Its soo messed up what is happening to him, I followed him and loved his work.

Thank you Greg for that great report

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I did too! 🙏🏻

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Great report Greg! Many thanks.

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Let me tell you something about Germany... after all I am...

A) The Bavarian Illuminati... i.e. the ruling class of families... who are all Jewish... Springer Mohn Quant+++ are all Jewish all Nazis and the WEF is controlled by them.

B) Germany is still occupied and never signed a peace deal

C) the DDR (FGR) and communism comes from them circles and Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen are all part of these Aristocratic Cabal.

D) Germany today resembles a mix between the Nazis and the FGR... it is a totalitarian Police state worse than ever before.

F) Fullmich isn't the only one... I personally have bee under surveillance my house raided and I been accused under false accusation and the Judges as the Police in Germany are totally corrupt beyond anything you can Imagine.

G) Udo Ulfkötte... killed by this German Government

H) Dr. Andreas Novack killed by this German Government


And this German Government that is second to none... not even the Nazis were this bad... is entirely Jewish:::

The only reason Ursula von der Leyen is head of the EU is because she is one of these Jewish Nazi Families.

When these Jewish Nazi Families installed Hitler they were just trying...

Biden is a puppet to them... they control Germany... the EU... Israel... and they want WW3.


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Thanks for this. Their evil tentacles are everywhere. We are living in a communist police state in Chinada as well. God help us all.

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In deed. The way of Canada will be the way of all western countries. And Europa flooded with Muslims will revenge the Palestine genocide against a 💉🏳️‍🌈 population. Holly war will be lost by the white people.

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It's not whites against muslims, nor right against left, nor south against north, nor men against women, nor children against adults… this is what "they" want us to believe.

It's the very, very, very top of the money power against the rest. Everywhere. No exceptions. And they are very, very, very dark souls inside. I call them satinists because they worship the evil. Satanists according to Mark Passio's definition.

Of course, this condenses to the infowar between strong characters and the many opportunists who go along for their own benefit. This is where satanistic mindset already starts "me, me, me, …no matter what".

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Clif High’s latest driving musings are - a few big events in the next couple of months followed by lawlessness and vigilantism….starting in Ireland. People have had a gutsful.

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Agenda 21 is the rolling out of the Fourth Riech. Wold wide. The West has been on a suicide mission since WW2. They seem to not notice that Africa, Russia, and the CCP are not participating. It is just baffling they continue with their momentum.

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To me it is not...

Like WW2 and the Thirty year war and the American and French Revolution...

All controlled by them same Families their Religion is Satanism Judaism Freemasonry and the Occult...

Russia and China are the enemies of Tomorrow also controlled by them.

Africa don't matter for now.

The world is to be divided by three and controlled by one Jewish Government.

They continue at full speed because they control all sides.

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Team Evil has no religion. They use all religions to their ends. If not for the internal battles of Team Evil they would be farther ahead. They are falling apart as they reveal themselves. As they come out of the shadows we can see them ( the puppets). They are losing legitimacy in the eyes of the people every day. I have hope. My podcast is meant to wake people up and explain why things are happening. You might like it. Very few are explaining the themes over history in simple language so sleepwalkers can awaken.

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Evil pretends to be God.

The only Good that there is you find in the true heart of man.

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ad G) Udo Ulfkotte, indeed, killed even though they say officially that he died of sickness. Interesting detail: He wrote a book about the organized child abuse in Afghanistan where little boys are sold to certain groups. Those 8-12 years old boys are forced to wear women's clothes and to dance in front of men in alleged "traditional festivities" before they are gang raped by those same men attending the party. Later they are murdered for organ traffick or sold to extremistic islamistic terror organisations (foundet by international secret services or military industrial complex).

Udo Ulfkotte even alluded to then german foreign minister (was it Volker Rühe???) who "loved" to travel many times to Afghanistan allegedly for peace negociations or so but actually for those alleged "traditional parties". Sickening.

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Yes... this is why I pointed this out... most people don't know facts from Cartoons....

