Its actually very simple. Whomever the MainStreamMedia is supporting is the predator, and whoever they are slaughtering is the prey. .

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Kamal Hairy Ass is married to an Israeli spy . . .

RFK Jr. now has the CIA running his campaign.

Mossad agent Kucinibitch wasn't up to the job.


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That sums it up nicely

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Yes, that sums it up perfectly!

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Brilliant! Said in just the most direct way.

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Kamal Hairy Ass is married to an Israeli spy . . .

RFK Jr. now has the CIA running his campaign.

Mossad agent Kucinibitch wasn't up to the job.


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Nov 11, 2023
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To 60GigaHertz: I've never heard that one. Appropriate indeed in we-the-people vs. the globalists - or whatever you choose to call them.

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Israel and the US were the original funders of Hamas, as stated on the floor of the House in 2009.


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Muhammad was not a CIA agent, since America was not founded yet, or ??

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I guess ?? is all I've got since I have no idea what you are talking about.

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I think John is implying that the credit for Hamas belongs to Muhammad because Muhammad predates America and the CIA, just guessing?? Hehehe

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John would benefit from watching the House speech given by Dr. Ron Paul, as linked.

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Muhammad died millennia ago.

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Huh? I'm always the last to know!

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Maybe you should be more proactive in research and autodidactics.

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Give me an honest answer, since your guess does not move one single chess play in action... As a holy scripture says, "speak your mind."

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Since I regard the men who wrote most of the scriptures to have been "inspired" by too much wine, the output of drunks constitutes holiness.

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"And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?

Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:

For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved." (Acts 2:12-21)

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How does knowing this do a damn thing to stop the evil?

All we do is cry fire, fire, fire, fire.....

For years on end and not a god damned thing is changed.

How about looking for a fire extinguisher and us doing something useful for a change?


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Only a phase transition, a bottoms up movement by a critical mass of working people, NOT the establishment can turn the tide. There is a movement started, it's ready for us. TruthFreedomHealth.com. Shiva4President.com

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I agree, but I am using a bit of psychology with the sheep.

TC does have by far the best political solution but when I teach it I tie in a Natural Law education..... Their apprach really does not "depend" much upon the establishment.

Most of the sheep will accept political solutions, and when showing them the political solutions, you try to educate them to see the spiritual solution. That people need to learn what right and wrong are.

Most will outright reject addressing the real root causes and want political solutions, until they are better educated.

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How does one stop evil one is not aware of?

We need carefully applied flamethrowers more than we need fire extinguishers.

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Speaking of Zionists..

With a hopeful spring in my footstep, I walked into a new bookstore in my area very cool, old building brick walls, beautiful old lights, and not ONE Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky …zero classics…all the books were mega liberal commie propaganda

They didn’t have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.. only Tequila Mockingbird.

Anyway, it was SO disappointing. I asked the owner if she had any books on the Zionists and she said “oh, we usually have the History of history the Jews but we are sold out” the Jews

I explained I was looking for material on the Ashkenazi Jews, the now-Jew Jews she looked at me blankly. As I walked out I saw a few copies of big Mike’s book BECOMING (a woman) …. And left the shop

Turn to the ReeseReport for real info!

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fwiw- since you mentioned Dostoyevsky, I just happened to be going through Brother Nathanael Kapner's (Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity) archives and found this info:



FEODOR DOSTOEVSKY LEFT US A “PROPHECY” of the threat to Christian civilization by emancipated Jewry. "The Jews look forward to world domination. This requires them to maintain their own close-knit identity. If the Jews are given equal legal rights in Russia, but are allowed to keep their ‘State within a State,’ they would be more privileged than the Russians. The consequences of this situation are already clear in Europe.”

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Oh yeah the problem is really with Jews in Europe! It’s not the millions of Muslims that have taken over Europe! What a stupid comment.

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Middle East death cults.

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I found this on thedailycrow.com....


This is 1 of 3 part series covering the history and implications of the Zionist cabal banking cartel. Aka the synagogue of Satan... revelation 2:9.

But don't place everybody of Jewish decent in this category. God has a fool proof plan in delivering his people. Sin must reach it's full peak.

