Antarctica is not what most people think. It is made up of a ring of ice surrounding the plane of earth. Read the Book of Enoch. Everything these demons have told us throughout all of history is a lie. HIS STORY

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The book of Enoch is a book written by Gnostics, which means it's basically fiction with Biblical sounding vernacular.

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You mean the bible is fiction, because the jews plagiarized what was written in stone about mankind's history thousands of years before the jew boys claimed they were the chosen ones.

You need to study what was written first about mankind's history, not the jews, Greeks and Romans tales. Before you read the entire bible you need to study the Sumerian Tablets, Emerald Tablets and The Nag Hammadi library is a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts. Then you will know what missing, plagiarized and made up in the bibles.

Try to find the original texts that the bible quoted from - the don't exist. Why do you think they banned the Book of Enoch and 100s of other books and testaments from their version. Heck they even made up the name Jesus.

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If esoterica is your thing, enjoy. See how it all works out when Jesus comes very soon.

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Revelation 22:12-13, where Jesus says He is coming soon, and He is the Alpha and the Omega. who wrote that and when? where is the original text proofing, he said that? This includes others that made the same claim. Be careful what the professional story tellers told you.

I depend on the very first written accounts not what someone told me.

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But if they don't exist, as you said, how can you depend on them?

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For years I have asked clergy to produce or guide me to the original documents for those that made statement in the bible. silence was always the response.

Then I show them what was written and when that still exist today.

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Who's they that don't exist?

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Maybe the accounts you are reading are satanic

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No the god in the jews bible seems to be Satanic, not the first texts of the history of mankind.

Here is a sampling of the god in the bible that the jew boys wrote about.

Note: I know and do believe there is a Creator God, the Jews god is surly not mine.

Murder, Rape & Pillage at Jabesh -gilead

(Judges 21:10 - 24 NLT)

Murder, Rape & Pillage of the Midiantes

(Numbers 31: 7 - 18 NTL)

More Rape & Pillage (Deuteronomy 20:10- 14)

The Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28 - 29 NAB) Q What kind of lunatic would make a Rape victim marry her attacker. Ans; the Jews god.

Sex Slaves (Exodus 21:7 - 11 NTL)

God assists Rape and plunder (Zechariah 14:1 - 2 NAB)

The following passages shows the slaves are to be bought and sold like livestock. (Leviticus 25:44 - 46 NLT)

Next passages describe how Hebrew slaves are to be treated. (Exodus 21:2 - 6 NTL) Q, Did you notice how they got a male Hebrew slave to become a permanent slave by keeping his wife and children hostage until he says he wants to become a permanent slave. What kind of family values are they? So, what's the Christian New Testament say. Does Jesus approve of slaves? You would think he has a much different view. Slaves obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. (Ephesians 6: NTL)

Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teachings will not be shamed. (Timothy 6:1 - 2 NLT)

How about Beat the Slaves (Luke 12:47 - 48 NLT)

The following passages are a very small percentage of the total passages. Approving of murder in the Bible. Yes, Capital Punishment Crimes. Kill people who don't listen to the priest. (Deuteronomy 17 12 NTL)

Kill Witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

Kill homosexuals. (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers (2 chronicles 1:12 - 13 NAB)

Kill False Prophets (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

Kill the Entire Town if one person worships another god. (Deuteronomy 13:13 - 19 NLT)

More Rape plus Baby Killing (Isaiah 13:1 - 18 NLT)

What happened to Moses 10 Commandment? did the Jews also borrow and embellish those statements from the Egyptian Book of the Dead written before the jews invented themselves. Again, not my Creator God he would never tell the people of these evil things to do.

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You're mistaken, the 'jews' didn't copy anything... God's doctrines and traditions already existed before any pagan tribe even existed... already we can see that Abel was sacrificing lambs to God, following a specific ritual... Noah and his children continued those doctrines and traditions, and this in a time where 'jews' didn't even exist; They only came to exist at the time of Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel... and by the way, they were never called 'jews', but either israelites or according to the tribe they belonged - Jesus isn't a 'jew', but a judean from the tribe of Judah!

So you see, the israelites copied nothing from 'stones'.

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And BTW this is some just some of what the Jews god allows and promotes. Remember their words not mine.

Note: I know and do believe there is a Creator God, the Jews god however, is surly not mine.

Murder, Rape & Pillage at Jabesh -gilead

(Judges 21:10 - 24 NLT)

Murder, Rape & Pillage of the Midiantes

(Numbers 31: 7 - 18 NTL)

More Rape & Pillage

(Deuteronomy 20:10- 14)

The Laws of Rape

(Deuteronomy 22:28 - 29 NAB)

Q What kind of lunatic would make a Rape victim marry her attacker. Ans; the Jews god.

Sex Slaves

(Exodus 21:7 - 11 NTL)

God assists Rape and plunder

(Zechariah 14:1 - 2 NAB)

The following passages shows the slaves are to be bought and sold like livestock.

(Leviticus 25:44 - 46 NLT)

Next passages describe how Hebrew slaves are to be treated.

(Exodus 21:2 - 6 NTL)

Q, Did you notice how they got a male Hebrew slave to become a permanent slave by keeping his wife and children hostage until he says he wants to become a permanent slave. What kind of family values are they?

So, what's the Christian New Testament say. Does Jesus approve of slaves? You would think he has a much different view.

Slaves obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear.

(Ephesians 6: NTL)

Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teachings will not be shamed.

(Timothy 6:1 - 2 NLT)

How about Beat the Slaves

(Luke 12:47 - 48 NLT)

The following passages are a very small percentage of the total passages.

