Trump is an Israel first Zionist. The assassination attempt seems like theater.

Trump will likely win in November. Whoever is President over the next 4 years will have his hands full dealing with the currency collapse.

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The theatre of the absurd is at play. Entrances and exits.

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Has he been to Antarctica?

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I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if he had.

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That’s your opinion . Show your evidence and sources before making a comment like this. Maybe he just wants peace in the Middle East

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If you missed his pro-Zionist comments, you missed them. I did not. You can search for yourself. I am not going to spoon-feed you something you can easily find.

Peace in the Middle East is not going to happen till all Palestinians are dead or gone if Netanyahu has his way.

When Netanyahu comes to speak to Congress, he gets standing ovations. I don't think you understand the situation.

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Have you read Mauro Biglino's Naked Bible? Clif High?

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Add to that Paul Wallis with his "Eden" series...........

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Amazing stuff. We really gotta know, how many of WHAT is still here and what EXACTLY are they doing with us?

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Yes I have. I have read all the ALTA reports and get all his Substack material.

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Where do you find the reports, may I ask? Are you familiar with Gill Broussard (planet7x.net) & Major Ed Dames (Killshot)?

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Yes, Gil has been wrong for 10 years

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The reports used to be all available on BeyondMystic.net in zip files, but I can't find them there now. You can get his videos on this site. https://clifhighvideos.com/

I am not familiar with the two people you mention.

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Thanks Kenneth

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"...he just want peace in the Middle East"

Right. That's why Trump bombed the hell out of Syria, killing women, children and civilians.

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Choosing Jamie Diamond as Treasury Secretary may be a feint, but it may be useful to save the economy. He has Epstein contact as a control over him.

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if you guys would be up to date with what happen over the past 2 years , you would be bitching at Eizalbeth Warren and her agents who sabotage crypto progress for all of us. Diamon have ran the "Rockefeller bank" but he's not David . Beside he flipped the whole Davos crew AT Davos . . . " oil isn't going away" he lost his job over that comment. That's exactly why they associated him with Epstein shortly after.

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That’s a BIG 💥!

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The assassination attempt used a patsy who was allowed to get into a prime position, take several shots, and distract from the professional shooters.

The Money Changers have always used controlled opposition to steer the game by supporting the players on both sides. But when a player goes rogue and wants to stop a very profitable war for the Military Industrial Complex, as JFK did, they are targeted for removal. The Secret Service is part of the complex controlled by the same people who control the CIA and have bribed and coerced all other agencies' leaders into submission.

In the "fictional novel," AI BEAST, there is an elitist depopulation agenda killing millions by forced injections, mandatory pharma care, and poisoning our food, water, and air.

Quotes from AI BEAST:

“New politicians promised to restructure captured agencies, stop mandatory vaccines and treatments, rebuild the military, stop corporate funding of universities, end illegal sanctions, enforce anti-trust laws, and more– but they were de-platformed, imprisoned, impoverished, murdered, or died from health conditions or so-called accidents.”

"A totalitarian regime has placed people in key government, industry, media, and military positions. They plan to cull the world’s population to five hundred million through wars, disease, viruses, sterilization, and extermination. They convinced leaders that they needed to prevent the catastrophic event of twenty billion people running out of fossil fuels. They advanced climate change by bribing scientists and spraying heavy metal oxides into the atmosphere to increase its conductivity, trap heat, and turn our bodies into microwave receivers to cook our flesh. Using energy weapons, they have created earthquakes, and firestorms, steered hurricanes, diverted vapor rivers, and produced droughts, floods, and heat domes. They are collapsing supply chains using sabotage, restrictions, and hyperinflation. They have destroyed processing plants, created livestock viruses, oppressed farmers, and caused food shortages. Graphene and hydrogel injections have weakened our immune system and damaged vital organs. Programmable magnetic nanoparticles are killing us on command using high frequencies. Those spared will become passive, transhuman servants in open-air prisons while the oppressors live extravagant lifestyles for extended lifetimes."

“However, Lex and I have made other plans…”

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Do you suppose Trump will ever apologize for the lockup, the killer shots, and the 2 trillion spent?

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I am not holding my breath on that one. I don't think he has it in him to apologize or admit to being wrong, unfortunately. It would be nice, but I don't expect that to happen. you can tell in his leaked conversation with RFK jr that he is very skeptical about childhood vax...he sais "and the kids are being given 36 jabs and they are the size for a horse...and then the kids are changed and not in a good way)....so he is making his changes but maybe not going to come out and admit to past mistakes where he was railroaded during c0v1d.

