Here we go. War is definitely on the cards. They're talking about it too much now.

I wonder if all these clones and body doubles are just a cover up, to keep the story going. The real ones are under ground and safe. The past four years I feel they have just been playing with us. Let's pray I'm wrong. 🙏

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Let’s not have fear here. The First World War weren’t fought because we had to defeat evil: they were fought because the bankers. If we look at the Holocaust we can see this:


But I don’t foresee another world war. The bankers run everything now. They own the major corporations with central banks. Nothing to gain at that level. However the threats of WW3 serve one thing - to keep us all under fear and control.

Its the purpose of their narrative: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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They have everything to gain! They make tons of money with war at the expense of the tax payer! The MIC and the corrupt political parties the RepubTurds and DemonRats donors can taste this and want it!

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Who do u think benefits from war? They fund both sides, no losses! Only wins either way. Yes they fear monger!! Continuously!! It's like the boy who cried wolf, just when they have u believing it would never happen it happens. Look at Covid, people still believe 🙄 our gov had nothing to do with it! They murdered people to keep the lie alive. Covid was the flu, if they fill ur head with ENOUGH RAW SEWAGE (OBAMA) U CAN CONVINCE URSELF THE LIES ARE TRUE. U can make urself sick, u can control ur blood pressure 🤧. Our mind is powerful words are our swords. U can move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed. That is in the bible. Imagine what u can do with fear!

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Like General Smedley Butler said, "All wars are bankers wars."

That was close to a hundred years ago, nothing has changed.

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One thing missing in your posturing; DEMOCIDE.

Yes they have everything but depopulation has always been on their minds since the time of Plato.

They couldn't do it back then but they can surely do it now.

As Brzezinski who controlled much of American politics and its leaders including getting Obama in the Oval said:

"It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people."


We are not being attacked by a virus but a nanotech bioweapon that was designed to attack us controlled by carrier waves from Ai.

Can't prove the Earth is round but any hobbyist with a telescope in their back yard can see all those other planets are round.

It's fun to stand outside of popular held beliefs and see the discrepancies which may be a product of our fallible minds, but it is also easy as Harari does to concoct a reality of his/their own and figure it to be the only truth.

I don't imagine Stalin and Mao killing millions of people was a misconception and the Bikini Atoll to this day is uninhabitable.


Hiroshima/ Nagasaki be it nuclear or some undisclosed device, people were killed. Body prints burned onto buildings were left from intense heat disintegration.

These compartmentalized scientists spend their entire careers inventing ways to kill people. And an incendiary device or a biological weapon has the same ends.

And this time they are using one to cover for the other.

Hence it does not much matter if one tool exists vs another. What matters is something is being used against humanity by a bunch of someones.

And they have the power and the force to make good their agendas.

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Do you think the nano bw can be used for mind control once someone is infected with it?

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Yes and they have been spraying us with nano tech for decades through chem-trails and have been experimenting with mind control in humans and animals. These nanobots can be directed to go anywhere in the body and can either heal, make sick, or kill.

Yes and they have been spraying us with nano tech for decades through chemtrails and have been experimenting with mind control in humans and animals. These nanobots can be directed to go anywhere in the body and can either heal, make sick, or kill.

There are reports that women after taking the jab succumb to psychosis.


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I don't know if is true, but I saw an experiment from la quinta columna, they made a tea from tobacco and they show that the nano got destroyed, pretty much what dr Ardis said in an interview, I don't know, I would like to have the technology to prove it myself, at this time, I trust few doctors out there.

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Yes that would be interesting. Please post the link to the La Quinta Columna article. Nicotine is essential to the human body as we have built-in nicotine receptors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4795468/

I know that cultures brew tea out of the leaves or even chew it. I have family that to this day grows tobacco. It's just that after the cigarette companies used nicotine to make people sick that nicotine got a bad rap. After the law ganged up on the health issues from the cigarette companies, these companies got into the food business to do some more poisoning.

Greese's video @3:38 shows bots being destroyed with nicotine and distilled water.


But as far as how that study was done looks to be in the experimental stage and how does one administer such a restorative is the next obvious step.

So far one solution for destroying these nanobots is NANOSILVER at very small nanometer size (1-5nM) in addition to sodium borate (it's not soap it's a salt) to dislodge the legs of the bots while the nanosilver shorts out the bots.

