"Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths." Just like all the corrupt governments in the world did.

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Carole King has always been a favorite of mine. Unfortunately, it’s too late for those injected with bioweapon. Clinics are popping up trying to detox from bioweapon, we shall see.

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According to George Webb in his podcast Thursday Night Trio w McDuff, Webb & Hamamoto (2021-04-8) a nano-silver based vax was given the U.S. Army before they left for the 2019 Wuhan Military World games as according to Webb the U.S. Army brought C-19 to Wuhan and it spread around Wuhan including the BSL-4 lab that keeps getting blamed for "creating the disease." Similar to what happened with the Spanish Flu in 1918. The U.S. military brought it with them.


Webb says "nanotheratin" from their podcast that the Army created the real vax against the bioweapon using nanosilver as used by the Russians to protect themselves. That the Army did not inform POTUS and almost a million people died. According to Webb in this hard to find podcast, the nanotheratin real vax was developed at Fort Belvoir.


Point being nano-silver something in the under 30nm size seems to be something that keeps the 'virus' which is actually said to be nano technology, which acts like a retrovirus, from replicating.


I'm hearing there isn't much other than this that can be done and presently we are all transfected, including animals as well as insects. There is an antidote as pharmakeia always makes the potion and the antidote.

So hitting up the creators of all this for the antidote should be the next move.

The low hanging fruit scenario is now playing out as viewed in Greese's videos.

They planned for this to admit guilt using a patsy to keep the mob at bay from reaching the higher ups.

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'presently we are all transfected, including animals as well as insects.'

=> if this was the case, the overall death statistics would be equal for everyone (jabbed and nonjabbed), which is simply NOT THE CASE.

The first 2 links are interesting, but I'd question the potus innocent involvement, since he signed off on the new type of GENETICALLY BASED technology in his Sep 2019 executive order..

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The issue is this is an asymptomatic malady and hence not everyone will succumb like falling dominoes. So an "equal for everyone" scenario does not bear out.

In effect we're walking time bombs.

I'm hearing and as Jeffrey Prather and Todd Callender with DARPA whisperers have been shouting from the roof tops, that the nanotech was designed to be triggered by radio waves to create robots in the living bodies to mutate into a myriad of maladies most specially Marburg (ebola) which is the final pandemic which will be called the "plague." The end event has something to do with when the elite sensing the cataclysm is nigh, will head to their bunkers but first releasing the final stage of their planndemic agenda.

Zeee media with Todd Callender:


We also have unbeknownst to many that Ai figures into all this and can selectively choose who gets what at any given time and place. The bioweapon is Ai controlled.

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I know every single Todd's presentation, who also knows my own research into the bioinformatics of the SPike, and 'strangely' never responded to this 100% proof of crime! Why would that be? Instead he interviews shills or people who incite FEAR, including himself, almost like CIA... Yes, my own research shows we should be afraid to take a single dose of the synthetic concoction which possibly interacts with 5G, previous chemicals in the body (from other real vaccines), etc. BUT, that is not to say that the huge amount of the injected must have gotten placebo, in order to clever mask the real intention, which is to kill 8 bln's of people! And for the affected, we have enzymes, we have plasmid cures, inhibitors of the toxins, AND natural lipids which can counteract the synthetics...

I simply do not trust Callender or actually the entire in-ter-net of things which does not add up, to me. The logic needs to firt the observations, and if it does not, than there is an error in the logic, which then needs to change.

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Bingo. EO 13887, signed the day after the WHO declared the world was unprepared for a new pandemic, which gave everything wanted to the WHO, UN, CCP, NIH, CDC, Fauci, Gates, et al, and did in fact fast-track the mRNA vaccines.

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I believe this one has been in the works since 2003-2005 when the first SARS "covid" aka "convid" hit...however when it died a natural death, the "makers" decided to continue on with it, since billions had been invested. Today, we see the results of 20 years in the making. They prefer we think it's new...to keep us off their predatory scent.

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I am unjabbed but I got dental anesthesics, and I start tu suffer now. All injectables are rotten, see dr MAna substack... I am loooking for a detox clinic in Switzerland...

