Hello! I'm from the government and I am here to help you disappear...

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Exactly! Depopulation, starting with the red states.

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I’m in Florida! Fuck their depop jabs!

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Exactly! You stay safe during this next storm! If you are hit hard and fema comes in to fuck with you and confiscate any aide you all are getting after the storm, have your guns locked and loaded and shoot these criminals in the fucking head!

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Fuck FEMA as well! I’m good!

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I’m in Florida too and I agree! Fuck them and fuck FEMA. I see a Florida secession on the horizon…. 😊

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I agree. Praying you, my cousins, & others will stay safe!

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If you are from the gov then get the hell out /switch them off in that region all the ILLEGALLY installed wi-fi towers, including the replica of the Tesla tower in Milford TX (https://texashillcountry.com/mysterious-tesla-tower-texas/



and many more, including HAARP.)!!!!

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Our government is controlled by the Globalists and has been for decades. After 9-11 they whipped everyone up into a state of support for the Patriot Act which has spawned the governmental infrastructure to conduct all of the treasonous activity currently being spawned by our enemy, that same Globalist Government.

The rallying cry was "we're all Israeli's now," when it should have been, "we're all Palestineans now!"

Netanyahu once said that once they're finished with America, it can dry up and blow away. Well, we've arrived at that juncture.

We, the US, has played the brawn part of MasterBlaster from Mad Max, with Israel being the head. We've been used to subdue the rest of the world, particularly Africa and the Middle East, with our brawn/military power. Now it's being turned against us. The fundamentalist community fully endorses it all as if Christ would be in favor of it all. Why? Because they've believed the heretical anti-Christ teachings that assure them that they'll be spared from it all. Fools, the lot!

That's what naivete, gullibility, and cognitive dissonance will do. Most people, and in referring to the self-proclaimed "awake" here, STILL don't understand this, that they WANT and SEEK to kill 90% of the global population.

HINT: Americans are not an exception, if anything, true American citizens are the PRIMARY target.

We'll keep indulging in the latest electronic innovations and keeping ourselves preoccupied with leisurely bullshit that's on TV and streaming while the world around us burns and drowns. This is simply the beginning of an epochal horror show.

Buckle up!

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Sheep think the massive 5g towers are for better cell service, hurricanes are from climate change, oh and the syringes filled with toxic poison are for your health and well being! All orchestrated by the same people! People that control the weather and land grabs also said the sauce was safe and effective!

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It’s not a joke.

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Specially if you’re a Trumper

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Oct 8
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Evil people like Myra have no empathy. They eat their young. God will take care of them soon enough.

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Yesterday would NOT be "soon enough."

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God? What are you TALKING ABOUT?

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Exactly! Where the fuck is God!😆

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You’ll find out soon enough...

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Where is God? He is in the words, 'Thou shalt not kill.' And to Cain when he killed his brother, Abel, "Your brother's blood cries to me from the ground."

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IF this were true, they are doing a horrible job by allegedly influencing the weather. The vaccines, our food supply, war, and everyone's favorite chemtrails is much more efficient. Believing they are using weather modification to reduce the population is pure lunacy. Makes zero sense, and guess what? This is misdirection by the CIA. You swallowed the bait, hook, line, and stinker.

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There is a patent that explains what Weather-change machines can do.

They been in action since 1950's . Now perfected to go exactly to your town, if not to your house. America Patent office, do yr own research.

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Killing the American people, deliberately, is hardly some misdirection! It's, as Greg says, a direct frontal attack.

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Oh my god, take another hit off the bong! It's not really about depopulation, sir, it is about stealing our resources and our land!! Don't you know anything at all at all at all! The stupidity is amazing and half the nation is as stupid as you

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It is in fact a perfectly designed program meant to conceal its dual aims to both take land and resources and to reduce populations by various means including sterilization efforts. Honestly, there is plenty of evidence from these people themselves to prove that a portion of this is a program of eugenics and depopulation. We have people like Henry Kissinger and his NSSM 200 that then led to or was inspired by the work of others like Dennis Meadows, David Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Edmond de Rothschild and Dr. Paul Ehrlich. The Limits to Growth written in part by Dennis Meadows for the Club of Rome mirrors the sentiments of Kissinger's NSSM 200 that is also the inspiration for the World Economic Forum that more than anything has fueled efforts to support a program of soft depopulation outlined in Kissinger's memo.

