That’s a shame that you now have the hand of god against you Greg. Because I liked you and promoted your videos peculiarly during Covid hoax. If you heed anything Greg. If you believe yourself a Christian it doesn’t mean supporting whatever government does but what you want to do to the jewish people god will do to you. Don’t be pharaoh.…
That’s a shame that you now have the hand of god against you Greg. Because I liked you and promoted your videos peculiarly during Covid hoax. If you heed anything Greg. If you believe yourself a Christian it doesn’t mean supporting whatever government does but what you want to do to the jewish people god will do to you. Don’t be pharaoh. Don’t have your heart hardened so you can’t change your mind. You seriously think those ravers at the dance festival are messianic Jews awaiting the end times. Israel is a pluralistic state whose Arab citizens (not occupied territory ) but Israel proper run banks serve in the knseet. Don’t forget. Jews didn’t have this empire that they decided to expand they had been fleeing hostile catholic Jesuit controlled states and I firmly believe you are a Jesuit coadjutor because no Protestant would speak the way you do. Your furthest reach went beyond Israel policy and accused Jews of blood libel stealing homes from young Ukrainian Nazis as if those shitty little villages are coveted property. I feel for you Greg for you shall become the irredeemable knowing the history of pograms in Ukraine you activity have Encouraged violence against Jews which makes you a pursuer of jewish blood. Israel intelligence already knows of you Greg. The Masonic controlled adl knows of you Greg and the jewish defense league knows of you Greg and more and more people will know of you. It’s not too late make a video clarifying your self and balancing your statements. Israel won the sinai desert from Egypt after the 72 war and gave it all back for a useless peace agreement that Egypt never agreed to. Israel won spectacular wars before there was an aipac which you love to cite which mandates buying American weapons with their financial aid packages
The final plea Greg. I prey for your soul your fate on this world but more importantly the world to come. You’re at the age where cancer neurological diseases and all things strike turn from the darkness my catholic Jesuit friend
That’s a shame that you now have the hand of god against you Greg. Because I liked you and promoted your videos peculiarly during Covid hoax. If you heed anything Greg. If you believe yourself a Christian it doesn’t mean supporting whatever government does but what you want to do to the jewish people god will do to you. Don’t be pharaoh. Don’t have your heart hardened so you can’t change your mind. You seriously think those ravers at the dance festival are messianic Jews awaiting the end times. Israel is a pluralistic state whose Arab citizens (not occupied territory ) but Israel proper run banks serve in the knseet. Don’t forget. Jews didn’t have this empire that they decided to expand they had been fleeing hostile catholic Jesuit controlled states and I firmly believe you are a Jesuit coadjutor because no Protestant would speak the way you do. Your furthest reach went beyond Israel policy and accused Jews of blood libel stealing homes from young Ukrainian Nazis as if those shitty little villages are coveted property. I feel for you Greg for you shall become the irredeemable knowing the history of pograms in Ukraine you activity have Encouraged violence against Jews which makes you a pursuer of jewish blood. Israel intelligence already knows of you Greg. The Masonic controlled adl knows of you Greg and the jewish defense league knows of you Greg and more and more people will know of you. It’s not too late make a video clarifying your self and balancing your statements. Israel won the sinai desert from Egypt after the 72 war and gave it all back for a useless peace agreement that Egypt never agreed to. Israel won spectacular wars before there was an aipac which you love to cite which mandates buying American weapons with their financial aid packages
The final plea Greg. I prey for your soul your fate on this world but more importantly the world to come. You’re at the age where cancer neurological diseases and all things strike turn from the darkness my catholic Jesuit friend