The $TRUMP and $MELANIA meme coins are unbelievably wild. He’s expected to sign executive orders on crypto tomorrow. Will be an interesting week. Say what you want but America has never been dull. It’s like a circus here.
How have you never gotten into wrestling? It explains everything. Trump even had a run on wwe fueding with the boss Vince McMahon. He’s face now after saving TikTok.
You Stew Peters and SGT are the only ones worth listening to. I want to support you but I just lost my husband a month ago and dealing with the corrupt system. Big pharma ultimately killed him.
Hospice needs to be the next deep dive investigation in my opinion. They’re just as complicit as the rest of the horrific, Rockefeller ,western medical establishment
💯x💯x💯 Christine! I’m sure they,”Euthanize” my 87 year old aunt (stage 4 ovarian cancer). I talked to a friend who is a nurse. I was told it’s called ,”slow code.” I believe they administer a series of shots. I don’t think people are aware of this. I’m sorry about your husband 😢.
I've lost so many older friends. They end up in the hospital and somehow they develop pneumonia and the medication to a poison called Remdesivir.
5 injection in 5 days. Intubate due to kidney failure and within 5. More days, they are eliminated and it's somehow tied into the Fake Plandemic with the mRNA bio weapon jabs and because it destroys the immune system, death is 100💯% caused by those involved with payments for a complete unalived patients. They should all be held accountable for the destruction of lives families and businesses.
My mother was in hospital and I found out that they gave her remdesivir, I told them to stop or rather the dr asked her if she wanted it and she replied no. I checked everyday! You need patient advocate or they will follow,”standard of care” death protocol! That was two years ago, she is still here.
Same thing happened to my 90 year old mom. We had to fight to get them to quit after several treatments. She is still with us and going to be 93 and still living alone.
Remdesivir, Dexamethasone and Vancomyacin are the toxic soup used as the standard or approved Covid-19 treatment in hospitals that got tony fauci's stamp of approval. This protocol is a gravy train for hospitals because they are protected from liability just like the so-called bioweapons called vaccines.
But that is if you believe there's an immune system that was made up by the Rockefellers also to support their aliopathic medications designed to kill fake viruses that do not exist
These nursing homes are torture factories. They get $20000 a room from the US treasury and the staff are ignorant dont care filthy conditions and the food is garbage slow starvation and weakening them. The so called 1 nurse takes care of 22 patients.
They're mostly controlled opposition. FBI, CIA...Kazarians.. We cannot get much truth now anywhere. My suggestion is to read in the bible where God warns us many times, "Do not be deceived, trust no man"...Our King is Jesus Christ....that's who we trust from here on out.
I trust Stew Peters. Not a hundred percent but nearly that. (We should never trust anyone a hundred percent not because they are not trustworthy but because the diabolical cabal is so monstrously powerful and conscienceless.
I'm really sorry for your loss. Have you ever watched any Call for an uprising? He's a Christian. He's had tons of channels on yt cancelled. He exposes this world for the fraud that it is. Here is his latest. I believe we're in end times.
I started listening to Alex Jones in 2007 and listened and posted everyday. When he started complaining about people questioning Elon Musk I realized he was talking about you, Greg. After having on my social media for 18 years I took it off. I still listen but he talks about Elon so much I don't want to support his show wholeheartedly anymore, and I rarely post because it's just an ass-kissing tribute to Elon Musk instead of the normal Alex Jones Show which I was used to. It hurt my feelings to hear him speak disparaging when he once said he lets his reporters have any views they want and doesn't tell them how to think. Well . . I still listen . . but I am very disappointed in Alex. He doesn't really care about the very people who support him most. He in a roundabout way disrespected you in my opinion. And you are, we all know, VERY intelligent and your brain is going to ferret out what is going on. We like your brain. Alex . . is afraid of your brain . . because it's taking us places he doesn't want you to have us go. We're going . . .
Yeah It seems that at some point Alex Jones became corrupted, or he always was. But his show is now theatre, he's clearly controlled opposition. Some of his interviews are so ridiculous, cutting to break right as someone starts talking about something important, or interrupting ever other sentence. It's entertaining, but its nothing you can trust. And his obsession with Trump and Elon, trying to explain away all the shit Elons got his hands in, it's all just nonsense. Cant trust anyone who wont acknowledge the DEW inferno attack underway. I wonder how he's able to keep Greg on though, doesn't make sense to me. What am I missing ?
Alex Jones is a Mossad agent. He's been controlling the narrative for years...that's what they do. They make it sound like they're giving you hidden info but their game is to control it's direction.
Alex Jones' family is neck-deep in Freemasonry. That entire arrest over his saying Sandy Hook was a Hoax...was a HOAX. No such trial took place demanding $1 Billion, as a fine for saying it was. What it was was convince people Sandy Hook wasn't a hoax but a real event (IT WAS A HOAX) and secondly, for people to send their hard earned money to Alex to help pay off that fine he was saddled with...which he wasn't. THAT was a HOAX, too! lol
I believe that David Knight would disagree with Alex claiming, "he lets his reporters have any views they want and doesn't tell them how to think.", as Alex fired David over the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6th, being David was telling people NOT to go, as it was a trap!