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Covid 19 doesn’t exist. It’s the SAME as the SARS from 2003. This is why it can’t be isolated. It doesn’t exist. The “model” from 2003 is what was used for all the lies and nonsense. Talk about a psyop!

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Dec 13, 2023
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I saw today Karl C. Here on Substack, is having a lot of luck with Sodium Citrate as a nano particle magnet. I believe he is on to something!

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“Magnetic Tech”…that’s interesting! Do you have any information on this or where I can check that out?

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agreed. thank you for all that. mejbcart is assuming "transfected" means death. no disrespect intended. it does not. it means you have it in your body as a breathing sentient being on this plan-et. It also means now you are nano-infected to be bio luminescent for their purposes and not always good. that's all it means. those who die from it are not useful anyway. only the "live" ones. Perhaps, this will help if you still don't get it. https://youtu.be/V9FLq1ygvSE?si=tjqxKkQkuNXDe2W6

WE ARE THE BLOCKCHAIN. THEY ARE MINING YOUR GOLD. (blood) and everything else you are/create. We are units of utility and they hound out our aura is a hackable bioelectric field for fun! Yes, a body part has been hijacked. OH THEY DO SO MANY THINGS. WHERE DO I START.

Really tho, there's a ton of people out there working on remedies. Some work better than others. there's only so many varieties of blood types and if you know yours (good idea) then you have that data. helps. But, try different things. I use a number of modalitites and some basics. but I started in the early 80's because i have bad allergies. It's only complex until you know your body, you listen to it. Subtle yes doable necessary to succeed. Experiment with safety. I have made mistakes but survived. but I have always been like that. That's my take. No disrespect intended. look up psynersy on rumble for more specifics. there's some on telegram too. I wish everyone the best result~ MM

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Thank you.

Yes we're all groping in the dark on this. It helps to exchange ideas. No one person is going to figure this all out over night. Sad for the planet. Sad for humanity.

C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man written a long time ago tells of people who will think to destroy humanity presenting it as a "good idea" and important for the planet. So this is nothing new, it's just that because they get to be supported by people who control the money system this has gotten as far as it has. These people don't want to fix anything they want to destroy everything.

Like this guy:


They think they know what's best.

But we must prove them wrong.

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i know its time for me to really be consistent and publish more. a few interferences have delayed me time and again. that can't be so easy to thwart me but i am human. err because I am human. thats the good news tho...we are so inconvenient. those of us who can still say it must say it. i am emboldened by the sheer fact of having survived to this moment. in spite of? because of? regardless of? it doesn't matter. if i know to do (and I know to do a lot) then i have no excuses not to. it's my pleasure to act in my hearts direction, its an honor, a duty and responsibility and evidence I am cooperating with Universal Destiny. I invite all others to join me in doing the same. much love to all.

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The Chinese mentioned the games in the beginning. In a podcast from the Medical Rebel.com, it seems that the 1918 flu only existed in the area near the Kansas military base. News of any epidemic was confined to the back sections of newspapers. Seems like it was no big deal as domestic news.

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I've heard the entire 1918 debacle was similar to today, they used the military as the hook to get the public in on it and then millions died from the vax which was reported as being a meningitis vax.

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Also, like today, a World War not going well.

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Yes indeed.

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Do you know of any clinics in the LA area, I couldn't stop my wife she got it to be able to be close to her elderly parents. I would be great because she's come down with an autoimmune disease.

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I am seeing two:

Leading Edge Clinic with Dr. Pierre Kory. https://drpierrekory.com/ for sprike protein factory going on in my body.

Then Dr. Robert Young for metals and EMF sensitivity. Dr. Robert O. Young <phmiraclelife@gmail.com> He did my microscopy analyses.

Here's what's happening to me, but more: https://rumble.com/v3h84sc-vaxx-injury-nanotubes-parasites-and-solutions.html

I am looking for an attorney, so let's get together to fight together.

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File a complaint with your States Attorney General and request that this escalate from your issues to a full grand jury. New Mexico just had an 83 page complaint filed requesting a grand jury. Luck to you.

