Then there are hidden messages... such a "Privacy Academy"...
"Privacy Academy"... sounds good does it... what do I have to do... sign up... bad Idea.
Greg Reese... they use you to be blunt and you let yourself be used.
Don't sign up for this shit... because things like this are always Government Honeytraps.
You should know this.
To stay private... stay private.
And here comes the big one...
All Governments in the world outsource their spying to Israel and in particular Unit8200 Companies such as Google Microsoft Apple NVIDIA... T-Mobile Verizon+++
I make a bet that this "Privacy Academy" is just that... a Unit8200 Honeytrap
RobBraxton is the most informative and knowledgeable person I've come across when it comes to digital privacy. I use his email service. He offers many affordable solutions.
No Fritz the privacy academy is not a government honey trap! Glenn and his team are the real deal when it comes to internet privacy, security and anonymity! Glenn teaches people how to protect themselves from the government and big brother spying on them! Actually Glenn would agree with what you said about signing up for the many different "privacy seminars" and seminars in general online! You can still protect yourself and remain anonymous while signing up for any online seminar by using burner email addresses and aliases! Glenn teaches people step-by-step on what to do to stay private without having to give up any personal identifying information when signing up for things online! I've attended many of Glenn's seminars like this and Glenn and his team are very thorough! Actually I would recommend that you listen to more than one internet privacy expert and what they are teaching and the free advice that they are giving before signing up for any paid service! I also listen to Rob Braxman too as well as Josh from the YouTube channel "All Things Secured!" I believe that all of these internet privacy experts have vital information for people to consider when it comes to internet privacy and security! But at the end of the day it's up to each individual person to decide which privacy expert has the most to offer for their individual needs! For me I trust Glenn and his team at privacy academy! And no I'm not getting paid to promote the privacy academy either and to say what I'm saying!
OK... I had a look... and now I can tell you 1000% these people are scam.
A) The Symbol is the Eye of Ra.
B) They advocate Cloud Computing
C) They want to know everything about you including your Children
D) once you pay they have everything about you... that is Unit8200 and the Banks.
I have a background in IT...
I don't use a mobile phone nor signal nor telegram and I advise anyone not to use these services....
The reason I do this is because I have a patent which is 100 years ahead of everyone and Elon Musk has stolen it too... so I reinvented myself on substack... and because I had run ins with the CCP CIA and MI5...
And with the AI capabilities of and especially for Cloud Computing I urge people not to use them... use your Computer.
Rob Braxman offers you better service and also degoogled phones if you wish.
These people are self promoting a business that don't deliver... as soon as you pay they have you... and because you want privacy you be on the CIA list in no time.
If you want to stay private don't make a big deal out of it... simply stay private... there is no need for those courses... or to pay for them.
First lesson: don't engage.
Second lesson: Don't participate... don't be lazy
Half Truths are worse than lies.
This stinks.
Don't use them... it is a scam and you are on the list.
Fritz, thank you. I admit -have so much to learn and assimilate and so little time. Thanks for your strength and resilience. Im thinking tho the bigger they are the harder they fall? (It’s just, please fall OFF this planet already - when it comes to the issuers of the main toxic poisons in all forms ) I the article. I’ll read more. Have been following ROB B for a while off and on, Now I’m in analysis paralysis with a limited budget and way too much knowledge. It’s ok. This is the work. We all hold a lot of the poison by default - hence alchemy and the right consciousness to employ it and know / find remedy? I got a response from my direct question Re: using google devices from AP. I could’nt copy and paste so I’ll post a photo- see what y’all have to say. My request is that you look at it and if possible, use as a teachable moment for us from your perspective , as im pretty sure almost everyone here is on the path to greater and greater levels of knowledge and discernment. You’ve stated your reasons why but would love to hear your assessment agsin in another context. Thanks for your patience. Just before Greg mentioned the class / thoughts on privacy / protection I completed the last class with Glen and the Above Phone folks. Id been getting a gut message to GET OFF google / tracking. I’ve always kept a very low profile on social media and have been sensing the poison creeping in ( more and more) After my deep dive today prompted by Greg, yourself, others and the responses today, im going to endeavor to stop just short of the Black Pill for a minute in this arc of learning- But the ability to share knowledge and discernment between humans striving for integrity to make informed choices is gold.