Approving of murder in the Bible. Yes, Capital Punishment Crimes.

Kill people who don't listen to the priest.

(Deuteronomy 17 12 NTL)

Kill Witches

(Exodus 22:17 NAB)

Kill homosexuals.

(Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers

(2 chronicles 1:12 - 13 NAB)

Kill False Prophets

(Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

Kill the Entire Town if one person worships another god.

(Deuteronomy 13:13 - 19 NLT)

More Rape plus Baby Killing

(Isaiah 13:1 - 18 NLT)

What happened to Moses 10 Commandment? LOL again, this is not my Creator God, I read their bible. The chosen ones LMOL at that fairy tale.

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See? That's exactly what I mean. A godless man trying to understand something he never read and studied properly... plus without the faith in you, logically you're going to miss the big picture in everything. Maybe you believe in evolution? That your ancestors were monkeys?

A short explanation why entire tribes were erased by the ISRAELITES at God's command [israelites were never called 'jews', but either israelites or according to the tribe each belonged - Jesus was a judean from the tribe of judah]... Those pagan tribes weren't erased because they were pagan, but because they were nasty tribes who were always trying to kill the israelites and were always engaged in the most diabolical and atrocious vices, rituals and murders... including those of children. The type of tribes who worshipped Baal and sacrificed their children to him, throwing the children into a fiery oven... nice, hey?

This is just one example of your lack of knowledge, and therefore discernment. St Paul correctly stated that catholicism is a 'stumbling block' to unbelievers! Your words fulfil St Paul's words!!!

How do you want to understand something you never spent time researching?

Take care, amigo... no hard feelings!!!

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My creator would never do or say what the jews god commands. NEVER.

Sleep well in your ignorance. You have been had big time by the inventors of religion. I will stay with the documented facts.

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Yes, A godless man named Moses. Read what he did to the people after he claimed to have received the 10 commandments. LOL at you again.

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Catholicism didn't didn't come into existence until hundreds of years after the Apostle Paul. Did you mean the Pharisees?

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God assists in 'rape and murder'? Seriously? My LORD allowed people to do as they would..and for the Israelis, He directed them to obey His Law and they said they would. You are reading the history of the nation of Israel and you are blaspheming our LORD also. Beware...I am warning you sincerely; One day soon you will stand before Him and give account of your words. It would be best for you if you turn to Him and believe that He sent His Son to die for your sins and He rose the third day as proof you are forgiven. However you must realize that YOU are the sinner and not the judge and you need the forgiveness that He offers you. Time is short...you better get serious with the LORD.

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Their god is not my God Creator that would never do what the Jews god did.

Here are some of my God's attributes.

My God is God Is Infinite – He is Self-Existing, Without Origin. My God Is Good – My God Is Merciful – My God Is Loving – God Infinitely, Unchangingly Loves Us He is Infinitely, Unchangeably Compassionate and Kind He Is Infinitely, Unchangingly Kind and Full of Good Will - My God Is Gracious – God Is Infinitely Inclined to Spare the Guilty - My God Is Just – He Is Infinitely, Unchangeably Right and Perfect in All He Does - My god is Immutable – He Never Changes. My God Is Self-Sufficient – He Has No Needs - My God is Omnipotent – He Is All Powerful - My God Is Omniscient – He Is All-Knowing - My God Is Omnipresent – He Is Always Everywhere - My God Is Wise – He Is Full of Perfect, Unchanging Wisdom - My God Is Faithful – He Is Infinitely, Unchangingly True -

Remember, I didn't write what they put in their bible. about their god. So, your comment to me is in error. Compare my God to their god's documented actions.

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Richard, we are divided enough over stuff. Please Sir, let everyone keep believing what they believe until they can't believe it anymore. You and me and the rest of us have bigger issues in our face as we all can see from the Reese reports. Take care now.

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What is God's name could be more important than activating our Republic with a Republican form of government in each and every State as guaranteed by the USA Constitution. Speak Up! This is where the remedy begins for all of us to capture what is owed to us.

I will never be silent with the truth - unlike YOU.

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Don't bet on that, do not let them fool, you with their false religion.

Let us start with what is true and verifiable if you choose to take the time to study rather than being told a narrative.

Genesis account was written thousands of years before there was a so-called Jew or Hebrew. This includes the 3 powerful ones as Anu, Enki and Enlil, their Eden, Adam as their first man created in their image/likeness, the announcement of a Great Flood, to building an Ark, collect animals, chosen family members to survive the flood boarding the ark, and the release of a bird in search of land. How's that and no Jew boys were around then? So, thousands of years later the jews knew of these accounts and wrote their version to control their people with a religion instead of telling them the history of mankind as it was known after the fall of Babylon. Do you know who the jews claim to be descendants of? Hint, they were from Sumer and agreed to become jews. They carried the stories of the great and powerful ones with them.

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Mate, I'm a book reader, I've got literally hundreds of books in my laptop and many physical books as well... many of them written by the other side of an issue, because you cannot know your enemies if you don't know what's going on in their minds. I've read books about what atheists said, what new age pagans have said, what the luciferian cabalist talmudists said, etc, etc... My religion is the true ones simply because it's the only one with continuity in history, catholicism is the natural successor of the ancient Mosaic Law [judaism is pharisaism], the only institution on earth which has survived 2023 years! Do you think this is a coincidence???

So, I'm not told no narrative... I research and study many issues!!!

I believe it's you who's lacking research... big time; have you ever read the works of the early church fathers, their disciples, the works of the saints, doctors of the church, popes, seers, etc, etc? For your information, there's tons and tons of evidence within the so-called Magisterium of the Church... including tons of evidence of miracles performed by God throughout time.