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Sorry I can't believe that "leaked conversation " stuff...

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I understand being skeptical about the leak...did you hear and see the video? just wondering.

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I was replying to this comment that yes I had seen and heard "the video" and asked why she was asking that...?

Love your work Greg and always look forward to it!

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just wondered if you had seen "the video" and if your reaction was based on seeing it, or if that was just your reaction to leaks in general. thanks for the reply :)

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If he was forced by the globalist advisors that he hired to participate in that scam, then why even brag about being the father of vax?

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🎯🎯 Exactly! Trump totally ignores that fact today!

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You remember his (mentor) don’t you?

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Hell no! That would mean that he was wrong and screwed up big time, and he is never wrong or screws up. He knew exactly what he was doing and what he was told to do.

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No, but he should

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No! He won't apologize! He doesn't even bring anything up about convid now! I've listened to some of his speeches since convid and the only thing Trump does is blame byedan for convid! Trump doesn't pride himself as "The Father of the vaxx" today like he did right after convid! And he won't because Trump can't afford to lose the support and trust of "we the people!" We all know many people have died from the poison jab and many more people are fucked up with horrible side effects from that poison jab! So if Trump apologized for anything during convid then people would call him out on calling himself the "Father of the vaxx" and then Trump would have to address people's questions and concerns about how many people died and are living with side effects from the poison vaxx that he pushed so hard! So no, Trump can't afford to apologize for anything! The globalists need Trump installed because Trump will be able to convince the majority of Americans that the new world order techinocratic state world will be a good thing for America and the people! Trump is one of them and he works for the globalists, not America!

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Trump DIDN'T do the lockups 2021 or 2022.

He WAS involved with SPEEDING UP the process of getting the vaccines out.

Do your research WHY Trump did that and you'll say "thank you"!

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"He was involved..."

Donald Trump convinced the people that the vaxxines were safe.

Tragically, people believed him.

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That is definitely not fictional! That shit is happening every second of every day. I'm going to have to read that book! Or just watch it 'live' as it happens, with no way to fight it. Every morning I feel horrible and know that I was microwaved in my sleep. I feel like I'm dying.

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Have you heard of Matthew Rife? I would be Greg Reese has. You should look into what he's doing. I'm not sure how Greg feels about links being posted so out of respect I won't do that; but he's the great nephew of Royal Raymond Rife. Look up "The Cult of Conspiracy" podcast and search for "Matthew Rife". I'm sure he's been on many other's at this point and has a website; just go to Realrifetechnology dot com. I use Podcast Addict for android but I think you can find them on Spotify as well; they've had just about everyone on that's really good within the world of "truth", including Crrow777 who should be a household name to everyone that's in this comment section. They put out a fantastic show multiple times a week and I highly recommend listening to them, however....they need to get after it and send Mr. Reese an invite to their show!

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Cool! I hadn’t heard of Matthew Rife, but I’m a big fan of Royal Rife. Thanks for sharing.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Thank you Scott Beck!

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To long for me to read

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it is small wonder so many seek relief through (medication)

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Viruses do not exist as described -- meaning they are the effect of "disease", not the cause -- so there's one part of this that's false. As far as the rest, seems about right!

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Honest accounts have always put (viruses) outside of any sensible description save for those with a storyline. They are morphable “somatids” kinda like the fungi that eat dead & dying trees how’s that one ! When our bodies breakdown our dna/rna becomes what it breaks down to. .

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that is FICTIONAL? sounds just like the way I see things right now....the complete play book. I'll have to see when hat book was written.

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let us know !

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found the book on amazon...author last name corey may 4, 2024 so it's a brand new book.

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so I looked for the book AI Beast and found it on Amazon....looks like it came out may 4, 2024 so it is a very new book.


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You Covered(it) that(is)the proCess and it is what is•

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💯💯 well stated.

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Lying seems to be religion of world.

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Religion of the Talmud followers... They expect no negative kharma when lying to gentiles.

The war is between the Elohim worship cult and the non-Jews. Know your enemy.

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There are two supremacist religions; Islam, and Talmudism. Islam seeks to convert the rest of the world, and Talmudism seek to kill the rest of the world.

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Thanks for the ‘frequency’ . .

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For Good and less, we are All gathered together

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America is Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0

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dude , BIS in Basel is the tower of babel. It doesnt get more in your face than that . We are still living in a Babylonian system.

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Most of the Geouz are following the Babilonian Talmud, which is worshipping lucifer.

