. Mr. Mustard is a jew....blah...bla...bla. Follow Christ.
It's the Babylonian radinites, known as every other people's who identity they could steal. Akanazi jew, Sodomites, look at the foreheads, high and large heads. If interested go to aimfortruth.org, also on utube. And the British crown. I would say the British ,who are not really British, are top.
Great. YEAH! Let's condemn each other based on the size of our foreheads. That's a brilliant idea. So filled with truth. Quick. Send me a pic of you so I can see what clues are in your face and determine the evil you are capable of and responsible for. That's the ticket!
Do you not realize you are espousing the exact same rhetoric of every eugenicist that ever lived? Really. Check thyself.
You're right. It's just another divisionary tool to foment hate and aim at the wrong target because we have no idea who the right target is. Other than Satan who is the right target. And Satan is delighted we are aiming at one another instead of him.
You know, I've just recently read an autobiography and one biography of famous people, Gilda Radner and Paul Simon.
And at my age, I was quite amazed at how very very many of the people in that industry, those who run and control it, are Jewish. They of course were usually recipients of more education than most, as they were avid readers. But it is actually a fact that much of the power positions are occupied by those of Jewish families. They have the drive. I found them , at least the girls, very much more aware of the world and it's ways than I was coming from a repressed French Canadian Background in New Hampshire. I like them lots, they have a lot of sense and drive. There's no denying they've got control of much of what passes for economic power. To state facts is not prejudicial.
Sometimes I wonder why it is that so many humans find it so weird to be human that they spend their entire lives having to find some additional identity which separates them from "those" humans.
He is a "doctor". You know, a "fixer" He loves money. That's how. Same folks as elected Drumph, 'cause you know, money is the shits. and those who have lots, they are the shits too.
Have you studied even recent history? This is exactly what happened after 911. There was never any vindication for any citizens. No one other than a bunch of imaginary dead Saudis were ever held accountable and even then, we did nothing to vindicate the over 3,000 people who were murdered that day. Not to mention the tens of thousands who died of cancer, etc. We went off and invaded innocent countries and murdered them. The indigenous people of Hawaii had their country taken away from them by the US by force a hundred years ago. Why be naive? It's childish. God Bless.
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. ~ Thomas Paine.
Thank you Greg for this article and the videos. Here's one that shows how all the "millionaire's" homes didn't get affected while just across the street EVERYTHING is burnt to the ground.
Please God, Stop the madness of these monsters. 🙏🏼
Well, we can't stop it while most of the population is vested in their corporate, financial/BANKING, medical, media, "educational," "entertainment," et al trappings.
We refuse to relinquish those, ergo, the two dots aren't difficult to connect.
Universal debt forgiveness would do the job.
The only solution I see is this:
Trump’s military moves in and takes over the rogue government in charge of this chaos.
1. Military Takeover
2. Arrest All Traitors
3. MSM Takedown
4. 24/7 PSAs of Truth
5. Restructure All Levels of Government (Small)
6. New Declaration of Independence
7. Public Town Square Executions
8. Reverse All Unconstitutional Laws Passed Federally & Statewide Since 1878
9. Liberate All States & Territories Which Want to Declare Independence From The United States
10. End The Monetary System (All Central Banks)
11. End The Stock Market
12. End The UN, The WHO, The WEF, The Vatican, The Corporate Monopolies.
(Feel Free to Add More)
Not necessarily in that order . . .
Somewhere in this (immediately) would be Law and Order. Probably Martial Law.
Voting? I’m questioning whether we will ever have another election . . .
I think where we ultimately end up is off this circus. We who are awake and aware will rise up ~ raise our vibration from this 3D matrix to 5D and beyond.
The process has begun. We need to finalize it.
[They] are scratching their way back to relevance. We have [their] number now. There’s no way for [them] to succeed.
The [deep state] is all but dead.
I’m looking for Myanmar 2.0 . . . Here.
I think this is all leading towards martial law. And my suspicious mind thinks that that's been the plan all along.
I agree. I suspect they are letting crime get so out of control that the npcs will beg for 'order', and they'll get it under martial law. order out of chaos. repeat.
My guess is they need to lock down the surface for final preparations leading up to the cataclysm when they go underground. And that's what all this has been about.
If that's the case, they'll be buried alive.
Final Destiny
nearly got arrested last summer by a Fed park ranger for mentioning that maybe the Oregon Caves kept closing...two years ago, and opening and closing...was because anyone interested in microwave research would be interested in caves.
Theyve had that location going on special for some years now. First sussed it out from a Fed who infiltrated one of the pot towns, saw where his bs was focussed, put two and two together....long time ago...anyway, yeah, we're fucked. Everyone too busy minding "their own business" making sure the money keeps flowing.
Without ever ever considering just what money is. Oi vey!
We're fucked. Jesus didn't sacrifice himself to save anyone else from their sins. Jesus was murdered by the bankers, 'cause that's who the people chose, everytime.
Jesus' message is that as long as you worship the bankers' game, ..money-monopoly, you create human sacrifices.
Just love hearing all this moaning about the "poor folk " of Maui. Ha!! I've lived on the island, a decade and a half. Both Maui and Big Island.
Dream on, folks dream on.
Look up the average worth of a house in drug central of the Pacific, Lahaina, Maui. It' ain't pocket change.
Oh, yeah, about the Oregon Caves...they are redoing the elite "chateau" up there.
For whom, I wonder? Good water in these mountains. I drink from the creeks there.
You're kinda warm here, Greg...yes, Saturn's passage through it's own two rashis following the Saturn/Jupiter 2020 conj. in Capricorn has been directing the timing and possibilites. Now, as Saturn sits in mighty Shastabishak, well, look it up...a closed circle, finishing up the "space fence"? Then again, Varuna rules the night with "a thousand eyes", a relief to Shiva after the century or so of being covered with a thousand vaginas, but "the night has a thousand eyes" and Varuna's noose catches wrongdoers who are in danger of losing theri souls.
Not sure what the policy is on those soulless ones, tho.
YOu know?
Well, all good "owners" can understand a fence. Hope they remember that word has additional meanings.......
I think the store looting is a way for the store owners to collect insurance on widgets they can't sell.
I think you're right, but not just what they can't sell but everything. Like having a clearance sale (or we could say a fire sale) at full price, then close down their stores, one by one, two by two. Sell out at full price, get out and put that money into stocking up their underground bunkers and whatever they know will have value by the time they crawl out into the sunlight again.
Thanks for reminding me. PS to everyone: The million dollar houses in Lahaina were very well insured.
This is all out warfare...omnicide.
What are NPCs?
Non-Player Characters (NPC) in a video game. The ones who don't matter and are just filler. It's a degrading comment toward other people. Just like "useless eaters". People who use this term are haters of their own species exactly like the rulers they claim to oppose. It's sick really. God Bless.