Dennis Meadows is on record like Boris and Stanley Johnson stating that population is the problem and we have Bill Gates uttering the exact same, they all are in lockstep because they are educated by the same people. Bill Gates was hatched from Kissinger's young leaders program, Kissinger mentored Klaus Schwab for his own young leaders program where he has openly stated how proud the WEF is at having infiltrated many governments, they all believe the same things and are eugenists that they communicate to the world in coded language because they know they can no longer say these things out loud. Don't call people stupid if you have not done the research to show in the words of some of these people themselves who would like the population reduced to about a billion people. Look up Dennis Meadows, he has said his hope is that people would choose to keep their numbers down willingly, he is on record saying that it would most likely have to be done forcefully if the people would not willingly comply, not in those exact words of course. His interviews can be seen on Youtube, Rumble, BitChute and elsewhere.

You can also find Stanley and Boris Johnson expressing their sentiments on the subject. In fact, the Catholic Church at one point felt the need to address this issue because it had become apparent to many people that some humanitarian programs had the effect of lowering populations not just by vaccines and sterilization but by other means including by the theft of land and resources, enslaving people using foreign aid, chemical pollution and environmental disasters, and by the use of destabilization war efforts like in Haiti, only last year Pope Francis disavowed a still commonly held decree known as the Doctrine of Discovery that has been for the elites a legal doctrine used in order to steal away lands from inhabitants.

If you look at Henry Kissinger's NSSM 200, it is pretty clear if you know the language what the intent of the memo was, match that with the Global 2000 Report under Jimmy Carter, along with the Limits to Growth and you might begin to see that the same language can be found in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Look up Jean Veon, she is very informative on the language used to hide these programs and how the intent may be to take land and resources ultimately but the effect of that and the weapons used are what leads to the depopulation portion that is kept hidden because it is masked by coded language in things like environmentalism or communitarianism.


Joan Veon Explains One World Government Connection: https://youtu.be/EVUu-qN8E0c?si=iLgPuYncmqfMVELN

Public Private Partnerships by Joan Veon: https://youtu.be/5h62lSGK4Y8?si=2y4EIh1s5hJCKGgu

Dennis Meadows Limits to Growth for viewing: https://collections.dartmouth.edu/teitexts/meadows/diplomatic/meadows_ltg-diplomatic.html

Dennis Meadows interview: Peaceful Depopulation to 1-2 Billion: Limits to Growth' Author Dennis Meadows Club of Rome:https://youtu.be/y_q-6m9ql7c?si=uAvHeOLuYqXSp0hA

Global 2000 Report for viewing: https://archive.org/details/global2000report0001coun/page/n3/mode/2up


Empty Planet Preparing for the Global Population Decline: https://youtu.be/bSAgHvETNSg?si=ss4RuZx7ExSsdHT7

Another Dennis Meadows Interview: https://youtu.be/cVzK8Do-u6E?si=vwZYPJ3H8AsXl15_

Debra TavaresUSA Inc Agencies Ground War Disguised as Climate Resiliency: https://youtu.be/FizdkR_embg?si=GBe6AOncrfRMUFil

Dr. Paul Ehrlich discussing his views on population control: https://youtu.be/YZWiRaIkXxg?si=OYfOMtkO7lKIek6C

The Evil history of Fluoride: https://youtu.be/-hvhAEiB19M?si=q_2uw8EiYKsn4zMq

The Bill and Melinda Institute for Population Control: https://rumble.com/v1ltwwc-the-bill-and-melinda-institute-for-population-control.html

Environmentalism - A Cover For De-population and Eugenics: https://youtu.be/ivapVE-IUoQ?si=ZgSNi5d7_-HZUZPx

1992 George Hunt UNCED Earth Summit:https://youtu.be/r8c-NKjOOA0?si=ZYWUa7duIRB_5s3H

Nancy Pelosi 1992 Agenda 21 Speech: https://youtu.be/vcQyUPKnZqs?si=VRuQVifK0Blpt1E7

Dr. John Coleman: https://youtu.be/yE6OEY4XqTk?si=q2uqL2ATZy6xZnY2

Margaret Sanger article describing the language of Eugenics proving that there is an effort to use coded words to hide these efforts: https://time.com/4081760/margaret-sanger-history-eugenics/