I listened to David every morning before he was fired and now listen to Harrison Smith on the American Journal every morning, him I like.
I also found Davis Kight's podcast, which I listen to evert day, he is still great but does go on and on about Trump, he really doesn't like the guy.
Alex a male year of the Tiger as male Tigers go, runs the risk of losing credibility with one falter. So people are bailing on him. But at this point he's trying to make the best of a bad situation with who will run the gov't. Perhaps a pipe dream on his part. So he backs DJT and EM as the only alternatives out there. Apart from AJ's likely being a co-op, he's caught in the middle. I still listen to him, don't agree with his preoccupation with "they're gonna kill EM and DJT" and that they "tried" to kill DJT at least "two times that we know of" but I'II take that all with a grain as AJ tries to keep the fire burning of #47. To his credit AJ has vowed to confront DJT's romancing Gates and will come up against him if WARP SPEED #2 starts bumping uglies.
Guess after 30 years of being at this and all the tribulations of running Infowars as well as his personal life has got AJ up against the ropes sometimes. I've learned a lot from AJ and Infowars and yes note when AJ goes off the rails but perhaps I hold a ray of hope no matter if only to be optimistic. And without Infowars we would not have heard of Greese and we would not have had his side of things. Greg being too close to the flame had to choose a side and I understand this. He could not have held his tongue and became too raw for the pace we're moving at now with the "balance" of DJT being selected to run the dog and pony show aka the American gov't.
Faced with the options I would back DJT/EM because the alternative is a no go. But then again the elite planned all this, planned things out so well (through Ai) that the only options are the ones they are herding us to. If TSHTF then we will have clung to the only piece of driftwood we could find. That said our personal options are to prep for ourselves and our families. But we're better off than those who don't even know who the people are in the Oval and have no ideas that they should. We're in a time where the people who are not in tune are meant to be that way.
But you were NOT TOLD THIS; ie you WERE LIED TO, AS USUAL!
THEE ONLY people, required, BY LAW, to pay Federal Income Taxes.......
(you also do NOT NEED a DRIVERS LICENCE; but this is another 'rant'!)
Go to Dr. Lee Merritt's Rumble page, The Medical Rebel......and she has a few vids (two different guests) who will show you this FACT!
TRUMP CULT: "YAY!!!! Trump is Our SAVIOR! He got rid of Federal Income Taxes! MY HERO!".
United Basic Income (UBI) is the last step in the introduction of a Totalitarian system. Now injected and mind-controlled, Beatrice Weir's first speech spells out exactly where we are:
10/21/22 Beatrice Weir's (The Canadian "Romanian Girl") great first speech prior to mind control and getting the injection. Odysee has it now.
The Swiss voted down any form of UBI over 10 years ago - while most Americans have just barely begun to understand it. Europeans know that UBI = Totalitarianism. That's one reason the forced introduction of CBDC into Nigeria resulted in nationwide violence and a change of government. We are 100% censored here in the USA on so many topics.
The nanotech that was injected (and contaminated) into us during 2021, is the mark of the beast that serves the US militarie's Wireless Body Area Network. Buckle up and listen to Sabrina Wallace for background on this nightmare.
I am not hearing much about EMR-based Facial Recognition. I do believe there are facial recognition systems that are backed up with wi-fi signal to the person's unique nano-tech population. After I found today's smart phone in several episodes of the 1983 tv series "V"... anything is possible in DARPA's world... and we know DARPA created the C19 injection, and has been hiding off-world advanced technology that could solve the world's energy issues forever. We know this.
* * *
For a basic training on the BIS's global forced monetary restructure:
Best Evidence w/John Titus: Larry & Carsten's Excellent Pandemic 08/15/2021
Note: Bariatric patient and useless eater Augustin Carstens steps down in 07/01/2025
I agree 100% on not playing with crypto. The biggest question I've wrestled with the last 3 years is where and how to bank the money I do have. Even CAF/ says that nowhere is safe.
* * *
Thank you for the comments on slave thinking!!
Here's my fight back on that: I am beginning to learn to create Slim Spurling's technology to effect regionwide energetic changes - to ease whatever positive transitions we manifest.
There is no reason for us to breath chemtrailed air and suffer from geopathic stress/smart grid energy. This tech has been around since the 1990's. Get the e-book: "Slim Spurling's Universe."
I'm so jealous! I'm finally going to learn some basic welding to make my own stuff. I want a nose mask!
I've got several people waiting for Spurling style chemtrail busters to put on their property. Lots of folks up here can weld and I'm going to make sure all the local welding shops have a printed out copy of "Slim Spurling's Universe."
And I'm going to learn to make the ceramic pipe w/crystals poles that are described in "Science of the Soil" by Byrd. We can do so much to fix our environment - but we do have to come across the info to do it.
Oooh 60GHz, I wish I could weld! I have Tensor Rings all over my house, my lightswitches, my televisions, router, electrical meter, water lines, drinking water, EVERYWHERE!!!
Are you familiar with Orgonite? Another high-frequency Energy generator DIY project. Orgonite makes the Chemtrails disolve in the middle when they pass over my house!