A tiny simple example, Lourdes in France has like a Committee formed by catholics, protestants, atheists, etc which have analysed the many miracles happened there... stuff that science cannot explain. Another tiny example, Portugal october 1917... 70.000 people saw the miracle of the sun and other phenomena... among them atheists and freemasons who decided to go there with the aim of mocking the entire thing; well, they went back to Lisbon converted - this as recorded in the portuguese newspaper "O Século"!

Another small example, the Catholic Church is the only one to have saints with "uncorrupted bodies", aka, their bodies weren't corrupted by natural decay, plus some emanate a smell of flowers, some of roses... and no, no one touched these bodies, no one removed organs in order to preserve the body, as happens with the body of Lenin - scientists [atheists as well] have confirmed this, inexplicable to science.

I did write to someone in this conversation exactly that: that before the israelites came to existence, God already had passed down doctrines and traditions for His children to follow and obey; I gave the example of Abel, who was already sacrificing lambs to God, according to a ritual taught by God.

But that doesn't mean much as to whom wrote such and such book... example? God revealed oceans of information about the creation of the world, about the ancient times, about the lives of Jesus and His Mother, about heaven, hell, purgatory and so many things to a german saint called Anne Catherine Emmerich. God has revealed tons of other things to tons of other catholic saints, seers, popes, doctors of the church, etc, etc throughout the centuries, from the time of Jesus until NOW.

Those who never researched the history of the Catholic Church are not qualified to talk about her, since they know NOTHING!!! Nothing at all!!!

Don't waste your time with protestants... they pick and choose what is more convenient to them, according to what they "like". Religion isn't about 'liking', it's about obeying!!!

You have been infected with that conditioning that religion is about "control".

This is a propaganda lie fabricated by the jewish luciferian cabalists of the synagogue of satan.

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I read a very good book about Catholicism. It was called "A Woman Rides the Beast". Read the 17th chapter of the Book of Revelation. You'll get a picture of the church in Rome.

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Here is a list books and white papers we had to study in college: Daniel Schmitz 1500s, George Smith/Henry Rawlinson/Leonard Willian King 1800s and later in the 70s Zacharia Sitchin. My mentors were Archeologist and Geologist. Years of research including years of working in the Middle East working with the Jordanians and Egyptian Copts. Our tasks as students were to connect the dots of commonalities between the oldest accounts and newest and their deltas.

We even studied Enoch, Elijah, Ezekiel, for their travel into space with ETs. Yin and Yang guys?We - mankind lost a lot more during the 2003 invasion, artifacts were stolen describing the origins of mankind. This would also destroy the false narratives of Religion.

Key Artifacts Gone from Mesopotamia – Iraq – Assyria – Babylonia – Sumerian - Arcadia also stolen artifacts sold to Americans and British by ISIS and Iraqi freed prisoners were selling them back to the highest bidder...

In the Book of Genesis, it describes the Elohim the Powerful ONES and their Ruach. Do you know who some of them were, I know the ones in the Middle East /Egypt.

Yes, the powers that be are still fighting us to stop all from not knowing the truth of mankind's beginnings. Within the next 18 mos more info will come from new discoveries (Coniform Texts) found a Gobekli Tepe. It may be more related to Atlanteans and or Thoth who reigned for thousands of years.

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I too have studied much starting with the Sumerian Tablets, Gilgamesh, Emerald Tablets and Egyptian Book of the Dead. and I know exactly where the jews got their versions from. This includes the ones (Anu, Enki, Enlil) that said let us make man, created Eden and Adam then Eve, the Ark, the flood, the Ark Captain aka Noah, the baby Moses account and more written first.


False in one thing, false in all things.

It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.

Fraud and justice never dwell together.

Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.

Fraud is most hateful to law.

A mandate of an illegal thing is void.

Remove the foundation, the work falls. See, I removed the jews false foundation and know who their god is..

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Many if not all ancient civilizations have stories that you can find in the Bible. Norse, Greek, Chinese. You can find these stories in other civilizations throughout the world because the stories were handed down through tradition. Noah’s ark is on mount Ararat. There’s a ton of facts validating the truth of the Bible. Ironically, you’re the one listening to lies calling it absolute truth.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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There is no ark on Mt. Ararat. Where are your facts of that proven discovery. Post them!

And Noah wasn't his name, they changed that too.

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The Bible is GOD'S word regardless of whether you like it or believe it. Now IS the time to decide who you will follow. THE LORD GOD or HIS and our enemy satan

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It was a book written prior to the Torah as Enoch - great grandfather of Noah - shared truth and the Catholic Church squashed it as t was a threat t their narrative/manipulation/lies

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The catholic church is a champion of including gnostic books in their "Bibles." When the KJV was researched and created, there were 200 scholars that parsed and tested among each other to find the best and most accurate translations of manuscripts, and to reject those that did not meet scrutiny. No other Bibles or manuscripts have gone through such scrutiny. This was a large pool of experts who checked and double-checked each other.

Neither you or I have the knowledge or capability to know more than they did, and to decide we like what these gnostic books say. It's like all of satan's deceptions, they sound real authentic, but they have lies, subtle and not so subtle, from begninning to end. And most of all, like the Bible says, they provide stuff that "tickles the ears," which National Enquirer type personalities love.

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Yes, 1500 years after Jesus, MAN came and decided that everything in the past was wrong or inaccurate, yes? If it wasn't for the Catholic Church, you protestants wouldn't have a bible... and it was impossible for the world to have protestants before 1500 AD... want to know why?