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You are so ignorant. I am supposedly Ashkenazi but I had my genetic study done and it turns out that I am originally Middle Eastern. Mediterranean, right where Israel is. All Jews are one family. They just immigrated to different areas after the Babylonian exile. Khazarian is a made up lie that will not die.

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Zionism is racist and genocidal serving imperialism. There is no "God's Chosen People", this group is pushed to "christian zionists", "jewish and arabic zionists", "atheist zionists" alike. Israel in the Torah and New Testament, is a people who follow the law of Abraham, modern day Judaism. The Netanyahu and other Satanic murderers of the world have twisted the word of God to say Israel is a nation state whose land was stolen from Palestinians. Southern Baptists in the US think they are doing their "christian duty" to support the genocide. Meanwhile a majority of Congress must get AIPAC approval to succeed politically. They do not represent their constituents. Wake up!

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Wow! Greg, my man. You really are "throwing yer balls on the table" with this one. Go,go,go.

Firstly, they are not Jewish, they're from old Ukraine when it was Khazaria. They were pulling the same garbage as today, starting wars, scams, theivery, lies, pwergrabs etc.Turkey and others said pick a religion and clean up yer act or else. They went with Judaism cuz they could bullshit the world into thinkin' they ARE FROM THE BIBLICAL JEWS so if you are Christian you gotta kiss their lying asses and score points with the Chiristians. All crap.

Bibi is a white, blue eyed Eastern European backgrounded Khazar posing as personal a blood relative of the Biblical figures like ALL the Askennazi fake Jews.. Look it up, the 700's a.d. saw these ruthless scam artists go from Eastern Europeans in Khazaria to "God's chosen people" from Israel overnight and then picked up where they left off causing general havoc as they get tossed outa 109 countries for it.

Next is payback time just like before and before and...That's termed persecution by them so tables are turned and the victims become the baddies. See the reality yet?? THERE'S NEVER A "WHY" THEY ARE UNLIKED, BUT THERE'S A HUGE "WHY" !

Anyway, exposure is coming, ya don't start grabbing, hurting or killing anybody.

There's to be Nuremburg for their Covid and other medical murder and asset forfeiture and prison for the rest.

If not these Khazars will know when and where the bombs will land and make sure they are not anywhere near them but we will be and that's the plan of the "Chosen people" It's in there gross TALMUD, folks..everything they plan on doing to us. It's zionism, communism, but mostly hypnotism by their media.

They're tired of managing billions of useless eaters. We're cutting in on their free time, we gotta go.

What, you think the shots were about

SAVING your life???

Remember, they've all been hammered into their bald heads by their elders before them that the world hates them and wants to get them. Especially by their Rabbis and their "bible, the Talmud.

It's a cycle of reacting to that perceived threat by pulling crap on their fellow humans, then retri union which enforces their reasoning to desperately pull more crap.

No it's all known who did what, when, where, why and how but now the backmailing, and backstabbing and selling of information and evidence on eachother by the guilty starts.

Also, remember their "Sampson option?

Look THAT up!

We gotta wakeup.

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The Jesuits are very much involved in this project. If you want to see true evil look up their “Oath”

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Knights of Malta, Freemasons, Zionists are all Satanic. The god of this world was cast out of heaven for the sin of prideful rebellion. The world is filled with Satanic forces, we must repent and receive the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to prevail in this life and the hereafter.

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I'm still not sleeping well since just reading paragraphs from the Talmud, man. You feel like yu stepped in a big dog load then slipped and ..right in it.

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Yes, Elizabeth Dillings has a book online Come and Hear which goes over what's in the Talmud http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/index.html

It's obvious that these people are the haters, though they constantly accuse others of being hateful (projection)

And it's obvious that this so-called religion is just a racial supremacist cult.

There's even something in there about property of the gentile being like unclaimed land in the desert.

I just listened to a Ron Unz audio (he's Jewish) and he talked about how they (Jews) frequently use the term goyim to refer to non-jews and they apparently believe that they have divine souls and the rest of us are animals. He also seemed to say that rather than being a religion about loving your fellow man, it's a religion of hate for your fellow man, which is obviously on display now.


