I've been lead to believe, recently, that this goes all the way back to the Pharisees and Sadducees. It probably precedes even them. Lucifer knew that Jesus was coming and had to make preparations. What we are seeing today is a continuation of the evilness that's been planning since the fall of angels to the Earth. They don't die, so their ability to invent technologies and develop plans are very advanced. We will continue to suffer from the loss of the battles but rest in peace knowing that the war was already won. Peace be with you!
The following is quoted from a servant of Jesus Christ:
"For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now either. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.
Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this Greg Reese comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
Correct. The NWO globalists/Satan vs. the “Great Awakening” false light bearer Lucifer. No politician is going to save us. Only faith in God and Jesus Christ can do that. People need to repent and be sincere about it. We are in the end times. What do people wear on their foreheads? What does the term “right” mean. People reading this need to think about it and reread the Book of Revelation.
The reason his predictions almost never come true is because Cliff High is a top ranking confidence man / bullsh!t artist / premier slimeball. He pulls things right out of his a$$ on a continual basis and is wrong ad-nauseum because he _literally_ just makes his utter nonsense up as he goes along.
He may be an absolutely amazing fiction writer, but as far as facts and truth, he's that perpetual liar from your 8th grade who never shuts up that went on to grift a million people with his lunacy. There's a sucker born... well you know the thing
He was all in with great certainty that the world was ending in 2012. I quit listening to him after that. I thought his method was interesting that humans subconsciously leaked the future through language. As it turns out that is pure fiction.
I discard any one who uses or claims to use remote viewing. It’s a way to enter demonic energy . I listen to the Holy Spirit and the WORD of the HEAVENLY , I AM. That anchor holds. Shame on Reese for believing this crap .
It's useful in a sense to see what the demons are concentrating on. Prophets abound in today's world, don't they? Even "Christian" prophets are speaking in riddles and point back and say 'see, I was right' and take a nebulous saying and contort it to a current event. "My people were seeing walls of fire and that was Maui." Gee, I wonder how many times they've seen 'walls of fire'. I feel a sense of urgency in this world, cycling with a sense of despair. I feel it when I run errands. I think it reflects the nature of the people that I run across. The only thing that can be trusted is the truth and the last 3 years have shown that the truth can only be found in Christ. Other people of other religions will disagree, but they need to study on their own and dissect the knowledge and become wise so they will know. Let's not shame people and turn them away from the hope and the love of the Gospel. We are all learning and all growing and those that enter through the narrow gate will be few https://truerichesradio.com/13-facts-gods-elect-in-the-bible/
Incorrect predictions can have very useful heuristic follow-ons. We learn from being wrong. So, what I object to is someone making predictions; having them turn out as incorrect and then just taking a "never mind" approach - and then on to the next prediction. So much value in asking "WHY was I wrong?"
Pure blood? Assuming I understand your use of the term, I wish and/or hope for such a thing; however, reports by both doctors (i.e. Ana Maria Mihalcea) and citizens on the blood smears and analysis of both j a bb e d and not, shows there’s no such thing.
I agree. Acquisition through shedding and having it injected directly into your tissues and bloodstream are two totally different things. I’m not even sure I believe in the whole shedding theory at all.
There is scientific evidence that ‘Shedding’ is possible and was intentional by design. The Expose has a very good recent article, and is the best if you have just one single news source. The contracts were to create a self spreading bio weapon, for counter measures. ‘Self spreading’ IS what people have coined ‘shedding’. Attorney Todd Calender, Karen Kingston, Katherine Watts and Maria Latipeova (both on Substack) Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. David Martin (just testified at EU assembly), and Dr. Peter Breggin with his wife wrote a gigantic book a couple of years ago, currently have the best available scientific research, history of, and DOD/Pentagon contracts.
The UN and WHO have the most power - Biden signed any bodily/health rights away last spring by agreeing to have UN take complete control under an emergency of any kind.
Yeah there is so much fear spread from every direction it's important to question it all. Although I did have a personal experience that shedding could explain.
I've just mapped out my bouts of illnesses over the last three years on a spreadsheet and, without fail, they correspond with having had close contact in public places. The one where I was by far the sickest I've EVER been was when I sat next to a fellow at a bar having lunch, in VERY close quarters, and we were in animated conversation. Somehow I got from him that he had recently had his third jab. And, this is gross, to my horror I experienced flying spittle from him as he was conversing and laughing.
I was horribly sick three days later for 14 days. Also, an airline flight is almost guaranteed to produce a bout. I've come to believe that the increased cosmic radiation in the plane, along with the presence of wifi exacerbates and enables the AI nanotech jumping, aka shedding. Ana Milhaces and Karen Kingston say alot about this.
I also routinely experience very strong twisted gut symptoms for days after random exposure "from out in the Wild".
I can't recall which doctor, as I listen to several who are opposing these jabs, stated they found that even after 6 months, those who received boosters are still producing the spike protein. That is what makes people sick, so I stay away from anyone who is into the jabs. I swear, it's like a mental illness or mind control thing where some just can't seem to stop themselves - eager to get the next boost, even though they continue to get C19 several times over. Even those who got the first two jabs and then stopped, as they wised up, I am still cautious to not get too close. I do my best and leave the rest up to God to protect me from those I have no idea what their jab status may be.
I traveled to see Dr Ana to have my blood tested and In just one drop of blood it showed I had hydrogel! Never Vaxxed! She sees it in all blood now! Mine did not show graphene oxide or the blinking lights, but how do you know with only one drop tested? She is definitely a top doc sharing findings and showing other docs findings too!