1. a Non-Playable Character (as in a video game)
2. Someone who uses no critical thought or reasoning skills but simply hears, and then regurgitates, a set of talking points which the media or the government feeds them.
3. Persons who simply adopt media narratives as true due to a lack of curiosity and critical thinking.
So...you see yourself as NOT a npc? Great. I love self-appointed importance. Admirable quality. Also hating on your fellow man. Great. You and Klaus would be big buddies if only you could get in a room with him which obviously you can't, so that would render you a ncp in his world....interesting.
Whatever it is, it's not good. People generally speaking, and I'm largely referring to "the awake" as they call themselves, are not coming anywhere near grasping the magnitude and underpinnings of the situation at hand.
When people are more concerned these days over their pensions, investments, and wealth in general, than they are for their own liberty, their childrens' and grandchildrens' liberty, SMH, it's beyond clear that they are entirely not atune to that gravity of it all.
You're right. And when the SHTF over and over and over as it seems it inevitably will, these "awake" people will realize they've only been living a dream at best. It will be a shocker.
Haha. Recall a time about ...lord, twenty years ago? ...when Tom said to me "when the shit hits the fan" and I replied, "what makes you think it hasn't already hit the fan? "
At least we're entertained...sorta....
Absolutely it is - something is coming - something big. Then the buses are a comin for fema camp transport
Lucinda Williams: "Big Black Train"
Yup and they're proli going to use the Nat Guard which will prove to be too much then the military (whatever that will look like most likely someone ala Tienanmen Square job where the tank drivers didn't speekee d lokal lingo) and martial law will rear. Then all the homeless will be shoveled into FEMA CAMPS to make soylent green fertilizer for the NWO hiding in their basement cities.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
Thank you for this, Depswah. Agree...We the People must see the underlying agendas and unify. Somehow, in spite of multiple tragedies, doomsday warnings, and the views of those who only speak of negativity, We Must Keep Our Visions of a Beautiful, Abundant, Peaceful future for all of humanity. We carry the Divine Spark of Divinity. Those without the Divine Spark, whether dormant or awakened, are not fully human. Where do we access the virtual prayer meeting?
Watching Jason Jones on AJ yesterday was heart wrenching. But there are so many holes in the information. Yes there have been genocide agendas as far back as we can go back in human history. Sad when the innocent suffer diabolical agendas.
Than ks. Remember those of use who have been suffering since Wounded Knee and on though time to Kent State, and have cried out in vain ever since.
Absolutely. We have to stop looking for a savior. Our apathy and material appetites dug this hole. Karma will have its day.
It's the "hero complex", which every dumb dude on the planet is addicted to. Hard call, that one....got a sticker back of my guitar, lovely, "we don't need another hero."
Goes for us gals too. Be well.
My plinko board comes up with martial law as well then fema camps then Soylent Green end game good nite. A declaration of martial law is the ticket to supercede the constitution, kinda like hitler did with the enabling act.
I've been thinking that those seven days in May occurred before the book was writ. It's a long time gone. I'm one of those insane folks from the seventies who's been warning since 1980 that this US of Europe was heading into military law.
It's long gone, Greg. Long long gone.
I had to flee today where I was breathing nothing but ashes and smoke, southern Oregon. Ashes ashes we all fall down.
"If I had all the money in the world, I'd probably burn it down. "
Methinks UN in place
For that ‘emergency’ and it’s coming sooner than later.
And "martial law"...mars law, the law of war...has no law whatsoever.
If we can't recognize that the militaries have been running the show for thousands of years, we're a little behind the times. When was Europe not at war with itself?
Thank you Greg for tying so many of the pieces of the puzzle together. Anyone who doesn't believe that these people were burned out, and this was a purposeful event to steal this land, the governor's words are testament. This isn't the first time they've burned people out (as well as many other ways to get them off the land they want), and brings to memory the Rockefeller's burning out the miners and their families in Colorado, and interestingly shortly after the Federal Reserve Act was passed months before.
That's superficial weeds.
End the Central Banking system, and by that I mean everything that sits under the B.I.S., of which the PRIVATELY OWNED corporation of the Federal Reserve is merely one such enterprise of what, 50-ish, and most if not all of the other things that you say take care of themselves.
The [Deep State] is anything but dead. Their plans are progressing quite nicely for them. The reason why it can is precisely because of thinking and sentiments like that.
Voting has been useless for decades. Unless you're younger than 30 you should have noticed this by now.
Trump is one of "them," a freemason and accomplice. Putting your faith in him, well, again, is why they're succeeding.
Not to be snarky, but if we're EVER going to have a chance, then it's thinking like that that needs to be ENTIRELY abandoned.
If you haven't already, a good place simply scratch the surface on the Big-Picture is Corbett's Century of Enslavement documentary.
BTW, may I ask, what's your understanding of what this "Deep State" is?
Trump isn’t one of [them].
The [DS] is trying to end any possible chance of Trump getting back in the WH. If he were to be hurt or Heaven forbid (I dare not say it) worse, there would be a civil war and [they] can’t afford it.
CFR, BIS, CERN, WEF, UN, WHO, the Fed, GAVI, CIA, FBI, IRS et al along with all corporations, ie Comcast, Blackrock, Vanguard, all politicians, all CEOs, all city/town councils, all county commissioners, all school boards, all governors save one or two, all DAs, AGs, represents what the DS consists of. George Soros, Klaus Schwab are low fruit for us to see.
The real players, the ones who own us (or think they own us) are extremely wealthy families who have been manipulating the entire world for centuries if not millennia. The Payseurs is one I researched.
Those who think Trump is in on it haven’t listened to what he’s said or done in Truth.
If he’d have let [them] do what they wanted to do (with Covid-19) we’d have been there by now. If he wasn’t elected, we’d have had a nuclear holocaust already and we would have been there by now.
He’s a wartime President. There are casualties in war. Unfortunately.
We have been so fast asleep and complacent. Everyone yammered on daily, including me, near 70, with little physical strength. And we don’t do anything except yammer.
We are lazy. Look at France & The Netherlands. They’re actively protesting against their government.
MSM keeps us in the dark & under a spell of narrative propaganda.
They spent decades sowing the seeds of change. Have you ever listened to Yuri Besmenov? If not, look him up.
Then watch this: https://rumble.com/vt4zh4-trump-takes-down-the-cabal.html
Peace Be With You Always 🙏🏼
SMH ... you're very misled if you think that Trump's any sort of solution.
"Those who think Trump is in on it haven’t listened to what he’s said or done in Truth."
I would argue the opposite. Those who think that Trump either isn't in on it, or is merely used as a Judas Goat to entrap people such as yourself, haven't paid attention to what he's DONE, in Truth!!