As we mention the antidote is out there as these alchemists would had to have invented the cure potion along with the poison. And unless that's released we'll be struggling reverse engineering everything that has been done to us.

As it is, going to the dentist is a nightmare and we know that La Quinta Columna has been instrumental in discovering nanotech in the Lidocaine used for anesthesia in a all-vector full spectrum attack on anything humans use to get the bioweapon in everyone through all means. Problem is information is slow to come and dentists, are asleep, are poisoning their patients. Some dentists don't want to hear about it as in the case of my dentist.

We all need to keep our ears to the ground as there are not enough good scientists trying to reverse all this and there are not enough hours in the day for those that are. I'm positive all the doctors and scientists at this point are not getting much sleep trying to take on this monster.

We would need a super computer or better yet control of Ai away from the monsters that have it now to undo all that has been done to us.

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I studied nuclear physics many decades ago. Scientism teached me that nuclear materials like Uranium and Plutonium,...have half live of thousands of years? Meaning that

Radioactive materials resulting from nuclear bombs can stay radioactive for thousand years. Now Hiroshima was less than 100 years ago, yet it is a major city full of life? Inconsistent science!

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So when we said everything is a lie, we meant it.

They lied about Nuclear Weapons.

Have you seen the pictures of US Troops planting bombs in Japan right before the "Nukes" went off? Probably not.

It's all a Hoax.

Look up CRROW777 Radio.

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Is that Max the Australian guy?

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I have always thought of the same thing. How could they be living there. And I saw an article that a bunch of medical tests were done on the descendants, and that they findings were normal, no indication of excess radiation. The conclusion was that they didn't use nuclear bombs, just carpet bombs and lied as usual about using nuclear. I also saw a nuclear scientist going around giving speeches in the 80s about how he used to drink and swim in the water at the nuclear plant he worked at. He said the radioactive thing was all BS. We could have little nuclear power generators on all of our houses.

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Yes, I saw the video of that nuclear scientist drinking the radioactive material, and pointing the Geiger counter to his stomach showing radiation coming out of his body.

I spent years studying nuclear physics, and now I am thinking it was just as doctors who were told cholesterol blocks the blood vessels? Bullshit science.

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It has an explanation, they didnt detonate nuclear bombs in Hiroshima but tons of tnt, oh well, that is what many people has said because people live there and there is no evidence of the nuclear damage in plants, animals or people, one person that say it is Flat Earth Dave, he had an interview with Dustin, and I hear from other scientist too, that the technology doesnt exist, its all a lie to keep people scared, also "gates of hell" feeds from our negative energy. go figure.

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"We are not being attacked by a virus but a nanotech bioweapon that was designed to attack us controlled by carrier waves from Ai."

Exactly right. People who say "COVID" was just the flu were the ones lucky enough to have not had "it" or known anyone who did.

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They really seem to be following the narrative of the Book of Revelation which describes the four horses of pestilence, famine, terrible wars, and unnatural death.

Given that and the increased programming of world war movies on the tube over the past year, it's likely that WWIII has been slated, scripted, munitions secured, and futures shorted.

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Is there not a way as the author to unlock it since you are the author and suggesting a read? I wasn’t able to read the whole article. Tsk tsk. :(

What I read was fascinating though.

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If there's more to an article on these Substack sites, you should be able to see

"Expand read" or something like that ... Hope you find it.

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FOLKS THERE IS A TRAP BEING SPRUNG. Bid for A.I. police between Bill Gates & Lockheed Martian for speech suppression and enforcing the mind control *(narrative) across the free world.

This is the pressure Problem , action , solution before the next US mini budget.

NATO has escaped the democratic framework IT HAS BECOME A ROGUE AGENT.

We the people are has much the target than those slaves dying , WAKE UP UNITE !

Redacted this week segment on lockheed Martian at 25:50


Bill Gates was on Opra pushing his nasty shit Chat gpT using Alex Jones bad boogey man.

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Bill Gates actually said a small nuclear war could be helpful for climate change. Of course this has been scrubbed from the internet. He also had the bright idea of cutting forests down and burying the trees in the ground. Not sure how that would help when the trees supposedly eat carbon.