This woman makes Orgonite for a living and her home and property are filled with Orgonite. Watch what happens when a massive storm front goes over her house!
Thank you for that link!! I was actually able to get it to work and it was SO OBVIOUS. Wow! I hope to get the same effects using Slim Spurling's devices, because I have a tough time mixing resin and it is crazy expensive now. My last big batch of cell tower busters never hardened and that was a big loss in crystals, metals, etc.
Spurling's designs will work with concrete, and that I am trained to work it's relatively cheap. My website is going to stop being a conversation piece and start existing for real soon. I will have photos up there. Promise!
Keep us posted!!! I'm getting high on all this glorious "I'm gonna DO something about this" brilliant human heart/ mind friskyness. The truth is, do even the lizard aliens with the 5,000 year plan really know what's going to happen? Its always enlightening to have Greg unfold his brain with us - and then this is the only comment section anywhere I read allllll the way through!! I will be going back and getting serious about the links and info being shared. All stuff thats been on my to know and to do list.
Hi Trish, I would suggest starting with a simple Tensor Ring to wear as a bracelet, or if its too big, I push mine up above my elbow onto my forearm, and wear it under my clothes.
Or you can keep it in your bag, but I prefer to wear mine. At ALL TIMES! ;)
Checked out this tv series called V on Youtube just now. It is like Star Trek so I can see how this subliminal age was used to introduce the smartphone. I will see if I find a smartphone in an episode. Hmm...and they lie and say steve jobs invented the smartphone.
Don't be too surprised when it becomes apparent just how many are in the other camp which is part of the beast system. That's why it's promoted by them only it's done subtly, so people won't catch on before everything's fully in place.
Yes we will and most likely sooner than later. I don't know about others in how each will deal with the unveiling, but I find my refuge in Jesus Christ, my one constant anchor and solace. Peace be with you and yours.
All I know about my role in daily life now is to mostly care for my dogs and cat. Has not been an intentional role, per say, but I'm finding that these creatures certainly understand and respect me more than most humans 🤔. I have really learned to respect my fur babies and thinking there is more to them than what is seen with the naked eye. Btw, I think my cat is an alien 👽, lol.
Just wanted to write and say that my husband and I have this conversation frequently. As the world gets more empty, gross, shallow and full of lies….we have found joy and peace more and more in our wonderful doggies. I agree, these creatures are miracles God gave to heal our souls and bring joy. Amen Melanie!!
i have never trusted Jones. if he's saying musk is on the side of the 'good' deep state, then i know i'm bang on in not trusting him. i also do not trust stew peters and a whole load of others too many to list.
i go with my 'gut' and that is what it tells me.
'the great awakening' is a brand, a snare, to pull all into what will likely be a re-branding of the beast system to make it seem less beastly after a period of hellish happenings. most will fall for it.
The way you describe yourself as a “stranger in a stranger land” and how you’ve always distrusted authority…or the official narrative, that’s exactly me
I was put in an orphanage when I was two and knew things even then!
I wonder Greg if you’re O negative blood type like myself? I find those who trust their instincts as much as “we” do Are … which is ironic bcuz “they” the blue bloods all are too. Maybe that’s why we know?
I’m still on the fence about Trump cannot believe if he’s the real original Trump that he would betray millions of folks but that whole weird shot in the ear assassination attempt is where I jumped on the fence. Time will tell
O is newer type of blood. My understanding is A’s, B’s, AB’s are more ancient. Intuitives can be any type. If it is developed at a young age of being able to see the Truth, or red pilling, it serves as a reliable guide for all of humanity if they listen to their inner voice.
Case in point, my newly ex has never been a red pill type on anything, he is O. I, on the other hand, knew things at a very young age and knew there was no one to tell because I was much too young unless a told a once upon a time story of a realization of what was before me. I am AB+. He got jabbed three times, I knew better.
In Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book, Eat Right For Your Blood Type, he states the opposite. 'O' are the original blood type, the hunter / gatherer, O's are acidic; and therefore required, physiologically, an acidic Ph to digest meat. It's an interesting read.
I have O- blood. I don’t eat meat, because I have Crohn’s Disease (I can’t digest it). I knew from the get go that I would NEVER get the vaccine ~ nobody had to tell me not to get it, I just knew it was bad news. Also, I’ve read online on several different “conspiracy theory” web sites, that scientists have isolated DNA in O- blood, that’s not of human origin. Not sure if that’s good or bad, but I kinda like the idea of possibly being an alien.👽😂
Sherry, Your 'alien' suggestion had me chase down the DNA trail, where I found this, buckle up:
"The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire world´s population is known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative blood – (type ‘O’) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings."
The above "Eastern/Oriental Jews" adds another dimension altogether.
~3-years ago, Brien Foerster succeeded in obtaining DNA test results from the Paracas skulls, in which he found the prevalent percentages of the U2E & H1 haplogroups concentrated between the Black & Caspian Seas: (jump to the 2-minute 38-second mark to hear it, but watching the whole video is recommended)
I sent Brien an email with the map in this article attached, you'll have to scroll down to the section titled 'The Khazars' to see it:
Also attached to the email I sent Brien were photographs of Chuck Schumer, Roger Stone, Shimon Perez and Jacob Rothschild; all of whom have a high forehead, high hair line and flat back shaped skull. Yes, soft skull crib neglected infants, whose mothers don't pick them up, develop a flat back skull, but I doubt that's the case with these people who originate from this area. You may image search those individuals, and identify these traits for yourself.