I watched Dr Ana talk about and show her evidence, and the larger group study. Where is she located? In the beginning of the roll outs, I heard the effects on people, who didn’t know one other, all talking about being or living with a person injected, and getting sick, weird symptoms, bleeding, etc. I tried to dissuade my daughter from having her father visit us. He invited himself, but would come with my adult son, both got jabbed 1-2 weeks prior. Neither were asked to get them- her father is a CEO, my sons in tech and was working at home.
She said ‘why aren’t we seeing people dropping dead if it’s true?’
I said, ‘we are, but there will be more as it’s designed to work over time and target peoples weaknesses’. That’s about all I knew 2 1/2 years ago. We live rurally, in a beautiful wilderness, so barely get exposed to people. They visited my home and I could not not hug my own son, who looked terrible, but acted fine, and I told him my concerns with the fact he made that decision. He said it was because he wanted to go to Hawaii. My daughter and I got sick the day after they left. We’ve never been the same. My son came down with something a couple months later he nearly died from.
I live with my elderly father who is triple-jabbed. I’m around him literally every day and I’ve never had any weird symptoms or health issues because of it. I think some people are more susceptible or more resistant to “shedding” than others. I’ve also read that certain blood types (O+, O-) are more resistant to Covid. I have O- blood. I’ve had Covid at least twice before, but each time, it wasn’t anything worse than a bad cold.
Not to mention all the other contaminants found in every batch of Covid vaccines... the medical testimonies happening recently in the SC hearings regarding the shots are eye opening.
Injection allows the rna to be transcribed into cells and alter dna, creating never ending spike protein. Proteins acquired through shedding can be cleared over time, dna is not altered.
I wonder about that though and have addressed this with her and Horvath. There are so many outside the system whose blood wouldn't be tested. I'm not saying it isn't true. I just don't think anyone can really know.
where do you think the hatred for humanity comes from ? the inspiration, plans, organization ? Obviously, we have people servicing dark -The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
They lost me at “pay for more information.” Anybody who is really concerned about informing civilation about impending global doom doesn’t put it behind a paywall. Imo.
When you listen to the interview, their best guess is Evil using a 'meteor strike' look like a natural event when in actuality is a directed energy event, as with Lahaina Maui. Key word is 'potential'. If enough people become aware of this plan, can we disarm it and arrest them instead. Am praying that yes we can thwart it.
I have a hard time even listening to that guy. Can someone just tell us in a nutshell what he thinks is coming? One hour of him would make my head explode.
In a nutshell what they think is coming is something catastrophic. But they don't know what. Not sure when. Don't know who is behind it. Not sure where it is going to happen, but one remote viewer said 'west coast' and that sounds right to Clif High.
They don't want to instill fear, they are doing this (video letting people know) in hopes that enough of will know and enough eyes will be on 'them' (but we don't know who 'they' are) that it will put enough pressure on 'them' so that 'they' change their plans and don't carry out the catastrophic event, whatever it might be.
You were the smart one to not waste an hour of your precious life listening to their vagaries.
I find Clif accurate for content but not always on his dates. He predicted COVID, it came through his data as Sun disease. Corona ~ Sun, the timing was off but you can't deny it was a major event in everyone lives.
I have all Clif's reports. He was the reason I got into crypto in 2016.
Clif is not for everyone, but I find his musings highly informative and entertaining.
I believe remote viewers exist and are being utilized by both good and evil. Much like spiritual mediums, some people have abilities that others have not “yet” tapped into.
The astral world is full of trickery. Imagine a mall filled with spirits, many of whom enjoy misguiding and tricking humans that are still alive and still have the free will to save themselves from eternal damnation. They, themselves, know they are damned. Now imagine they want to help humans escape that hell and escape the suffering. They don’t want that! They don’t care about humans and use the astral world to deceive and misguide those that are thrilled they can play there. Tarot cards, Quiji boards, and the reading of tea leaves are the same. Not a place to visit to learn the truth.
I listened to many Cliff's presentations, and at some point stopped.... Too far, for my mind, and do not agree with lot of his stuff. Just wonder if Greg believes in it?
Btw. didn't CIA, which runs this world, get rid of all those 'special people', or let say trained people because their actions wouldn't result in their wanted outcome?
This is the goal of this interview. To stop these psychopath Evil idiots wanting to destroy and kill us all. If you shine a Light on the Evil brewing, "they" usually back down. Do you think anyone in their right mind would want to be proven right?
Yes, on the CIA, they mention this towards the end.
I’m starting to wonder if the CIA started saying that remote viewing doesn’t work the same way that they said that mind control (MKULTRA) didn’t work.... We know the mind control experiments never ended, they may haven gotten something productive from remote viewing but want to hide that from us.
That was the BEST viewer, Pat Price, the others top researchers, in particular Puthoff, fans of Scientology, etc. , are enjoying their lives. There was other scientist, Elizabeth Rauscher who WAS the real 'Einstein' at SRI on that topic, she had big dreams to build a real Tesla Tower, like the one Nikola Tesla built on Wardenclyffe in 1906, on the east coast, but she strangely died on July 3, 2019, similar to Kary Mullis... The tower was build by Viziv Technologies in collaboration with Baylor University while developing methods of wireless electricity distribution over long distances...
When you have deaths happening, you know something is real.