Because printing was only invented in late 15th century, so common people didn't have bibles!!! If you wanted to read the bible, you had to go to church and read it... the Church had to chained them to avoid being either stolen or destroyed, not because the Church wanted to 'control what people think' [sic]... what an ignorant stupid accusation!!!

You don't even know that the KJV is a masonic bible, do you? yes, it was rosicrucian and freemason Francis bacon who finalized and put that bible together, at request of also rosicrucian and freemason King James I, the son of the most evil queen in history: Elizabeth I, who established a protestant anglican dictatorship and killed more people than all the Tudors and Stewarts put together.

And my friend, that exactly there the main problems with protestants: the bible and biblical books aren't to "like" or not, but to obey. Luther and the other protestant rebels [not reformers] disobeyed Rev 22:18-19 by removing books from the bible... Luther even wanted to remove more books, those which have priestly doctrines and traditions - how convenient, hey? I guess Luther didn't "like" those books, because the reality is, Jesus never abolished the priesthood, nowhere in scripture says the priesthood was abolished; on the contrary, the book of Hebrews explains well how the priesthood was changed in nature, from a bloodline of Levites to a spiritual call from God!!!

You people claim to be so 'spiritual', but in reality you people kill everything that is spiritual in scripture.

The true bible hasn't got any gnostic book... where did you get that gibberish from? I have heard endless accusatory fabrications coming from protestants, but that one is a first... you protestants are called that because you are always protesting biblical truths... it's like each of you pick and choose what to follow according to what you "like", isn't it???

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Yes, there's always someone bashing the Catholic Church... yes, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church chose which books were genuine or not to include in the Old Testament... the same type of aid the israelites had from God the Father during their journey through the desert and afterwards.

And by the way, the jewish luciferian cabalists of the synagogue of satan's historical mortal enemy is exactly the Catholic Church... they know which Church is genuine and those which are not... Do you need proof of judeo-masonic words on this?

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The gnostics were in New Testament times. The Book of Enoch was written much earlier than the Christian era.

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Exactly my friend... I'll be more specific... gnosticism is the jewish luciferian cabala dressed with christian terminology. You see, before Jesus, the luciferian cabalist talmudists fooled the majority of the israelites into following the Babylonian Talmud [whore of babylon] instead of obeying the Mosaic Law. As Jesus came and left us doctrines and traditions, the luciferian cabalist talmudists had to invent a way to fool the new christians... they started inventing "gnosticism"...

So the book of enoch is a jewish luciferian cabalist fabrication to drag people away from God the Father.


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Luis, you are extremely misguided. Your head is filled with garbage. You might try and flush it out and start over by reading and studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. If you do you will find that Roman Catholicism is a huge fraud.

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Wow... I can see you didn't spend one single minute watching the evidence I sent you that the biblical "whore of babylon" is judaism/pharisaism... not the Catholic Church. You sound like a proper stubborn protestant, who protests biblical truths. Jesus never accused a Church nor even a mosque, but a synagogue of satan composed of lying jews... or do you want to distort Jesus words as well? I'm not even pasting more quotes because you a re useless... you proties have a huge sickening PRIDE... you refuse to look into evidence sent to you... I've got dozens and dozens of quotes [many from jewish sources] showing that those behind the world conspiracy are the jewish luciferian cabalists of the synagogue of satan... even t he early church fathers wrote that the antichrist is a JEW FROM THE TRIBE OF DAN!!!

But you are a clever clogs... you think you know better than the great christians who spoke out throughout the centuries.

After all, your 'faith' was only what? 500 years ago? Man made traditions, remember?

Ah... enough said... I'm wasting my time!!!

Knowledge is power, and you lack it... read books, alright?

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Luis, you are so full of it and have no idea of how ignorant you are. Maybe even stupid. Your arguments are so shot full of holes. If I had time I will explain things to you but we would really have to go back to square one because you are warped in your thinking and you have completely misunderstood scripture. You might try and do some research about Catholicism. It did not exist at the time of the apostles. It's history is filled with corruption and pedophilia. It caters to the ignorant masses. It has tortured and executed people for making the scriptures available to the Common Man. It has been involved in politics throughout its history. But I'm guessing you won't be swayed by facts. You have already decided what you want to believe.

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Have either of you considered that you're both right, in parts?

No fence-sitting allowed; Satan deceives (and divides):

There is deception woven into all of history, and false-truths guarded within secret societies and corrupt orders throughout the ages.

That deception is not limited to one nation, one religion, nor one people!

Pray for discernment; too-fervent a man's thirst for knowledge, may cross-the-line into divining, scrying, or forms of Avarice and Lust. -All of which, are invitations for 'darkness' into our lives and distractions away from The Creator.

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No you are VERY VERY wrong

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Also, in the Book of Yasher it describes the location where Enoch was taken and was no more.

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Jun 14, 2023
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Gen_5:24  And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.



25 For after the death of Adam and his wife, the garments were given to Enoch, the son of Jared, and when Enoch was taken up to God, he gave them to Methuselah, his son. 26 And at the death of Methuselah,- - - -

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No, is was edited from the bible and only given honorable mention for both J/Yasher and Enoch. The letter J didn't exist during their times.. As well the name Jesus...

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I cant believe some peoples reply's? i've read the book of Enoch the granfather of Noah. He was higher than any apostle. If you go back to the time after constantine, the amount of books that were banned. I know the truth. I've done my research. i cant be bothered with those people. I bet they dont know the the vatican building looks like a serpant, and inside you can see a dead sheep at the altar. With angel's being called down by women. I wont say no more but hey! Glory to God.