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TY for puting 2 and 2 together. People are not discerning . . . like at all lately.

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Gates wants trees cut down as they protect us from 5G frequencies. Can't have that.

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I think from my recent rabbit holes that they want to block the sun from us, because there are new energies coming from the sun that help us and hurt them.

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Ten years I have been seeking help to tell of my targeting and what’s to come. Every single media outlet is controlled.

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Therapy Logs, Video Sessions for 1.7 Million American Mental Patients Leaked to Open Web after Data Breach

°Who do you think stole that data . . . it's only useful to the folks training A.I. for mental healthcare . . . There is no rogue little guy in this business , they are all state actor gone wild. Why pay for the data when you can steal it ? . . . Why deal with Ethics. . . .?


Common folks seriously.

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And let the rocks fall on them as they hide from the son of man and the day of the Lord.

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"War is definitely on the cards."

Perhaps you mean literally, as there is a New World Order World War III Illuminati card from 1994 by Steve Jackson.

Yes, they're keeping the avatar masked and coached characters active up here on the surface with the rest of us useless eaters and cannon fodder. If history serves, a ship being sunk by hostile forces (often a false flag) always starts our wars, as a kind of reverse/ adverse baptismal rite, so that may be their tell this time, as well. We might expect a major US city or two to be nuked or pretend nuked to escalate the war.

We pray, they prey, but, increasingly, we see their moves and motives.

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Remember, they've also declared these times the era of pandemics and bio-warfare. A world war would give them endless opportunity to mandate their toxic "emergency countermeasure" jabs for both troops and civilians and force digital IDs on everyone.

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You're not too far off from the truth.

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Their time is gonna come. ...Wasn't that a song?

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As much as it is somewhat comforting to not want to acknowledge deadly realities, it is imaginary protection. There have already been deadly attacks inside Russia that are provocative in the true sense of the word.

Without saying too much here, please believe it is extremely important to read this news:


This gentleman does not mince words but delivers them with accurate and reliable clarity:


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no moneyin peace just endless tax $$$$$$$

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Using Lahaina as a model we saw how unrelated but tied-in factions and departments and corporations planned subterfuge to oust those Hawaiian land owners from their prime real estate by setting a stage from many vectors in order to pull things off.

FEMA, BLACK ROCK, the Lahaina city government and military contingents to provide the DEW hits over the town.

Now we have a similar ploy to engage the planet in a world war by moving forces in ways that will create the desired effect with no REAL SANE EXPLANATIONS for their moves other than

"I promise you, we'll be able to do it."

They create the scare because they already PLANNED THE OP.

In reality they're ALL MOVING PER SCRIPT given them by the CFR yet making it look like a "tit for tat" scenario because they think people are that stupid.

We're hearing as per Todd Callender/Prather and others the plan to hit the planet with another bioweapon known as weaponized ebola OR MARBURG. Weaponized because you won't catch it from someone infected but the NANOBOTS IN YOUR BODIES WILL BE HIT WITH THE CORRECT EMP FREQUENCIES to get them to do the planned reformation of your genes by remote control Ai.


Just like they blamed Lahaina on a "sudden storm (out of nowhere) from out in the ocean" coming in and pulling down power lines.

And any things you saw like the Lahaina water department turning off the water supply, FEMA setting up road blocks to trap the home owners in the blaze A DAY BEFORE THE 'BLAZE' and the total stand down of the Lahaina emergency services NEVER HAPPENED.

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In addition to weather modification and failed gov infrastructure on Maui (by design), there are types of tech likely to have been implemented in Lahaina and other areas not only for land grab but to test capabilities. It is not uncommon for military operations to test on a population before deployment, i.e. Operation Biz Buzz or Drop Kick with deployment of mosquitoes in 1950's with the biotech field exploding with gain of function capability ever since. Just about every modern disease is weaponized.

Oddly, the dragon drone was just used in Russia last week... Also curious is there are Lahaina eye witness testimonies that describe fire balls similar to what these little drones can produce. The ring of fire in Lahaina sure does look like the dragon drone test site results. High levels of thermite elements have been found in lab soil tests and the water was on fire while boats melted and burned. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/ukraine-uses-dragon-drones-spew-feiry-substance-russias-frontlines-rcna170193

Morfius has an EMP microwave capability to take other drones out of the sky. It is so small it can launch out of a 6" tube and explain other anomalies such as trees burning from the inside in Lahaina and Paradise, CA. https://defensescoop.com/2023/07/13/dod-tests-airborne-microwave-weapons-ability-to-defeat-kamikaze-drones/

The attacks on humanity are multi-layered, planned years in advance, and compartmentalized to the point it almost impossible to pinpoint one cause which allows for confusion, just like 9/11.

