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This part from the article has quite a bit of info. Have a quick read. There is more prior to it but it might get you into the area of concern.

"Hematological system: The hematological system, which includes blood and its components, is also targeted by the spike protein. The protein has been shown to incite inflammation in endothelial cells through a cascade involving integrin α5β1 and the NF-κB signaling pathway. This effect was also seen in vivo by intravenous inoculation of spike protein, which resulted in an increased expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules, coagulation factors, and proinflammatory cytokines in the lung, liver, kidney, and eye [18]. This inflammation can promote clot formation and hyperpermeability of the endothelial cell monolayer. Adding to the toxic effects, spike protein may transform fibrin into a form that resists fibrinolysis, making it harder for the body to dissolve blood clots. To do this, spike protein may induce structural changes to fibrin, complement 3, and prothrombin proteins [19]. These dangerous alterations can help explain the mechanism behind microclotting seen in COVID-19 patients. The spike protein's affinity to bind competitively to heparan sulfate, an important glycoprotein involved in coagulation, further aggravates coagulation and thrombosis pathologies [20]. In this study, researchers injected a zebrafish model with spike protein at a similar level as in a critically ill COVID-19 patient. They found that this directly induced blood coagulation and thrombosis [20]. Perhaps most concerning is the finding that free spike protein, in the absence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and nucleocapsid, was found within blood clots in patients diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke (Figure ​(Figure2)2) [21]. As with the cardiovascular system, spike protein exhibits a wide array of harmful effects on the hematological system."

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CAN YOU ADMIT THEY TESTED MORE THAN 1 JAB RECIPE ?! For Fuck sakes. AND Why Labs all over the word witness the same stuff Anna Maria is finding. Peter McCullough is not omniscient. AND is not the end of the storie , has method progress we will find out more.

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No need to get cranky, its just one document. No one said it was the religious God of all. We are all on the same team here. Steady up.

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Am not cranky , i seen 1 000 000 rationalist chills like you & your friends. Has time passes , the horrors are manifesting inside everyone we know. Stop the denial. There is plenty we don't know & the warp speed crew are not forthcoming .

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I was on to this from day one back in Feb of '20. Imagine the hell I've been through trying to explain to and educate people as to what's really going on and has been for decades. Back then, in suggesting to everyone that everything going on in the name of the "Covid 'pandemic'" was a PSYOP, they almost all thought that I was losing my mind.

I have no social media anymore and have essentially stopped communicating with nearly all of my extended family and the vast majority of my former friends. There's maybe 20 people these days that I talk to even semi-regularly.

People simply do not understand the extent of the evil that exists in this world, and the irony is that this is particularly true within the social organizations that we label churches, which are also really corporations, albeit NFP corps, but that does not mean that people (that run them) are not making money from them, ... they are, often obscene amounts of money.

I've simply ceased attempting to educate people anymore. It's a waste of time. Even among the self-proclaimed "awake," talk of elections and politicians in a redemptive light, tell me that this world is entirely lost, it's all over but the crying now, really the weeping and wailing.

Try to enjoy whatever circumstances you have in the time that you have remaining. Hopefully you have some close family or a few friends that are aware enough of what's going on so that you do not feel gaslighted. At least I know when I'm being gaslighted, which makes it easier.

SMH, still, at the sheer and utter lack of understanding of the core issue behind it all. People truly cannot handle the truth, and the fact that among the primary there are people claiming to be "Christian" makes that all the more astonishing.

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Yeah the gaslighting , the psychological abuse aftermath cannot be under stated , i see beaten down people all around , people who are giving up.

To add the insult to injury Trudeau is green lighting the state killing you on demand ? how come people are not connecting the Dots. Evil is real and we have to reckon w/it and chastise them , I WOULD have never tho so many people would commit evil. I tho all and all there was too much good people in big pharma. Something would stop this if it was that bad. LIVE AND LEARN .

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Hosea 4:6

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You could not be more wrong. You have no idea who I am, or how serious I or others here take whats going on. No one is denying anything. You have taken one micro point and decided to use this good platform to start attacking others instead of the actual enemy. Back off and focus on the issues, not attacking those on the same side when you do not know the extent of their concern, experience or knowledge.

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Am not angry nor emotional , i learned 3 years ago. Am pushing back ! You drop 1 study , like there is nothing to see outside of that one paper.

JUST answer the question : Can you admit there was more than 1 recipe when they cook the jab ?

If yes we are in agreement. thus should be open to new information.

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okay, not angry or emotional, just a tad raging and rancid.

just a tad....

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Now , your being an asshole.

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I think what you're saying makes perfect sense. Why would they test only one recipe when billions of subjects can be tested with a variety of recipes and then "see what works" from there?

Makes sense. I've had Morgellons for a long time and it's clear there were many recipes of Morgellons being tried.

I don't know why people are projecting onto you. I guess forgive and let it go. You've made a good point and one I think from my own experiences is likely true.

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I do forgive or i would be a raging grey automaton NPC on twitter. People see pushing back has something negative when in fact it is not. SHRUG IF i want to be mean or attack someone i got slicing replies and everyone would know my intent. Shrug

I avoided the injury topic for a while . I just don't have patience to pussyfoot around. Anyhow.

They are finding vials absent of mRNA with tons of metal building blocs for self assembling tech. IT is fact , Dr Paul Alexander showed us the original Act sign it named 5 tech including self assembling. They figure out the mRNA part. and have willing people lining up for multiple shots w/out asking any questions. Why wouldn't they test the whole transhuman panacea ? all this is a BETA test.

Ana Maria ; Episode 4 : The Reality of Shedding is really good too. Everyone need to watch and get up to date imho.

WATCH : Trans Humanos 2.0 Webinar Dr Ana Mihalcea With Dr. Daniel Estulin at 44:20 ish watch 2nd Estulin at 50 ish. Enlightening !


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"I do forgive or i would be a raging grey automaton NPC on twitter."

You made me laugh big time with that image! thanks!

I agree. Morgellons/CDB was a small beta and with what they learned they moved to large scale.

What's vital is people understand we are far from the end of this. No one is going to be hung from lamp posts, etc., except maybe a few to quell the masses, but likely not even that.

No one is near finding a "cure" or even a reliable mediator to alleviate symptoms at this point. We are just starting. It's a marathon. We have to consider it all and pace ourselves and keep going building on what we're learning.

People want to jump to conclusions because their scared shyte-less. Getting past that stage is a current challenge.

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One document that came from a source like the source the person who was the editor in chief of the Lancet for 20 years and another person who was the editor in chief of the NEJM for 20+ years said, (paraphrase) "About ninety percent of the articles published in our publications are false."

I'm no on one side or the other. Just saying...

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It is captured , all of academia is captured. Those assholes are dying and they want life extension tech now. No matter the cost. Fucking boomer took so much and reaping lives of innocent people on their way out . This is crazy.

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