Yes! You need to register to attend the live webinar! Register with your email because a link will be sent to your email address to attend live! But if you can't make the live then the replay will also be sent to your email too!🙂
Be very careful with this Greg...Seems to me this is a definite way to get you to not only bring yourself but your followers as well, right into their bullshit defacto trap. At this stage of this satanic-driven game of theirs, no once can be trusted.
But what is the ultimate undercut in facts and logic here? It is that ALL of the data that gets sucked up by various entities is done for one main reason, to control us in some way. Be it knowing what we like and don't like, whom we may know or not know, what we may know or not know, it all comes down to having some kind of leverage on us all. And that leverage ultimately leads down to using it against us in the 100% corrupted legal system/Matrix in some way. Charges are brought against us so as to control us via the "outcome" of a bogus trial there. But here's the main exit point from the legal system/Matrix, it is that there is no such thing as a fair trial in it, all of them are rigged up scams being run on us. Not even one of these bogus trials is a gamble, because if it was a real gamble, like a coin toss, we would have at the least a 50/50 chance of winning or losing, right? So, the way out of that trap is to demand to see your written guarantee of actually getting a fair trial! It is impossible to get a fair trial because that is not what they are about. These show trials are all about maintaining control over people through various kinds of punishments, the loss of a job, loss of freedom, loss of property, loss of money, loss of friends and family, and even the loss of life! The ones who run the privately owned legal system/Matrix for personal profits don't care one iota about any of your losses, only their gains! The more gains for them the better.
If you go to, you can read my various papers there that expose the crimes and criminality of the legal system/Matrix, and you will then see your way out of it. No one yet has been able to show me even the smallest of errors there, because there are none. If you expose the frauds or other crimes, you will win! How can it be otherwise?
I hear you. However, anything written on a piece of paper has no jurisdiction over any man or woman. There is a reason that these two words, man and woman cannot be found in any law book. These.......that operate from these Service Corporations are bound by their duties and obligations thereof. Therefore, men and women have rights. They do not. Know the difference between legal and lawful. We've been tricked into compliance. Knowledge protects. Ignorance endangers. Christopher James has excellent info for those who wish to stand in their Divine Authority.
Thanks for all the info. Appreciate the dialogue here. Just FYI just wanted to share the response from the “above phone” folks to my query…” The above phone does not connect to any google services out of the box. Google will be unaware of your phone if you do not install google services. Google phones are used because they are the best for supporting alternative operating systems. Google helps develop the Android Open Source Platform ( AOSP) which is a foundation for the Android mobile operating system. Our operating systems are based off of ASOP without tracking and with more privacy and security features. The developers of these operating systems chose the google platform because it has the best support and transparency. Additionally, the phones have excellent support for the modem, allowing them to be used in any country in the world, as well as hardware level privacy features that protect your phone’s memory and isolate the cellular modem. Compared to a traditional phone, GrapheneOS makes no connection to google out of the box”. HMmmmmm. They also accept payment in Monero. What. a. world. It used to be fascinating not more than a hundred years ago to hear someone’s voice more than a block away without them being in the room…..darn resets.
Given the discussion- and the deep dive swerve I was compelled to do this AM because of it, for anyone interested here’s a good concise primer and good info from Rob Braxman before the QA / class Friday. No time but the present. It’s something I’ve been loathe to really dive into but I’ve been feeling a distinct pull to extricate my humanity out of the more pernicious forms of the dragnet for a while....
The last time I saw you in a furnished setting was when you interviewed Rick DeSantis in your apartment at the dining room table. Do you have a nice view from the windows?
*I would like to attend the privacy seminar, but on the outside chance that I can't, I will look forward to accessing a pre-recorded session.