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ad H) Andreas Noack, same, killed or rather "heart attacked", probably by EMF or scalar tech weapon. He was Dr. of chemistry and was the very first to speak out about the graphene hydroxide (not graphene oxide as in La Quinta Columna) in the C-jabs. He worked and researched many years about both, GH and GO.

Right before his death or murder, he was bruatlly raided by police while he was giving a lecture about GH in jabs.

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The Graphene was first detected by LA QUINTA COLUMNIA

Dr. Novack also pointed this out.

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Yes, most people think as I do that it was La Quinta Columna who discovered the GO graphene oxide first via ramen spectroscopy. Interestingly, I've also stumbled about discussions that it was someone else who was the very first, I think an italian doctor who was fighting fiercefully against the C hoax. He was murdered as far as I remember. I must research his name… but there is info out there about this italian.

But Andreas Noack wasn't convinced that the ramen spectroscopy showed the presence of graphene oxide (GO). He clearly pointed out that this is far worse because he recognized grahene hydroxide (GH) which is not the same.

The GH hypothesis was clearly wiped out immediately by the "mainstream siders" while the GO hypothesis was tolerated in a certain way. As far as I know, bio statstician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Sevillano (?) were discredited but not violently harrassed.

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You will find that both Graphene Oxide and Hydroxide as well as the Nanotech that is called NEURAL LACE lead back to Harvard DARPA and the WEF & Elon Musk.

The Harvard Wyss Foundation to be precise.

Which directly leads to Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

That is where I got my Information from before those jabs even existed.

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Thank you!

Do you know why GH is said to be much more dangerous than GO? I thought that Noack said that GH is razor sharp, or maybe both, because of the 1 atom thin carbon layers??

Besides there are many hypothesis out there about the various ingredients of the death jab. I suppose synthetic DNA and RNA scalar wave technology behind, according to Meyl-Tesla physics. See also a certain Dr. Morgan.

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The sharpness are side effects.

The Main Purpose is Brainwave detection amplification and writing.

To give each Human a unique ID (MAC address) for Identification.

The whole purpose is for AI to take over and control the human race.

Thanks to Elon Musk who is central to that.

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*Noack :-) without v

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Apr 15
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Because Martin Luther translated the Bible and brought Education to the people... thus destroying their Monopoly...

Jews only like what they can control.

They want slaves... not educated citizens.

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The "Right" in Germany who are trying to save the country are now considered Nazi's when it's actually the "Left" following everything the WEF dictates. The Chancelor has a worse approval rating than Biden. I was really hopeful that something would come of the Corona Investigation which was being coined as Nuremberg 2.0. There's was even a mock grand jury trial available on Rumble with Reiner Fuëllmich as acting Attorney. I didn't realize he had political desires whatsoever but was seeking justice for all. This is proof that Mr. Global as he referred it fears Reiner. We must lift him up in prayer and also pray that corruption on all levels be revealed so the masses can finally wake up. All crimes prior to Convid and what is coming down the pipeline is revealed in Stopworldcontrol.com led by Pastor David Sorensen. The sexualization of children was tested in the EU with great success and is now here in the U.S. https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/

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What the evil one's desire is is the elimination of God's creation on planet Earth. Reiner must go to jail as a way to stop his efforts. Reiner needs our prayers. We need to keep him in the battle. They need to shut him up. Send Reiner a prayer it costs you nothing. It does make a difference. He is fighting for us.

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Pray for the brave, so some of that might rub off on others.

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Reiner is a smoke curtain. And the killings of the 💉 is the 🐘🛋️

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He must be over the target to get this much flak. He has revealed many things but no justice yet. No repercussions for the democide. Public perception must be shifting in his direction for this response.

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Agreed. Excellent man and website.

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Like that in al Europe

Sweden is the worst.

I'm Spanish. If a african Muslim rapist trespass our properties we can fight back. There's many Grandpas IN JAIL FOR DOING SO.

