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great article. I will pass this on.

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Peace has definitely been taken from the earth. The crimes perpetrated on humanity will be laid open for all to see. The world is teetering on a knife's edge.

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You are a profet of truth, you have the gift to communicate plainly and clearly, hopefully you will contribute to the awakening of many. God bless you

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Avoiding a hot war with mother Russia, China, and Persia is almost unavoidable now. The world economic forum will not be able to introduce their digital currency and 15 minutes cities without such a crisis. So they are all in. The only saving grace is nuclear weapons simply do not exist. There is compelling evidence of this fact. Not to mention the elites would never risk World War III if they thought their playground was to be completely destroyed . But not to worry, they can do plenty of damage with conventional weapons and billions are sure to die through the violence and the starvation that will follow . It’s a nice flat earth that we have allowed them to create for us!

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There is some very very good evidence that nuclear weapons simply don’t exist and then the events in Nagasaki and Hiroshima we’re actually the result of fire bombing remember if you put enough dynamite together and blow it up you can make a mushroom cloud just like what they claim is an atomic weapon explosion Let us pray that the powers that be have been lying to the world about the atomic weapons in order to control us because if they do indeed exist we’re in a lot of trouble

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