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Yes NSSM200 is key to their plans. And Kissinger's protege was/is Schwab whose father was a munitions maker during the war so Klaus has this entitled (low class mentality) of feeling and thinking he has the "better plan." They, Kissinger, used the idea that foreign populations would grow populations that would take over jobs in America and the solution was to create depopulation through war and famine. Funny how NSSM200 has not worked and now foreigners are crossing the border feeling entitled because some demon whispered in their ears and promised them a free trip to the land of milk and honey, and while many of these border crossers are looking for a better life have not a clue of what America went through since the Founding Fathers and what was taught to at least the older generations of Americans until Communism invented by the British reared its ugly head and run through America's schools as in Obama's mentor and chief brain washer Bill Ayers decided to be a teacher instead of blowing up police stations in the '60's as part of the WEATHER UNDERGROUND.


And we should know of Antony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution where capitalists financed Russian communists who were mere ideology authors but had no money to instigate their ideologies.

But depopulation has been a campaign ever since Plato. It was Plato who devised packing people into cities and releasing the plague. Back then they could not do what they can do today.

Still this depopulation idea is borne out of ignorance and the reluctance to release free energy and other programs to where people would eventually not need to have a large family to survive. The planet can hold 100 billion people but since the elites are still ignorant, selfish and greedy they think their death cult solutions are the most viable.

An example of using available technology using antigravitic vehicles which we do have and have had since the 1950's to where roads would not be needed so more land could be used for farming to grow food for more people as was told by ET according to Dr. Steven Greer to Col. Philip Corso.

The use of free energy would not need long lengths of power lines as each small footprint free energy device could power every home and factory. But since Westinghouse et al were greedy wanting to make money every inch of the way, building power plants charging per inch of power cable and poles humanity has been kept behind for the last 100 years.

Dr. Greer's Lost Century docu:


Because of the plans of these bankster elites mankind has wallowed in the ZERO LEVEL of development of which there are 11 levels, the first of which is:







Where even the first quantum leap to a #1 LEVEL civilization is:


• "Peaceful Life supporting technologies using Zero Point Energy

And far (from us) reaching #2 LEVEL is:


• Development of trans-dimensional technologies used only for peaceful purposes (travel/healing)

• Pursuit of science of consciousness

Instead we have demonology operations using borg control chip and nanobot technology to where humans become automatons. This is where the leadership is now as Ai has been given to these "leaders" as a TROJAN HORSE but to use in a nefarious manner. They sell humans on the "merits" of being able to raise your hand like a "wand" so you can check out at the grocery counter because you have a foreign object inserted into your hand which is likely doing other nefarious things to your body and functions.

The masses are ignorant and of course have basic needs other than contemplating the universe. But this is the task before mankind.

Now that we have the elite lording over everything with all manner of chaos generating plans and devices, we can see that we are in danger of being knocked back into the proverbial stone age and the dark ages are looming once more.

Groundhog Day is current.


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👍👍Exactly! All of this stuff is researchable! People who think this is not real need to pull their heads out of the sand, get up off their lazy asses and do some research and educate themselves! These evil people have been planning this for a long time!

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Am I surprised? Is anyone here surprised? Conspiracy you say?

Sure is a conspiracy and that is no theory either as the facts have been in our faces all along. If by now you haven't put together the pieces of the puzzle or still refuse to see the evil that it is I don't know what to say.

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Yep. There's nothing you can say to convince someone who doesn't want to be convinced!

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My man! Adding these articles to the conversation:

1. How Helene was a perfect example of Climate Warfare: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/hurricane-helene-was-climate-warfare

2. How FEMA does absolutely nothing over the years: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/misinformation-media-narratives-and

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Thank you for these links, wow!!

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Thank you, Franklin!

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What is "demoralizing" is DYING while the govt agency that's supposed to help is not only NOT helping, but hindering those who DO want to help, Ms FEMA Director!

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Hurricane Milton: Weather Control Secrets They Don't Want You to Know in 2024

Video: youtu.be/RTYRJF_2cyU

Hurricanes and September 11, 2001?

What do hurricanes have to do with the 9/11 attacks?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/hurricanes-and-september-11-2001

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Thank you for these links - fascinating & informative!

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Great pleasure... You'll enjoy this article as well...