He fully facilitated and took claim for the proliferation of deadly Injected toxins into humanity.
While endlessly shouting "Drain the Swamp," he promply filled his Cabinent and almost all other prominent Government positions that he controlled, with, wait for it, ... SWAMP DWELLERS!!!
He kept a stooge entirely controlled by the Global Elites like Fauci around to lead us to slaughter!
Yeah, sorry, actions speak louder than words in my world, they should in yours as well.
Nevertheless, I'll leave you with this thought;
Did the NWO Agenda (capital "A") advance during Trump's Presidency?
The honest answer is, "Yes!!! In spades!" Anything else is mindnumbing denial, and to suggest that more of the same is some kind of solution, well, I'm a little speechless on that one.
That's pretty much all you need to know.
He was an outsider from the start. How is it you cannot see that? He’s been vilified to the nth degree. MSM has repeatedly been on his and Putin’s back since the beginning of his first campaign.
This is far more complex than most could possibly imagine.
When we all find out the Truth most people, including those of us in this thread will shit their britches and collapse with a heart attack. That is how ugly it’s going to be for some.
My intuition is and always has been 100% correct because it’s a direct line to God. We were born with it. You were born with it. Start to nurture it. It will help you survive the onslaught of what’s to come.
God wins. Period.
You're wrong.
One of the very few speaking sense. Thanks. God Bless.
I can tell you my understanding of the DEEPER-state - It is to be love and to be loved.
That's what a middle class friend in Mt. Shasta said once..."but not in my living room", she added.
Evade if you like. I'll take that as an admission that you do not truly understand what the "Deep State" truly is or is not.
And ultimate "love" as you claim, also loves its enemies. Unfortunately, and seemingly contrary to your opinions, that is not a solution to our societal woes in this case.
Luke 18:8
Trump is not the savior you think he is. You think he will help the people? In the same way he helped the people he lured to the Whitehouse on January 6th? The people who non-maliciously but naively walked into the Capitol Building when invited in by Capitol police and had a little saunter around, an unguided tour. Misdemeanor trespass at worst. Yet they were incarcerated, held in solitary confinement (considered torture) for over a year without charges before even having their case heard. Some are still waiting. One, who got a lot of camera time (he is an actor after all) was convicted to 4 years in prison - for misdemeanor trespass. You can watch the videos to see he just walked around, took selfies, maybe did some posturing. All with the police standing around watching. Trump did nothing to help these people. Nothing. He condemned them by implying they had been violent. There were violent people there - plants. Of course there were. But the people arrested and held were not the violent ones.
Trump claims credit for creating the vaccine that has killed hundreds of thousands, permanently disabled even more, and the effects of it are not over yet. Trump claims he got the vaccine himself and went out telling people to get it like he was in a competition with Biden for who could be the top vaccine salesman of the year. Trump signed in the CARES act and other legislation that gave immunity from liability to the vaccine makers, and everyone in the chain right down to the person with needle in hand injecting an undisclosed, untested, toxic substance into people.
Trump took money from BigPharma. I think it totaled to 4 billion (check OpenTheBooks.com for the exact amount). A small fraction compared to Biden (just since his presidency) but still, is 4 billion not substantial enough to influence? I would say it is, especially to someone obsessed by money.
During the Trump regime while he said he was against the lockdowns and masking mandates Trump did nothing to stop the tyrannical state Governors from illegally and unlawfully infringing on the rights of their residents. He maybe bluffed that he would a couple of times, then threw up hands saying, there's noting I can do.
He did nothing then. He will do nothing now and nothing in the future. To think otherwise is to deny his past behavior and to drug yourself up on the hopium he spreads.
Continuing to expect a savior, someone else to come and save us and stop the 'bad guys' is what they want us to be doing. It keeps us from taking action, from doing things outside our comfort zone. And it leaves us right where they want us... controllable. Slaves, who can't even stand up for themselves.
Trump is clearly not on our side. None of them are. There may be actual good people with the best of intentions running for president, but we will never know their names because the propaganda media will never acknowledge them. They will not be given a voice. They will not be allowed to enter the debates.
Once an emergency is declared according to the UN treaty already signed before Trump, when a ‘pandemic’’ is declared NO American has constitutional rights any longer. We are no longer living under the US Constitution. They was a coup. Game over. Currently and some in the past, those in cabinet offices, have not officially taken oaths of office, loyal to the United States. UN founding members took official oaths to someone though, want to guess? Satan. Ask vax attorney Todd Calllender, he’s seen the documents. I think you believe Trump knew more than he did, but the man was played and told if he gets behind the vax, rah, rah, warp speed, everyone will do it and get the economy going again. You may not believe it, but he loves the American people, he wants them to prosper. He despises communism. His kids will attest, their parents took them to the grandparents communist countries in which they resided, and taught what it was to live under Communist rule vs what being a free sovereign individual and nation is. I’m not saying the man’s perfect, he’s got a lot of flaws. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be married to him. I think his biggest problem is his ego getting in the way. Insiders say he was sold on the vax, and advisors told him naysayers are anti vaxxers. He wasn’t vaxxed, and he doesn’t know it. A lot of people were subject to that, termed the ‘’Advocate method’ (for years some vax lots have been varied, giving way to people saying they’re fine, it must be in peoples heads, or not as bad as they say, purely psychological op). With this vax, it was so much worse, and independent media did such a fine job spreading the truth as it came in. It’s complete denial of some people still saying it’s not true. I know some. My sister died after it, they totally bought it. Three different levels of lots, some without venom. Even Biden got a placebo, or he would have died after it. According to those closet to him, Trump has been shown some evidence of the damage, and was/is expected to squash the whole thing. But talking so much about the deep state hurt him badly, and he needs to do things more carefully. He’s already talked about freeing and pardoning 6 er’s, shutting down the FBI, overhauling DOJ. I’m not a Trump fan, I didn’t even vote in the last election, but I can at least see the point if he doesn’t get in, he can’t begin to do those things. The second term is where the rubber means the road and he was going to meet that road head on. He made remarkable inroads in the economy, he helped most people if you did your homework. You’re expecting a President to be able to do anything, and this country is run by complete unknowns, the politicians are puppets with puppet masters. Obama’s a puppet, an invented puppet, and Trump was an accident as far as those in power are concerned. There is master control, even Bush said when asked about having so much power, basically said -you’d be surprised how little power a president actually has, and that so much is in play, that the president can’t do a thing about. It was a moment of candor I’ll never forget. The elites would stop at nothing, do you understand ? They will kill the man, Trump, before they let him take the reins again. He was very effective even with all that restraint, and they despise him for it. He openly rejected the WEF, the Paris Climate Accord. The Abraham accords were a peace treaty that was a miracle, he was told couldn’t snd would never happen. Four peace treaties. Before the phony lying traitor advisors that were pushed on him after they got Flynn and others out of there, he had several deliberately placed Christian’s doing incredible good for him, and us as a result. They’re trying to take him out for non crimes, for a man YOU and others believe is evil, and on their side. Think about it, would they go to this extreme if the man was one of them? If he were one of them why not let him win in 2020? While the FBI was in Georgia shredding ballots in a non descript warehouse, with sniper nests up and down the street, the actual votes were counted. Stolen from mostly China, but every which way from Sunday. Did you watch the votes go backward, get flipped to Biden, just halting in the middle of the night?