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If you don’t read it in Hebrew you don’t know what you’re reading.

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That's the weakest response possible, you don't know what your living.

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Pharisees, Sadducees, the Sanhedrin, high priest of the lineage of Aaron, moneychangers... These words should ring a bell. It's the same old clowns rebranded under a new name as in Jesus day.

Speaking of which, Jesus turned the table of the money changers over, brandished a whip and ran them clowns outta there... "stop making my father's house a house of commerce"... John 2:13-17

Good work rick

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Kamal Hairy Ass is married to an Israeli spy . . .

RFK Jr. now has the CIA running his campaign.

Mossad agent Kucinibitch wasn't up to the job.


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What a load of BS hate. You really should keep your mouth shut rather than show the world how stupid you are.

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So instead of a desendant of Christ and have maybe returned to yer God given land it turns out yer a desendant of a nasty group of murderous crooks who lately actually ripped off the Palestinians of their land.

Quit yelling at the messenger, you're ignorant.

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Yes, a nasty tribe of psychopathic, genocidal, narcissistic personality disordered thieves.

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....that need to be dealt with in a permanant way. They are murderers.

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Are you a descendant of Christ? He was a Jew you know. The Romans even put a sign above his head that said “King of the Jews.”

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They were created in 1964 by Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian & the Russians. Greatest PR stunt in history. They are the only group of so called refugees in the world that have their own UN protection group UNRWA. Did you ever wonder why NONE of the 22 Arab Muslim countries will help them? Iran ( not Arab) is willing to fight to the last Palestinian for WHAT? Iran doesn’t send its own precious youth to fight. The entire Muslim world is ready to sacrifice the Palestinians to destroy Israel. Well we have a secret weapon. We are going NOWHERE.

The Palestinian people are made up of different Arabs from the surrounding countries, you can tell where they originate from their surnames.

You can call me all the ugly names in the world, I don’t care. I know the truth. And I am proud of who I am. So FU. and the rest of the other ignorant bigots on this SUBSTACK.

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Those Palestinians you hate have proven to actually HAVE Biblical Jewish blood where you are just a faked Jew from nowhere near the original Israel with none. You're something with a madeup name with the word Jew in it, Ashkenazi. Yer Eastern European, the worst of them at that, listen to yourself. You and the other devil worshippers are miserable and when the world gets you cornered this time for killing billions with their filthy, demonic shot ...put it this way, after the world sees what's in store for you and the other guilty Ashkies noone will be stupid enough again to try the garbage you and your gang tried.

You know what's coming, that's why yer freakin' out.

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"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.

I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.

Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"

We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.

When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of."

-Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead

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From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:

JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.

Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….

This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.

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"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

-Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)

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"Let me tell you. You take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you." - Chuck Schumer, Senator

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Peggy Hall asks some good questions here (video at the link):


Why did Israel promote and fund them in their early years of organizing? How did they get that many weapons in their highly guarded and restricted territory without Israels surveillance and intelligence knowing? How were they able to paraglide/parachute into Israel when Gaza has no operating airport? How were they able practice this paragliding without being detected? How could they be so diabolically clever to bulldoze through the tightly guarded Gaza border, which had recently been fortified with even more security measured to the tune of $1 billion, completed in June of 2023. (video and more at the link)

Miles Mathis calls out some fakery (basically says Hamas are Jews in turbans)




Also, seems like TBTB know most just look at the headlines and don't have time to critically analyze their claims, but when you do, the official story often falls apart:


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Excellent video, Greg!!


“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.” – Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)

“In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.”

– IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen (2021)

“Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet.”

– Charles Freeman, US diplomat and ambassador (2006)

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Nov 10, 2023
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Yes, I've noticed that- no human emotion or empathy.

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Because these creatures are not human. I firmly believe that.

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I do too.

