Unfortunately Americans have been mass-mind programmed by the Medical Industry to fear/recoil from Chiropractics. Why? Because Chiropractics work.
I finally gave up on the doctors and went and got my spine aligned. It took about 6months going first three times a week, then twice a week, and now once a month for maintenance Now no more pai…
Unfortunately Americans have been mass-mind programmed by the Medical Industry to fear/recoil from Chiropractics. Why? Because Chiropractics work.
I finally gave up on the doctors and went and got my spine aligned. It took about 6months going first three times a week, then twice a week, and now once a month for maintenance Now no more pain, surgeries, replacements, prescriptions...anything. I am soooo happy that I got my spine aligned and now at 72yrs old I do Yoga, ski, dance, lift weights, and run (if I have to! ;)
Dr Bergman on YT is my go-to for ANY health problem. Whatever your health issue is Dr B will explain it better than you ever heard, and he has an amazing library on ALL KINDS of health conditions.
And this video will show EXACTLY WHY Big Pharmacide shills so hard against Chiropractics. This hopeless young man was facing a life of misery, or suicide.
"...for bone deterioration chiropractic is ineffective."
Not if you are regenerating the bones as you are aligning the spine.
People do not understand how the human body works, or more importantly how to fuel it correctly so that it has the energy necessary to repair and maintain itself.
Several years ago I was dying, and my bones were so weak that if I coughed i could break a rib. And my teeth were falling out. I would wake up and find bloody teeth on my pillow. My entire body was shutting down and I had less than 3 months to live when I was finally accurately diagnosed.
Rather than go back into the Medical system, using natural healing methods, I repaired and rebuilt my body, or more accurately I learned to feed my body what the human body is designed to eat and process, in order to get the Energy it needs to maintain and repair itself.
And that's what it does. The human body repairs itself. You just have to give it the Energy it needs to do the work. And that Energy is not found in processed food or the standard American diet. That's why we are all "livin' sick and dyin' slow" as my grandma used to say.
And that is exactly what Big Pharmacide has been working for decades to prevent us from knowing, that we can heal ourselves, that our body is designed to repair itself.
My teeth, which were black with decay, are now white and remineralized and I haven't broken a bone in years. And after 30years my knee FINALLY sits in it's proper position because the misalignment in my hip was finally straightened out.
37, I am SOOOO GRATEFUL that I stopped listening to doctors, experts and authorities tell me what the human body cannot do.
I have watched a deaf 9yr old child hear for the first time.
My friend was told 4yrs ago that she had an "incurable" disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and less than a year to live. Today she is skiing as I write this!
In the early 1900s Rockefeller had not only the practice of Energy Therapy made illegal in America, but also the STUDY of Energy Therapy!
As soon as I heard that I began studying Energy Therapy. When my cabinet maker couldn't walk and told me he had gotten a horrific infection following a surgery on his ankle, and that the doctors told him that the only way to stop the infection was to amputate his leg just below the knee, I held my 528Hz chime above Jeremy's leg as close as I could get it, and even though the chime never touched Jeremy's skin, red welts began appearing on his leg. And Jeremy was feeling immediate relief.
Jeremy spent the next 3 days sitting in a chair holding his guitar over his leg, constantly plucking the 528Hz (known as the 'Love vibration', and the musical note 'Mi' Latin for 'Miracle'!). It was the only thing that gave him relief.
Three days later the pain was gone so Jeremy removed the bandages, and the infection was gone too. So Jeremy came back to work!
Interesting note: Ten months later Jeremy had to meet with his surgical team to fulfill his insurance claim requirements, and Jeremy said that when he showed the doctors his fully healed leg, the were shocked. The doctor asked Jeremy what he did and when he told them "Energy treatments" the doctor said "Thank you, goodbye". Never asked Jeremy one question about the obviously effective treatment.
In this video clip you will see a malignant tumor dissolved using Energy treatment. But I must tell you that before the procedure, the patient spent 3 weeks having her body detoxed of all the old stored toxins and filled with high frequency Energy and food.
And the 'authorities' would assure you that this is "impossible". ;)
So I would say to someone with a health issue, when the "authorities" tell you that only the current standard of medical care can treat you, see for yourself. Follow a high frequency Energy and food natural healing protocol for one month and watch what happens.
When you say, "... high frequency Energy ... protocol" do you mean this kind of sound healing at 528Hz as you described? Is that the high frequency energy you are referring to?
I like what you propose and I watched a few minutes of the video, but trying through human efforts to harness miracles and call them technology is exactly why we are in the mess we are in today.
Mankind will not save itself. This is proven many times. There is a book you should consider titled THE BEAUTIFUL SIDE OF EVIL. It's about healing without God and what that really means.
Jesus is not the only way, nor is he even the best way, if you are really wanting to escape.