Losing over 4 million votes doesn’t happen for someone who’s one of them.
We haven’t been living under the Constitution since 1878.
I believe that the invasion & subsequent secretive political, economic and cultural control of the US began with President Woodrow Wilson, an avid acolyte of Israel & Judaism. He not only appointed the very first “Jew” to the USSC, he also laid the groundwork for the bloated federal government most Americans struggle with today. Clif High of HalfPastHuman refers to these interlopers as the Khazarian Mafia, Name Stealers and also as the Elohim worship cult.
As a side note - Given their ubiquitous presence in virtually every government agency, I would posit that these “Crypto Jews” played no small part in by the blatant suppression of zero point energy by the patent office influenced by the CIA, DOD & the FBI. All under the guise of national security.
Ugh. Suzannne. Trump is not who you think he is! You need to save yourself and your family. No one is coming to help us. It’s a Uniparty. They all only want to save themselves and Trumps a part of it!
I’m fully aware. None of us know what is going to happen in the long run.
I’m not a gloom and doom person.
I’ve done thousands of hours of research. Enough to know intuitively the Khazarian Mafia is very close to being taken down.
Yes it’s ugly out there. The evil is being exposed by the Light of day as they are scrambling, scratching and clawing to remain relevant, in control and in charge They aren’t!!
Those of us who are awake won’t allow them to continue . . . And that includes God Almighty.
Get ready.
"God Almighty"....made all of this....we're so fucked ...so fucked..."God Almighty", we're so fucked for lack of courage, brains,and reality
Backto Disneyland
You’re fucked because you are manifesting that precisely. Good luck with that, Missy.
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
Trump's Military?
Hate to say it but Trump is part of the patty cake distraction they're playing. It's wack-a-mole sound bytes to say don't watch that watch this.
I agree. Trump is not part of the solution; he is part of the problem. I haven't trusted him since he started pushing the jab so hard. Washed my hands of him right then and there.
Exactly. No matter what DT says now, he stood by while they poisoned the planet. Very few realize that the vax is not going away unless they release an antidote. Useless to say "MAGA" when homo sapiens is done. Who's going to MAKE-MAN-GREAT-AGAIN?
Me too!! A lot of things were not adding up leading up to the election. He kept saying beforehand it would be stolen without actually saying it. He went on and on about the ballots but never did a thing to block it or stop it. Then all the BS he spouted out about Pence and his plan to reject Biden as president. Then his constant bragging about his beautiful vaccines! I now hate the guy and I did vote for him! I believe the votes do not matter and anyone relying on the 2024 election to be saved is a fool. If you want to escape what is coming u must purchase some land deep in the woods and have a water source and food source and a well and solar power and get ready!! I can’t get anyone I know and love to believe this! They all think I’m crazy! I’m completely alone on this. I’d love to get a group set up on email( not social media sights) who I can plan with!
Why don't we put chef Ramsay in charge? he's not going to put up with any of this s***
I'm no Trump fan. I was just questioning the commenter who said Trump's Military. I never have been a Trump fan going all the way back to the 80's. And when I saw that he was going to be the Republican nominee for President I did my homework. Donald Trump is a wicked man.
That is exactly what mainstream media, WEF, NATO, and the US current regime wants you to think. At least stay neutral. The truth will eventually be revealed. Do not be caught in the dark web.
There’s no Trump’s military, and the Biden military has weeded out the best via refusal to submit to injections, those that were injected and suffer injury, and those that died from the shots, God Rest Their Souls. Which leaves only the most woke continuing indoctrination to play military.
As much as Trump commanding the military to mobilize and put an end to this tyranny looks great compared to the road we're on, he couldn't even get sanity and early treatment into the covid response.
I hope RFK, Jr gets enough support to override all the ways they will try to sabotage him. He understands the levers of power, that his uncle dealt with, that he has understood his whole life, and he still is sure he can take them on and succeed, otherwise he wouldn't be running.
Then again, maybe any solution by voting is naive in the face of this much evil.
Then again, there has never been someone with as much solid integrity as RFK, Jr, who also is determined to not cave in to the deep state, within reach of the presidency ...
Agree 100 percent. Time for military or dividend military to stop the madness
Military is gone. They vaxed the shit out of the soldiers and with AI those guys are now walking automatons who can be mind controlled or stopped dead in their tracks. According to Doc Mount all the higher ups like Milley are Luciferians.
Just refreshing my mind through this post nearly 18 months ago.
It’s hard to believe we made it this far.
Well. We had the election. Thank God In Heaven. Now let’s see what happens with Trump. Already in 11 days he’s been a change maker and disruptor!
Remember nothing, I mean nothing, happens by accident. But God uses all things for His good.
Trump is a part of it all.
"Trump's military" " The same one pushing injections? The same "military" ...what a word...that was suposed to show up at the election protests? Trump's military? Trump, the reality tv show actor? He has his very own military, like the Vatican or something? When he and Melania visited the Taj Mahal, there was not only regular miltiary up the wazoo, but even also many languars to keep macaque monkeys away, although it is supposedly illegal to employ them in this way in India. But rules don't apply to some people. I suppose if you have your own reality tv military.......
Your attitude won’t get you too far in this battle. Manifesting hate, anger, fear, rage? Does that feel good to you?
I don’t need anything from you, not answers, not your opinion. You have zero to offer me. Negative thoughts breed negativity.
Please stop fomenting negativity in this thread.
I choose Love, Light, Truth & Joy to name a few. And I choose God.
And what's to stop those who seize power and make arrests from being the next despots???
Don't forget 13. Allow the locals to do what their ancestors did to their Invaders.
Precisely! We no longer have the means nor the opportunity to stop these miscreants. We waited too long, and now they own basically everything and everyone and can do whatever they want to us, and they know it.
Well too many misguided fools waiting for hopium were and still are trusting that plan and letting the white hats handle it🙄All the flack I receive not trusting Trump from the start as he did zero to stop this when he could have. All a show indeed🍿🥤🎥🎬
He was just a useful idiot, with fans from his show. The Powers That (should not) Be, got him elected, and then got him unelected when they were done with him.