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you probably heard about all of these but dandelion tea, zinc and quercetin in combination, and NAC seem helpful

I had heart issues, quite possibly from shedding, and taking these substances seemed to help

then what really seemed to put me over the top was adding a fair amount of cayenne pepper to morning coffee.

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Thanks jwslaw--I used Burdock root tea daily and it got me through very early on, Nov. 2019, drank a pint of it for 40 days at least. Never went to a doc which probably saved my life. These plants, Dandy and Burdock, are worth keeping in the cupboard. Try Mountain Rose Herbs (I am in pacific northwest) or gather, note Burdock is a 2 year plant.

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thank you

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I take all of t hose you mentioned and I am never sick any more, so I guess I am doing something right. Instead of Dandelion Tea I take my own black current together with green tea and some terrific Cvitamine that contain 3 different sorts in one pill. Works in spite of grand children and all..The Cayenne is supposed to prevent the demons you know.

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The Antidote interview with Dr Bryan Ardis, Chiro, and Jason Shurka has a spectacular perspective and it appears the antidote to get rid of the spike protein, based on the origins. Seek it out and if you can't find it, let me know and I'll see if I can get it to you.

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I can honestly say that nicotine has helped. If I have been around vaccinated people and feel heart or respiratory symptoms as a result I use it. During the Covid times I used NAC, Quercitin, D, C and zinc as well.

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That's a great combo! Glad it's kept you well.

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Dr Bryan Ardis is a disinformation agent, a shill.

"Watch the Water" and "snake poison in the water".

C'mon, that's ridiculous.

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Did you watch The Antidote? Watch and get back to me. Thanks.

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The Wellness Company has a "spike" treatment. It includes nattokinase. It's the best remedy as far as I know. This is Peter McCollough's organization.

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Is she vaccine injured?

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Thx for the little excursion with Carole King.

Enjoyed it while contemplating Genocide/Omnicide.

and extinction of all organic DNA on the planet.

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No shite.

But what you should notice is very little is being done.

They are going to do it again because we in effect have Law enforcement that serves the NWO and its goals.

We also ignore the reality that governments are this corrupt -- because the citizens aren't too damn bright and are cowardly to boot.

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And are still doing

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Now, "who" gave that order to him?

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Dec 13, 2023
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Never trust a narcissistic President. Never trust a psychopathic sociopath President. In fact never let them into the office.

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It’s too late. Obama did his damage and continues to do

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Interesting details. I hadn't heard that before, but it wouldn't doesn't surprise me. It should be very interesting to see how things play out in the next 12- to 18-months.

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US/UN handiwork in the Philippines - what a surprise (not). When are Americans going to wake up to the tax scam that means they fund all the military industrial complex anti-human stuff whilst being blocked from seeing where their money goes? Americans. Stop paying tax - any tax, and stop this genocide.

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Is there a process or just go cold turkey and keep fingers crossed? I want to stop!

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Have a look at Reinette Senum's substack https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/breaking-the-chains-of-fear-a-year

And, check out how to become a sovereign citizen. Man or woman on the land.

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She’s really cool! I subscribe to her.

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I did too and I voted for her for Governor of California. Imagine what might have happened if she had won that election! On her website she has her list of points for California which could also apply to the rest of the nation.

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No its not so simple and they are at war with anyone who tries this

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Here’s a couple of interesting websites to get started. I wouldn’t stop paying taxes cold turkey but start learning how to use the constitution and get out of their “contracts”. I’m just starting to learn about it. They have us contracted with their corporation which side steps the constitution for their benefit. We are slaves under maritime law. We must learn their language-Blacks Law dictionary (if you can find an unedited version). I’m determined to get out of their false contracts....

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Another BOHICA moment.

bend over here it comes again...


Paisan Giamatti and the Chewbaca Defense:

If it doesn't fit..you must acquit.



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We are 100% ran and ruled by criminals!! PERIOD!!!

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but as you can see they are all over the Western world, not just US and Canada, ZN, UK or Australia. Scary times we live in.

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Not only the western world, but everywhere. Nobody is immune to their evil, regardless of what country someone is living in. 300K+ excess, “unexplainable” 🙄 deaths in the Philippines is proof of that.