As for being 'alien' - that's a dissertation in academic novel form, or to much for here. However, having not just gone down that rabbit hole, but residing in a nest of them, strong evidence points to the rabbit hole itself, where humans came from - deep within and throughout the earth - and I leave it at that.
As for the Basque region, I highly recommend Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent - where, as always, you may draw your own conclusions or go further down that rabbit hole for either confirmation and/or contest. I tend to go with repeated empirical facts from multiple sources, not emotion. That, and when people mysteriously die, or disappear, while researching a topic, like Tracy Twyman, I tend to think something is there.
I hope you enjoyed this reply, even if it was discomforting.
People need to know this fact so thanks for sharing it. The Synagogue of Satan is the serpent race, the dracs, the reptilians and other hybrids that literally hunt humans for food and energy.
I am AB+ too. And I figured it out like you. My ex is 0 too. And he refuses to believe or listen to me about everything we know. Fast asleep at the wheel. But tells me I’m in a cult. lol. That’s why we broke up. He couldn’t handle the TRUTH!
O-negative blood, like all blood types, has origins that can be traced back to human evolution and the development of blood groups over millennia. The ABO blood group system, which includes O, A, B, and AB types, was discovered in the early 20th century by Karl Landsteiner, but the genetic variations that lead to these blood types have been present in human populations for thousands of years.
The O blood type is thought to be the most ancient of the ABO blood groups, with some estimates suggesting that it could date back to around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. The exact timeline is difficult to determine, as blood types are influenced by genetic mutations that occur over long periods. The prevalence of O blood type among various populations suggests that it provided some evolutionary advantages in terms of disease resistance and adaptability to different environments.
O-negative blood, specifically, is notable because it is considered a universal donor type for red blood cells, meaning it can be transfused to patients of any ABO blood type. This characteristic contributes to its importance in medical settings, particularly in emergencies.
In summary, while O-negative is often described as the "oldest" blood type, the origins of blood types are complex and intertwined with human history, genetics, and evolution.
i'm o positive. i've never trusted authority or the system we live in. however, wish i'd fully appreciated the scale of the beast system a decade back rather than 4-5 years ago. would have been in a different place right now.
James Roguski has done an incredible amount of research throughout the last 5 years. His recent substack article outlines, in detail, the vaccine schedules for infants, teens etc as per the CDC. It's beyond criminal.
David Sorenson, of STOP WORLD CONTROL, details the World Economic Forum's agendas: "The Official Agenda for World Domination by The World Economic Forum"
IF Trump has courted GATES the world is doomed. Either we're fighting back in droves or there ARE 'camps' (Washington State has them). Talk about history repeating itself!
The $TRUMP and $MELANIA meme coins are unbelievably wild. He’s expected to sign executive orders on crypto tomorrow. Will be an interesting week. Say what you want but America has never been dull. It’s like a circus here.
And there, is the confirmation of the dictatorship!
Love you back Greg!!! You're always a welcome light in these crazy, winding, and otherwise dark times! So thank you! God Bless and stay well 🙏🏼✨♾️
How have you never gotten into wrestling? It explains everything. Trump even had a run on wwe fueding with the boss Vince McMahon. He’s face now after saving TikTok.
World Wrestling on Capitol Hill, lol....
Kayfabe 100% all time time.
If you like cactus Jack, then how about dude love? MLK-Don King. Alex J-Bill Hicks. Kayfabe everywhere.
Thank you Rambler
You Stew Peters and SGT are the only ones worth listening to. I want to support you but I just lost my husband a month ago and dealing with the corrupt system. Big pharma ultimately killed him.
Sorry for the loss of your husband :( big pharma has blood on their hands. I pray they see justice
Hospice needs to be the next deep dive investigation in my opinion. They’re just as complicit as the rest of the horrific, Rockefeller ,western medical establishment
💯x💯x💯 Christine! I’m sure they,”Euthanize” my 87 year old aunt (stage 4 ovarian cancer). I talked to a friend who is a nurse. I was told it’s called ,”slow code.” I believe they administer a series of shots. I don’t think people are aware of this. I’m sorry about your husband 😢.
I've lost so many older friends. They end up in the hospital and somehow they develop pneumonia and the medication to a poison called Remdesivir.
5 injection in 5 days. Intubate due to kidney failure and within 5. More days, they are eliminated and it's somehow tied into the Fake Plandemic with the mRNA bio weapon jabs and because it destroys the immune system, death is 100💯% caused by those involved with payments for a complete unalived patients. They should all be held accountable for the destruction of lives families and businesses.
My mother was in hospital and I found out that they gave her remdesivir, I told them to stop or rather the dr asked her if she wanted it and she replied no. I checked everyday! You need patient advocate or they will follow,”standard of care” death protocol! That was two years ago, she is still here.