I think they just swapped Trump out for the next phase which was to totally destroy the economy and the middle class... Trump wasn't the expert in destruction they needed for that. They needed a specialist, someone with skill and experience in weakening and destroying a country's economy. Obama wasn't available, so put his apprentice in place to do the job.
Are any of those you know personally who gave you flack starting to see the light? It amazes me how people keep believing the lies when so much evidence to the contrary exists. They don't update their beliefs. Fortunately there are some who have. Gives me a sliver of hope.
What plan??? Most rely, haphazardly on others.
Derive one for self, place into motion and drive forth. If it is worth it's salt - Well then, it will persevere. Save humanity. Save the world.
Weakness, doth nit prevail!!!
But it’s not only billionaire Americans owning all this land(s). From what I’ve read, the Chinese own the West Coast! I’m from SF, and 40 years ago + entire neighborhoods were Chinese. Their government gives them money to come to the USA and buy property. Entire areas are now Chinese, storefronts are in Chinese. I don’t even recognize areas...it’s like Chyna! It’s all coming together...I get it.
the same along the coast, just south of SF. The most expensive houses taken over by young chinese couples, when you ask them, what they do for living to have millions at that young age?? silence!! The first thing they do around the house?? THEY CUT THE TREES!!! What's left are wi-fi towers!!!!
My own, VERY BITTER experience...
Btw. do we need to wonder why it all ended like this with everything around us 'made in China'???
But some Americans do own a lot too, of course, all these MAUI 'supporters' wanting to 'raise up the ashes' of the destruction?? And who knows, how many are hidden, somewhere, like in Antarctica....
Japanese been running the Hawaiian island since long long time, Chinese now own.
Sucks. Cheap Tricks.
I was thinking that letting San Francisco fall due to out of control lawlessness will result in the Chinese eventually owning the whole city and taking it over. So sad that this is being allowed to happen. Used to live in SF and hubby was born there it was so beautiful last century. Oh well I guess all good things must end.
I’m a 3rd generation San Franciscan. That city is NOT the city I was raised in! If my parents and grandparents were still alive, they’d cry. I refuse to go there. The City also fired me for not putting poison up my nose or in my body. The City IS Soddam and Gemorrah, make no mistake. It is evil.
My family is from S.F.
My extremely strong father who never cried, would cry over the destruction of his city, and country. I know if he were alive, he would take the three of us lone women and leave the country. ASAP
That makes me so sad. Neither hubby or I will go there because I want to remember how it was. Lived there in the 70's and it was so beautiful. Tourists would stop me on the street and I often times became an impromptu tour guide. Loved walking all around the city. I forget which dj used to call it Baghdad by the Bay. Now it's cesspool by the bay. Good for you for standing fast for what is right. Sorry you had to pay such a price for doing what's right.
A "city" is not an entity.
Get a grip. Cities are concentrations of money making
The whole city?! They are on their way to owning the entire country, if they don't already.
The evil doers that have been put in charge have sold out their country. They are literal traitors. Dante’s Inferno speaks of traitors.
I'm simply talking about SF. Micro not macro.
At least you got rid of all the Natives so you could enjoy for three hundred or so years.
Soon a magatrrain with dreaded
Chinese tourists. Thailand will be grateful for the relief. What a plague!!
Do never give in, or up, to these marauders!
Hold your ground - Be Power - Be love!
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
P.S. It is Fryday; Pray for those who hunger & feed them bread!
Friday is Freya Day. Venus Day. The last parts of the day are all good.
BTW, in modern terms, it all began as the "Holocaust" (TM) narrative began in earnest in the '60s. Not in the late '40s mind you, no, but in the very late '50s and early '60s.
It stems from that, but the propaganda has been so thoroughly inculcated into the world that our bonds are invisible, and so easily broken by the truth, YET, we'll have none of it.
2.5M minus 6M apparently equals more than 5M.
And we didn't think that the "new math" began until two decades ago. SMH
We're out own worst enemies at times with our inability to think independently or question anything that the government or its Central Banking Cabal controlled media and "educational" institutions tell us.
Too long having been several decades.
Our best "last chance" was the 2008 "Too Big To Fail" "crisis," at which we didn't want to give up our material goodies, so now we're paying the price.
It may already have been too late at that point n time. We now have 3 companies, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street that, between them, own 90+ percent of everything on the planet. Think about how much power that gives them. Is it any wonder that governments now are subsumed into the corporate morass and no longer make decisions for their citizens? We used to have/enforce laws against monopolies; we've completely abandoned that concept and allowed these companies bo buy up everything. Now the own and control virtually the whole world.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Do you really think that three conglomerates can keep control over the entire planet? I do wonder....The dreams of men.
It won't be easy, of course, but they did convince over 5 billion people to wear masks all day and accept poisonous injections for an illness with a 99.9+ survival rate.
Exactly. It may have already been too late, but had we "let it/them fail," then who knows where we'd be now, but better off for sure, even if only for another decade or two. But you're right with the implication, that had that happened people would have likely just gone back into "ignorance is bliss" mode and allowed them to regroup, as long as they got their interests/share of the mammon.
Point being that it's our own greed and focus on mammon that does us in.
Pick up your balls sir, and exit stage left - We continue to be the majority and shall overcome!
what did O-bam-a used to say?
while not being a fan of this yet another clown, at all...
Yes we can HAARP you to death
One HAARP could not do it with it frequency range. Multiple sources, maybe with every single wi-fi tower beaming with huge power and controbuting to it all over.. I'm very concerned because the spraying here where I live are incredible too..
Signals emitted by HAARP arrays are reflected by the ionosphere, and when it bounces back to earth it can excite particles that are in the atmosphere (that's my understanding of it), particles that can be sprayed via SAI (chemtrails). So in theory they can manufacture weather events (that end up killing people) anywhere on earth where they've sprayed.
Yep. It's that "simple", somehow. Ionosphere heaters heat, so global warming assured! Now, to the dominance and control part!! As per Lyndon Johnson, 1964, "he who controls the weather will control the world. "
Lyndon. I saw him up close once. Not human.
The fact you are describing is valid not only for HAARP but for all the wi-fi sources emitting EMFs, with a special shape. The frequency is the key, that's what the particles will absorb. When you watch the shapes of all the different grids on the skies after the sprayings you will realize these are coordinated multiple sources, just my observations... Btw. this morning I'm finding white powder all over the plants, which btw. do not grow at all this year (similar to others..) due to the aluminum getting into the root system... In 2021 I got 'my covid' after a heavy spraying, it was terrible, like a stroke. In that one month of getting back to life I checked if the ground is actually magnetic, and it was, the entire N52 (strongest magnet) was covered with magnetic dust... ~1 feet deeper, it was clean.. Anyway, physicists should come out and tell us what they do for living... It's a SHAME these days to be a scientist.
MIght have to add some Nexrad and 5G to get it done good and close up tho.