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Many of them are Klaus Schwab WEFers. They all need to be exposed!

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Remember Klaus Schwab 'wi hef penetrated efrie cabinet'

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Great reporting Greg, I always look forward to your content. This is the start of hopefully something great to come with holding people/companies accountable.

That said, there are many more Health Ministers/companies around the world that knew the shots were killing people, and still mandated it anyway!The biggest one is Pfizer, the US Government lead by Biden and Anthony Fauci.

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Yes you are correct, the Greg Reese reporting is world class.

And while I certainly agree with you that Biden/Fauci are culpable and meriting condemnation and blame because their Covid lies were harmful to We the People - please don't forget that Donald J. Trump's "OPERATION WARP-SPEED" started the whole Covid19 lie. FYI: I stopped supporting Trump because of OWS.

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I understand Trump’s involvement and what took place with Operation Warp Speed.

I knew from the get go, that I was never going to take the vaccine, and this had nothing to do with Warp speed, but my own family experiences with defective vaccines.

My wife and I went down the rabbit hole reading and researching the efficacy of vaccines and found out that it wasn’t on the up and up! (we had a family member that got injured by a defective vaccine and developed Guillain Barre Syndrome and was in the ICU for 9 months, half paralyzed.

So with that said, we made the decision not to take this rushed vaccine and we were right!

Do we blame Trump? No we do not, reason being, he specifically stated that it was “your decision to take it or not” -He never mandated anything, Joe Biden and Dr Lewinsky did!

In Trump’s mind, he wanted to give the citizenry options - and that’s what he did! Dam if he did, and dam if he didn’t, the mocking bird media would have something else to Cook up if the vaccines weren’t in place!

Unbeknownst to Trump, he was surrounded by deceivers of all sorts that lied to him and the people, these people are the supposed experts in this field, & he had to trust his advisers (well sort of), Trump is not a Scientist or anything of the sorts, so I lay the blame squarely at the feet of Pfizer, Anthony Fauci, Dr. Brix, CDC, Dr. Lewinsky Joe Biden etc. It is they that had the precise data on deaths and effectiveness and hid it from the public.

Remember, Pfizer had to be sued to release the data with how they were able to get approval, they wanted this hidden from the public for “75 Years”.

If anything Trump helped to expose the absolute rat gut corruption within the system-that’s my take away!

Trump 2024!

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"Nowhere in the Constitution is the government authorized to lie to We The People. And the Tenth Amendment prohibits the government from simply assuming that right. "The government lied about a Spanish mine in Havana harbor, They lied about the Lusitania not smuggling weapons to Great Britain. They lied about the JFK assassination. They lied about torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin. They lied about Saddam’s WMDs. They lied about Assad gassing his own people. They lied about 9-11. They lied about Covid. They lied about honest elections. They lie about everything! "When the government lies to We The People, it becomes an unconstitutional and hence illegitimate government, and we are not obligates to obey said government’s dictates, pay said government’s bills, or sacrifice our children in said government’s wars!" -- Michael Rivero

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I like what Michael says but will not happen without a Constitutional Amendment that prohibits a federal officeholder from lying. A finding would create immediate forfeiture of their position.

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Trump still urged people to take the vax that he did it himself.


Fauci can be seen giving a speech in January before Trump's inauguration that there will be an epidemic. Where was Trump on this? It's easy to turn blind eyes and come off as "didn't know" but that's not his job description.


As German leader Christine Anderson states we must not take things coming from gov't at face value.


Anyone who thinks a White Hat is going to appear and take out the deep state is drinking the flavor aid.

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My philosophy is TRUST but VERIFY!

Trump’s only one person and cannot control everything, or stop everything.

In my opinion, he was falsely lead into thinking the vaccines would be good and urged people to take it unbeknownst to him.

Maybe/maybe not, he understands the destruction it has caused, because he doesn’t speak about it like he used to.

Whenever I would hear him tout the vaccines I would cringe and say to myself-dude stop vouching for that shit!

Who’s your candidate of choice?