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They (the globalists) had to shut him up and prevent any further truths from being exposed. Time to get the FACTS out loudly to the world as this is exactly what they're doing to everyone here in US, Canada and many other countries. They smear their reputation, discredit their work, steal their money and tie them up with legal fees, trials and/or imprisonment.

Thank you Greg for staying on this story. Reiner has done so much for humanity by getting to the truth of the Covid "conquering" the globalists unleashed.

Time to unleash the human spirit en masse and fight against their tyranny and innumerable crimes against humanity itself.

What's the next move they'll make? It'll be big I'm sure.

May God help, protect and keep Reiner safe and help get him out.

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Thanks Greg for such clear and unbiased reports.

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We cannot thank you enough for this Greg!!! 🙏 Hardly anyone in the German alternative media is reporting on this! But these truths need to come out, these swamp creatures need to be exposed - and your Report will get many more eyes on the case, on this whole swamp! And it will encourage more people to come forward with insider information!

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100% agreed!!! Greg's research und results are mind boggling. German alternative media is looking for an equivalent journalist of this quality and character! Thank you, too, dear Greg in the name of all unbendable partisans.

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The utter depravity of these individuals conspiring together seems to know no limits. This manifestation of evil we are seeing all over our world in so many scenarios. Truth will triumph and the sands of time seem to be moving fast now—we can look at that hourglass and see them move. God Bless Reiner Fuellmich and may Justice be delivered from that court.

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thank you very much for the excellent work.. please use my video without any changes next time.. that would be great.. and please mention my source.. thank you for your support for reiner fuellmich.. roger - www.bittel.tv

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Greg has mentioned your source in the first RR about Reiner Füllmich. And you were understandably very, very proud of it, as everone could see in the later live stream on "biddle tv" or bittel.tv which was quite cute of you to be honest :-)

I think that everybody knows since then who Roger Bittel is in the context of the Reiner Füllmich case.

Thanks to you both, Roger and Greg, for upbringing those important news to the german and international public respectively to unveil the truth about this Psy-Op around this equally exceptional lawyer and man Reiner Füllmich.

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What do you expect from a country that throws you in prison for 5 years for speaking about the Holocaust?

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THAT should tell people EVERYTHING!

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Good work Greg ! ! All and everything (we) have to expose the [cockroaches] of the “NewWorldOrder”

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(We) are perforce ‘Open Source’ which is Our strength&vulnerability . .Our Faith is the ‘Ark of Victory’

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I have always adored Reiner Fuellmich and the incredible work he did with the corona investigative committee. I heard through one of the leaders of the medical freedom movement in the United States that anyone going after the PCR test was going to be blocked at all costs. I felt for a long time that this is what had happened to Reiner and I am so heartened now to have some proof that Reiner is exactly who I always thought he was and he was “over target” because he is brilliant. If the PCR test had been taken out, there would never have been any more Covid cases, and they could never do this to us again with another viral scare. The powers that be cannot afford to have PCR taken down. Furthermore, a legal investigation into the development of the PCR for SARS CoV-2 would have led to the fact that we don’t have biological proof of any viruses, ever, and that would destroy the entire virus narrative. If modern science does not have a way to prove biologically that viruses exist, then we do not have a gold standard against which we can validate antibody testing or PCR testing or antigen testing, etc.

I don’t agree that Reiner is the Julian Assange of Germany; he’s the new Julian Assange of the world.

I have nothing but praise for our brave Reiner Fuellmich .

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I agree with most of the C19 related statements. But unfortunately there's also the possibility that someone a) had serious financial problems (I think he admitted that in court already), b) invented a way to generate money (which succeeded and lead to a serious revenue stream for his law firm, that's also admitted by him as far as I know). c) So possibly RF just jumped on the bandwagon to rescue his finances. I don't blame anybody in that situation, but that would be the possibility that he DID commit legal crimes (Untreue as accused) AND did a good job relating the C19 things. Those things don't exclude each other. And good job on C19 does not make the criminal stuff go away. Finally there would have been LOTS of ways for a competent lawyer to avoid all the legal problems he now has and still do all the C19 stuff. Lessons learned: Don't "secure" money by investing it in your swimming pool, don't pay your own law firm about 20k per month if that work could be done much cheaper somewhere else, don't partner with people who are (allegedly) paid by domestic intelligence agencies etc. So even if his version would be the truth: He's himself responsible for >90% of bad decisions that lead to the current situation. If somebody really did everything to help evil intelligence agencies who want to destroy him, it's RF himself. That's why I can't believe his fantastic and still growing story.