Because Jesus's teachings were totally corrupted when the llluminati wrote the Bible.
The llluminati, the 13 bloodlines of pure satan!c evil that run this planet, created the religions as one of their 5 primary systems of control. Religion ('to re-bind', re-tie). To control.
We are Spiritual beings. Religion is designed to tell us how to perceive our spirituality and most importantly, our connection to Source, while controlling the masses by keeping them divided, ignorant, and obedient.
Religion was created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to prevent the masses from becoming...Enlightened Ones.
And before you go wasting both our time quoting scripture and history at me, just do the math Pirate. This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines, roughly 800 individuals. The llluminati have been mining the Earth for millennia. We are their labor force.
And they control EVERYTHING.
Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY showed us.
We perceive our world as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed that what THEY told us to believe.
Do the math Pirate. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
I agree with much of what you say, I have no use for doctors and no one in my family sees one with even the remotest of regularity. We haven't had medical insurance in decades.
But your crusade to suggest that anything can be healed is simply wrong. You challenged me on orthopedic issues. There is NOTHING that will regenerate worn out (aka GONE) condial, for instance. Or a torn cartilage or ligament.
If you think otherwise, you're simply wrong.
A little tip, don't go traipsing off onto other topics if you're going to challenge one.
I was sharing my personal and first hand experiences of amazing natural healings and what I thought were informative videos.
And encouraging people that if some 'authority' tells them that nothing other than Current Medical Standard of Care can treat them, to question it and see for themselves.
Again, I don't disagree with what you said largely. But the way you wrote it, and directly challenged the Orthopedic angle, you may want to revisit your approach and tailor it in the future. Because that's not exclusively how it read.
Again, I hate doctors, modern medicine, which is far from anything related to "health," etc., am big on chiropractic, neutriceuticals, homeopathic remedies, including simply waiting sometime in our culture where instant "pill" fixes have been programmed into us.
But when you suggest that even the worst bone deformities can be remedied by some of the things you mentioned, that takes an entirely different angle. I've had so many people I know take that tack (typically knees), while I've encouraged them to go get x-rays/MRI and have the joint repaired, and they waited, often years, while A, pursuing those remedies, and B, more relevantly, letting the joint deteriorate even further.
I wouldn't want anyone reading here to assume that good diet and the things you mention is going to correct a joint that has no cartilage or a torn ligament is going to miraculously regenerate because of it.
I've seen waaaay too many people permanently damage themselves for life because they waited on things that were obviously mechanically broken.
I have very little to say about modern medicine that's positive, but joint replacements, arthroscopic surgeries to make simple mechanical corrections are among the few that I do have.
I would never ever recommend "annual" anything related to medical. I'm not young, but medical people and even some others appear to be astonished when I tell them that I have no "regular doctor" and that I have never been on any chronic meds.
Again, it's your approach that I am at odds with in this instance. Don't take it too seriously on your end either, but also, please do not try to tell people with serious joint issues that there's regenerative remedies. I tried that for two decades-plus before getting worse and worse and finally having to had a knee replaced. Best thing I ever did in that way. I wish I had done it ten years sooner.
37, I'm sorry that you take offense to my presentation. I really am. Because I am not going to stop sharing my experiences and understanding of Natural Healing because 'authorities' state that it is "impossible".
Your opinion 37, and beliefs are based on your experiences and understanding, as are mine.
BTW, as someone that's had extreme orthopedic issues, I've also dealt, EXTENSIVELY, with people that believed as you do. Naturally they were all selling their "solutions," or trying to sell them, to me, and others.
In fact, I tried many approaches for over two decades as it got worse, and worse, and worse, etc.
I must say, that believing as you do, that EVERYTHING can be healed and cured as such, is just as whacked out as the Rockefeller Medical establishment.
And no, I'm not endorsing them by ANY measure beyond what I've said.
Do what you will, preach falsely if you want. And no, the fact that condial and bone simply do not "regenerate" as you say with your flimsy non-proof is hardly "my experience(s)." Sorry.
Again, I agree with most of what you say, but you also don't seem to understand where the limitations of your positions are. And what, you get shot in the head and everything's going to "regenerate" itself. You're just as insane as the Rockefeller Medical Coop side if you truly believe that or its equivalent. Sorry. There are things that do not magically heal themselves via the remedies that you cite. Thinking that they do borders on mental imbalance issues as long as you want honesty.
Unfortunately Americans have been mass-mind programmed by the Medical Industry to fear/recoil from Chiropractics. Why? Because Chiropractics work.
I finally gave up on the doctors and went and got my spine aligned. It took about 6months going first three times a week, then twice a week, and now once a month for maintenance Now no more pain, surgeries, replacements, prescriptions...anything. I am soooo happy that I got my spine aligned and now at 72yrs old I do Yoga, ski, dance, lift weights, and run (if I have to! ;)
Dr Bergman on YT is my go-to for ANY health problem. Whatever your health issue is Dr B will explain it better than you ever heard, and he has an amazing library on ALL KINDS of health conditions.