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Beyond trust and verify one must also factor in that these "puppeticians" a title as posted earlier are ALL READING SCRIPTS. Trump is the good cop to Biden's bad.

The one calling the shots is the CFR in Denver which was set up immediately after 911. The CFR reads from scripts the bankster cartel issues.

Does anyone recognize who the man on the right is that Biden's talking to in this classic "you're not getting the billion dollars son of a bitch teehee?"


That's Richard Haass. Head of the CFR. For all intents he's/was the real POTUS.


All of Washington moved to Denver. All the puppeticians are in Washington but now actually Fort McPherson, DC is a ghost town in case it's not known with all the barricades to keep prying eyes out.

The White Hat-Trump scenario is hopium. Don't forget Trump before he took the Oval had to visit Kissinger.


Bibi and Trump were childhood friends. That's how far back this goes.

Trump has done so much for Israel as has most of the puppeticians who've signed pledges to back Israel because the plan is Israel is going to be the seat of government in the future and I'm hearing AFTER THE CATACLYSM.

If Trump was his own man White Hat why would he be doing that? He can be taken out the same way the two Secret Service guys in the front seat of the Lincoln blew JFK's head off while everyone was looking at the Grassy Knoll.

To answer your question, there is no candidate of choice, they're all different heads of the same hydra.

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None at present.

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RFK jr.!

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"He never mandated anything"

It's incredible how low the bar is set for politicians, when they should be held to the highest standards of integrity due to the power they wield - and the time and resources they have at their disposal for researching any subject on behalf of the people that they supposedly represent.

Trump recommended the vaccine and he did nothing to stop it, or to provide the public with informed consent. In fact he lied about everything, just as Fauci at al did.

He could have stepped up to the microphone at any of the press conferences and pointed out that virology does not meet the basic criteria for a scientific discipline. He could have pointed out that there was no evidence of a pandemic or a virus, outside of computer simulated, digital constructs which were no more real than cartoons.

He could have pointed out that vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies show that the unvaccinated are much healthier in every possible respect.

He could have pointed out that each of the so called 'infectious' diseases that vaccines have taken the credit for eradicating (or reducing) were in fact 95% - 99% eradicated before a vaccine was produced - and that vaccines have had no effect on reducing any of these diseases (the real cause being improvements in diet, sanitation, environmental conditions, refrigeration and generally improved living standards).

He could have pointed out that every experiment to demonstrate contagion of colds and flus by exposure to sick people has failed. Even during the Spanish Flu they tried to infect healthy volunteers by having flu patients cough into their faces, and exchange snot and lung fluid (rubbing it into their eyes and throats). Not one volunteer 'caught' the flu, because flus and colds are not contagious - just as scurvy isn't.

He could have pointed out that what ACTUALLY killed people during the Spanish Flu was (1) the deprivations of war - including a terrible diet and exposure to chemical weapons in the trenches (2) exposure to the new radio technology which was being rolled out at the time (3) the administration of up to 25 vaccines first to the soldiers and then to the civilian population (4) the over prescription of aspirin which was being prescribed in lethal doses at the time.

Instead in his interview with Candace Owens Trump lied by saying that there were no vaccines for the Spanish Flu and that's why people died.

Trump's facade of being 'anti establishment' gave half the US population confidence that all they had to do was sit back and wait for him to 'drain the swamp'.

Had Hilary been president it would have been much harder to convince conservatives to comply with the lockdowns.

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Glad to see that more and more people know what he is. The truth is coming out for all to see.

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After the most recent Republican debate, Megyn Kelly stated in a Glenn Beck radio show interview she believes President Donald J. Trump will be in jail in Washington DC during most of 2024 election cycle. If that happens then obviously our Constitutional Republic is fallen and will never recover.

That said, after great perplexity my wife Karen and I have decided NOT TO VOTE in the 2024 elections. We made this decision based upon the Preamble of the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence which reads in part: "and to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers by the consent of the governed". Because we believe our Constitutional Republic is fallen and is irreparable; we consider the federal government to be illegitimate. Therefore if we were to vote in 2024, we would be giving our consent to be governed by the powers of an illegitimate and "unjust" government.