**BTW I missed your interview with Ms. Vivian Kubrick…I am hoping that you will find a new streaming service, how about uploading it to Substack? Has Substack ever censored you? Although I would not assume that interview contains anything to censor.
***Did you know that people who create slide presentations with PowerPoint, can actually add a media film inside one slide that plays out without successive slides or say 3 consecutive slides containing 25 minutes each? Now hear me out while I have not tried this with an alternative media streaming such as a Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 app that allows users to create such a thing…search for a “Web 2.0 (slide presentation style) app” for a temporary to permanent channel such as for a thesis length production. Perhaps you already thought of this. Usually college students have raw videos, that are not removed or censored, but those apps are not expecting YOU You you U u…is worth a look-and-see...and this may be totally non-existent but a brief search will certainly reveal itself.
****Also, did you see the action film, The International? The Interpol exposes a bank that plays both sides of a conflict.
Hi Greg. Thank you. I’ve been with Privacy Action Plan and Glenn M. Since the beginning. Yep! You’re on the right path. I agree with Amii. Said it all.
Glenn is a take what you need and leave the rest kind of guy.
The first rule about privacy is to not sign up for privacy seminars.
The second rule is don't use Apple Google or any of Microsoft.
Don't use AI.
Get informed who is doing what with what.
Educate yourself...
I recommend Rob Braxman who has on his Channel more and better advice than a Privacy Academy.
Then there are hidden messages... such a "Privacy Academy"...
"Privacy Academy"... sounds good does it... what do I have to do... sign up... bad Idea.
Greg Reese... they use you to be blunt and you let yourself be used.
Don't sign up for this shit... because things like this are always Government Honeytraps.
You should know this.
To stay private... stay private.
And here comes the big one...
All Governments in the world outsource their spying to Israel and in particular Unit8200 Companies such as Google Microsoft Apple NVIDIA... T-Mobile Verizon+++
I make a bet that this "Privacy Academy" is just that... a Unit8200 Honeytrap
Educate yourself of Unit8200
My advice?
Stay Private.
Don't get "Zucked"!!!
RobBraxton is the most informative and knowledgeable person I've come across when it comes to digital privacy. I use his email service. He offers many affordable solutions.
Good on you.
Most of all.. he is honest.
I studied IT so i know a bit.
Also I recommend Luis Rossman for his great Videos.
Both are Tech savvy and show you behind the curtain of Big Data...
No Fritz the privacy academy is not a government honey trap! Glenn and his team are the real deal when it comes to internet privacy, security and anonymity! Glenn teaches people how to protect themselves from the government and big brother spying on them! Actually Glenn would agree with what you said about signing up for the many different "privacy seminars" and seminars in general online! You can still protect yourself and remain anonymous while signing up for any online seminar by using burner email addresses and aliases! Glenn teaches people step-by-step on what to do to stay private without having to give up any personal identifying information when signing up for things online! I've attended many of Glenn's seminars like this and Glenn and his team are very thorough! Actually I would recommend that you listen to more than one internet privacy expert and what they are teaching and the free advice that they are giving before signing up for any paid service! I also listen to Rob Braxman too as well as Josh from the YouTube channel "All Things Secured!" I believe that all of these internet privacy experts have vital information for people to consider when it comes to internet privacy and security! But at the end of the day it's up to each individual person to decide which privacy expert has the most to offer for their individual needs! For me I trust Glenn and his team at privacy academy! And no I'm not getting paid to promote the privacy academy either and to say what I'm saying!
OK... I had a look... and now I can tell you 1000% these people are scam.
A) The Symbol is the Eye of Ra.
B) They advocate Cloud Computing
C) They want to know everything about you including your Children
D) once you pay they have everything about you... that is Unit8200 and the Banks.
I have a background in IT...
I don't use a mobile phone nor signal nor telegram and I advise anyone not to use these services....