Yet the country to country war jargon is out in the open with warnings in advance, i.e. Russia going to invade Ukraine, doesn't anyone find that odd?

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Yes, they were creating storms during the latter half of the 20th. Submarines had devices that would pop up and storms were created over Vietnam during the war. They're still doing it, killing people with weather weaponry. As what happened with Katrina and the 10,000 people killed in Tacloban Philippines over an area the U.S. Navy wanted as a blue water port.

This ad was put out 2 years after Typhoon Haiyan storm-surged Leyte with contradictory pronouncements killing those 10k residents.

You can see the inclusion of Tacloban in the U.S. Navy Pin Map advertisement.


The people at Tacloban were told to wait while the USS George Washington made its way to the area causing a riff of the locals with their own Philippine government which was told to stand down.


If you listen to Dane Wiggington he'll inform that all nations sign onto this type of war against humanity using weather to maintain an aire of plausible deniability.

Of course Russia fighting Ukraine is odd because Ukraine is mostly Russian people, many of whom fled to Russia since this insanity began. The media is to blame for propping up the narrative of 'freedom and democracy' when the word "democracy" in this sense means the will of the elite.

At the bottom of this is still a war on humanity to depopulate the planet to upwards of 90% and the elite need an excuse hoping most people who will be victims of the policies are too uninformed to note the difference.

And in Lahaina, whatever was done there it was surely not as simple as storm damage "act of GOD" stuff.

And the end of the Navy Pin Map blurb "in defense of all we hold dear back home..."

Yeah right...

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May GOD have mercy on us all for this travesty

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God always has mercy. Unfortunately, mortal man doesn’t always have mercy.

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Looks like I picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue ..lol

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So WEF puppet Keir Starmer flies to DC to sit down with (one of?) the Biden clones and have a cozy chitchat. Let's escalate! NATO's mad gambit? Or a logical (to them) strategem if their goal is to destroy as much as possible as quickly as possible? Putin knows very well that the impotent Western populations are not behind their "governments". Too bad for us: any coordinated and premeditated NATO attack on Russia is a trigger for WW3. That is what our (s)elected officials are doing for (to) us so as to thin the herds and make the Klub of Romesters happy campers.

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The Phoenician Black Nobility - This is Actually How the World is Run, howthe Satanic Phoenician 2000 Trillion Dollar Black Nobility Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires started in 2014 a war in Ukraine that now teeters on the hazard of Worldwide World War 3 against Russia, China, and Iran, how the Deathvaxxes were made. Through a hierarchy, through a pyramid of power; hence their popular symbolism of the ‘All-Seeing Eye” within the pyramid of power. If your Psychopathic Minion is at the top of the Pyramid he can send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech! At the top of this pyramid, we have hidden families originating from the Babylonian/Roman Empire. 13 families have been identified throughout history, just as there are 13 families within the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati and 13 layers of bricks on the dollar bill. Now, some or even all of these families might be fronts (world stage actors) for other powerful bloodlines, i.e., some might be hidden and unknown – many refer to these as The Black Nobility or the Papal Bloodlines (or as “Mafia families”. However, that does not matter. What matters is the pyramid of power; the ancient and papal bloodlines who have amassed unrivaled power and unimaginable wealth through the centuries and who are at the top of it, as they own everything through their front-investment-companies such as Vanguard and Black Rock who own ModRNA and Pfizer of the deathvaxx born in Chapel Hill and Fort Detrick bioweapon labs . https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/the-phoenician-black-nobility-this

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Putin is offering temporary Visa's to come to Russia I was reading and no knowledge of their language is required as he removed that requirement. I would feel safer there than here because they have better technology.

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Yes....remember Keir Starmer was in DC for NATO. Where was he invited? To the

White House. I bet that Marxist met with obama there, too.