We will continue to obey all laws which do not conflict with the dictates of the Holy Bible and we will continue to pay all applicable taxes. We consider living in the fallen USA similar to the first Century Christians living in Roman occupied Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

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He needs to be in jail, because he authorised OWS, unleashing these poisons onto the World. 17 million dead and untold numbers of serious adverse events.

As does Fauci, Biden, the whole of the FDA/CDC etc. etc.

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I also , do not consent. On a related note Judicial Watch has done some yeoman's work in forcing the cleanup of voter rolls nationally. The purges saw millions removed so far.

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Tucker Carlson warns Megyn Kelly there will be violence in America if Trump is arrested. 12/11/2023

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I also do not consent. Even if our Constitutional Republic still stood, there is not one candidate of any affiliation worthy of our vote.

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You wouldn’t consider RFK jr. Who is an Independent?

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FYI: I have contributed small amounts of money to RFK, Jr. campaign. But the real problem is Barack Hussein Obama, (the son of Communists) and Valerie Jarett, (the daughter of Communists) have embedded into the DEEP STATE at all levels of power, Marxists/Socialists who now control the federal government and answer only to Obama. In other words, our Constitutional Republic has been sieged from within by Communists who are implementing the post-Marxist strategy of "revolutionary socialism".

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We need to publicly hang Anthony Fauci

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Yes, fauci is a criminal who should be hanged on the nearest street lamp post, for all the honest people to see the abomination finally finished.

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My preference was ostracise the man to the Falleron Islands for the rest of his days. I'd leave him a 10 foot rowboat 🚣‍♂️ if he'd like to chance the shark infested waters. Twice a year food drop would be ok.

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Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed. Give him credit for millions of murders. Maybe billions.

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Hopefully, people stop beliving in their governments and develop a self-preservation instinct.

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I got immediately kicked off of Nextdoor for flagging an alert from the Health Department for a pro-vaxx post as DISINFORMATION. I could get back on if I “begged for forgiveness”. I live in a nest of Covidiots, so I chose to leave them fret about “Climate Change” and get sheep dipped for their imagination. Never again a member.

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@ekoh, same. I’m in Marin County...seriously zombified. Makes me ill to go on ND but I’m always hoping to spot another awakened soul...once in a while you catch one before they get crushed...

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I lived in Sunnyvale last century. Sounds weird to say that. It was nice back then.

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Next door was never set up that way originally. Like all social media, once they had you hooked they figure you won't mind the lies.

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God bless you for your efforts

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I love that you did that! That is priceless. lol I am in the formerly known as conservative Phoenix, AZ, and our ND is the same. Everywhere has been taken over by Covidiots. As for "begging for forgiveness", I will never grovel at the feet of evil.

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Hopefully all of the people who participated in the worldwide campaign to steal, kill and destroy lives for profit will soon face their just reward. And it didn't just begin with COVID 19. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION thrives off of stealing, killing and destroying lives and it always has.

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Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò


for the online Conference ``Is the Pope Catholic?``

organized by prof. Edmund Mazza


Archbishop Vigano confirms the corruption and connections and blackmail

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Esperanza didn't just conceal vaxx deaths, he is in on the Italian genocide from the start.

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All the comments on here reflect what we’ve all been through for the last 4+ years as we watch, friends and family fall away from us and call us “conspiracy theorist” it’s just surreal what we have gone through what we have endured, and those of you collecting the information, the data like excessdeathsAU and you Greg may God bless you richly for your bravery and endurance and may we all every single one of us, see justice

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They ALL knew. Most assuredly hospital workers knew almost immediately b/c they personally SAW the millions of dying and dead HUMANS showing up at the hospitals shortly after vaccination.

The hospital workers KNEW why the CDC had ordered them to fraudulently classify recently vaccinated (who were dying or dead) as "unvaccinated." I have ZERO trust for ANYONE who works in a hospital after seeing how they colluded to hide the maimed and dead bodies. The CDC basically sent them bags of lime, shovels, maps to the nearest remote dumping grounds, and orders to HIDE the bodies!

They ALL followed these orders!