And this video will show EXACTLY WHY Big Pharmacide shills so hard against Chiropractics. This hopeless young man was facing a life of misery, or suicide.
Agreed. But for bone deterioration chiropractic is ineffective.
"...for bone deterioration chiropractic is ineffective."
Not if you are regenerating the bones as you are aligning the spine.
People do not understand how the human body works, or more importantly how to fuel it correctly so that it has the energy necessary to repair and maintain itself.
Several years ago I was dying, and my bones were so weak that if I coughed i could break a rib. And my teeth were falling out. I would wake up and find bloody teeth on my pillow. My entire body was shutting down and I had less than 3 months to live when I was finally accurately diagnosed.
Rather than go back into the Medical system, using natural healing methods, I repaired and rebuilt my body, or more accurately I learned to feed my body what the human body is designed to eat and process, in order to get the Energy it needs to maintain and repair itself.
And that's what it does. The human body repairs itself. You just have to give it the Energy it needs to do the work. And that Energy is not found in processed food or the standard American diet. That's why we are all "livin' sick and dyin' slow" as my grandma used to say.
And that is exactly what Big Pharmacide has been working for decades to prevent us from knowing, that we can heal ourselves, that our body is designed to repair itself.
My teeth, which were black with decay, are now white and remineralized and I haven't broken a bone in years. And after 30years my knee FINALLY sits in it's proper position because the misalignment in my hip was finally straightened out.
Sorry, but when the condials are gone, there's absolutely nothing that you can do to regenerate those.
"...nothing that you can do to regenerate"
37, I am SOOOO GRATEFUL that I stopped listening to doctors, experts and authorities tell me what the human body cannot do.
I have watched a deaf 9yr old child hear for the first time.
My friend was told 4yrs ago that she had an "incurable" disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and less than a year to live. Today she is skiing as I write this!
In the early 1900s Rockefeller had not only the practice of Energy Therapy made illegal in America, but also the STUDY of Energy Therapy!
As soon as I heard that I began studying Energy Therapy. When my cabinet maker couldn't walk and told me he had gotten a horrific infection following a surgery on his ankle, and that the doctors told him that the only way to stop the infection was to amputate his leg just below the knee, I held my 528Hz chime above Jeremy's leg as close as I could get it, and even though the chime never touched Jeremy's skin, red welts began appearing on his leg. And Jeremy was feeling immediate relief.
Jeremy spent the next 3 days sitting in a chair holding his guitar over his leg, constantly plucking the 528Hz (known as the 'Love vibration', and the musical note 'Mi' Latin for 'Miracle'!). It was the only thing that gave him relief.
Three days later the pain was gone so Jeremy removed the bandages, and the infection was gone too. So Jeremy came back to work!
Interesting note: Ten months later Jeremy had to meet with his surgical team to fulfill his insurance claim requirements, and Jeremy said that when he showed the doctors his fully healed leg, the were shocked. The doctor asked Jeremy what he did and when he told them "Energy treatments" the doctor said "Thank you, goodbye". Never asked Jeremy one question about the obviously effective treatment.
In this video clip you will see a malignant tumor dissolved using Energy treatment. But I must tell you that before the procedure, the patient spent 3 weeks having her body detoxed of all the old stored toxins and filled with high frequency Energy and food.
And the 'authorities' would assure you that this is "impossible". ;)
So I would say to someone with a health issue, when the "authorities" tell you that only the current standard of medical care can treat you, see for yourself. Follow a high frequency Energy and food natural healing protocol for one month and watch what happens.
When you say, "... high frequency Energy ... protocol" do you mean this kind of sound healing at 528Hz as you described? Is that the high frequency energy you are referring to?
I like what you propose and I watched a few minutes of the video, but trying through human efforts to harness miracles and call them technology is exactly why we are in the mess we are in today.
Mankind will not save itself. This is proven many times. There is a book you should consider titled THE BEAUTIFUL SIDE OF EVIL. It's about healing without God and what that really means.
God is Almighty. Jesus is our only escape.
God Bless.
"Jesus is our only way to escape."
I'm sorry Pirate but he is not.
Jesus is not the only way, nor is he even the best way, if you are really wanting to escape.
Because Jesus's teachings were totally corrupted when the llluminati wrote the Bible.
The llluminati, the 13 bloodlines of pure satan!c evil that run this planet, created the religions as one of their 5 primary systems of control. Religion ('to re-bind', re-tie). To control.
We are Spiritual beings. Religion is designed to tell us how to perceive our spirituality and most importantly, our connection to Source, while controlling the masses by keeping them divided, ignorant, and obedient.
Religion was created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to prevent the masses from becoming...Enlightened Ones.