Do you have more info on Viziv and their tower? Trump’s uncle grabbed Tesla’s papers at the behest of the US gov’t and I suspect “they’ve” figured out Tesla’s weapon and free electricity. Tesla was the smartest man in the world; Thomas Edison destroyed/cancelled him.
just duckduckgo for the two brothers CORUM and Tesla Tower, just be careful, many sites are completely hacked, it is 'free energy'... What I'm getting on 'my computer' is few links, for example:
Thank you for the links. What I'm reading from a quick scan is a method for tapping into the energy of the atmosphere, similar to what creates lightning, and transmitting it through the ground throughout the earth for use by anyone that has the proper equipment to tap into electricity. Is that about the size of it? Looks like the Corum brothers are working on the transmission equipment. Haven't found more information on the Wardenclyffe Tower copy. Still looking...
I had thought the W-Tower, invented by Tesla, was going to use the rotation of the Earth and the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. It now appears that the W-tower was a power absorber placed into the atmosphere, and a grounding plate deep within the Earth (explaining the huge foundation of the W-Tower) which makes more sense to me.
Rockefeller didn't like the idea of making money off the power receivers at the point of use. He wanted something that required continuous purchase providing him and his family with a continuous money stream. It would be like buying a car that didn't break and having free gasoline for life. Not a capitalistic model. Free energy = smarter people = freer people. Just look at the impact a 25% increase in fuel costs does to the American spending habits.
Can you imagine a world that had an unlimited supply of electricity that could be used to provide an unlimited supply of clean water throughout the world?
now I get your user name... NO, of course not, wasn't it clear from the context?? I like VERY MUCH the sound of that round box with the attached strings.
WE NEED THIS UNITING --- IT IS TIME CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS. --- OUR RIGHTS WILL NOT BE COMPROMISED BY UNLAWFUL POLITISHITS WE MUST BAN THE DEMOCRAT TERRORISTS NOW ALL OF THEM . - UNITE WE THE GODLY AMERICAN PEOPLE UNITE WITH GODS LIKE MINDED CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS OR DIE DEMONICRAT SLAVES🙏 --- THESE ILLEGAL unmandates ARE COMMUNIST CRAP ILLEGAL TO OUR USA CONSTITUTION ON OUR USA LAND FORCED UPON US BY ILLEGAL USURPER DEMONICRAT INFILLTRATED BY COMMUNIST CHINA ETC,,,,. WE WILL NOT COMPLY -- clowse schwaubstikka is a communist it is our duty to take out any form of communist terrorists foreign and domestic IN or OUT Of OUR AMERICAN GOVT. ARM UP AGAINST THESE EVILS WE ARE ABIDING BY OUR LAWS OUR CONSTITUTION BECAUSE OF OUR CORRUPT TREASONOUS COMMUNIST INFILTRATED GOVT. WHICH IS PERFECTLY WRITTEN WE CAN FIGHT CONMMUNISM IT IS WRITTEN. THE DEMONICRATS ARE COMMUNISTS BY AIDING AND ABETTING illegals, izlam, china ,blm, antifa etc.,,,, THIS IS OUR AMERICA NOT NAZI schwaubstikka, gates, USURPER joes CCP etc..,,,,AMERICA DO NOT COMPLY UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED CITIZENS UNITE. And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword should sell his garment and buy one. ⚔ UNITE WITH GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND ALL THE LORDS BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, PRAY FOR ALL AND PREP SAVE THE CHILDREN --- The Glory of His Majesty “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” — Psalm 96:3 🙏 “Preach the Gospel” “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” — Mark 16:15 🙏 ---- Luke 22:36 ----- New International Version He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
I see anything with that much of the text in all caps and I just keep scrolling past it. Way too hard to read a huge solid single paragraph block of all caps with no real punctuation, just made up multiple consecutive periods and/or commas (WTH is that supposed to mean?)
So I think Dick Allgire’s group thought it might be a volcanic eruption. Clif thinks it will be a directed energy weapon masquerading as an asteroid (the Rods of God) to target at 3 possible locations although he names only two: 1) the Denver airport or 2) Cheyenne Mountain. However, what about the New Madrid fault line?
A directed energy weapon that would cause a massive earthquake along the New Madrid Seismic Zone would destroy Middle America and the Mississippi River valley and split the country in half.
The Pentagon’s New Super Weapon Is Basically a Weaponized Meteor Strike
The infamous New Madrid Fault will take out 150 miles of the Midwest and will end up more devastating than the San Andreas Big One which is also overdue!
The New Madrid fault line - more than 90-days out though: 4/8/2024 - total eclipse - 'X' marks the spot: https://vimeo.com/835620596 - crosses the same path as the 2017 eclipse -
My birthday is 4/8. 😀 Everyone thinks that the New Madrid fault is completely dormant. But, people living just north of the Florida/Alabama state line, in or around the Brewton/Flomaton, AL. area, have experienced small earthquakes on a pretty regular basis. And on December 12, 2018, people living in northern Alabama, experienced a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. I know that pales in comparison to what people living in Japan or California experience on a regular basis, but it’s still something. I’m sure it would be fairly easy for the evil-doers to use their “tools” to create one of the worst natural disasters in human history in and around the New Madrid Fault region. 😕
April 8th, The Day Of Conscience according to Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers Secret Language of Birthday's. That day's tarot card is STRENGTH - a woman holding a lion's mouth open. - I was planning to go there - I saw the eclipse in 2017 - but I think not now.
Well I’m one of the people that know it’s not dormant. Quite a few nuclear power plants along the fault line. That would be a crisis. Earthquake takes out ‘green energy’ as result of 7.0 quakes?? Due to a DEW attack from outer space? I would prefer they blow Yellowstone, but the damage would be too massive. However, that caldera is primed to blow. Buh bye Denver if it does.