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Yes, most are not aware of the history. When the Khazarians (present day Ukraine+) declared themselves "Jewish" around 600AD to avoid being held accountable for their "Criminal Actions" by Rome/Turkey etc. In so doing they chose to follow Talmud vs Torah. There is a Significant Difference between the teachings/practices between Torah and Talmud...

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It could be called ‘license’

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As Bibi stated the Talmud would be the law of the land. (Not the Torah unfortunately.)

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Well, He Just Showed His Cards... Have you ever looked at a Key Belief System Overview regarding Talmud?

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If the (walking dead) have Not one eye Open Now W/That “Key Belief System” On Going.. [We] are Buried and are in [helll]

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Hey babe wake up, a new Sunday Reese podcast

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honest broker of the facts , am proud of Greg. Beside if Joy Ried is pushing the " it's stage conspi" , you know whats going on . hahahahhaha The Trump kid should do her dirty like the Sandy Hook folks did Alex LMAO 😎 Just an other example of ; "rules for thee not for me" the 2 tier system.

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I don’t comment that to be sarcastic, I appreciate Greg’s commentary and value his opinion.

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This is getting old

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Hey babe wake up, a new Kp comment no one cares about dropped.

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😂 ain’t nobody gonna steal your joy

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Are you the surf photographer Ryan Miller?

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I voted for Trump in 2016. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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I’d almost bet ! many that voted aboma voted trump in ‘16’ !!

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I have some questions: 1. Why was this the “first” live stream of a Trump rally? 2.Why did the woman behind Trump start taking pictures instead of ducking? 3. Isn’t this woman the director of the Secret Service? 4.Was there a stand down order in place? 5. Mike Adams pretty muched proved that there were three shooters by sound review, how come. There is no information on this?

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I think that a stand down order was in place for that 💯! Because how in the hell could police officers and the secret service be inside that building that the shooter climbed on the roof of as well as be outside and not see the shooter? 💯 planned! A scapegoat has got to take the blame for their planned attack 👉 the leader of the secret service and the secret service!

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The woman behind Trump is the deputy director of the FBI?

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I'll have to go back and specifically watch to see which woman you are mentioning, but it is wonderful that people have documented this by cell phone from many different angles. we cannot rely on the govt to do an honest evaluation, but with so many cell phones capturing evidence that can be crowdsourced and our qualified civilian investigators can come up with trustable information in a good timeframe. we all want to know the facts, and thanks to mike adams and john cullen, there are many facts already available. john cullen has the most info to date. you can find him on youtube, X and he has a patreon account. he was recently on owen shroyers show and will be back again on monday and soon to be on the dark horse podcast with bret weinstein. also on rumble you can see his breakdown thus far on the Brave podcast. john is a regular co host on fridays at crowdsource the truth on youtube, substack and patreon. there are free broadcasts and they go more in depth for paid subscribers. the cost is as little as $5 and month, or $50 a year discounted rate...that's for patreon, where I subscribe.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

That's B.S. It only looks like her if you squint and hit yourself in the face with a frying pan. Watch this starting about a minute in:


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He’s (open source)

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Trump's recent language makes him seem like an Israel First Zionist.

His recent talk of the death penalty for antisemitism is a tell. His unwavering support for Israel is another.

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He is a Israel first Zionist! Trump will sell out America and Americans over Israel the first chance he gets! If Trump wants to put Americans to death for calling out Israel for their evil then that should be the catalyst to wake Americans up to who Trump is and what he stands for!

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That’s a big BOOM!💥

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It is Troubling to say the least !!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

I come here for the comments. There are some very intelligent people who give their opinions and share interesting links. (Purchased and read STOLEN IDENTITY. Wow.)

Kidding.....I come here for the report, the rest is just bonus.

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spoken like a true freedom cult member !

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Hey, Greg what about all this CROWDSTRIKE crap and the connections to Ukraine ? John Brennan's sabbatical back in 2007/2008 has to be questioned.


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That fucking commie never quit , that one you can take to the bank.

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“fcommie”? what on earth would tilt him to (Islam) !?! my (question) is not a condemnation

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I can see a trailer trash girl get entangled with a Muslim guy, and convert. A growing man must hate Christianity to drop it.

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Did we ever Consider “Business Is Business” !?! Who can (Truth fully) Tell ? (Life&Staying alive is Precious to Most)

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I can come up with numerous other incidents that have very serious questions that needs to asked. Waco, Branch Dividians 1993, Oklahoma City Bombing 1995-Cody Snodgres Choosing The Light, 9/11 .... the list is endless!

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You forgot the Las Vegas shootings.

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Also Robert Lavoy Finicum, Arizona rancher and foster parent of over 30 children, who was shot in the back.