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You don't know squat. Babbling fool

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Nice to meet you, idiot.

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Ahhh little Mikey crying.

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OMG, I'm so scared now...

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It’s been said that Hitler was trying to defend Germany from the Jewish Bolsheviks. It’s evident that he failed.

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There is an aspect here, where Hitler was trying to save Germany for Germans. Most of what we believe is true is not. When Hitler kicked out the sexual perverts and reclaimed the baking system for Germany, his days were numbered. The captured collective West was tasked to remove him before he inspired others to break free. History is complex and multifaceted. If a narrative is illegal to question you can guarantee it is a lie.

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In order to be legit, the dossier needs to bear an indicia or other identifying marks.

If the 'loans' were above board and were handled in a legal manner in accordance with German law, then Fuellmich has nothing to fear - regardless of the dossier's authenticity.

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The courts are corrupt. The Trump Russia Dossier was known to be fake from the beginning yet, people still believe it because the TV told them it was true. The Rules of Court do not apply to the Rulers if they want to wave them. Team Evil gets its way, and it is revealing itself more and more in its desperation to maintain control.

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Truth is being lost by a cavalcade of untruths/lies/distortions, etc. Reese's account and the accounts given by certain others is not the truth. If one begins at the beginning of all of this, they will quickly discover that it's very obvious - (though I state this as my opinion), Reiner embezzled donation monies, although the spin given portrays this differently. Whether Reiner was unlawfully seized is a separate issue. Oftentimes people don't want to acknowledge the obvious because they've formulated a belief about someone and due to cognitive dissonance, they don't want to see the truth.

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How about for now, since you don't have a name, we just call you Troll.

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The embezzlement charge is obviously false on its face. If you did a bit of searching you would know that is true. Team Evil is warping facts to fit their fake narrative. It is a bald-faced lie. Anyone with a legal background can see this plain as day.

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"Truth ist being lost by" ["No name, for now"]

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Apr 13
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touché :-)

Don't you have a little bit humour for a little word game you insinuated yourself?

Nope, not my real name. Never. And my name is not "everyone" neither.

Yes, I had 5 years of latin classes, thanks for asking. No problem to understand the term.

Yes, I stick with addressing the issue and my answer to what you said was exactly condensed in the little word game you don't like.

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…provided the system is non corrupt. But it is corrupt. This is exactly the sense of the dossier's importance.

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Youthful predators were recruited by the existing political powers. It appears these young persons may have been in tax-trouble before they participated in the original committee. One of them made up a preposterous threat-story with which to accomplish a deed-theft of the Fuellmich home-deed in Gottingen. The predators then leaned on a notary to give them access to the proceeds of the house-sale and to donars' funds. Maybe Reiner's planned interview and discovery with the forensic arborist really freaked out the globalists. Reiner was taken from the Tijuana airport by Mexican immigration agents. Immigration in Tijuana would not have been sophisticated enough to detect fraudulent German/EU paperwork. I seem to recall the predators' plans might have failed if Reiner had gone to a different airport. The lesson here for those who oppose globalist asset-grabs is to have careful monitoring of deed-status. There are companies who do this, and some municipalities are now sending notices to owners if an entity tries to steal equity.

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Those scum bags always run in the same circles! I really like Reiner Fuelmich, he is a true patriot for the German people. I’ve listened to many hours of his findings and discussions. God Speed and I pray for him. I can tell it’s taking a toll on him. God love him. 🙏🏻

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