Same thing happened to my 90 year old mom. We had to fight to get them to quit after several treatments. She is still with us and going to be 93 and still living alone.
Remdesivir, Dexamethasone and Vancomyacin are the toxic soup used as the standard or approved Covid-19 treatment in hospitals that got tony fauci's stamp of approval. This protocol is a gravy train for hospitals because they are protected from liability just like the so-called bioweapons called vaccines.
But that is if you believe there's an immune system that was made up by the Rockefellers also to support their aliopathic medications designed to kill fake viruses that do not exist
"Slow code" is code for slow kill, huh? You learn something new everyday.
These nursing homes are torture factories. They get $20000 a room from the US treasury and the staff are ignorant dont care filthy conditions and the food is garbage slow starvation and weakening them. The so called 1 nurse takes care of 22 patients.
Oh, Mike Adams is a good one too.
Really? How so?
They're mostly controlled opposition. FBI, CIA...Kazarians.. We cannot get much truth now anywhere. My suggestion is to read in the bible where God warns us many times, "Do not be deceived, trust no man"...Our King is Jesus Christ....that's who we trust from here on out.
Thank you!! 🙏🏼 ❤️🩹🙏🏼
Sorry for your loss Christine
May the Love of God and His angels be with you Christine.
The loss of another soul we spend our life with is a precious gift. There are no words. 🕊️
DR SHIVA AYYADURAI is the only one who actually discusses SOLUTIONS. - join the education - awareness - action renaissance.
Next: listen to Jeff Berwick,
I trust Stew Peters. Not a hundred percent but nearly that. (We should never trust anyone a hundred percent not because they are not trustworthy but because the diabolical cabal is so monstrously powerful and conscienceless.
So sorry for your loss. Peace and comfort to you and yours.
I used to listen to SGT. He is squishy; repeats the same diatribe, possibly controlled op. Look up Dustin Nemos, Herding Humanity, Brandon Kroll.
I can sympathize, I’m sorry for your loss, I know the system makes it brutal ! Hang in there, it will pass. Stay strong ❤️
I'm really sorry for your loss. Have you ever watched any Call for an uprising? He's a Christian. He's had tons of channels on yt cancelled. He exposes this world for the fraud that it is. Here is his latest. I believe we're in end times.
So glad your mother made it through this ghastly,”health” care system.
Who is SGT?
On Rumble, SGT Report
Greg, you are the true infowar
and you are loved
I started listening to Alex Jones in 2007 and listened and posted everyday. When he started complaining about people questioning Elon Musk I realized he was talking about you, Greg. After having on my social media for 18 years I took it off. I still listen but he talks about Elon so much I don't want to support his show wholeheartedly anymore, and I rarely post because it's just an ass-kissing tribute to Elon Musk instead of the normal Alex Jones Show which I was used to. It hurt my feelings to hear him speak disparaging when he once said he lets his reporters have any views they want and doesn't tell them how to think. Well . . I still listen . . but I am very disappointed in Alex. He doesn't really care about the very people who support him most. He in a roundabout way disrespected you in my opinion. And you are, we all know, VERY intelligent and your brain is going to ferret out what is going on. We like your brain. Alex . . is afraid of your brain . . because it's taking us places he doesn't want you to have us go. We're going . . .
Yeah It seems that at some point Alex Jones became corrupted, or he always was. But his show is now theatre, he's clearly controlled opposition. Some of his interviews are so ridiculous, cutting to break right as someone starts talking about something important, or interrupting ever other sentence. It's entertaining, but its nothing you can trust. And his obsession with Trump and Elon, trying to explain away all the shit Elons got his hands in, it's all just nonsense. Cant trust anyone who wont acknowledge the DEW inferno attack underway. I wonder how he's able to keep Greg on though, doesn't make sense to me. What am I missing ?
He always was corrupt; psyop from the git-go.
So if Jones is a total fruad, whats that make Greg?
Danny, you mentioned the Dew inferno… what if smart meters were to blame?
Please watch this one!
Alex Jones is a Mossad agent. He's been controlling the narrative for years...that's what they do. They make it sound like they're giving you hidden info but their game is to control it's direction.
Alex Jones' family is neck-deep in Freemasonry. That entire arrest over his saying Sandy Hook was a Hoax...was a HOAX. No such trial took place demanding $1 Billion, as a fine for saying it was. What it was was convince people Sandy Hook wasn't a hoax but a real event (IT WAS A HOAX) and secondly, for people to send their hard earned money to Alex to help pay off that fine he was saddled with...which he wasn't. THAT was a HOAX, too! lol
Wow, I hadnt considered that. That makes alot of sense. They use a bogus court ruling to legitimize a bogus event.
I believe that David Knight would disagree with Alex claiming, "he lets his reporters have any views they want and doesn't tell them how to think.", as Alex fired David over the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6th, being David was telling people NOT to go, as it was a trap!
I listened to David every morning before he was fired and now listen to Harrison Smith on the American Journal every morning, him I like.
I also found Davis Kight's podcast, which I listen to evert day, he is still great but does go on and on about Trump, he really doesn't like the guy.