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Quicksilver ‘What about me’ give it a listen !

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Yes, but unlike this, Vegas was a REAL shooting.

Vegas was a Black Op extraction of two Saudi Princes in the hotel, that went horribly wrong.

So They quickly decided to stage it as a lone gunman shooting.

And They immediately brought in the Crisis Actor Team, the fake witnesses, fake victims, fake reports, fake news team, fake ambulances, the fake EMTs etc.

These people are pros. They should be, they've been doing it all our lives.

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Manson murders, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, Boston marathon, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Moon landing, etc etc.

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that is part of the “endless”

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Cody Snodgres interviews with Ole Demmagard... awesome!! Everyone should listen.

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good questions that have answers. .

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every historical event we've been told about through the establishment.

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Really Greg?

We all just watched Them stage a world-wide fake plandemic and there never even was a virus!

And who was the star of that grand hoax?

Donald J. Trump.

He's Their Guy.

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So Greg, why has Trump never proven to the world his deadly wound?

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It's more the pattern that presents the whole thing as faked: lone gunman, who gets shot and killed before you can interrogate him, the lax Secret Service (they looked like a Chinese fire drill instead of agents trained to the hilt for such an event), the contrary eyewitnesses, etc. (see JFK, RFK, 9/11, etc.)

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you are correct and your opinion of what you saw is also spot on. but remember this is their MO....the lone gunman BS is their Go To. for school shootings, etc. It's how they explain everything with a tidy bow on top. It is their trade mark, if you will. That's what lets you know who done it. However there was likely 3 gunmen. You will not get that info from our news, but our citizen journalists and investigators have figured out at least that much already. The SS was very likely complicit, and who knows who else...like FBLie perhaps...CIA....very reminiscent of the JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King...you name it. teir stamp is all over this. They had their patsy and two other shooters, and by a miracle, trump moved his head at the opportune monent. The FBLie was power washing the evidence off the roof two days after the shooting...in cover up mode. The FBLie is in charge of the investigation. LOL Expect a one page fairy tale report.

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Video shows first three shots being fired by SS, on roof while Trump drops down:

"The Trump evidence is starting to come in. It is looking like a deep state fake"


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I'm not a gun expert by any stretch, but my question is would there be some muzzle flash or smoke coming out of the SS sniper's gun? you say the SS fired off the first three shots and you justify that by the fact that the SS gun moved three times. the gun experts I have followed on owen shroyers show say the reason for the movement of the SS snipers is that they were under fire. If you are interested in exploring that reasoning, check out john cullen on owen shroyers show. I am keeping my confirmation bias open and checking out hypothesis from many angles.

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Sniper rifles have flash suppressors to keep their positions hidden. There are smokeless rounds too.

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got it !

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That is going to be like reading Peter Strozk's book COMPROMISED and believing it is true ... unlike Terry Reed & John Cummings book COMPROMISED written circa 1990's which is NON FICTION.

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That is going to be like reading Peter Strozk's book COMPROMISED and believing it is true ... unlike Terry Reed & John Cummings book COMPROMISED written circa 1990's which is NON FICTION !

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Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

The boomers recognize it.

They are in the way.

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Bard, the best LOL yet!

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i TESTIFY , Greg do not have a Trump BIAS .

If you are in doubt i refer you to JAN06th Infowars broadcast that night and the subsequent year here on substack. Plenty of receipts for your digging craving.

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That said i cannot emphasis how this election is the one for the FAITH of the West. There is no sitting that one. The Great Reset has been suspended but not ended. The UN take over for the 1 world government wont stop till a leader put them in their place.

If Trump doesn't get in its WW3 and Gates Pandemic part 2 that will kill hundred of million. Don't bitch if this goes sideways because you didn't vote.

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Bill Gate, Soros, Hillary, Jimmy Diamond....do these people have better security guards?

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I would say, YES they do. what was provided for trump was pathetic....criminal. and I expect shit to happen once trump gets into the white house. I also don't think it's out of the question for assassination attempt to happen again. These people have no shame and don't mind you knowing how evil they are.

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i love how 1 year later , after Trump attempt , O'Biden offered RFK jr a secret service detail . . . . That's suppose to be good guy points ? O'Biden the magnanimous ? lmao.

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I wonder how much Biden considered this could happen to him if he didn't take all the "suggestions" to drop out of the race? and he did drop out today.

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Roger Stone stand correct yet again !

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No security will stop us!

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They/We are in a true dilemna and this will always justify the kiss from the cue to win the game ! (i) dont vote

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Trump supports Israeli slaughter of Gazans. That's all I need to know about him. Zionist through and through...

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