7 years between the 2 eclipses signifies a traditional Judaic/Christian period of repentance. The Day of Divine Mercy happens to be Sunday April 7, the day immediately before the day of the 2nd eclipse. Divine Justice will follow the time of mercy (see St. Faustina’s diary.)
Wow. Not your first day on the search engine, eh? That was as accurate as it was fast. Thanks for dropping the links and have a great week. Oh, BTW, Clif dropped this follow up a few hours ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKlWS3zz9rQ
LOL; you should have seen the links I could find in the "good old wild west days" of the internet in the early 2000's. I was a member of the original no planers
We were into energy weapons even back then; I was home on 9/11; Judy Wood -- the "dustification" of the towers; did manage to find an early military link of cloaking; I was home on 9/11; I remember all those white orbs (cloaked aircraft) flying in and out of clouds around on the twin towers on 9/11; lots of chemtrails for them to hide in. There were no planes; they were edited into the footage I began watching right after the first "hit". later I remember seeing what I thought were blackbirds darting to and fro. due to the scale; looking back I believe they were flying triangles; that was their test run of their energy weapons; they used them in the Iraq war; there was a video (long scrubbed) called the "mile of death" where I saw the same kind of devastation that one can see in Hawaii.
You're right about that. Difficult to avoid entirely. I'm pretty sure i miss all the fluoride with my water, no glyphosate for me (no grains, legumes, etc), chemtrails are a mix but lots of light and heavy metals. Dimataceous earth taken daily on an empty stomach will help rid of most, especially aluminium.
As far as I know, after Clif totally whiffed on 2012 Jeff Rense has never had him back on his show. I am open to alternative ideas but IMO Clif is a high IQ bullshit artist. I have listened to Dick for years on Rense. I think he is sincere. I don’t know what I think about remote viewing. Sorta like Roswell.
I didn't really mean that. Just have had some really nasty experiences with people I know on here. It can be pretty dispiriting the way people behave. But then there's a bright spot and I'm so thankful.
I think some people are Feds, like you said, and others have never learned to socialize in real life. I also have a love/hate relationship with humanity.
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, (Deut 18:10)
I just saw Clif’s video and my takeaway is that 81 is going to happen no matter what. Whether it’s Scenario A, B, C or D the outcome is still going to be 81 in magnitude (13x worse than 9/11). If we can stop A from happening, then B will unfold. Stop B… C will be unleashed, etc. In essence, it’s check mate. We (the good guys) can’t compete against billionaires, space weapons, invisible wars, CME’s, ELE space rocks, etc. It would be super awesome if us plebs would stop arguing with each other and exhibit more compassion to one another since we’re on the same side and all. But I know, it’s just wishful thinking.
The only thing that brings me solace in all this doom is knowing that the bad guys (and all their loved ones) will ultimately lose this game - and lose big. Like that old saying goes: the more you have, the more you have to lose. And when their time is up, no one will miss them. They’ll go down in history as people who contributed nothing to mankind. Wealth has duped them into believing karma will spare them. On the contrary, they are destined to be defeated by the same tools being used against us.
You don't need remote viewing to know that something catastropic is about to happen in a permacrisis world!
The elite plan has been at work for centuries. Here is one such sinister movement which gave rise to the WEF and its satanic agendas:
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The Fabian Society and the World Economic Forum
Their end-goal is a totalitarian Socialist World Government. The wolves were there in plain sight for over a 100 years.
I've been lead to believe, recently, that this goes all the way back to the Pharisees and Sadducees. It probably precedes even them. Lucifer knew that Jesus was coming and had to make preparations. What we are seeing today is a continuation of the evilness that's been planning since the fall of angels to the Earth. They don't die, so their ability to invent technologies and develop plans are very advanced. We will continue to suffer from the loss of the battles but rest in peace knowing that the war was already won. Peace be with you!
The following is quoted from a servant of Jesus Christ:
"For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now either. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan.
Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this Greg Reese comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
Good point. The Pharisees and Sadducees did play up their false dichotomies.
Correct. The NWO globalists/Satan vs. the “Great Awakening” false light bearer Lucifer. No politician is going to save us. Only faith in God and Jesus Christ can do that. People need to repent and be sincere about it. We are in the end times. What do people wear on their foreheads? What does the term “right” mean. People reading this need to think about it and reread the Book of Revelation.
Cool! I look forward to reading your Substacks!
They’ve been in play to rule the world for 1600 years.
Just read this thread to feel the amping up going on. I've experienced it personally as well.
Clif is quite interesting. I followed him a lot on Jeff Rense leading up to 2012. As far as I am aware he has never been correct about any prediction.
The reason his predictions almost never come true is because Cliff High is a top ranking confidence man / bullsh!t artist / premier slimeball. He pulls things right out of his a$$ on a continual basis and is wrong ad-nauseum because he _literally_ just makes his utter nonsense up as he goes along.
He may be an absolutely amazing fiction writer, but as far as facts and truth, he's that perpetual liar from your 8th grade who never shuts up that went on to grift a million people with his lunacy. There's a sucker born... well you know the thing
So, you didn't buy Bitcoin after his ALTA reports. No wonder you're bitter. Some people can't be helped.
I’m a real estate mogul.
I am more impressed by what Clif does. Slum lords leave much to be desired. Sorry bud.
What’s your net worth you pathetic little worm?
Absolutely correct!
Just like Jeff tense and that other one, Steve something with the giants etc.