That "yes we can" is said to be back masking for satan something.
ha? more illumination please.
"Thank you Satan"
Listening to this - Only intensifies the effectiveness - SHUT IT NOW!!!
What is "debt"? is it a version of death? Who or what are we "in-debted " to? Are we born with the "original sin" of being human, and therefore owe some kind of debt? Why do we have to "earn a living". ? Did someone's mother charge them before letting them out alive? Sometimes I just can't make any sense out of the things people say . There doesn't seem to be any clear definitions in use.
this sad to say is only the beginning the next 15 months is hard telling what they will do . PRAY PRAY! I have heard in several videos that the same sherriff in Maui is the same person or sherriff in the Mass Shooting a few years ago in Nevada.
You need to see the videos out there on Vegas! Another planned event
Yes. It's the same Sheriff.
Do never give in, or up, to these marauders!
Hold your ground - Be Power - Be love!
Being of Native Descent - I humbly pray for those lost and their families.
In my humble opinion - It is evident: The preceding, is an event which has been planned. Similar to that of the Indigenous of many other land across the planet.
We must draw the L I N E, Do Not cross, Stand in unity!
Creator bless -
Virtual prayer meeting to be held: Sunday August 20th @ 1700-1730hrs Mnt time - Praying for those who suffer as a result of this insanity. Please join us.
The Government outright murdered burned to death little children for property. These parasites masquerading as politicians are outright fucking evil and need to die every goddamn one of them
We will all die. It
's not about desert.
Unfortunately, it’s only beginning, because we are already defeated. The only way out is through the Rapture, Tribulation and Millenium of Christ. Most have shown their contempt for God, and unless there is repentance, there’s no hope but in the Kingdom hereafter. Anyone who believes in Christ should not be surprised. It had to happen someday. Get right with God now, and pray for the Rapture. Why would anyone want to live here now, knowing the traitors around us?
Maybe pull yer head outa yer depressed ass and get some fight in ya.
If that’s what you manifest in your life then that’s what you deserve.
I have Faith all will be well. God Wins !!!
A comment left on a previous RR was left to draw the attention of the reader to a planning, scheduling and implementation program tool every major corporate entity, including governments and military species, on earth uses called P6. It was also stated that their Bilderberg, WEF, CFR et al meetings is when, out of view, they sit a room behind bi/tri monitor screens with a the P6 schedule master updating progress on the plan to take over the world. What was left out is the rituals they perform - en-mass and individually. The entire Maui op was planned as a death ritual, mass burned sacrifices, especially the innocence of children to their god, Moloch - WITH the return gift a POWER to them. The thing known as Oprah wasn't kidding when she commented, "Many a Phoenix will arise out of the ashes...." - and it's not the majestic mythological creature. It's the birds who cackle and pick the flesh of the dead - the vultures in the shape of humans. I have NO DOUBT the thing call Oprah knew the exact minute those kids would go up in flames, and she was sequestered in her private ritual room doing her prostrations and chants to her god. According to the law of rhythm, that may have been the top of the arc of the pendulums swing to the left. May have been. BTW folks: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Chiron & the North Node are ALL in retrograde and were in retrograde when this went down. Yeah, "Millionaire don't use astrology, billionaires do." - JP Morgan. The North Node goes square and Mercury goes retrograde 8/24, making FIVE planets in retrograde at once - just before the super full blue moon 8/30. Listen for their howls of delight - - - - and stay centered.
Excellent comment! I agree that there are other powers at play here. Many of us know this.
Yes a sacrifice, I'm hearing.
The Phoenix is a grotesque imitation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no majestic mythological creature called a phoenix. It's all Satanic through and through.
God told us never to use astrology because it is the magic of witches and their demon gods.
God Bless.
Then don't ever read an almanac, because it's totally based on knowledge of the electro-magnetic and plasma fields of the planets, our neighbors here, and their effects on the weather. Nothing a non sailor would need to know.
Whoa, no wonder! I was wondering about the astrological happenings when this went down and the numerology significance.
Creepy as hell that Oprah demon being there. Just seeing her face in some videos is creepy as. Seeing her in a shelter, creepy! Then seeing photos with a few other women and they are laughing and look like they are having a fun time, not a care in the world. Just there for fun, laughter, and photo ops. In the middle of a war zone reduced to white ash, where thousands have lost their lives. By intent of these demons. Interesting that the demon Oprah is the first of the celebrity demons to be there. The early vulture gets all the best pickings I guess.
Very enlightening, thank you.
Maybe the children were stolen... it is Oprah
Maybe or they were not in school and home alone and burned alive in their homes. That would surely be reason enough that the parents would most likely not want to live in the house where their children perished. So they will sell. Mission accomplished.
Full Moon in Magha. It will be significant for sure. They tried hard to get it to rain on the new moon in Cancer. Too many planets in fire. Soon the nodes go into gandanta. Interesting times. Yes, they plan all, all, with sidereal astrology, and the fixed stars are their power source. Can you tell me the precise time of the start of this event? I could show you every astrological/astronomical principle they used.
I cannot. I'm new, using Solar Fire v9.0.29, to shooting and reading charts in Western. I've shot one natal chart in sidereal using the Sri Yukteswar zodiac for a life-long pal b/c he's deep into SRF and out of the many zodiac's to choose, like Krishnamirti et al, that's why I choose it - on a swag - I just entered the data, clicked 'Okay' and when the chart popped up I had no clue what I was looking at. I emailed it to him and told him to find someone at the SRF center he's at who can read it for him. I'm keenly aware of the Vedic sidereal and the volumes needed to go through to digest it and project it correctly. I just don't have the time - there's an f' ton of books in my queue I gotta get through before delving into it - while balancing out "issues" associated with more "issues."
I hear you and feel you. I'm going to begin a new substack soon on this topic, as my gift is to bring it all into simplicity in connection with what is real. I've been working at that for more than thirty years, and I know what I'm dealing with now. It'll make it easy and quick. Esoteric just means hidden, and I'm a revealer. I part the curtains on the huguboogoo.
I had that one, can't get it on this lame computer somehow, gotta get my techno resolved. So lazy I guess, after nursing and raising six mostly alone.
I was watching a British rerun episode of “Antiques Roadshow” 2 days ago, which was filmed in Coventry, England, and an elderly woman had brought in a couple pieces of jewelry to be looked at. She and the gentleman estimating her jewelry prices got to talking, and she started relating her experiences as a child when the town of Coventry was bombed.
My ears perked up when she started talking about the fires, but they couldn’t put out the fires because “the hydrants had been shut off.”
Yes, she actually said that. It gave me chills.
Was it a coincidence that it was such a similarity to Maui? Was it just two horrific moments in time that had the same footprint?
There is evil afoot in this world, and has been for a long time.
