"Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths." Just like all the corrupt governments in the world did.

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US/UN handiwork in the Philippines - what a surprise (not). When are Americans going to wake up to the tax scam that means they fund all the military industrial complex anti-human stuff whilst being blocked from seeing where their money goes? Americans. Stop paying tax - any tax, and stop this genocide.

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We are 100% ran and ruled by criminals!! PERIOD!!!

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Great reporting Greg, I always look forward to your content. This is the start of hopefully something great to come with holding people/companies accountable.

That said, there are many more Health Ministers/companies around the world that knew the shots were killing people, and still mandated it anyway!The biggest one is Pfizer, the US Government lead by Biden and Anthony Fauci.

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Hopefully, people stop beliving in their governments and develop a self-preservation instinct.

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I got immediately kicked off of Nextdoor for flagging an alert from the Health Department for a pro-vaxx post as DISINFORMATION. I could get back on if I “begged for forgiveness”. I live in a nest of Covidiots, so I chose to leave them fret about “Climate Change” and get sheep dipped for their imagination. Never again a member.

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Hopefully all of the people who participated in the worldwide campaign to steal, kill and destroy lives for profit will soon face their just reward. And it didn't just begin with COVID 19. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION thrives off of stealing, killing and destroying lives and it always has.

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Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò


for the online Conference ``Is the Pope Catholic?``

organized by prof. Edmund Mazza


Archbishop Vigano confirms the corruption and connections and blackmail

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Esperanza didn't just conceal vaxx deaths, he is in on the Italian genocide from the start.

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All the comments on here reflect what we’ve all been through for the last 4+ years as we watch, friends and family fall away from us and call us “conspiracy theorist” it’s just surreal what we have gone through what we have endured, and those of you collecting the information, the data like excessdeathsAU and you Greg may God bless you richly for your bravery and endurance and may we all every single one of us, see justice

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They ALL knew. Most assuredly hospital workers knew almost immediately b/c they personally SAW the millions of dying and dead HUMANS showing up at the hospitals shortly after vaccination.

The hospital workers KNEW why the CDC had ordered them to fraudulently classify recently vaccinated (who were dying or dead) as "unvaccinated." I have ZERO trust for ANYONE who works in a hospital after seeing how they colluded to hide the maimed and dead bodies. The CDC basically sent them bags of lime, shovels, maps to the nearest remote dumping grounds, and orders to HIDE the bodies!

They ALL followed these orders!

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I'm going into the gallows building business. Lots of criminals to hang!

Hope there's enough rope out there.

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Every single newsroom director across the globe and all those who were “just doing their job” should be arrested try to publicly hanged

No, ...sorry I don’t feel like I’m being harsh

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Writes Dachsie’s Substack

1 min ago

The design of the "COVID-19 vaccines", all of them not just mRNA ones, was intentionally designed to harm people and this design has been most effective at killing and maiming. All of the scientists involved in the formulation of these vaccines knew full well what evil they were doing.

This Italian puppetician went along with the big vaccine campaign, which was only one step and phase of the larger genocidal false (flag) event, a false event that is still playing out to this day.

I do not understand how any well-intentioned professional could have gone along with any part of this official narrative and vaccine campaign.


Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023

Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023


9:35 video runtime

Mike Drop


5 days ago


Never played at the meeting due to sound issues. Mike’s address in full.

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I am only referring to it as a bioweapon from now on. Bioweapon victim… not vax injured. I know you agree

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Wait, WHAT? Philippines was hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake after launching an investigation into the c'vid LIES????

SMDH. Italy best take notice.

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