He was all in with great certainty that the world was ending in 2012. I quit listening to him after that. I thought his method was interesting that humans subconsciously leaked the future through language. As it turns out that is pure fiction.
I discard any one who uses or claims to use remote viewing. It’s a way to enter demonic energy . I listen to the Holy Spirit and the WORD of the HEAVENLY , I AM. That anchor holds. Shame on Reese for believing this crap .
It's useful in a sense to see what the demons are concentrating on. Prophets abound in today's world, don't they? Even "Christian" prophets are speaking in riddles and point back and say 'see, I was right' and take a nebulous saying and contort it to a current event. "My people were seeing walls of fire and that was Maui." Gee, I wonder how many times they've seen 'walls of fire'. I feel a sense of urgency in this world, cycling with a sense of despair. I feel it when I run errands. I think it reflects the nature of the people that I run across. The only thing that can be trusted is the truth and the last 3 years have shown that the truth can only be found in Christ. Other people of other religions will disagree, but they need to study on their own and dissect the knowledge and become wise so they will know. Let's not shame people and turn them away from the hope and the love of the Gospel. We are all learning and all growing and those that enter through the narrow gate will be few https://truerichesradio.com/13-facts-gods-elect-in-the-bible/
Incorrect predictions can have very useful heuristic follow-ons. We learn from being wrong. So, what I object to is someone making predictions; having them turn out as incorrect and then just taking a "never mind" approach - and then on to the next prediction. So much value in asking "WHY was I wrong?"
YOU ARE CORRECT...why does anyone follow this poser?
Stay #pureblood people. We need all hands on deck. These monsters are just getting started with us.
Pure blood? Assuming I understand your use of the term, I wish and/or hope for such a thing; however, reports by both doctors (i.e. Ana Maria Mihalcea) and citizens on the blood smears and analysis of both j a bb e d and not, shows there’s no such thing.
Of course there is. One is injected and one isn’t! I don’t care what their blood tests show.
I agree. Acquisition through shedding and having it injected directly into your tissues and bloodstream are two totally different things. I’m not even sure I believe in the whole shedding theory at all.
There is scientific evidence that ‘Shedding’ is possible and was intentional by design. The Expose has a very good recent article, and is the best if you have just one single news source. The contracts were to create a self spreading bio weapon, for counter measures. ‘Self spreading’ IS what people have coined ‘shedding’. Attorney Todd Calender, Karen Kingston, Katherine Watts and Maria Latipeova (both on Substack) Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. David Martin (just testified at EU assembly), and Dr. Peter Breggin with his wife wrote a gigantic book a couple of years ago, currently have the best available scientific research, history of, and DOD/Pentagon contracts.
The UN and WHO have the most power - Biden signed any bodily/health rights away last spring by agreeing to have UN take complete control under an emergency of any kind.
Yeah there is so much fear spread from every direction it's important to question it all. Although I did have a personal experience that shedding could explain.
I've just mapped out my bouts of illnesses over the last three years on a spreadsheet and, without fail, they correspond with having had close contact in public places. The one where I was by far the sickest I've EVER been was when I sat next to a fellow at a bar having lunch, in VERY close quarters, and we were in animated conversation. Somehow I got from him that he had recently had his third jab. And, this is gross, to my horror I experienced flying spittle from him as he was conversing and laughing.
I was horribly sick three days later for 14 days. Also, an airline flight is almost guaranteed to produce a bout. I've come to believe that the increased cosmic radiation in the plane, along with the presence of wifi exacerbates and enables the AI nanotech jumping, aka shedding. Ana Milhaces and Karen Kingston say alot about this.
I also routinely experience very strong twisted gut symptoms for days after random exposure "from out in the Wild".
I can't recall which doctor, as I listen to several who are opposing these jabs, stated they found that even after 6 months, those who received boosters are still producing the spike protein. That is what makes people sick, so I stay away from anyone who is into the jabs. I swear, it's like a mental illness or mind control thing where some just can't seem to stop themselves - eager to get the next boost, even though they continue to get C19 several times over. Even those who got the first two jabs and then stopped, as they wised up, I am still cautious to not get too close. I do my best and leave the rest up to God to protect me from those I have no idea what their jab status may be.
I traveled to see Dr Ana to have my blood tested and In just one drop of blood it showed I had hydrogel! Never Vaxxed! She sees it in all blood now! Mine did not show graphene oxide or the blinking lights, but how do you know with only one drop tested? She is definitely a top doc sharing findings and showing other docs findings too!
I watched Dr Ana talk about and show her evidence, and the larger group study. Where is she located? In the beginning of the roll outs, I heard the effects on people, who didn’t know one other, all talking about being or living with a person injected, and getting sick, weird symptoms, bleeding, etc. I tried to dissuade my daughter from having her father visit us. He invited himself, but would come with my adult son, both got jabbed 1-2 weeks prior. Neither were asked to get them- her father is a CEO, my sons in tech and was working at home.
She said ‘why aren’t we seeing people dropping dead if it’s true?’
I said, ‘we are, but there will be more as it’s designed to work over time and target peoples weaknesses’. That’s about all I knew 2 1/2 years ago. We live rurally, in a beautiful wilderness, so barely get exposed to people. They visited my home and I could not not hug my own son, who looked terrible, but acted fine, and I told him my concerns with the fact he made that decision. He said it was because he wanted to go to Hawaii. My daughter and I got sick the day after they left. We’ve never been the same. My son came down with something a couple months later he nearly died from.