My guess would be it is standard playbook procedure during wartime depopulation and destruction events.
Reading so much in "Circle of Stones, The Private Life of War" which reflects what is going on now. Same same throughout time. Burn 'em out. That's how you got the land in the first place, The natives were murdered. Methodically. It's a Euro thing.
There is so much content on YT about chemtrails and directed energy weapons. If these things are true and I believe they are the chemicals being sprayed could very easily be fuel for these fires. Some have discussed where Maui would be perfect for land use of 15 minute smart cities where other areas are no go zones. Seems very planned to me and to force the people to stay and be burned alive. It was called a conspiracy theory but it sure looks like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are playing out step by step. This too talked about a 1 world government and it's benefits. Good has become evil and evil has become good. Some might say we are winning against these tyrants like Bill Gates, George Soros but I do not see it this way. Take a good look at Canada and you'll see what's coming as they are charging carbon taxes. Humans are carbon and this is what the UN/WHO/WEF wants to eliminate and only the most dedicated people who do not question and enjoy their servitude. deserves to live.
I think we're dealing with invisible beams that can melt a 24hour blaze home-safe vault. Boats out on the water "flamed on" so how did that happen? Like what happened with the twin towers, steel melting in plain view. Most fires there is charring left over, black carbon. Do we see much charring? Most electrical fires there is carbon visible. Not white powder and melted cement. Did the missing kids get bussed somewhere like what happened at Uvalde and Sandy Hoax? Didn't the townsfolk of Slimy Hook get their mortgages paid off to join the fray?
I don't see that we (people) are winning, but God is. He told us all this would happen. That it is necessary. God's will not mine be done.
If "god" made you and everything, how can anything have a will that is not "his" ..as you so clearly define "him" ...will?
Chemtrails and DEW are real, and i suspect the destructive powers of some directed energy weapons can be augmented if used in dry regions which are sprayed with chemtrails, as the vegetation is covered in aluminum and makes it easier for everything to go up in flames
There are videos on YT where it shows as much as city blocks where homes and businesses are reduced to ash while greenery like grass and trees go unharmed. What can we do to stop this? Not a really big fan of Trump anymore as he said to Candice Owens in an interview that not a single person had been harmed by the vaccines which he takes full credit for while PRC Test kits were being ordered by the hundreds of millions in 2018. He like most of Congress & Senate were highly invested in the production of these clot shots. Biden decides to exempt Congress & Senate from the vaccine mandates. Now they say no one was forced to take them.
Take down the technology, that's what we can do. But who thinks they can live without it? It's stupid, that';s what will kill us, just plain stupid.
They also can put out stuff that can keep the vegetation from burning. This I learned after the Paradise fires.
Oh my goodness these people have to look after themselves with no help from this tyrant government. Plenty money for Ukraine but none for the people in this man made nightmare. Watched some people who survived and the only thing offered to them was just £700 just a total disgrace, my prayers to all these poor souls affected 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Also there not letting on the true amount of people murdered as MSM stays quiet.
As GEn Tommy Franks stated in Paradise, Ca. "We don't do body counts" Not since Vietnam, I guess, which was nothing but.
Let’s depopulate all government officials and move up to depopulate ALL the Evil Cabal !!!!! 🔥📢
Who is the - - - 's - - - in let's? I understand the wishful comment, but it's not going to happen.
Wishful is a nice break sometimes.
It’s a peaceful ride down the river of denial.
Yeah. Just like in the Reign of Terror when the streets ran in rivers of blood from all the public decapitations and the Illuminate was born and the Freemasons gained incredible power and the people degraded themselves to cannibalism, etc. GREAT IDEA!!!!
I hope the locals ban together and not let their government steal their land. And this sounds like a good time to fire all involved. They were more than negligent, they were murderers. Thank you Greg, for your excellent job on getting the facts!
The White Progressives are still blaming Trump and waiting with baited breath for Biden to arrive
And when Biden doesn't arrive, they'll forgive him, because nothing is Joe's fault, he's a great guy. He can't control what happens, or the economy or anything.
I've heard that so many times from Democrats. NPC sheeple.
If people don't wake up soon, we're next. This was a test, like COVID, to how much torture we'll endure. We need to stop the NWO Commie's now. Before we lose everything and start eating bugs instead of burgers.
Or he’ll arrive on Oahu and eat ice cream.
And they will hail him as a hero
"The locals". Ever lived on Hawaii? Do you know what "local" means there?
Greg, your reports always tell the truth. That's why we need our firearms! The government and New World Order have one mission. Depopulate as quickly as possible, by whatever means necessary!
You got Directed Energy Weapons?
Karen Kingston (before she went AWOL) posted a template to use to eject State government officials - only takes 10 or so people to countersign. Maui people need to take back control.
If everybody stops voting they're going to be ballerinas in a music box and then we can call them out for certain it's not a mistake of a hanging chad.
Wow. In bullets we trust. Good luck with that. Don't forget to taste the blood.
Thank you Mr. Reese for nice music and the report!
This Dr Miles Stones, does he really exist??? Amazon cartel sells his books, many, which showed up every few days, one after another, like the smart meters being blown away in a chain, from one house to the other.. I encountered in the past how software writes automatically scientific papers, based upon the data collected up to that moment.. Oh, and that ASRF base on MAUI, was just (end of July) having the VERY first exercises of the DEW's on an unmanned planes.. Imagine chinese take it over and steer the beam there where their people plan to get their properties.. 3 directors in the army resigned, there is nowhere anyone to keep an eye on everything, so lets automate everything.. Was always wondering, why Sugarmoutain (Zuckerberg in german) does not move to his Chen dynasty in China, instead collecting HUMAN and indigenous people's DNA in US, for what?
From what one can see here, ALL of these officials, LOST THEIR MIND, mildly speaking (covid GMO injections MENTAL influence, my opinion..).
A bear comes on you, you have a rifle or knife and you sit down and make a coffee break? Right before the bear starts its digestion?? THAT"S NOT NORMAL, oh, that's the NEW NORMAL.
come on, miles stones?
'they' always write it right in front of our faces, in the most arrogant way...
Science, language is full of this HUMANITY downgrading crap.
Klaus and friends have gained confidence and happily announce their sadistic intentions after their runaway success with their pandemic hoax because satanic entities such as they despise the human soul, this is their enemy and must be destroyed at any cost.
SOUL AND SPIRIT, don't forget the SPIRIT.. Why would 'the english language put' the very same word for the one of the most precious equal to that what destroys it, in the same time?? Look at the victims of spirits (vodka for example), you can never heal those poor souls. 'They' had to start with the SPIRIT, in order to get to the SOUL.
There are many kinds of spirits. Both good and evil.
I think probably it's the other way round.....
A bear came on you? Weird. Never heard that one before.
