Preachin to the choir. Not natural. Many contributing factors so they can blame the DEW weapon test on 'natural causes' like oh, the downed lines, the brush, the high winds of hurricane, etc etc... But, blocking people in? Not using water? Boats at SEA burning? Where does that happen except with USE OF DEW or MICROWAVES? Yeah baby. You k…
Preachin to the choir. Not natural. Many contributing factors so they can blame the DEW weapon test on 'natural causes' like oh, the downed lines, the brush, the high winds of hurricane, etc etc... But, blocking people in? Not using water? Boats at SEA burning? Where does that happen except with USE OF DEW or MICROWAVES? Yeah baby. You know it was a test of a weapons system. Likely showing off for Chyna (the sort of thing the Chinese do all the time to their own )... or other powers (Russia?). A sacrifice to Moloch, all those children burned alive in their homes. And just think.. they didn't touch the church. Don't cha wonder why? Spiritual battles and not physical...PS. All the homes across the street that didn't burn? Why didn't they burn? Not subject to the microwaves?
Preachin to the choir. Not natural. Many contributing factors so they can blame the DEW weapon test on 'natural causes' like oh, the downed lines, the brush, the high winds of hurricane, etc etc... But, blocking people in? Not using water? Boats at SEA burning? Where does that happen except with USE OF DEW or MICROWAVES? Yeah baby. You know it was a test of a weapons system. Likely showing off for Chyna (the sort of thing the Chinese do all the time to their own )... or other powers (Russia?). A sacrifice to Moloch, all those children burned alive in their homes. And just think.. they didn't touch the church. Don't cha wonder why? Spiritual battles and not physical...PS. All the homes across the street that didn't burn? Why didn't they burn? Not subject to the microwaves?