I just started listening to David Knight again…I lost him when he was getting banned. 👍
I was able to find him just as soon as he started his podcast, but I do also listen to the American Journal, I think Harrison has a bright future!
Alex a male year of the Tiger as male Tigers go, runs the risk of losing credibility with one falter. So people are bailing on him. But at this point he's trying to make the best of a bad situation with who will run the gov't. Perhaps a pipe dream on his part. So he backs DJT and EM as the only alternatives out there. Apart from AJ's likely being a co-op, he's caught in the middle. I still listen to him, don't agree with his preoccupation with "they're gonna kill EM and DJT" and that they "tried" to kill DJT at least "two times that we know of" but I'II take that all with a grain as AJ tries to keep the fire burning of #47. To his credit AJ has vowed to confront DJT's romancing Gates and will come up against him if WARP SPEED #2 starts bumping uglies.
Guess after 30 years of being at this and all the tribulations of running Infowars as well as his personal life has got AJ up against the ropes sometimes. I've learned a lot from AJ and Infowars and yes note when AJ goes off the rails but perhaps I hold a ray of hope no matter if only to be optimistic. And without Infowars we would not have heard of Greese and we would not have had his side of things. Greg being too close to the flame had to choose a side and I understand this. He could not have held his tongue and became too raw for the pace we're moving at now with the "balance" of DJT being selected to run the dog and pony show aka the American gov't.
Faced with the options I would back DJT/EM because the alternative is a no go. But then again the elite planned all this, planned things out so well (through Ai) that the only options are the ones they are herding us to. If TSHTF then we will have clung to the only piece of driftwood we could find. That said our personal options are to prep for ourselves and our families. But we're better off than those who don't even know who the people are in the Oval and have no ideas that they should. We're in a time where the people who are not in tune are meant to be that way.
Things will be revealed.
Love you Reese. There I said it.
Greg Reese and David Icke keeping it real
You are my favorite! You are loved by so many. Happy New Year!!
OF COURSE 'they' are going to get rid of the IRS.
And do people know WHY that is??? (99.99% do NOT)
But you were NOT TOLD THIS; ie you WERE LIED TO, AS USUAL!
THEE ONLY people, required, BY LAW, to pay Federal Income Taxes.......
(you also do NOT NEED a DRIVERS LICENCE; but this is another 'rant'!)
Go to Dr. Lee Merritt's Rumble page, The Medical Rebel......and she has a few vids (two different guests) who will show you this FACT!
TRUMP CULT: "YAY!!!! Trump is Our SAVIOR! He got rid of Federal Income Taxes! MY HERO!".
BRAND NEW.....TODAY (1/19) on Dr. Lee's Rumble........
Dr. Merritt and Peymon Mottaheddeh from Freedom Law School.
Dr. Lee has several vids/interviews with this guy.
And 1 or 2 vids/interviews with FORMER IRS Agent Joe Banister.
Granted it may be "illegal" but it's all about what they can do if you don't.
I know all about Schiff's father.
People do not get locked up for not paying federal taxes, they get locked up for LYING to an IRS Agent/IRS.
If one does it correctly (see those vids), there is no problem.
Do you actually think he'll have the time to make this a priority? I hope so.
United Basic Income (UBI) is the last step in the introduction of a Totalitarian system. Now injected and mind-controlled, Beatrice Weir's first speech spells out exactly where we are:
10/21/22 Beatrice Weir's (The Canadian "Romanian Girl") great first speech prior to mind control and getting the injection. Odysee has it now.
The Swiss voted down any form of UBI over 10 years ago - while most Americans have just barely begun to understand it. Europeans know that UBI = Totalitarianism. That's one reason the forced introduction of CBDC into Nigeria resulted in nationwide violence and a change of government. We are 100% censored here in the USA on so many topics.
The nanotech that was injected (and contaminated) into us during 2021, is the mark of the beast that serves the US militarie's Wireless Body Area Network. Buckle up and listen to Sabrina Wallace for background on this nightmare.
I am not hearing much about EMR-based Facial Recognition. I do believe there are facial recognition systems that are backed up with wi-fi signal to the person's unique nano-tech population. After I found today's smart phone in several episodes of the 1983 tv series "V"... anything is possible in DARPA's world... and we know DARPA created the C19 injection, and has been hiding off-world advanced technology that could solve the world's energy issues forever. We know this.
* * *
For a basic training on the BIS's global forced monetary restructure:
Best Evidence w/John Titus: Larry & Carsten's Excellent Pandemic 08/15/2021
Note: Bariatric patient and useless eater Augustin Carstens steps down in 07/01/2025
I agree 100% on not playing with crypto. The biggest question I've wrestled with the last 3 years is where and how to bank the money I do have. Even CAF/ says that nowhere is safe.
* * *
Thank you for the comments on slave thinking!!
Here's my fight back on that: I am beginning to learn to create Slim Spurling's technology to effect regionwide energetic changes - to ease whatever positive transitions we manifest.
There is no reason for us to breath chemtrailed air and suffer from geopathic stress/smart grid energy. This tech has been around since the 1990's. Get the e-book: "Slim Spurling's Universe."
thnx for the link , this is important.
I never go out into the Matrix without my Slim Spurling Harmonizer! NEVER!