The reason I do this is because I have a patent which is 100 years ahead of everyone and Elon Musk has stolen it too... so I reinvented myself on substack... and because I had run ins with the CCP CIA and MI5...
And with the AI capabilities of and especially for Cloud Computing I urge people not to use them... use your Computer.
Rob Braxman offers you better service and also degoogled phones if you wish.
These people are self promoting a business that don't deliver... as soon as you pay they have you... and because you want privacy you be on the CIA list in no time.
If you want to stay private don't make a big deal out of it... simply stay private... there is no need for those courses... or to pay for them.
First lesson: don't engage.
Second lesson: Don't participate... don't be lazy
Half Truths are worse than lies.
This stinks.
Don't use them... it is a scam and you are on the list.
I didn't get a good feeling from them. I listen to my intuition that is my ally at all times, more than anything else. I appreciate your post.
Fritz, thank you. I admit -have so much to learn and assimilate and so little time. Thanks for your strength and resilience. Im thinking tho the bigger they are the harder they fall? (It’s just, please fall OFF this planet already - when it comes to the issuers of the main toxic poisons in all forms ) I the article. I’ll read more. Have been following ROB B for a while off and on, Now I’m in analysis paralysis with a limited budget and way too much knowledge. It’s ok. This is the work. We all hold a lot of the poison by default - hence alchemy and the right consciousness to employ it and know / find remedy? I got a response from my direct question Re: using google devices from AP. I could’nt copy and paste so I’ll post a photo- see what y’all have to say. My request is that you look at it and if possible, use as a teachable moment for us from your perspective , as im pretty sure almost everyone here is on the path to greater and greater levels of knowledge and discernment. You’ve stated your reasons why but would love to hear your assessment agsin in another context. Thanks for your patience. Just before Greg mentioned the class / thoughts on privacy / protection I completed the last class with Glen and the Above Phone folks. Id been getting a gut message to GET OFF google / tracking. I’ve always kept a very low profile on social media and have been sensing the poison creeping in ( more and more) After my deep dive today prompted by Greg, yourself, others and the responses today, im going to endeavor to stop just short of the Black Pill for a minute in this arc of learning- But the ability to share knowledge and discernment between humans striving for integrity to make informed choices is gold.
Welp. I’ll have to type out the response. No way to cut paste screen shot here...
Get that Russian HAM licence Greg. :-)
I wish I could attend, but I have to work. 😕
Don't worry, still sign up because there will be a replay!🙂
Do we need to register just to watch the recorded version?
Yes! You need to register to attend the live webinar! Register with your email because a link will be sent to your email address to attend live! But if you can't make the live then the replay will also be sent to your email too!🙂
Be very careful with this Greg...Seems to me this is a definite way to get you to not only bring yourself but your followers as well, right into their bullshit defacto trap. At this stage of this satanic-driven game of theirs, no once can be trusted.
Greg were you able to acquire a pre-recorded link?
But what is the ultimate undercut in facts and logic here? It is that ALL of the data that gets sucked up by various entities is done for one main reason, to control us in some way. Be it knowing what we like and don't like, whom we may know or not know, what we may know or not know, it all comes down to having some kind of leverage on us all. And that leverage ultimately leads down to using it against us in the 100% corrupted legal system/Matrix in some way. Charges are brought against us so as to control us via the "outcome" of a bogus trial there. But here's the main exit point from the legal system/Matrix, it is that there is no such thing as a fair trial in it, all of them are rigged up scams being run on us. Not even one of these bogus trials is a gamble, because if it was a real gamble, like a coin toss, we would have at the least a 50/50 chance of winning or losing, right? So, the way out of that trap is to demand to see your written guarantee of actually getting a fair trial! It is impossible to get a fair trial because that is not what they are about. These show trials are all about maintaining control over people through various kinds of punishments, the loss of a job, loss of freedom, loss of property, loss of money, loss of friends and family, and even the loss of life! The ones who run the privately owned legal system/Matrix for personal profits don't care one iota about any of your losses, only their gains! The more gains for them the better.