I am on fire with anger; there is no amount of water that will suppress the raging inferno within, fueling the path I am willing to take — to take them down. There is nothing they won’t do to get what they want.
911 was not the beginning of U.S. Government terrorism… but the escalation. What they’ve done in Maui should awaken every sleeping eye. The evil is chilling, but will not deter those of us left standing.
We must take this on — lawfully, peacefully — VEHEMENTLY. We are face to face with Lucifer himself, we must NEVER let this tragedy enrich those who unleashed this genocide. This land MUST remain with the people — and not be taken over by anyone for any reason. A memorial would only be a reminder of the tragedy that unfolded, and a trophy for those who carried it out. We must stand together. Everyone — Everywhere must stand.
May the Wrath of God Be Our Strength, His Wisdom Our Guide
Godspeed ✞🕊
Amen, unity is everything now and forever. God speed
Walk TALL Sister!
Do nit back off or down to these devil. We are strong in number, spirit, heart.
How is there already a book on kindle and paperback!? Today is the 18th.
The same way they held Event 201 mimicking Covid 19 three months before the bioweapon was unleashed and the MSM played their part in promoting fear and the WHO made it into a pandemic.
Well thats super interesting. The book is no longer under Miles Stone. Per one of the reviews:
"This book was previously published under the name of Dr. Miles stones on August 10, but it got so many one star reviews that they took it down and re-branded it here. They aren’t fooling anyone. Total garbage."
AI 👀🤷🏻♀️
Just like the book on Omicron was copywrit before the entire covid op.
How did a Jew, Josh Green, manage to get elected governor of Hawaii? Every. Single. Time.
I loathe Green.
But the Jew blame. Come on.
Is Gates, Klaus, King Charles, Kerry, Al Gorged, Greta, Fink, on and on Jews?
Who is ABOVE all the “power players”? Do your research!
I have.
We don’t know all the big players names.
The faces we see are fronts for the real world criminals.
Doesn’t mean those like Gov Green who sold out Hawaii shouldn’t be prosecuted for Treason.
And no. They aren’t all Jewish
Many are the royal Families in Europe
You need to do your research if you want to intelligently comment. Start with the Committee of 300 by John Coleman.
Don’t be a condescending jerk
I have researched and researched some more.
I have read that.
I’ve already watched John Coleman. I’ve been on this for years. That is an excellent lecture!
My brother told me about Agenda 21, Bilderburg Group, In the 1970’s.
How do you know Coleman is telling the truth? You don't. This who did what, where, ect.,. is nothing more than a game of clue. It was Mr. Mustard in the Conservatory with a Candlestick. Mr. Mustard is a jew....blah...bla...bla. Follow Christ.
It's the Babylonian radinites, known as every other people's who identity they could steal. Akanazi jew, Sodomites, look at the foreheads, high and large heads. If interested go to aimfortruth.org, also on utube. And the British crown. I would say the British ,who are not really British, are top.
Great. YEAH! Let's condemn each other based on the size of our foreheads. That's a brilliant idea. So filled with truth. Quick. Send me a pic of you so I can see what clues are in your face and determine the evil you are capable of and responsible for. That's the ticket!
Do you not realize you are espousing the exact same rhetoric of every eugenicist that ever lived? Really. Check thyself.
I’m Jewish
Stop pushing the Jew hate.
You’ve been conditioned to.
By whom do you think?
Jews make up a minuscule part of the population.
You're right. It's just another divisionary tool to foment hate and aim at the wrong target because we have no idea who the right target is. Other than Satan who is the right target. And Satan is delighted we are aiming at one another instead of him.
God Bless.
You know, I've just recently read an autobiography and one biography of famous people, Gilda Radner and Paul Simon.
And at my age, I was quite amazed at how very very many of the people in that industry, those who run and control it, are Jewish. They of course were usually recipients of more education than most, as they were avid readers. But it is actually a fact that much of the power positions are occupied by those of Jewish families. They have the drive. I found them , at least the girls, very much more aware of the world and it's ways than I was coming from a repressed French Canadian Background in New Hampshire. I like them lots, they have a lot of sense and drive. There's no denying they've got control of much of what passes for economic power. To state facts is not prejudicial.
Sometimes I wonder why it is that so many humans find it so weird to be human that they spend their entire lives having to find some additional identity which separates them from "those" humans.
So am I, yet I know truth. It is not hate it is fact.
You don't know it's a fact anymore than you can prove Santa exists.
But I do know Santa exsists.
Or "Satan", for that matter.
Oh ok.
Fact says who?
My favorite3 question. Says Who? Who from Whoville?
He is a "doctor". You know, a "fixer" He loves money. That's how. Same folks as elected Drumph, 'cause you know, money is the shits. and those who have lots, they are the shits too.
Worse than a Travesty. The people of Maui will be vindicated. There will be no forgiveness for these crimes against them.
Have you studied even recent history? This is exactly what happened after 911. There was never any vindication for any citizens. No one other than a bunch of imaginary dead Saudis were ever held accountable and even then, we did nothing to vindicate the over 3,000 people who were murdered that day. Not to mention the tens of thousands who died of cancer, etc. We went off and invaded innocent countries and murdered them. The indigenous people of Hawaii had their country taken away from them by the US by force a hundred years ago. Why be naive? It's childish. God Bless.
Spot on.
The wars we started killing millions of innocent civilians.
Woman and children, the elderly.
People get down about Russia and the treatment of their citizens, without taking into account what we have done, in the name of Democracy.
Maui will be forgotten by the masses.
Tourist will go to Kaanapali and Kapalua, spending thousands, and not really giving a damn about the locals.
Except to have them entertain them each night. Yeesa
"Except to have them entertain them each night. Yeesa".
Exactly right. Just like they've been doing for 100 years now.
We aren't going to change this fallen world under our own steam or we would have already done so. God Bless.
Unfortunately, the majority of them from comments on Twitter believe Biden and Gov. Green will save them.
but how many twitter comments are military bots, no way of us knowing.
Check accounts.
Check their interactions
What sounds true to your soul.
Pray for discernment.
Connect dots to past actions by the government
Read Operation Gladio and Hidden History
See how dirty our Government really is and what happens to truth tellers.
FBI and CIA infiltrate groups to push a narrative . Murder isn’t off the table.
They did it to Black panthers they did it on J6
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. ~ Thomas Paine.
Souldiers, Soulidarity….
Thank you Greg for this article and the videos. Here's one that shows how all the "millionaire's" homes didn't get affected while just across the street EVERYTHING is burnt to the ground.
This helicopter footage says it all.
It's on the YT channel of "Just Sanja 13" from 8/17/23
One minute plus.
Very convincing and DAMNING of the NWO.
Please share if you like.
Let we the people ALL STAND TOGETHER and with God's help they will fall.