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Exactly!!! When the so-called “health leaders” of our country classified the newly-jabbed as unvaccinated up to 21 days, they coerced many others to get the shot knowing full well it was killing people and yet they blamed it on the unvaccinated. Pure evil. No one talks about this. No one!!! They should be tried on pure coercion alone. Even worse- they’re still pushing it! Even on our kids! Millstone around the neck...

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Special penalties for going after the kids!

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Pregnant women also.

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A sacred role women play. Our entire future in their bellies.

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So so true!!! I had high hopes the convoy in Canada would have given protection and an opportunity for Doctors and Nurses to come out with the truth. Instead few did, and the rest just checked their bank balances at the end of the week! They KNEW, as they were asked to change the reporting of manner of death by the CDC, and saw what was going on first hand, even if they didn't like it, they had houses to pay, cottages to maintain, cars to insure, trips to take and they choose THAT over humanity!

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I'm going into the gallows building business. Lots of criminals to hang!

Hope there's enough rope out there.

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Forget the rope. One bullet.

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Use only hemp rope. There's too many to hang to keep changing broken rope.

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Couldn’t agree more.

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I want something slow and agonizing.

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I get how you feel Mary, “slow and agonizing” my own son has myocarditis because he didn’t listen to me, but if we wish this upon them, we are no better than them but I do agree they need to be lined up and publicly executed. #NoForgiveness #NeverForget.

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File a criminal complaint to your State Attorney General office and request the convening of a grand jury. New Mexico’s AG Raul Torrez just got that 83 page document filed. Good luck. If justice doesn't act soon there will be hell to pay as bodies keep piling up.

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I'm sorry to hear about your son. I agree w/ Stephen. File a criminal complaint.

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Vaccinate them

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Every single newsroom director across the globe and all those who were “just doing their job” should be arrested try to publicly hanged

No, ...sorry I don’t feel like I’m being harsh

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No problem with righteous anger.

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Writes Dachsie’s Substack

1 min ago

The design of the "COVID-19 vaccines", all of them not just mRNA ones, was intentionally designed to harm people and this design has been most effective at killing and maiming. All of the scientists involved in the formulation of these vaccines knew full well what evil they were doing.

This Italian puppetician went along with the big vaccine campaign, which was only one step and phase of the larger genocidal false (flag) event, a false event that is still playing out to this day.

I do not understand how any well-intentioned professional could have gone along with any part of this official narrative and vaccine campaign.


Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023

Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023


9:35 video runtime

Mike Drop


5 days ago


Never played at the meeting due to sound issues. Mike’s address in full.

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LOL "puppetician..."

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all of them not just mRNA ones...

The mRNA ones are orders of magnitude more dangerous. If the lunatics are allowed to continue with their current plan of converting every known vaccine into a transgenic kill shot, then we are doomed.

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I am only referring to it as a bioweapon from now on. Bioweapon victim… not vax injured. I know you agree

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My friend it is a biowepon...And it has just begun to act on the populations that spread it. We still do not know what harm it will cause to the human body. Mutations and side effects are unpredictable. It can be the destruction of the human species. We are degenerating as a species and we don't know what evil is coming.

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We so know that people are having myocarditis, stroke, blood clots and turbo cancers. Yes, the death is just beginning. There was a guy from the Club of Rome who said we are going from 7 billion to one billion no matter what and the he hoped it would be done in a civilized way. I hope we can make sure that they are included in the 6 billion that are going.

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The worst is not the physical harm to the body, but the destruction of the soul, that turns black.

Haven't you noticed how aggressive people have become ?

I often see people whose eyes are either dead or downright demonic.

They are possessed. They are lost, because even if there was a cure, they would not want to take it.

The zombie apocalypse, that is the ultimate goal of the injections, not just killing a lot of people but doing it the most horrific way possible.

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I’ve been calling it a Bioweapon since 2020!

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And you have right. It is a terrifying bio-weapon that evolves within the human body. Population reduction was put into practice and began to produce lethal results.

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Wait, WHAT? Philippines was hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake after launching an investigation into the c'vid LIES????

SMDH. Italy best take notice.

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Just like Turkey. More than 50,000 deaths, and all caused by the US military.

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