If you go to, you can read my various papers there that expose the crimes and criminality of the legal system/Matrix, and you will then see your way out of it. No one yet has been able to show me even the smallest of errors there, because there are none. If you expose the frauds or other crimes, you will win! How can it be otherwise?
Randy Gaumond
I hear you. However, anything written on a piece of paper has no jurisdiction over any man or woman. There is a reason that these two words, man and woman cannot be found in any law book. These.......that operate from these Service Corporations are bound by their duties and obligations thereof. Therefore, men and women have rights. They do not. Know the difference between legal and lawful. We've been tricked into compliance. Knowledge protects. Ignorance endangers. Christopher James has excellent info for those who wish to stand in their Divine Authority.
Thanks for the invitation.
Thanks for all the info. Appreciate the dialogue here. Just FYI just wanted to share the response from the “above phone” folks to my query…” The above phone does not connect to any google services out of the box. Google will be unaware of your phone if you do not install google services. Google phones are used because they are the best for supporting alternative operating systems. Google helps develop the Android Open Source Platform ( AOSP) which is a foundation for the Android mobile operating system. Our operating systems are based off of ASOP without tracking and with more privacy and security features. The developers of these operating systems chose the google platform because it has the best support and transparency. Additionally, the phones have excellent support for the modem, allowing them to be used in any country in the world, as well as hardware level privacy features that protect your phone’s memory and isolate the cellular modem. Compared to a traditional phone, GrapheneOS makes no connection to google out of the box”. HMmmmmm. They also accept payment in Monero. What. a. world. It used to be fascinating not more than a hundred years ago to hear someone’s voice more than a block away without them being in the room…..darn resets.
Given the discussion- and the deep dive swerve I was compelled to do this AM because of it, for anyone interested here’s a good concise primer and good info from Rob Braxman before the QA / class Friday. No time but the present. It’s something I’ve been loathe to really dive into but I’ve been feeling a distinct pull to extricate my humanity out of the more pernicious forms of the dragnet for a while....
12 hours ago
Dear Gregory,
The last time I saw you in a furnished setting was when you interviewed Rick DeSantis in your apartment at the dining room table. Do you have a nice view from the windows?
*I would like to attend the privacy seminar, but on the outside chance that I can't, I will look forward to accessing a pre-recorded session.
**BTW I missed your interview with Ms. Vivian Kubrick…I am hoping that you will find a new streaming service, how about uploading it to Substack? Has Substack ever censored you? Although I would not assume that interview contains anything to censor.
***Did you know that people who create slide presentations with PowerPoint, can actually add a media film inside one slide that plays out without successive slides or say 3 consecutive slides containing 25 minutes each? Now hear me out while I have not tried this with an alternative media streaming such as a Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 app that allows users to create such a thing…search for a “Web 2.0 (slide presentation style) app” for a temporary to permanent channel such as for a thesis length production. Perhaps you already thought of this. Usually college students have raw videos, that are not removed or censored, but those apps are not expecting YOU You you U u…is worth a look-and-see...and this may be totally non-existent but a brief search will certainly reveal itself.
****Also, did you see the action film, The International? The Interpol exposes a bank that plays both sides of a conflict.
All the best, HeyAce.
Hey Greg,
Are the night skies clear enough to see the Auroras? They can see them right now in Sveden. Wuv U, Ace.
Nothing is secure or safe unless it within my own mind. And even then I may talk in my sleep. I repeat nothing is safe anywhere! Anyhow! Anyway!
Best to dummy the fuck up!
Exception: yelling to save a life.
I hope it’s recorded?
U deserve the Support. We been Targets all our lives anyway. 🤣🙏✖️🖤🦿
Hi Greg. Thank you. I’ve been with Privacy Action Plan and Glenn M. Since the beginning. Yep! You’re on the right path. I agree with Amii. Said it all.
Glenn is a take what you need and leave the rest kind of guy.
I would check out before I make any commitments.
The latest in privacy...,