September 11, 2001 - An Essential Guide (2024)

Sept 11, 2001 has been and still is a 23 year long PSYOP.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/september-11-2001-an-essential-guide

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Thank you for sharing these vital links! I'm definitely getting a copy of Dr. Judy Woods absolutely scary book! Because I want to know the truth! Does the book reveal the parties and who's responsible and who actually did 9/11? I watched it all on live TV that morning, everything, watched both towers fall 😢 I want to know who's responsible for this attack, who's responsible for murdering thousands of my fellow Americans that day! So the planes were CGI? I saw 2 planes hit the world trade center!

I know all of this stuff is connected to what's happening today, with the hurricanes and weather manipulation, the land grabs, what happened in Maui, all of its connected! Bush, Jr. acting the way he did over the events of 9/11 refusing to discuss what happened and refusing further investigation into what happened! Bush Jr. Knows exactly who's responsible and why they did it, covering it up! Just like this recent cover up in Western North Carolina with the slack ass response from the government and fema telling people trying to help to "Stand Down!" Bastards!🤬

I'm surprised that this book has not sold out on Amazon, or hasn't been banned from Amazon and banned from the public! Has this lady that studied this information been smeared and had people trying to discredit her after she came out with her findings and evidence? I'm not familiar with Dr. Judy and haven't heard of her but I'm definitely interested what she has to say and her findings, so thank you for sharing this information 🙂

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Get the book here for 1/3 the price Amazon asks: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/product/where-did-the-towers-go-by-dr-judy-wood/

For more on the "planes" that weren't CGI - Watch 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality this weekend...

Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CrzNeZUp0tU

Also check out 9/11 Planes Research - https://911planesresearch.substack.com/

This interview with the writer of the substack: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/mark-conlon-on-there-being-no-planes-on-9-11

Then on your who dunnit?

There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

Sept 11 is a crime that should be solved by a forensic study of the evidence. Before it can be determined who did it, it must first be determined what was done and how it was done.

The order of crime solving is to determine

1) WHAT happened, then

2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then

3) WHO did it. And only then can we address

4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).

Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime.

You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief.

You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don’t even know what crime to charge them with.

If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you’d better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it. And yet before noon on 9/11/01, we were told who did it, how they did it, and why they did it (they hate us for our freedoms); before any investigation had been conducted to determine what had even been done.

Many people have speculated as to who committed the crimes of 9/11 and/or how they did so. But without addressing what happened, speculation of this kind is nothing more than conspiracy theory, a phrase that also describes the 19 bad guys with box cutters story we were given before noon on 9/11/01.

Dr Wood’s research is not speculation and she’s been the closest to getting to the bottom of the who dunnit.

Dr Wood did a forensics investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11/01.

She does not address who did it, nor am I concerned with that question right now.

Before issues of that kind can be addressed, we must first determine what happened.

By definition, research that is purely empirical cannot be about and has nothing to do with conspiracy theory of any kind.

The fact that others (in the mainstream media, the alternative media, and the so-called 9/11 truth movement) promote various theories about 9/11 is irrelevant to Dr Wood’s research. On the other hand, to determine what happened, we must address all of the available evidence.

Anyone declaring who did what or how they did it before they have determined what was done is merely promoting either speculation or propaganda.

The popular chant, “9/11 was an inside job,” is, scientifically speaking, no different from the chant that “19 bad guys with box cutters did it.” Neither one is the result of a scientific investigation supported by evidence that would be admissible in court.

Neither identifies what crime was committed or how it was committed.

There are a lot of coincidences with regards to the build-up, on the day and the days after 9/11. There are suspects as to who might have had some sort of involvement in the events of 9/11, but for now it’s all they are. Suspects.

Dr Wood sued 23 NIST subcontractors who were tasked with security and clean up at ground zero. These companies also helped write reports that made up the scientifically flawed, 10 000 NIST report.

Two of the main defendants in the case were ARA and SAIC, who specialise in psychological warfare, weather manipulation and directed energy weapons, DEW.

If Dr Wood’s 2009 US Supreme Court Case wasn’t railroaded by the judge, she would have been able to depose these 23 companies and in so doing, would have been closer to determining exactly HOW and then we’d get a lot closer to WHO and WHY.

But we can have our suspects for now, but we need hard evidence to convict.