And before you go wasting both our time quoting scripture and history at me, just do the math Pirate. This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines, roughly 800 individuals. The llluminati have been mining the Earth for millennia. We are their labor force.
And they control EVERYTHING.
Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY showed us.
We perceive our world as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed that what THEY told us to believe.
Do the math Pirate. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
I am speaking from the first hand experiences I've had in a living relationship with Jesus.
Not a book. Or a manmade religion. I learn what God teaches me. Not man.
It's a very different experience than the ones you speak of.
God controls everything. Not man. There's our primary difference in beliefs.
I believe God controls everything. You believe man controls everything.
God gave us Jesus to escape this world and it's blood lines and attachments and power plays and lies and manipulations and it's efforts to control.
Jesus is our only escape because God told us so. And my life is a living proof.
I am glad you have found a spiritual belief that fulfills you Pirate, as I have.
Like the Buddha says "The is only one Truth, but many paths to it."
I wish you well on your's.
The path I am on leads to eternal salvation. The knowledge of Buddha is the knowledge of a man named Buddha and knowledge I've heard many men say.
I wish you well as well.
I agree with much of what you say, I have no use for doctors and no one in my family sees one with even the remotest of regularity. We haven't had medical insurance in decades.
But your crusade to suggest that anything can be healed is simply wrong. You challenged me on orthopedic issues. There is NOTHING that will regenerate worn out (aka GONE) condial, for instance. Or a torn cartilage or ligament.
If you think otherwise, you're simply wrong.
A little tip, don't go traipsing off onto other topics if you're going to challenge one.
Wow, sorry 37.
I was sharing my personal and first hand experiences of amazing natural healings and what I thought were informative videos.
And encouraging people that if some 'authority' tells them that nothing other than Current Medical Standard of Care can treat them, to question it and see for themselves.
Again, I don't disagree with what you said largely. But the way you wrote it, and directly challenged the Orthopedic angle, you may want to revisit your approach and tailor it in the future. Because that's not exclusively how it read.
Again, I hate doctors, modern medicine, which is far from anything related to "health," etc., am big on chiropractic, neutriceuticals, homeopathic remedies, including simply waiting sometime in our culture where instant "pill" fixes have been programmed into us.
But when you suggest that even the worst bone deformities can be remedied by some of the things you mentioned, that takes an entirely different angle. I've had so many people I know take that tack (typically knees), while I've encouraged them to go get x-rays/MRI and have the joint repaired, and they waited, often years, while A, pursuing those remedies, and B, more relevantly, letting the joint deteriorate even further.
I wouldn't want anyone reading here to assume that good diet and the things you mention is going to correct a joint that has no cartilage or a torn ligament is going to miraculously regenerate because of it.
I've seen waaaay too many people permanently damage themselves for life because they waited on things that were obviously mechanically broken.
I have very little to say about modern medicine that's positive, but joint replacements, arthroscopic surgeries to make simple mechanical corrections are among the few that I do have.
I would never ever recommend "annual" anything related to medical. I'm not young, but medical people and even some others appear to be astonished when I tell them that I have no "regular doctor" and that I have never been on any chronic meds.
Again, it's your approach that I am at odds with in this instance. Don't take it too seriously on your end either, but also, please do not try to tell people with serious joint issues that there's regenerative remedies. I tried that for two decades-plus before getting worse and worse and finally having to had a knee replaced. Best thing I ever did in that way. I wish I had done it ten years sooner.
37, I'm sorry that you take offense to my presentation. I really am. Because I am not going to stop sharing my experiences and understanding of Natural Healing because 'authorities' state that it is "impossible".
Your opinion 37, and beliefs are based on your experiences and understanding, as are mine.
Ours, are different.
I hope you understand.
BTW, as someone that's had extreme orthopedic issues, I've also dealt, EXTENSIVELY, with people that believed as you do. Naturally they were all selling their "solutions," or trying to sell them, to me, and others.
In fact, I tried many approaches for over two decades as it got worse, and worse, and worse, etc.
I must say, that believing as you do, that EVERYTHING can be healed and cured as such, is just as whacked out as the Rockefeller Medical establishment.
And no, I'm not endorsing them by ANY measure beyond what I've said.
Thank you for your reply 37, have a nice day.
Do what you will, preach falsely if you want. And no, the fact that condial and bone simply do not "regenerate" as you say with your flimsy non-proof is hardly "my experience(s)." Sorry.
Again, I agree with most of what you say, but you also don't seem to understand where the limitations of your positions are. And what, you get shot in the head and everything's going to "regenerate" itself. You're just as insane as the Rockefeller Medical Coop side if you truly believe that or its equivalent. Sorry. There are things that do not magically heal themselves via the remedies that you cite. Thinking that they do borders on mental imbalance issues as long as you want honesty.