I'm so jealous! I'm finally going to learn some basic welding to make my own stuff. I want a nose mask!
I've got several people waiting for Spurling style chemtrail busters to put on their property. Lots of folks up here can weld and I'm going to make sure all the local welding shops have a printed out copy of "Slim Spurling's Universe."
And I'm going to learn to make the ceramic pipe w/crystals poles that are described in "Science of the Soil" by Byrd. We can do so much to fix our environment - but we do have to come across the info to do it.
Oooh 60GHz, I wish I could weld! I have Tensor Rings all over my house, my lightswitches, my televisions, router, electrical meter, water lines, drinking water, EVERYWHERE!!!
Are you familiar with Orgonite? Another high-frequency Energy generator DIY project. Orgonite makes the Chemtrails disolve in the middle when they pass over my house!
This woman makes Orgonite for a living and her home and property are filled with Orgonite. Watch what happens when a massive storm front goes over her house!
Thank you for that link!! I was actually able to get it to work and it was SO OBVIOUS. Wow! I hope to get the same effects using Slim Spurling's devices, because I have a tough time mixing resin and it is crazy expensive now. My last big batch of cell tower busters never hardened and that was a big loss in crystals, metals, etc.
Spurling's designs will work with concrete, and that I am trained to work it's relatively cheap. My website is going to stop being a conversation piece and start existing for real soon. I will have photos up there. Promise!
That's perfect 60Ghz, you can trade Tensor Rings for Orgonite!
Here's another good clip showing how vibrational frequencies attract and repel:
I'll keep that one for my county commissioners...:)))))))))))) Thank you!
Keep us posted!!! I'm getting high on all this glorious "I'm gonna DO something about this" brilliant human heart/ mind friskyness. The truth is, do even the lizard aliens with the 5,000 year plan really know what's going to happen? Its always enlightening to have Greg unfold his brain with us - and then this is the only comment section anywhere I read allllll the way through!! I will be going back and getting serious about the links and info being shared. All stuff thats been on my to know and to do list.
Which one do you have how do you use? Just carry in your bag type idea?
Hi Trish, I would suggest starting with a simple Tensor Ring to wear as a bracelet, or if its too big, I push mine up above my elbow onto my forearm, and wear it under my clothes.
Or you can keep it in your bag, but I prefer to wear mine. At ALL TIMES! ;)
Checked out this tv series called V on Youtube just now. It is like Star Trek so I can see how this subliminal age was used to introduce the smartphone. I will see if I find a smartphone in an episode. Hmm...and they lie and say steve jobs invented the smartphone.
I think Trump should reinforce his efforts on cash. Not in a system that ultimately serves the people who want to enslave you with the beast system
Don't be too surprised when it becomes apparent just how many are in the other camp which is part of the beast system. That's why it's promoted by them only it's done subtly, so people won't catch on before everything's fully in place.
Yes sad but true. We shall see as the days unfold. Things start to turn and it's done in plain sight.
Yes we will and most likely sooner than later. I don't know about others in how each will deal with the unveiling, but I find my refuge in Jesus Christ, my one constant anchor and solace. Peace be with you and yours.
Very well stated and makes alot of sense
All I know about my role in daily life now is to mostly care for my dogs and cat. Has not been an intentional role, per say, but I'm finding that these creatures certainly understand and respect me more than most humans 🤔. I have really learned to respect my fur babies and thinking there is more to them than what is seen with the naked eye. Btw, I think my cat is an alien 👽, lol.
Just wanted to write and say that my husband and I have this conversation frequently. As the world gets more empty, gross, shallow and full of lies….we have found joy and peace more and more in our wonderful doggies. I agree, these creatures are miracles God gave to heal our souls and bring joy. Amen Melanie!!
"The love of a dog is the only true love that money can buy."
I’d MUCH rather hang out with dogs and cats, than most people, ANY day of the week.
i have never trusted Jones. if he's saying musk is on the side of the 'good' deep state, then i know i'm bang on in not trusting him. i also do not trust stew peters and a whole load of others too many to list.
i go with my 'gut' and that is what it tells me.
'the great awakening' is a brand, a snare, to pull all into what will likely be a re-branding of the beast system to make it seem less beastly after a period of hellish happenings. most will fall for it.
I knew you’d be gone from info wars as you’re not following that narrative! Good for you!! God Bless, love your work!!
The way you describe yourself as a “stranger in a stranger land” and how you’ve always distrusted authority…or the official narrative, that’s exactly me
I was put in an orphanage when I was two and knew things even then!
I wonder Greg if you’re O negative blood type like myself? I find those who trust their instincts as much as “we” do Are … which is ironic bcuz “they” the blue bloods all are too. Maybe that’s why we know?
I’m still on the fence about Trump cannot believe if he’s the real original Trump that he would betray millions of folks but that whole weird shot in the ear assassination attempt is where I jumped on the fence. Time will tell
O is newer type of blood. My understanding is A’s, B’s, AB’s are more ancient. Intuitives can be any type. If it is developed at a young age of being able to see the Truth, or red pilling, it serves as a reliable guide for all of humanity if they listen to their inner voice.
