Look at Dr Tennant. He created the Biomodulator and Biotransducer. Both can properly adjust voltage in the body to proper levels. He also created products that provide clean materials for the body to make new cells and detox.
I encourage you to watch this 20 min video. It explains the cause of All cancer and what is needed to bring the bo…
Look at Dr Tennant. He created the Biomodulator and Biotransducer. Both can properly adjust voltage in the body to proper levels. He also created products that provide clean materials for the body to make new cells and detox.
I encourage you to watch this 20 min video. It explains the cause of All cancer and what is needed to bring the body to proper function. Please watch and share.
Look at Dr Tennant. He created the Biomodulator and Biotransducer. Both can properly adjust voltage in the body to proper levels. He also created products that provide clean materials for the body to make new cells and detox.
I encourage you to watch this 20 min video. It explains the cause of All cancer and what is needed to bring the body to proper function. Please watch and share.
Title is:
Life Changing Insights from Dr Tennant.
You Tube channel:
Tennant Products
All my Love!
Dr Tennant has the Tennant Institute which can more specifically answer your questions properly.
I have known many others in my travels who are now enjoying healthy happy lives through help from Dr. Tennant.
Sending Abundance of Blessings with All the very Best to you and All your Loved ones!