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Why have we let a bunch of idiots decide our fate? This big and beautiful world has much more to give than we could ever use . These " leaders" have no idea how to live in the real world outside of the political arena. They have lost their way.

We are bound to pay for their mistakes, because we have given them the privilege to guide and represent us as a nation. God help us.

It is done.

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Great comment!

One niggling point, though, is that they stole the power to guide us into our ruin and their making. Candidacies, elections, laws, and court decisions have been tainted for a long time. Our failing may be more one of believing them and not our own common sense. They've known what they're doing, We made the mistake to ascribe their unfortunate policies and actions to incompetency and personal character flaws, when all has been orchestrated.

Still, may God help us and keep our eyes open.

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Same path again

This is what they did to Germany back in 1939.

in 15 years, after destroying Churches, Cities, millions of white Russian civilians, they will come up with a "holocaust TM" and Vlad will become the evil figure for the future generations.

USA was supplying Marxist Russia before 1939 and getting ready to enter WW2, long before Pearl Harbor. The Zio Drunk puppet Sir Winston and the useless mono-neuronal Roosevelt used Poland as a bait. Now is Ukraine. Then, they will say that Putin was planning to invade the world...They still say the same shit about Germans...

Until American people don't understand that US-UK-URSS were the axle of evil, manipulated by the Synagogue of Satan to destroy Christian Europe...we have no hope. They same puppeteer then is the puppeteer now, but have more power and money

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They say as a population goes down the GDP per capita rises, increasing a government’s borrowing power. So, it’s foreseeable that a greedy and corrupt government would want to create a massive migration into their country and then rapidly depopulate via civil war, proxy wars, and manufactured crises. And then that government could buy up all the deflated assets with their greatly expanded credit, with say the help of a wealth manager like Black Rock. And when the people left are desperate and barely hanging on, they would accept the government’s mandatory "healthcare treatments", housing developments, and CBDCs that promise to return peace and prosperity to all, but in doing so they would empower that government to destroy and impoverish anyone who opposed them. Now picture that on a worldwide scale.

From the prophecy thriller AI BEAST:

“A totalitarian regime has placed people in key government, industry, media, and military positions. They plan to cull the world’s population to five hundred million through wars, disease, viruses, sterilization, and extermination. They convinced leaders that they needed to prevent the catastrophic event of twenty billion people running out of fossil fuels. They advanced climate change by bribing scientists and spraying heavy metal oxides into the atmosphere to increase its conductivity, trap heat, and turn our bodies into microwave receivers to cook our flesh. Using energy weapons, they have created earthquakes, and firestorms, steered hurricanes, diverted vapor rivers, and produced droughts, floods, and heat domes. They are collapsing supply chains using sabotage, restrictions, and hyperinflation. They have destroyed processing plants, created livestock viruses, oppressed farmers, and caused food shortages. Graphene and hydrogel injections have weakened our immune system and damaged vital organs. Programmable magnetic nanoparticles are killing us on command using high frequencies. Those spared will become passive, transhuman servants in open-air prisons while the oppressors live extravagant lifestyles for extended lifetimes.

“However, Lex and I have made other plans.”

Read More: https://shawncoreyauthor.com/ai-beast-preview/

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The JABS often contain Nanobot self-assembling particles. All of these are designed to activate on the Graphene Oxide grid via Zigbee protocols. This 5G system now becomes not only a tracking and surveillance system, but WBAN (Wide Body Antenna Networks.) Also they will use 6glopan for more operations and the Bluetooth Mesh network.

Lots of videos explain this operation and configurations.



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It all goes back to Rothschild Globalist Zionism pushing WWIII to usher in their One World Government and digital enslavement monetary system. We HAVE to educate Evangelical Zionists what the Bible actually teaches - “Armageddon” was fought between AD 67 - AD 70. This is their “Armageddon PSYOP.”

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I have been lecturing on this for 10 years and have a movie script ready to go to counter it. Lord willing in God’s providence we can get it in the right hands.

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Now I'm intrigued. I've got a video game of the same "caliber" stored up.

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Did you consider Dinesh d’Souza

Who made 2000 Mules?

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Not to mention, this goes WAY BACK to the relationship between Khazaria and Russia!

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There's no way they want the elections to take place. They will bring us to the brink of war but it will not happen.The polls are fake. Trump is killing them. They (the swamp) know what's at stake if Trump wins. He knows where the bodies are buried.