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Thank you for confirming the truth. God Bless You 🙏😇🙏

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Oh yeah... the pagan 'book of enoch'... another ruse of the jewish luciferian cabalists of the synagogue of satan to lure the uninformed and suggestible into the New Age pagan agenda.

In their ignorance, people are so naive... and the problem of people not believing in God [christian God] isn't just that they don't believe in God, but that they end up believing in ANYTHING! The book of enoch is just one example!!!

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Interestingly, it was Dr. John Dee, the original 007, and Edward Kelly who came up with the Enochian language, the Angelic Language, via scrying, and the method of summoning them. Dee & Kelly wife swapped b/c the "Angel" in the mirror told them too. Kelly died a horrible death after jumping from a tower to escape, he was crippled and thrown back in jail where he died. Dee died broke and alone.

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Ahhhh. Another point of fact in opposition to ChatGPT which is adamant it cannot be. That last Turkey earthquake was suspicious imho.

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All these new whistleblowers are puzzling. There has to be an agenda somewhere coordinating all these "revelations." What is also puzzling, is the fact that we have HAARP, and last I heard, around 40 substations around the world, maybe more by now. But, one of the uses of haarp is to generate earthquakes, which they have had the ability to do for decades now. Countries that have been hit know it, and have spoken out about it, which of course doesn't get through our MSM. Don't by the military when they tell you they left haarp to private sources.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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An agenda. Yes. There are also space-based Haarp devices.

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The whistleblower seemed a little too flippant.

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This is disinfo.

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Yeah - I saw interviews with greer about all the info that he has been gathering for decades that he would disclose in his movie and press event. My first thought was, how are he and his whistleblowers alive and their records not destroyed given the severity of what they claim to expose. I see him as a psy-op until proven otherwise.

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Greer seemed like he might be genuine at first, but recently his stuff has morphed into having meditation (more like seances) sessions, and having aliens appear in fleeting light forms, and speak to him telepathically. It's all turned into some kind of spiritualistic occultism, which puts me off listening to him anymore.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Greer can be seen and heard stating he was given a green light somewhat recently to go through with his expose from the overlords without being attacked. Yes some of his people have been killed and so was Greer almost killed but of course he has security.

Greer also stated former CIA head William Colby was killed in what was made to look like a boating accident when as Greer stated, Colby was about to hand over blueprints for zero-point energy devices.

I don't know if one would consider working getting humanity on track away from a war-based economy and using stone age tar (oil) to power everything a "psy-op" as that only makes sense to want to work towards these ends. Kaku calls the internet the beginning of a Type 1 telephone system, referring to a Type 1 level civilization. We have not even achieved that level, we're still in daycare not even in kinder.

The meditation is the way Greer communicates with these beings. Faster than the speed of light? The fastest is speed of thought which is what these evolved beings use. And from what I've heard these beings control their craft THROUGH THOUGHT. So how far down the archaic line is meditation to commensurate our not even being a Type 1 civilization?

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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I'll bet. Weapons we have not heard of or seen before. Reason why the 300 are not afraid of the Sinos because the 300 has these sci-fi weapons and devices and can easily beat back a million strong army like a Raid commercial.

Whatever they declassify is 40 years behind what they have now. CD's existed in the '60s. Science is always way in advance of what they tell the peasants.

That DOMs neutrino gear is alien technology. Reese aligned it right with the Bell and the UAP's that the Germans were puttering around the south pole since the last century. And likely beyond.

That whistle-blower looks like he's reading a script and appears to know more than he's letting on.

That link I posted on Neutrinos is surprisingly up the alley of a binary system as relates neutrinos.

Here is the abstract on that page:

Neutrinos from Binary-Driven Hypernovae:


"We analyze neutrino emission channels in energetic (1052erg) long gamma-ray bursts within the binary-driven hypernova model. The binary-driven hypernova progenitor is a binary system composed of a carbon-oxygen star and a neutron star (NS) companion. The gravitational collapse leads to a type Ic supernova (SN) explosion and triggers an accretion process onto the NS."

Serling bites on a neon:

"You are about to enter another dimension.

A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.

A journey into a wondrous land of imagination.

Next stop—The Twilight Zone."

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Probably. The technician may have been intentionally duped under the assumption he would one day blab. In the 4 Horsemen William Cooper says he suspected he might have been privy to false information about UFOs. If they have very advanced weapons why are they trying to kill off 90% of the population with shitty vaccines ?

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There is a deceiving spiritual world that is tapped into. Us Christians are safe from it. Perhaps that is why they are trying to kill off Christians with the vacs. The magicians bargain is used to contact spiritual beings. It works in Russia/South America/Europe et al. the same everywhere, the shamans use it. We as humans are not to come into contact with this world as we can never know if the being/s can be trusted. UFO's is a deception. There are no other planet beings. The Xerox machine was dictated too by such a being, the person saying he went to 'night school'. There must be so much similar interactions by so many willing to sell their souls. Quite a domain few are privy to. The only being to be feared is the one true God of the Bible. Those having their salvation in Him are safe.

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Be specific. What part is disinfo? If you summarily agree w/ Dog. His first sentence is informative about Greer "disclosing" in a movie and press even. That's okay. However, the first three words of the second and third sentences, "My first thought - - - " and "I see him - - -" are perspective of mind statements and offer no objective evidence. I'm no fan of Greer either, all perspective and "spidey" sense feel - nothing objective about my creepy feeling should be used as a basis to join another in camp because it's "feeling" and "belief" based. I'd prefer someone get the goods on him - but he's very very smart and practiced. But nothing in the video is "disinfo," it's sourced based information. If you can definitively rebut J.P. Farrell et al reports as false, then you have an argument.

