This is war on the people, and all is fair in love and war. So, that means that we, the people, must crash the banking system and swallow up the gold and silver supplies NOW, before they’re ready. Drain your accounts, keep the money OUT of the big banks (they’re waiting for you to kill the small banks and deposit your wealth into their w…
This is war on the people, and all is fair in love and war. So, that means that we, the people, must crash the banking system and swallow up the gold and silver supplies NOW, before they’re ready. Drain your accounts, keep the money OUT of the big banks (they’re waiting for you to kill the small banks and deposit your wealth into their waiting jaws), and get as much PM as you can. Then sit on your hands, relax, and wait. The fireworks will begin shortly.
This is war on the people, and all is fair in love and war. So, that means that we, the people, must crash the banking system and swallow up the gold and silver supplies NOW, before they’re ready. Drain your accounts, keep the money OUT of the big banks (they’re waiting for you to kill the small banks and deposit your wealth into their waiting jaws), and get as much PM as you can. Then sit on your hands, relax, and wait. The fireworks will begin shortly.