I live with my elderly father who is triple-jabbed. I’m around him literally every day and I’ve never had any weird symptoms or health issues because of it. I think some people are more susceptible or more resistant to “shedding” than others. I’ve also read that certain blood types (O+, O-) are more resistant to Covid. I have O- blood. I’ve had Covid at least twice before, but each time, it wasn’t anything worse than a bad cold.
You must remember - the vaxxes are not uniform. A considerable percentage were placebos, by design.
Mosquito bites?
Not to mention all the other contaminants found in every batch of Covid vaccines... the medical testimonies happening recently in the SC hearings regarding the shots are eye opening.
Injection allows the rna to be transcribed into cells and alter dna, creating never ending spike protein. Proteins acquired through shedding can be cleared over time, dna is not altered.
I wonder about that though and have addressed this with her and Horvath. There are so many outside the system whose blood wouldn't be tested. I'm not saying it isn't true. I just don't think anyone can really know.
where do you think the hatred for humanity comes from ? the inspiration, plans, organization ? Obviously, we have people servicing dark -The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
They lost me at “pay for more information.” Anybody who is really concerned about informing civilation about impending global doom doesn’t put it behind a paywall. Imo.
Gotta keep the kids fed and the wife clothed.
Agree This is too important
When you listen to the interview, their best guess is Evil using a 'meteor strike' look like a natural event when in actuality is a directed energy event, as with Lahaina Maui. Key word is 'potential'. If enough people become aware of this plan, can we disarm it and arrest them instead. Am praying that yes we can thwart it.
I have a hard time even listening to that guy. Can someone just tell us in a nutshell what he thinks is coming? One hour of him would make my head explode.
In a nutshell what they think is coming is something catastrophic. But they don't know what. Not sure when. Don't know who is behind it. Not sure where it is going to happen, but one remote viewer said 'west coast' and that sounds right to Clif High.
They don't want to instill fear, they are doing this (video letting people know) in hopes that enough of will know and enough eyes will be on 'them' (but we don't know who 'they' are) that it will put enough pressure on 'them' so that 'they' change their plans and don't carry out the catastrophic event, whatever it might be.
You were the smart one to not waste an hour of your precious life listening to their vagaries.
Thank you, Donna, for the well written response.
I find Clif accurate for content but not always on his dates. He predicted COVID, it came through his data as Sun disease. Corona ~ Sun, the timing was off but you can't deny it was a major event in everyone lives.
I have all Clif's reports. He was the reason I got into crypto in 2016.
Clif is not for everyone, but I find his musings highly informative and entertaining.
I believe remote viewers exist and are being utilized by both good and evil. Much like spiritual mediums, some people have abilities that others have not “yet” tapped into.
The astral world is full of trickery. Imagine a mall filled with spirits, many of whom enjoy misguiding and tricking humans that are still alive and still have the free will to save themselves from eternal damnation. They, themselves, know they are damned. Now imagine they want to help humans escape that hell and escape the suffering. They don’t want that! They don’t care about humans and use the astral world to deceive and misguide those that are thrilled they can play there. Tarot cards, Quiji boards, and the reading of tea leaves are the same. Not a place to visit to learn the truth.
I listened to many Cliff's presentations, and at some point stopped.... Too far, for my mind, and do not agree with lot of his stuff. Just wonder if Greg believes in it?
Btw. didn't CIA, which runs this world, get rid of all those 'special people', or let say trained people because their actions wouldn't result in their wanted outcome?
btw. prefer to listen to banjo music...
This is the goal of this interview. To stop these psychopath Evil idiots wanting to destroy and kill us all. If you shine a Light on the Evil brewing, "they" usually back down. Do you think anyone in their right mind would want to be proven right?
Yes, on the CIA, they mention this towards the end.
I’m starting to wonder if the CIA started saying that remote viewing doesn’t work the same way that they said that mind control (MKULTRA) didn’t work.... We know the mind control experiments never ended, they may haven gotten something productive from remote viewing but want to hide that from us.
here is what 'they' do if you know/'see' too much: https://rense.com/general9/stranged.htm
and start telling where and what CIA has...
That was the BEST viewer, Pat Price, the others top researchers, in particular Puthoff, fans of Scientology, etc. , are enjoying their lives. There was other scientist, Elizabeth Rauscher who WAS the real 'Einstein' at SRI on that topic, she had big dreams to build a real Tesla Tower, like the one Nikola Tesla built on Wardenclyffe in 1906, on the east coast, but she strangely died on July 3, 2019, similar to Kary Mullis... The tower was build by Viziv Technologies in collaboration with Baylor University while developing methods of wireless electricity distribution over long distances...
When you have deaths happening, you know something is real.
Do you have more info on Viziv and their tower? Trump’s uncle grabbed Tesla’s papers at the behest of the US gov’t and I suspect “they’ve” figured out Tesla’s weapon and free electricity. Tesla was the smartest man in the world; Thomas Edison destroyed/cancelled him.
just duckduckgo for the two brothers CORUM and Tesla Tower, just be careful, many sites are completely hacked, it is 'free energy'... What I'm getting on 'my computer' is few links, for example:
abd many more...
Thank you for the links. What I'm reading from a quick scan is a method for tapping into the energy of the atmosphere, similar to what creates lightning, and transmitting it through the ground throughout the earth for use by anyone that has the proper equipment to tap into electricity. Is that about the size of it? Looks like the Corum brothers are working on the transmission equipment. Haven't found more information on the Wardenclyffe Tower copy. Still looking...