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Good points, but all we have are his comments as “proof”.

Traveling faster than the speed of light? Seriously? 🚩

I followed Greer decades ago. Determined that he is quite the shill. Still trying to remove that slimy feeling…

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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I've seen many interviews with Hecker on YT over the years. He is obviously a crank and doesn't prove anything. He even claims to have been in the Stargate program as a kid. As for Greer, I think his aim is $$$.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Talk about Dr Steven Greer exposing the technology withheld from us for 100 years!!!

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Weather weapons continues. ENMOD was put there for a purpose.

But if you listen to Dane Wigington specifically in his recent interview with Maria Zeee, Wigington said all governments are involved with the weather weapons as the territory spans the globe and this is how these "leaders" control people. And many military bases are involved in triangulating microwave pulses to heat up the atmosphere. As what happened to Guam recently with Mawar, a CAT5 started right on the doorstep of the island when according to Dutchsinse back in 2013 he tracked the weather archive videos that showed the microwave pulses, mentions Guam and a few other areas that had dish equipment that generated the typhoon Haiyan that killed 10000 people in the Philippines.


Another thing to ponder is why they put infrared telescopes in Antarctica and it is likely they are tracking that dead binary that's also causing earthquakes when it wrestles electromagnetic energy while it plays a tug of war with the Sun, it's living twin.

In order to view the binary which is said to be in an orbit path that dips BELOW THE ECLIPTIC the only spot on the planet to see into below the ecliptic area is from Antarctica.

Since the binary sits in a gravity well and is invisible it can only be detected by infrared and microlensing.

We were the closest to the binary this last end of May which is said to be at a crawl within Mars' orbit path and now we head away from the binary until November when we are opposite the binary on the other side of the Sun. We watch for quakes to occur in November. We still have to hit another delicate spot in August and all this goes in 90 day increments. Within these periods we watch what the gov't and the PTB do as far as calamities/laws/wars/pandemics. Russia attacked Ukraine in the end of February which is 90 days away from the end of May. The FDA okayed the shot in August. 12-3-6-9 o'clock is one cycle.

As outsiders this is all we can do because we don't know what the PTB know since this binary coming has happened many times before and the information is not generally common knowledge. Mostly because hardly anyone survives these calamities. Note AJ brought up Shatner's Besos spiel again recently and Shroyer blurbed Guam getting hit by a "weather weapon and a cyber attack" during Mawar in his June 2 2023 Warroom show.

Hence noting there are quake machines at the south pole is not the whole story.

Wild guess those machines buried under the ice may be a "gyro" of some sort if we get snagged by the binary as it reaches perihelion to zoom out past the Sun and gets lost for thousands of years again and lays the planet on its side to recreate the days of Noah.


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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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I believe Mr. Reese already made a video in the past on the subject on Banned Videos.

"Did The NWO Use HAARP To Punish Turkey"


Here is what some folks have pointed out. First if it was done, it was easy to use plausible deniability.

" Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for actions..."

"In Turkey's case: Turkey is no stranger to strong earthquakes, as it is situated along tectonic plate boundaries. This is a well known fact that every Government knows.

The Arabian Peninsula is part of a tectonic plate that is making its way north into the Eurasian Plate, and the entire nation of Turkey is getting squeezed aside.

What makes Turkey even more vulnerable is that the movement from the Anatolian plate is essentially slipping along the fault lines of the North Anatolian fault zone, the most seismically active fault zone in the world."


Most of the largest earthquakes in the past hundred years have been along the North Anatolian Fault.

But stress has been building along another major fault: the East Anatolian Fault. That fault has seen some big earthquakes in the past, says Patricia Martínez-Garzón, a seismologist at GFZ Potsdam, a research center in Germany. But more recently, there hasn't been as much activity.

This Earthquake was along the East Anatolian Fault. So the question is did NATO/UDSA decide to place an energy into the fault for the straw to break the camel's back.


It may not have been the first time.

Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?



Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?


Ionospheric Heaters and atmospheric resonance technology




I assume everyone reading this knows of


. Less known is that HAARP is only one of several such facilities - and not the most powerful one either.

There are others, here are five:

Mu Radar - 1 megawatt facility in Japan (34°51'14.80"N 136° 6'19.45"E).

Arecibo Observatory - 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico (18°20'38.97"N 66°45'9.77"W).

HIPAS - 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks, Alaska (64°52'21.18"N 146°50'18.78"W).

Sura - 190 megawatt facility in central Russia (56° 7'10.32"N 46° 2'4.41"E).

EISCAT - 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway (69°35'1.06"N 19°12'57.11"E).

(you can copy and paste the coordinates into google maps)

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.


Last year, we looked at some fascinating data from the DEMETER spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 Haiti earthquake in January 2010

Today, Dimitar Ouzounov at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland and a few buddies present the data from the Great Tohoku earthquake which devastated Japan on 11 March. Their results, although preliminary, are eye-opening.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicenter, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicenter, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.

These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the release of large amounts of radon.

The radioactivity from this gas ionizes the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionization triggers the large-scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions.

"Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say Ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content.

It certainly makes sense that the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere are coupled in a way that can be measured when one of them is perturbed. The question is to what extent the new evidence backs up this idea. The Japan earthquake is the largest to have struck the island in modern times and will certainly turn out to be among the best studied.