D.E.P.S. - Directed Energy Professional Society

You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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Yes! Thank you for that detailed explanation and I agree with you! What caught my interest was that Dr. Judy is a forensics investigator! That statement about "control the opposition" is exactly what I keep in mind! Because there's a lot of controlled op out there nowadays! They've infiltrated every "truther" community! Nowadays I basically consider everybody who's saying that they have the truth and is speaking the truth controlled op until I can find proof myself that they are not "controlled!" And that's hard to find! I listen to everybody, watch everything, but believe none of it until I can prove to myself that what's being said is the truth! William Bill Cooper was one of a kind! I miss him! He was killed for telling the truth? Or what was the true reason Bill was shot to death? But I know everything that we've learned and been taught is a lie! It's good to question everything, because I do nowadays!

The internet is a beautiful thing and people can research anything, but a lot of people lack critical thinking skills today!

If Dr. Judy discovered through the evidence who was responsible for 9/11 and she named names in this book, then this book would probably be banned and out of print! Amazon definitely wouldn't be carrying it! Is my thinking because "the powers that be" work overtime to suppress the truth from us! But that link to that Directed Energy Professional Society, I'm gonna check that one out first! Thank you 😊

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Here is the link to her 2007 Qui-Tam whistleblower case against the 23 NIST subcontractors, for science fraud, the 9/11 "truther" movement don't want you to know about: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

Then another case they don't want you to know about...

Dr Morgan Reynolds' 2007 whistleblower case: https://nomoregames.net/2011/06/12/request-for-correction-by-nist-for-its-invalid-wtc-jetliner-animations-and-analyses/

You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023: https://truthsummit.info/media-files/DrJudyWood-refutation-RichardGage-claims.pdf

Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?

What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking

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I have a theory about the demolition of the twin towers and tower 7 that is probably not unique, actually I am sure it is not though I cannot quote the source at the moment. But the theory is that the towers were taken down because this was symbolic of the transfer from one industrial economy to another though it was most likely much more than that, but if we look at the stock market just prior if we look at the fact that certain key people benefitted from this financially along with the different agencies with offices in these

buildings I think we have been bought and sold at that moment many of us were declared not to have any value, this was about far more than we realize especially given the economic structure being pushed intends to basically devalue so many people as though their lives also have no value. Imagine a world in which everything has a declared value including our thoughts, our bodies, tissues and energy potential and having a new currency tied to that. If a corrupt and evil system like this were to come to be realized then a person could be viewed as very expendable, my theory is that is in fact what has occured, maybe not for all people just yet, but for some this has been tested out on them.

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I touch on the points you are referring to in this speculative article I wrote...

David Rockefeller the mastermind behind the 9/11 crime?

A lot of people are certain David Rockefeller is behind 9/11

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/david-rockefeller-the-mastermind

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The 9/11 attacks were an inside job, you numbnut!! If you don't know that the deep State and global elite engineered and made 911 happen from start to finish, then you do not know anything whatsoever! Go directly to jail do not pass go you idiot!

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Veronica - My did you have a woke snowflake meltdown?

Maybe you should go read this article and find out how far ahead I am on WHAT happened on 9/11 and who's covering it up - I've written over 90 articles on 9/11, so you might want to check some of them out - But here are two for you to begin with...

You're welcome.

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

September 11, 2001 - An Essential Guide (2024)

Sept 11, 2001 has been and still is a 23 year long PSYOP.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/september-11-2001-an-essential-guide

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It's unfortunate, but some people will never wake up! They dismiss every piece of information through their cognitive dissonance! People have to throw their feelings to the side and look at the information! Beliefs are based on feelings right? To me that's the downside part of the internet and social sites(like this one) and social media, which I don't do! So far, Substack doesn't censor, because if it did I probably wouldn't have found your information or this book! Substack is all I do nowadays!

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Who is this comment intended for? I am a little confused.i agree with u completely.

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Greg, again your podcast is priceless. My wish is for this to go viral. I'm sick of what this government is doing to Americans. When is enough, enough?

I seriously don't think the Demons (Harris administration) are going to allow the elections to happen anyway, so it's probably time to fight back. Before we're all eliminated.

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The government already has done too much... DAMAGE.

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Share, share share...

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Nothing surprises me anymore with these demons in control !!!

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Just another scion of the century-old Rockefeller depop plan.

How much more obvious can it be? They disintegrated the

Guidestones to keep their nefarious scheme on the D.L.