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You really need to be careful conflating Zionism with innocent Jews and Israelis. I recognize what the media is capable of because of seen & witnessed it first hand while operating in Angola during their civil war from 1991 - 1997, and it's nothing but disgusting. Ever since then I've made it a point to find alternative sources of news. I've lived & worked in over 33 countries and it's an eye opener what not just our media, but others such as the BBC etc... What is clear to me is there is a reason why Egypt and Jordan refuse to take Palestinian refugees, history doesn't lie. These people for the most part have nothing but HATE in their hearts, and are brought up from youth learning to HATE! The crimes they have committed against Jews is unforgiveable. I've heard the word "Zionist" peddled for quite a while, and maybe it's true what you've been saying, but seriously some of it makes absolutely no sense. All I've seen for the most part is a blanket claim that Israel is Zionist, and deserves total destruction? WTF? Take a bloody moment and look at a map, and understand just how flipping small Israel is compared to the rest of the Middle East. This sums up what is going on, it's all about HATE.

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Reese is a Jew hater. I have never seen anything positive from him about Jews. 22 Arab countries refuse to support the Palestinians. They use them as a weapon against Israel when it’s convenient. They will be happy to fight to the last Palestinian as their proxies. And the Palestinian leadership is just as willing to use the civilians as cannon fodder. The definition of Zionist is simply the belief that the Jewish people deserve to live in their ancestral homeland in peace and security. PERIOD. It’s not a plot to take over the world. The history of the Israelites/jewish people is 3600 years old and if you dig anywhere in the land you will find archaeological evidence of it. You will find 0 evidence of a Palestinian people.

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You filthy Zionist! Zionists twist the word of God and promote genocide for their own selfish gain. Israel of the Torah are the followers of the Abrahamic faith, NOT the geopolitical land stolen from the Palestinians. You filthy Zionists are NOT "God's Chosen People" and you are not entitled to murder and steal with impunity, so burn in hell if you continue to do so without repentance and receiving Christ's forgiveness. You subvert our political system, academia, media, and institutions with your lies of victimhood and parasitical tactics. All the slaves to AIPAC and victims of the ADL are evidence of your evil ways. You will pay for your parasitic evil, the real people of God are waking up and coming for you.

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They Tell us all the Time what there plans are ,you just have to listen, we do topple down Governments all in the name of One world government and Money, Divide and Conquer

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Another great piece Greg !!!

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Thanks Greg!...I caught details on this on Twitter a couple of days ago...still sketchy...and yet-PREDICTABLE. This is just how conspiracies designed to deceive the general public roll. When will we be surprised when a deceit is revealed? I need a few new conspiracies for a change-maybe it's time for the Human species to evolve to the 5D realm and ditch the binary pollution. pax!

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Their plot is getting to be glaringly obvious. If you know the end goal, the steps are easy to see! They (Israel and the US) want the Palestinians gone so they can put their Ben Gurion Canal Project straight through Gaza! Israel will make bank and the US will have their Military Base smack dab in the center of the Middle East so they both can stir the pot some more!

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Those are Arab Hamas sympathizers. The hottest one of the four is Gazan Journalist Hassan Aslayah, whose services were used by Ap & CNN. He is shown in a photograph very tight with Yahah Sinwar, leader of Hamas and one who carried out the Oct 7 massacre. Another is Ali Mahomoud who photographed the abduction of the Israeli Shani Louk. He works for the NYT. After Honest Reporting investigation the CNN network decided to suspend relations with Hassan Aslaya.

These are not undercover sources for the CIA or MOSSAD. THEY ARE TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS.

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Netanyahu Zionist Murderer was under multiple indictments before this false flag. Mossad created, funds and directs Hamas. This is commonly known.

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i was hoping somebody would come along with some plain truth to counter reese's agitprop for the simple minded.

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I’m out , this stack has turned into a clown show.

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Your mom's a clown show :)

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From 2002 (over 20 years' ago) HAMAS = MOSSAD - http://globalresearch.ca/articles/ZER403A.html

Still haven't found the connection between Israeli intelligence and HEZBOLLAH, but the North has to have controlled opposition also

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Satan is the god of this world, but Jesus Christ is the triune Lord God Almighty incarnate., which also wrote the Holy Bible by his holy prophets from Genesis to Revelation.

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