A high-level Chinese military source secretly disclosed last week that the recent earthquake in Sichuan Province caused a chain-reaction of explosions in the Sichuan mountain areas. The explosions destroyed the Chinese army’s largest armory, new weapon test bases and part of nuclear facilities including several nuclear warheads. This information is considered China’s top military secret. […]

After carefully analyzing seismic data, military experts in southeast Asia confirmed a non-geological shock had occurred at the earthquake epicenter. The energy released was equivalent to that of an underground nuclear explosion.

There is not enough actual energy being outputted by ionospheric heaters to directly power an earthquake, but they don’t need that much power if they merely act as nonlinear imbalances, triggers, or redirectors of existing large natural energy flows.

Was the earthquake just a random natural event? Or was it strategically and intentionally created?

Consider this:

The official death toll was 80,000.

HAARP shut off ~8 hours before the quake struck.

Earthquake was of magnitude 8.0.

It happened on May 12th (5/12 = 5 + 1 + 2 = 8).

The earthquake occurred exactly 88 days before the Beijing Olympics.

The Olympics will begin on 8/8/08 at 8:08 PM.




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Part 2:

Other weapons that can be used:




Two things about the London Tower fire and 911 fire tragedy stand out......

1. The horror of all those victims trapped in that inferno.

2. London's poorly constructed building made from steel is still standing. Maybe Dr. Judy Wood is on to something about 911? Can anyone name any steel structures that have come down because of fire other than the towers in New York in the last 100 years?

How did the 911 Towers turn into dust?

Dr. Judy Wood:


, a former assistant professor at Clemson University, has developed compelling evidence that a directed energy weapon turned the physical matter of the World Trade Center towers into nano-particles through the process of molecular dissociation.

Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - a category used to differentiate from Kinetic Energy weapons such as explosives and nukes which do not explain the evidence. Government, media and most truth groups will not correctly discuss DEW-related evidence.


1400 Toasted Cars “Located blocks from the WTC buildings, with door handles missing, engine blocks missing, blistering on some parts of the car finish, strange rust patterns on the bodies of the cars.”

Pile of Cars Spontaneously Combusted – “In a news video, the entire pile of cars started burning spontaneously at the same time with no visible cause, it was not a fire that started in one car and spread to others.”

Rust Occurred Immediately – “On cars and trucks, and in FEMA photos there was heavy rust on steel beams – steel does not rust, and it is a slow oxidation process that results in rusting of iron. This rusting happened immediately.”

Paper Around Cars Not Burned – “Whatever ‘vaporized’ the engine blocks and the door handles on 1400 cars did not ignite fragile and flammable paper lying all over the ground around the cars. If engine blocks and door handles are selectively vaporized, why didn't the body of car vaporize?”


Seismic Record: “The energy budget recorded in the seismic record on the day of 9/11 and the collapse of the WTC buildings did not reflect the mass of building materials involved in the collapse, nor the nearly freefall of the collapsing buildings. The seismic record demonstrates an event on the scale of a quarry blast. Where was the thud [that would have accompanied a WTC building collapse]?”

Kinetic Energy: “Two robust WTC buildings with very robust steel beam reinforcement would release a sizable amount of kinetic energy from the buildings falling – that would be all of the energy that went into the construction of the WTC buildings. The release of that amount of kinetic energy is not reflected in the physical evidence on the seismic record. Into what physical process did that kinetic energy go?”

Molecular Dissociation: “The collapse of the WTC buildings produced the highest mass per volume of very fine particles (nanoparticles) ever measured in an air sample in the United States. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to dissociate or break the molecular bonds of steel, concrete and other building materials that were “powdered” into very fine particles during the collapse of the buildings.

The largest mass per volume of metals ever measured in an air sample in the US were reported by Dr. Thomas Cahill who did air monitoring for 5 months. Metal is used in buildings because it is very strong – and would require large amounts of energy to reduce it to nanoparticles. Chemical explosives do not release enough energy to produce that volume of very fine particles. A much more energetic process was involved such as laser or beam energy which releases focused and concentrated energy as complex waveforms necessary to cause molecular dissociation.”

Physical Evidence of Buildings Collapsing: “In videos of the collapses on 9/11 the WTC buildings erupted into emulsion like a drinking fountain, and the rubble did not hit the ground. Even on tape huge pieces of aluminum building siding vaporized as they were free falling, and never hit the ground.”


At the time this article was being developed, many people expressed disbelief that energy weapons existed outside of science fiction until they were reminded of the Star Wars Program, also known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)*. The name of this article was chosen as a reminder that energy weapons do exist and have been developed over 100 years. Most of this technology is classified information. It can also be assumed that such technology exists in multiple countries. The purpose of this article was to begin to identify the evidence of what happened on 9/11/01 that must be accounted for. In doing so, the evidence ruled out a Kinetic Energy Device (bombs, missiles, etc.) as the method of destruction as well as a gravity-driven "collapse."




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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Thank you link, I will watch it. It is nice you find new information.

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Wow...I see why the Talmudic World government put together a big army of 300 million capitalists and marxists, to defeat a small nation of 50 million people. When you can not compete, you destroy them and steel their knowledge. Paperclip also stole the Horten turbine aircraft, made by two 20 years old brothers in a cave and lot more...Then, the cabal who wants to rule the world had been running that secret Antartica operation for 80 years now, and the bad guys are still the Nationalist Germans, right?

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Boy you really love the NAZIs. You are always there to defend them.

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I defend a people that was attacked viciously by the same people you hate now. The ones trying to rule the world. And as well as you, I seek truth. I feel disgusted about the lies and how those lies changed the world.

Think about this...If American Patriots revolt, and fight against the 1%, they will be clash and blamed as evil, for hundreds of years. They will need to pay reparations (for something they didnt do) and their country and values will be destroy.