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Those bunkers must be really good for them to be so cavalier about the end of the world.

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Between man made pandemics, artificial vaccines and the escalation to WW3, it seems the real plan is massive depopulation, resource acquisitions and total control of the remaining populace.

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Enough conspiracy theories and speculation.

We are on the brink of World War III and US imperialism is the cause of it. We have 800 bases around the world. They’re not there to make friends with the locals folks. They’re there to pick fights so that US can say this is an unprovoked attack that blah blah blah must pay for their actions. Now insert Russia or Iran. Now you have the big picture. We’re led by idiots. A Necon war pig class of people who have the stupid idea that we can survive a nuclear war. We can’t. Don’t be surprised if the missiles start flying before the election. Especially because it looks like Kamala is going to lose. And Putin is 100% correct, that it would be direct involvement by the United States and the European countries specifically England because those weapons will be guided by American and British personnel.

Fu*k that!

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Wow, we are absolute maniacs. Just begging to be destroyed... I think Putin may grant us that wish. THEN we can bring in more immigrants to re-populate our ruins.

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Your right that many parts of their WXX strategies are becoming more transparent, "Not hiding it anymore" but their only revealing what can't stop their demonic agenda. The top secret, still hidden bxmb yet, is how their longterm war plan has been to subtily poison the food, the land, the air we breathe, to make everybody so sick of being sick, and afraid of dying, they would become totally CO-DEPENDANT on doctors and hospitals WHO prescribe quick pain relief slow-kill medicines, aiming at gaining total trust of the unsuspecting population. Like the cow who comes running to eat, when the farmer calls with goodies in his hands. So far nothing to see here right? Look deeper. Hatching enough diseases on a global scale, justified the world dominant globalists, to create and fund the global Institution they called the: WHO. (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) With the sole criminal purpose of empowering it over every aspects of global civilization. Even over every country's Political, and Military, Sovereignty. But especially targeting your Personal Health Sovereignty. Officially, and irrevocably stealing your GOD given, Constitutional, inalienable Human Right to your own body in the collective name: of “ONE HEALTH” This is the Great Reset main target to have you “Owned and Operated” by the WHO/WEF Banksters who owns WHO, and and everything else.

MRNA Jab tracking technology decoded:


O = OF


1 = A (According to alphabetical order)

9 = I (According to alphabetical order

Decoded; SMART:

S = Secret

M = Militarized

A = Armament

R = Residential

T= Technology


The true motivation for all this power grab madness, is cunningly hidden behind the innocent little needle. BGates nefariously claims: "Health comes in a syringe" The GREAT CONSPIRACY is achieved through an engineered false health crisis named COVxx19 in2019. but thats just the rocket launching platform for their engineered bio warfare against humanity.

For global human possession and total dominance through electronic substances injected into the human body. As Herera (PUTS) it "Police Under The Skin". (PUTS) the whole damned world under: BGxtes,Swxbs,KCharllatan,&World Banksters.

No more opposition to the 1% Ruling class. No more well trained physical armed men to police the masses, from internal crimes. No more Armies, Military Bases, millions of well trained Soldiers, armed to the hilt. No more Military Arsenals, Ammunitions, Tanks, Trucks, Drones, Bombs to veil over Nations Security threats from other countries.

No more National boundaries to guard, no more Air Force, Navy Subs and destroyers, Aircraft Carriers, and most sophisticated War Planes.

Are you getting it yet? No more trillions of dollars spent on Military Budgets on an International scale. No more Ambassadors, Foreign Affairs Ministers,

No more protest, riots, or resistance from anywhere in the world. Do you understand

the magnitude of this "Great Conspiracy" against humanity yet???