I had thought the W-Tower, invented by Tesla, was going to use the rotation of the Earth and the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. It now appears that the W-tower was a power absorber placed into the atmosphere, and a grounding plate deep within the Earth (explaining the huge foundation of the W-Tower) which makes more sense to me.
Rockefeller didn't like the idea of making money off the power receivers at the point of use. He wanted something that required continuous purchase providing him and his family with a continuous money stream. It would be like buying a car that didn't break and having free gasoline for life. Not a capitalistic model. Free energy = smarter people = freer people. Just look at the impact a 25% increase in fuel costs does to the American spending habits.
Can you imagine a world that had an unlimited supply of electricity that could be used to provide an unlimited supply of clean water throughout the world?
"btw. prefer to listen to banjo music..."
Love that! I suppose you might mean you hate banjo music.
now I get your user name... NO, of course not, wasn't it clear from the context?? I like VERY MUCH the sound of that round box with the attached strings.
What do you mean you get my username?
I just thought it could be taken either way. I couldn't know.
WE NEED THIS UNITING --- IT IS TIME CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS. --- OUR RIGHTS WILL NOT BE COMPROMISED BY UNLAWFUL POLITISHITS WE MUST BAN THE DEMOCRAT TERRORISTS NOW ALL OF THEM . - UNITE WE THE GODLY AMERICAN PEOPLE UNITE WITH GODS LIKE MINDED CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS OR DIE DEMONICRAT SLAVES🙏 --- THESE ILLEGAL unmandates ARE COMMUNIST CRAP ILLEGAL TO OUR USA CONSTITUTION ON OUR USA LAND FORCED UPON US BY ILLEGAL USURPER DEMONICRAT INFILLTRATED BY COMMUNIST CHINA ETC,,,,. WE WILL NOT COMPLY -- clowse schwaubstikka is a communist it is our duty to take out any form of communist terrorists foreign and domestic IN or OUT Of OUR AMERICAN GOVT. ARM UP AGAINST THESE EVILS WE ARE ABIDING BY OUR LAWS OUR CONSTITUTION BECAUSE OF OUR CORRUPT TREASONOUS COMMUNIST INFILTRATED GOVT. WHICH IS PERFECTLY WRITTEN WE CAN FIGHT CONMMUNISM IT IS WRITTEN. THE DEMONICRATS ARE COMMUNISTS BY AIDING AND ABETTING illegals, izlam, china ,blm, antifa etc.,,,, THIS IS OUR AMERICA NOT NAZI schwaubstikka, gates, USURPER joes CCP etc..,,,,AMERICA DO NOT COMPLY UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED CITIZENS UNITE. And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword should sell his garment and buy one. ⚔ UNITE WITH GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND ALL THE LORDS BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, PRAY FOR ALL AND PREP SAVE THE CHILDREN --- The Glory of His Majesty “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” — Psalm 96:3 🙏 “Preach the Gospel” “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” — Mark 16:15 🙏 ---- Luke 22:36 ----- New International Version He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
Seen what’s under many Walmarts? They’ve got ALOT more in store for us.
I see anything with that much of the text in all caps and I just keep scrolling past it. Way too hard to read a huge solid single paragraph block of all caps with no real punctuation, just made up multiple consecutive periods and/or commas (WTH is that supposed to mean?)
So I think Dick Allgire’s group thought it might be a volcanic eruption. Clif thinks it will be a directed energy weapon masquerading as an asteroid (the Rods of God) to target at 3 possible locations although he names only two: 1) the Denver airport or 2) Cheyenne Mountain. However, what about the New Madrid fault line?
A directed energy weapon that would cause a massive earthquake along the New Madrid Seismic Zone would destroy Middle America and the Mississippi River valley and split the country in half.
The Pentagon’s New Super Weapon Is Basically a Weaponized Meteor Strike
They both mention the IceCube neutrino detector in Antarctica
Eric Hecker - Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon
Whistleblower Claims Antarctica IceCube Laboratory has Energy Weapons that Can Cause Earthquakes
Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
The infamous New Madrid Fault will take out 150 miles of the Midwest and will end up more devastating than the San Andreas Big One which is also overdue!
The New Madrid fault line - more than 90-days out though: 4/8/2024 - total eclipse - 'X' marks the spot: https://vimeo.com/835620596 - crosses the same path as the 2017 eclipse -
My birthday is 4/8. 😀 Everyone thinks that the New Madrid fault is completely dormant. But, people living just north of the Florida/Alabama state line, in or around the Brewton/Flomaton, AL. area, have experienced small earthquakes on a pretty regular basis. And on December 12, 2018, people living in northern Alabama, experienced a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. I know that pales in comparison to what people living in Japan or California experience on a regular basis, but it’s still something. I’m sure it would be fairly easy for the evil-doers to use their “tools” to create one of the worst natural disasters in human history in and around the New Madrid Fault region. 😕
April 8th, The Day Of Conscience according to Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers Secret Language of Birthday's. That day's tarot card is STRENGTH - a woman holding a lion's mouth open. - I was planning to go there - I saw the eclipse in 2017 - but I think not now.
Well I’m one of the people that know it’s not dormant. Quite a few nuclear power plants along the fault line. That would be a crisis. Earthquake takes out ‘green energy’ as result of 7.0 quakes?? Due to a DEW attack from outer space? I would prefer they blow Yellowstone, but the damage would be too massive. However, that caldera is primed to blow. Buh bye Denver if it does.
7 years between the 2 eclipses signifies a traditional Judaic/Christian period of repentance. The Day of Divine Mercy happens to be Sunday April 7, the day immediately before the day of the 2nd eclipse. Divine Justice will follow the time of mercy (see St. Faustina’s diary.)