Case in point, my newly ex has never been a red pill type on anything, he is O. I, on the other hand, knew things at a very young age and knew there was no one to tell because I was much too young unless a told a once upon a time story of a realization of what was before me. I am AB+. He got jabbed three times, I knew better.
In Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book, Eat Right For Your Blood Type, he states the opposite. 'O' are the original blood type, the hunter / gatherer, O's are acidic; and therefore required, physiologically, an acidic Ph to digest meat. It's an interesting read.
i heard that too , thnx Tom for the actual source ! gona look into it 4 sure.
Keep on hand some Baking soda for the alkaline if needed..dissolved in warm water(distilled)
I have O- blood. I don’t eat meat, because I have Crohn’s Disease (I can’t digest it). I knew from the get go that I would NEVER get the vaccine ~ nobody had to tell me not to get it, I just knew it was bad news. Also, I’ve read online on several different “conspiracy theory” web sites, that scientists have isolated DNA in O- blood, that’s not of human origin. Not sure if that’s good or bad, but I kinda like the idea of possibly being an alien.👽😂
Sherry, Your 'alien' suggestion had me chase down the DNA trail, where I found this, buckle up:
"The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire world´s population is known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative blood – (type ‘O’) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings."
The above "Eastern/Oriental Jews" adds another dimension altogether.
~3-years ago, Brien Foerster succeeded in obtaining DNA test results from the Paracas skulls, in which he found the prevalent percentages of the U2E & H1 haplogroups concentrated between the Black & Caspian Seas: (jump to the 2-minute 38-second mark to hear it, but watching the whole video is recommended)
I sent Brien an email with the map in this article attached, you'll have to scroll down to the section titled 'The Khazars' to see it:
The title in this article gets to the point, and has a map of its own:
Note: It's modern day Ukraine. Ahem - -
Also attached to the email I sent Brien were photographs of Chuck Schumer, Roger Stone, Shimon Perez and Jacob Rothschild; all of whom have a high forehead, high hair line and flat back shaped skull. Yes, soft skull crib neglected infants, whose mothers don't pick them up, develop a flat back skull, but I doubt that's the case with these people who originate from this area. You may image search those individuals, and identify these traits for yourself.
As for being 'alien' - that's a dissertation in academic novel form, or to much for here. However, having not just gone down that rabbit hole, but residing in a nest of them, strong evidence points to the rabbit hole itself, where humans came from - deep within and throughout the earth - and I leave it at that.
As for the Basque region, I highly recommend Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent - where, as always, you may draw your own conclusions or go further down that rabbit hole for either confirmation and/or contest. I tend to go with repeated empirical facts from multiple sources, not emotion. That, and when people mysteriously die, or disappear, while researching a topic, like Tracy Twyman, I tend to think something is there.
I hope you enjoyed this reply, even if it was discomforting.
People need to know this fact so thanks for sharing it. The Synagogue of Satan is the serpent race, the dracs, the reptilians and other hybrids that literally hunt humans for food and energy.
Hi Tom, thank you for reminding me. I think it was another book that had the antiquities of blood types.
I knew JABS were suspect from the time I was a toddler. You can sense that there is a negative energy associated with it.
I am AB+ too. And I figured it out like you. My ex is 0 too. And he refuses to believe or listen to me about everything we know. Fast asleep at the wheel. But tells me I’m in a cult. lol. That’s why we broke up. He couldn’t handle the TRUTH!
O-negative blood, like all blood types, has origins that can be traced back to human evolution and the development of blood groups over millennia. The ABO blood group system, which includes O, A, B, and AB types, was discovered in the early 20th century by Karl Landsteiner, but the genetic variations that lead to these blood types have been present in human populations for thousands of years.
The O blood type is thought to be the most ancient of the ABO blood groups, with some estimates suggesting that it could date back to around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. The exact timeline is difficult to determine, as blood types are influenced by genetic mutations that occur over long periods. The prevalence of O blood type among various populations suggests that it provided some evolutionary advantages in terms of disease resistance and adaptability to different environments.
O-negative blood, specifically, is notable because it is considered a universal donor type for red blood cells, meaning it can be transfused to patients of any ABO blood type. This characteristic contributes to its importance in medical settings, particularly in emergencies.
In summary, while O-negative is often described as the "oldest" blood type, the origins of blood types are complex and intertwined with human history, genetics, and evolution.
i'm o positive. i've never trusted authority or the system we live in. however, wish i'd fully appreciated the scale of the beast system a decade back rather than 4-5 years ago. would have been in a different place right now.
Well… he did award the scarf lady!!!
Years ago, when I was in a bad way, I would repeat "I love you Marsha" (that's my name), over and over. It really helped!
James Roguski has done an incredible amount of research throughout the last 5 years. His recent substack article outlines, in detail, the vaccine schedules for infants, teens etc as per the CDC. It's beyond criminal.
David Sorenson, of STOP WORLD CONTROL, details the World Economic Forum's agendas: "The Official Agenda for World Domination by The World Economic Forum"
IF Trump has courted GATES the world is doomed. Either we're fighting back in droves or there ARE 'camps' (Washington State has them). Talk about history repeating itself!