So far, everybody thought Gorge Orwell, Alex Jones, Greg Reese, Stew Peter, Mike Adams,

(just to name a few). were off their rocker with conspiracy theories. Oh no, These guys are all geniuses, as God’s gift to humanity. They’re all out there on the front lines, shouting it from the house tops, trying to awaken, and truly save humanity from modern day tyrants. Hitler is turning over in his grave with envy right now, at what these monsters are puling off on global scale. The famous One WORLD Government, One world Currency, One World Religion the Bible has been warning us for 2000 years was coming, and this is how they’re doing it:

Mass Surveillance Technologies in computers and cell phones: WWWW = WORLD/WEB/WAR3/5G/AI/BIO-HACKED DIGITAL-ID/&SIGNATURE TO ACSESS: CBDC. And of curse, the most infamous electronic-injectables, for surveillance under the skin. This is the globalist hidden silver bullet that PUTS all humanity in the palm of their hands, for raping the women, pillage all, of all they worked so hard to gain and defend. Now soon to be completely subdued under the authoritarian fist of the WHO/UN/NATO.

Until this is fully achieved, any resistance from the Non Vaxsers, will be met by the UN which was re-empowered to the hilt, for this engineered COUP. And when that’s not enough, NATO

will save the Dday.

That’s why BGxtes, Rocket fellows, Soroci, etc … founded and funded these global institutions, to back up their Global Coup.

This is the “Great Conspiracy” Matrix, that fulfill’s what a top free mason said “We have to create a conspiracy that is so unbelievable that nobody will believe it”

I believe it because I see countless evidence of it, my job is to help others see as clearly as I do and better than I. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, and not believe it, Once you really believe it, you will be enraged with indignation like me, and be thus empowered to do whatever any good, God honoring, Constitutionalist should do to defend everyone’s God given inalienable Human right to “My Body My Choice” Better (PUT); Jesus Christ Body, His Choice. “For ye were bought with the precious blood of the lamb” (1 Peter 1;18…)

First the Banksters of the: WEF/WHO/UN//NATO/EU/WB, etc … hacked our Governments and Politics, our Institutions, our Courts and Judges, our Police Force and Armies. And of course; Your Tax dollars. Your BRAIN, FLESH&BLOOD, BODY&SOUL is next. No time for small talk. We need all hands on deck! NOW!!! This is my BATTLECRY, but I’m just a slow brain nobody. The WORLD needs YOU! with all the brain powers and tools you can get your hands on, to educate and move the unsuspecting public, from the greatest attack that has ever been purported on the GODMADE humanity.

The WEF corporate logos smuggles 666 in the 3 words with an (O): W-o-rld, Ec-o-nomic F-o-rum. Words that are always intentionally displayed one on top of the other, with a Muslim like arched swordline drawn across the 3 (O)'S. "Hidden In Plain Sight", Spells out the WEF's Economic WORLD/WEB/WAR3 marching orders against Christians, to create an apartheid, marginalized, and eventually; Murdered Society; (Rev 13). Like Cain killed Abel but on a global scale.

image.png: Picture of WEF LOGOS (Not able to upload here), xxxxxxxxxxxxx

The WEF is a club of rich men, that are all on board with Swabb's/Noah Harari's LGBTQ+WOKE Inclusion, and: PUTS (Police under the skin). Top priority in the "Green" great reset agenda.

The structure of Nations is the "MADE IN GOD's IMAGE" FAMILY. Only two genders: MF.

World His-tory is filled with nations who were all destroyed for giving themselves over to sexual immorality. Will we let history repeat itself? And be silent like underground Christians?

"Open their eyes! Lord" The BGxtes of Hell Gxxgle;

WWW = WORLD/WEB/WAR3/AI/5G IS The: Wikedpedia 666 = Beast of:


SMART TECH, Administered through BIO-HACKING MRNA/NANO DNA SPLICERS&TRANSMITTERS, LUCIFERACE bio sensors injectables. Generating: AI-BIO-DIGITAL666 ID&SIGNATURES linked to: HEALTH PASSPORTs, and CBDC money access.

Quantum Dot, Quantum Computers, and so much more to learn …

WHO doesn’t know who Jesus is now? That He came in the flesh, was crucified, bled to death, was buried, and rose from the dead, so that He can save us from our sins?

We live in the prophetic days of the”Great Apostasy and “The times of the Gentiles is fulfilled”

Now it’s time to “Know your enemy” join the ranks in God’s army educating, and warning others, before the great deceiver deceives so many. I just learned this new one today:

There are 6 letters in the word: CORONA

Add the number in of each letters according to their alphabetical order, and you get = 666. Too much to be just, a perfect coincidental match:

C = 3

O = 15

R = 18

O = 15

N = 14

A = 1


6 66



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