Wow! A "double cross"
Map New Madrid Seismic Zone
Science of the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Debunked? What is the full extent of the damage that could be done by directed energy weapons?
Debunked: Leaked US Navy Map, New Madrid, Submerged US
US Navy's Earth Changes Flood Map of America, Earth Changes Maps, New Madrid Earthquake Zone: What Does the Navy Know?
Overlap of the Paths of Eclipse2017 and Eclipse2024 - They cross in the heartland!
The double cross across the Heartland?
It’s even more bizarre. A comet will be visible during the 4/8/24 total solar eclipse.
Guess what else. The New Madrid earthquake of 1811-1812 was preceded by the appearance of a great comet which was brightest during the earthquake.
Tecumseh's Comet and the Battle of Tippecanoe
A Comet will be visible during the 2024 total Solar Eclipse
When Mississippi Ran Backwards: Empire, Intrigue, Murder and the New Madrid Earthquakes
Wow. Not your first day on the search engine, eh? That was as accurate as it was fast. Thanks for dropping the links and have a great week. Oh, BTW, Clif dropped this follow up a few hours ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKlWS3zz9rQ
LOL; you should have seen the links I could find in the "good old wild west days" of the internet in the early 2000's. I was a member of the original no planers
We were into energy weapons even back then; I was home on 9/11; Judy Wood -- the "dustification" of the towers; did manage to find an early military link of cloaking; I was home on 9/11; I remember all those white orbs (cloaked aircraft) flying in and out of clouds around on the twin towers on 9/11; lots of chemtrails for them to hide in. There were no planes; they were edited into the footage I began watching right after the first "hit". later I remember seeing what I thought were blackbirds darting to and fro. due to the scale; looking back I believe they were flying triangles; that was their test run of their energy weapons; they used them in the Iraq war; there was a video (long scrubbed) called the "mile of death" where I saw the same kind of devastation that one can see in Hawaii.
Throughout history comets have been seen as harbingers of death and destruction – the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Comets and Contagion: Evolution, Plague, and Diseases from Space
Comet Pons-Brooks: A comet to watch! (Tecumseh's Comet?)
It would seem that the Rods of God would be the most likely weapon to be used to simulate an asteroid strike. I think Clif mentioned the Rods of God.
These Air Force ‘rods from God’ could hit with the force of a nuclear weapon
Could a geosynchronous satellite (orbital defense platform) appear as a “comet” in the sky over its intended target?
Orbital defense platform
What Satellite Attack Weapon Might The US Reveal Soon? https://breakingdefense.com/2021/08/what-satellite-attack-weapon-might-the-us-reveal-soon/
Hi Carol, Thank you for sharing those links. I wasn't familiar with some of them.
Injections aren’t the only tool used against humanity (chemtrails, fake food, fluoride, etc). But it’s a nice thought nonetheless.
You're right about that. Difficult to avoid entirely. I'm pretty sure i miss all the fluoride with my water, no glyphosate for me (no grains, legumes, etc), chemtrails are a mix but lots of light and heavy metals. Dimataceous earth taken daily on an empty stomach will help rid of most, especially aluminium.
As far as I know, after Clif totally whiffed on 2012 Jeff Rense has never had him back on his show. I am open to alternative ideas but IMO Clif is a high IQ bullshit artist. I have listened to Dick for years on Rense. I think he is sincere. I don’t know what I think about remote viewing. Sorta like Roswell.
I am not familiar with Jeff Rense (my search keeps showing the name Reece instead). Please enlighten me!🤓
I wondered if you read your feed. Sometimes I think feeds are designed just to amp people up to pure insanity.
It gets ugly sometimes
Yeah it certainly does. It makes me wonder if the Earth should just give us the heave ho.
I love the Earth, humans not so much.
I didn't really mean that. Just have had some really nasty experiences with people I know on here. It can be pretty dispiriting the way people behave. But then there's a bright spot and I'm so thankful.
I think some people are Feds, like you said, and others have never learned to socialize in real life. I also have a love/hate relationship with humanity.
I listen to Jeff’s radio show on the Rense Radio Network on the MyTunerRadio app.
Remote viewing? Sounds like contacting the spirit world - the kind you do with an Ouija board ..................
Yes, it is demonic divination.
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, (Deut 18:10)
Or the kind the CIA has been researching for decades?
Does doing research change the kind?
Maybe that’s part of the reason the CIA is so evil today? Played in Lucifer’s backyard expecting to be immune to his powers?
I just saw Clif’s video and my takeaway is that 81 is going to happen no matter what. Whether it’s Scenario A, B, C or D the outcome is still going to be 81 in magnitude (13x worse than 9/11). If we can stop A from happening, then B will unfold. Stop B… C will be unleashed, etc. In essence, it’s check mate. We (the good guys) can’t compete against billionaires, space weapons, invisible wars, CME’s, ELE space rocks, etc. It would be super awesome if us plebs would stop arguing with each other and exhibit more compassion to one another since we’re on the same side and all. But I know, it’s just wishful thinking.
The only thing that brings me solace in all this doom is knowing that the bad guys (and all their loved ones) will ultimately lose this game - and lose big. Like that old saying goes: the more you have, the more you have to lose. And when their time is up, no one will miss them. They’ll go down in history as people who contributed nothing to mankind. Wealth has duped them into believing karma will spare them. On the contrary, they are destined to be defeated by the same tools being used against us.
Glad you like Clif, I've watched him for years. This interview was so fascinating!