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Their seemingly untouchable immunity and arrogance has them openly destroying the people. They don’t even care if they get caught, they’re gonna do it anyways. A whole new level of evil.

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People seriously need to STOP saying that 'they' are hitting 'Conservative Voters'.

This is UNTRUE (aka A LIE)!!

'They' are hitting ALL OF US! And you (those that claim to be 'Conservative') HAD BETTER START pointing this FACT out to the LibTards!

MAUI was NOT 'Conservative Voters'!

ASHEVILLE NC/Buncombe County in which Asheville is in, are NOT 'Conservative Voters'.

In the 2020 election, Buncombe County went 59.9% (or 96,515 votes) for PedoJoe, and

38.7% (or 62,412 votes) for Trump. It IS a BLUE County!

People need to start looking into how to make Claims against these CRIMINAL PUBLIC SERVANTS BONDS. Bringing Lawsuits against these FILTH, gets us NO WHERE! We NEED TO GO AFTER THEIR BONDS!

EVERY STATE (and even FEDERAL....can you say, FEMA) has this. Look it up in your state (as well as Federal), and LEARN HOW to make Claims. This is the ONLY way that we can 'FIRE' them. I'll let Clif High explain further.......



It will NOT be by 'voting'!

And it will NOT be by 'lawsuits'!


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So true! There is no such thing as Republicans and Democrats in the elected class. It is the politicians against the people!!

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You are right about Buncombe County being a bastion of democrat voters, but that's not absoute proof that the nefarious weather geoengineers aren't targeting conservatives. They just happened to be collateral damage. Most of the counties in western N.C. are red. As are the counties in the path of Hurricane Miton.

That being said, I'm very interested in this idea you proposed of going after the bonds of public servants. Do you have any links that prove this has been successful?

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The Synagogue of Satan is Enveloping the World — MAKE NO MISTAKE — THIS IS A GLOBAL GENOCIDE

We must stand together in unity and look to our Father God for guidance and fortitude to defeat the evil before us. Find your courage, stand firm in the light, and fight. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, the King of Kings reigns.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. — Ephesians 5:8-11

We wrestle not against flesh & blood… but against principalities against powers, against the ruler of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. — Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. — Ephesians 6:12

May the Wrath of God Be Our Strength His Wisdom Our Guide

Godspeed ✞🕊

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All the News are lies & all the news of "donations" to other countries are lies to make nations against each other !!

The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the Queen & King of the " Crown in England !

Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions against humanity using the technology this time !


All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the Earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates which is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened in the last 300 years "at least" all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazi or called Zionists ) in every ( governments , religious leaders , Health system , banks , police , secret agencies , military etc ) around the Earth ... their loyalty to the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 which is the Queen & King of the Crown Parasites in England the head of the colonised Imperialism invasions against humanity for centuries!

X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign" to crucify humanity by the Pirates of the Crown in England !

Amazingly the Queen & King of imperialism colonised invasions for the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the "British Red Cross" since "1870" to inject the victims of their planned wars what they wish from poison medications for secret depopulation agenda & child trafficking under cover of humanitarian aid !


Watch This singer supported by the Crown in England & this song the "History Repeating" is released in 1997 before 9/11 / 2001


The singer showing the teeth of a predator wild Animal in Jungle because the New 'world Order is the law of Jungle opposite to what they announced the NWO ....

In this song "There is something evolving & it is keep revolving & the revolution is near & to me is quite clear that all just little bit " History Repeating" ! "

This is the story of the One World Government of Piracy (Crown in England ) Head of imperialism & colonised invasions for centuries until now to rape & to enslave humanity to steal all the wealth with invasions & this time the Crown in England evolving as they stole the technology since the start of the Royal society in 1600 & they were "Evolving" & "Revolving "around the Earth with infiltration & it is quite clear it is a " Revolution" of the Crown in England against humanity as they stole the technology & they infiltrated every government on "Earth" with their secret armies of Satanic Freemasonry & it is "just a little bit History Repeating of the "colonised invasions for the Crown in England "while this time it is "different" using " Silent weapons for Quiet Wars " as they stole the technology to enslave humanity secretly , to hack people brains since 1920 , to control every government around the Earth with synthetic telepathy subconsciously & consciously using V2K communication with the governments to mislead the people with wars & with mandates for fake pandemics & to target the people with directed energy attacks inorder to genocide the people around the Earth !