Dont you think your grandkid will feel bad about that?

look how easy they did it with 9/11 or 01/06. Where is the JUSTICE, the RULE of LAW? the Nuremberg trial were a shame. Did you read that? "The Germans shrink heads", " the Germans made lampshades and soap out of the skin of joos",etc, etc,etc....and people BELIEVE IT!!!!

it could happen to honest, Patriotic Americans.

(by the way..just for the record. If I d believe the H was real, I d not defend them or anybody who would do that. I hate Nobody, no race, no color. I hate no people, but their actions, their lies. I hate injustice)

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The NAZIs were funded by the same banks. I'm sure there were many good individuals, but that does not change the fact that the bankers pulled the strings and funded both sides. I don't fanboy for any bit of history, because I do not put my faith in history. But your beloved NAZIs killed some of my family, and I find it disgusting to praise them as if they are saints. Every World War is evidence of complete failure on all sides.

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Doc Mount said on his podcast that Boeing and Ford made bombers and tanks for the Nazis.


"Every World War is evidence of complete failure on all sides."


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Sorry for that...it happens at wars. Many more civilians were killed by the RAF and USAF on the (delivered) Bombings of civilians.

Anyway, what I believe it is not true, is that there were a plan to burn people in pizza ovens. They need them to work....with just simple reasoning, without reading much, you should come to the conclusion that the H is ridiculous. They didnt have time neither they were that stupid to do it that way. Eisenhower didn't give them cloths, food, shoes, or made barracks, tattoo numbers nor cut their hair...and killed 1 million POW.

do you do any video or did you see any movie about that?

was it bad to make them work in camps...Yes, Agree with you. Although Americans and Russians did it too. Marxists lot worst by the way.

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But this video has nothing to do with the Holocaust. Not a bit. It's about the NAZIs who have been running the US Military Industrial Complex. And it's about the hidden tech they've been using against 'we the people'.

I stand for 'we the people' and I view every government as a predatory animal that needs to be kept in check.

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The problem is that you can not separate NSDP from EVIL.

They had been working on the BELL, yes..also in many amazing proyects. .but once the "good" guys invade and stole everything, there were no more NSDP running anything. is NOT Nazis running a secret base against "we the people" but the evil winners of the war trying to destroys "we the people".

My point is...those Germans were "we the people" who fought against the oppression of the globalist power (deep state). Germany never plan to invade UK, US or much less they have any plan or ambition to rule or invade the world. they only want to be LEFT ALONE and defend themselves from Marxism...but uncle Sam come to the rescue of Trotsky and Stalin.

you really need a WWII detox hehehehe...Detox and start from scratch!

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And the same people who run the CIA/FBI their parents ran the Holocaust. This again according to Doc Mount he repeats this almost every podcast.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Yes, Queer Dancing NAZIs.,

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Why this is mostly nonsense. Whistleblowers lives are ruined if not rubbed out regarding acknowledged agencies. But this top secret-beyond top secret allows "whistle blowers" as a "tradesman and firefighter" in on all the deepest secrets-no non-disclosure agreements-he is allowed to blab away. Just how naïve are you folks? Probably as naive as those who buy that the defense department would allow a carrier radar recording to be allowed in the public domain with no court marshal for anyone right? The government is BEHIND the narrative! Why would they allow all of this and even confirm the "tic tac" video out with no repercussions? I was in the military with a secret security clearance-not even top secret, in special ops. I'd be in Leavenworth if I shared an MDC form to the media-an innocuous maintenance form. And you guys don't even question the Navy being OK and even confirming something as protected and guarded as radar recordings regarding an unknown threat???? They WANT you to buy the alien narrative-how can you NOT see that?????? Roswell is a perfect example-they were so secretive back then-but so butter bar lieutenant actuall CALLS the newspaper to report a crashed spaceship???? The an overt attempt at a cover up? They are playing you all so bad it's pathetic.

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IF we have FTL Flight and Communication this is treachery . Raytheon / Lockheed"Martian"/ Northrop Need to be reign in and Nationalize , until we shed light on all this paradigm Shift technology.

Ben Rich told us when he retired : We have the tech to send ET home. This was decade ago.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Excellent and revealing report. Sharing if from your Substack, God bless and protect you as the Lord encourages you to keep pressing on. Thank you Greg, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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This seems to contradict everything in the NASA videos.

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Reese is a 'Questions Man', not a 'Conclusions Man'.

One of his NASA videos did seem a little too-strongly presented, yes.

However, Reese has been clear in replies and his Sunday monologue (IIRC) that he "questions (all) things". Sometimes, he ends up entertaining 'evidence', or going a direction with it, that I do not agree with.

Regardless, I can see how it would 'come off' as disingenuous, given "the rest of the internet". IMHO, He's had a 'decent' track record, and I view his content as "thought stimulating", rather than at-face-factual. Which, seems to me (by his own statements) how he'd prefer his content be 'taken'.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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The earth is not flat. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

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We've been to the moon too; but, we've been lied to, in seemingly-incomprehensible complexity, about ALL OF IT.

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So much for a vacation during crazy week, eh? The 12th - 19th are supposed to be big impacts on Libra's. This am the moon / Jupiter conjunction before sunrise was spectacular. On the 17th Saturn goes retrograde followed by the new moon on the 18th. (On 22nd the moon, Mars & Venus conjunct for the solstice next week - the "players" who are hip are using it to their "advantage" - but someones gonna loose because there's only two poles, + & -, just like genders.) Hope you get away anyway.

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