They show you the BBC podcast team are barbies sexual creatures to distract the audience with their sexual barbie looks !


King & Queen in England is the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 controlling every government & aspect of life to genocide , to rape & to steal everything from every human on Earth & they are Death Cult & Sex Cult & they are the Head of the Skull & Bones secret society!

They already hacked our brains secretly by impregnated our bodies with these nano technology at least since 1920s in water we are drinking , in air we are breathing through the chem-trails spraying , in the injections through the first infant vaccines in history & in any injections & medicine including the dental anaesthetic injections all loaded with hydrogel , graphene , nano smart dust to connect us to the satellites ( clouds ) & to the Pirates of the Crown Military Industrial Complex "supercomputer 666" & to control the people brains globally with synthetic telepathy to the subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to make the people feel & think negative against themselves to accept certain agenda or to suicide or to feel & to think negative against each other to kill each other for secret depopulation for the Crown in England ..

They hacked our brains via satellites that they see through walls , They see what we see and They hear what we hear & they read the mind !

There is no virus as germ in human history..

They did not isolate any virus in human history !

The infant vaccines is to inject us the nano smart dust , hydrogel to connect us to the satellites via the free energy technology to hack our brains secretly & record all our lives what we see , what we hear and what we say inside our houses !

"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ..Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison " !

Means Corona Virus is " Crown Poison" against humanity

The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison "either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning ) & with "bioweapons injections" using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other poison , & by poisoning the people mind with "Fake News " & with synthetic telepathy ( synthetic thoughts ) beamed via satellites to make nation against nation for depopulation & to make the people think & feel negative against themselves or against others for silent secret depopulation !

Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & to steal all the Earth ..

See Royal society !

1) https://royalsociety.org/about-us/who-we-are/history/

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society

This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology ..

Infiltration of Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders around the Earth



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !

This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !

CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !

We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!


Happer explains CO2 is life gas & we have very little CO2 in our environment now !


This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on and what race !

1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !

Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)


Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !

Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth!

2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !

Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections


Who created the United Nations to fool the world is the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 and their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents including Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth on earth and to steal all the earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole since 1600

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Dang tasty chunk of well supported info Amal!


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1740 england invented freemasonry, 1790 George Washington gave D.C. to england, 1812 england burns white house/ capital bldg and rebuilds in satanic pentagram shape, 1913 england gets usa treasury, 1917 english balfour declaration to give palestine to israel, 1948 israel is given a small part of palestine, 1967 israel uses usa money and military weapons to steal 7 other countries for a short time, 1963 jfk executive order # 11110 and assassination, 2015 england pirbright institute submitted corona (means crown and emf) virus patent # US 10, 130, 701 B2. 40 million arses control 194 U.N. countries with the federal reserve banking system. What does england want besides all the money in the world? They want our souls so satan can rule in Jerusalem.

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I hope Americas will be disgusted to the gills over what's happening to the people in disasters. The rescuers who are nothing but thieves themselves, should be turned back themselves, they are a huge danger to people already in distress. This comes about because most don't care about each other's work, and accept those who steal, censor and even kill. Our entire society is sick to the core because we don't look at how we all contribute to having these conditions the way they are. Thank you Greg for coviering this story.

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Greg, I know you have enough 'Om' in you to turn your personal man-power and your platform to informing those who are seeking, on how to exit this 3D psycopathic-run prison matrix shithole.

It is ALL ABOUT frequency. Like Tesla said "If you understand Energy, Frequency and Vibration you have the KEY to the Universe".

And that key, that knowledge, that we can ESCAPE, is what everything we have ever been told or taught in our lives was designed to PREVENT us from knowing.

Please Greg, dive DEEP, and take us to the White Pill.

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LOL Proberta ;)

But these go to 11.


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I left the U.S. over two years ago. For the love of Christ people, when will you admit that a foreign hostile power is in charge? Just vote harder. You can't fix stupid. I simply don't have sympathy for people who will do nothing but sit on their hands.

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👏 BRAVO! I concur!👍

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It’s so over

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Yep. There is no fight left in the American people.

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Nope! I ain't seen it! They majority worship Donald Trump and believe he's the "savior!" 😆 my fellow Americans better wake up

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