Baphomet Worship is now being televised!

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Wolf in sheep clothing!

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I believe it started to accelerate when The Goddard Tunnel Symmetry Satanic Ritual at CERN LHC.

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they had been "practicing" all these things overseas...Now is the turn of USA.

Evil Kissinger NSM200 depopulation agenda, back in early 70's.. Ecoscience from Holdren (Obama's gov) promoting forced abortions and poisoning the water to control population...

They are depopulating whites, and promoting mixing races of non whites. Invading Europe with Africans.

who is behind the destruction of families, Christianity and values?

Here is Barbara Spectre, the Great Rabbi of Stokolm's wife. Pay close attention to her words, she is NOT stupid...She said they will be persecuted for their roll on this plan...and she also said who is the center of this transformation.


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Its Lucifer Works. Sooner or later we will need to have a hard conversation about up Rooting this eternal Evil.

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Our Military has been crushing the underground cabal/ satanic beings for more than two years.

We'll find out details on the TV and Radio very very soon. Be ready to think out the BOX ‼️


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I think it’s safe to say that most of us here fell for the Qanon BS at one point or another. But it’s pretty apparent now that nobody is coming to our rescue. Either we stand up and fight for our rights and our country, or we lose America forever. The military isn’t going to save us because they’re in cahoots with the globalists, hence service members being required to get vaccinated.

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LMAO. Our military, is doing nothing!! We no longer have a strong viable military thanks to the communists. Live in reality. NO ONE SAVES US BUT OURSELVES!!! And it's never going to happen in a country of sheep.

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Is that the same military loading up chemtrails planes and poisoning us?

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A ton of Pilots are out of commission , the unVax aren't able to fill all the positions. I fear the Air Force will be a shadow of it's former self.

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Delusion is all the same, whether it be covid or Q.

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Come on. Those woke Sissy’s couldn’t crush a beer can.

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You people that still believe in the Qanon fantasy are a disgrace, or worse, working for the dark side.

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I share your skepticism, BUT, these vrecent vids seem pretty convincing.



Guide to Nesara


QFS and the Money Changeover

SWIFT to Gold


Calm In The Storm Summit


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it will require more than talk

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I agree, where are the Spartans when needed. Truth is , this evil is going to kick arse for some time, unfortunately. Too many pussies Among us. MK Ulta has made inroads

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Never heard of her. This guy has a great explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex7SAl0WbjE

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#1. Know your rights, know your state statutes, and constitution.


3. Realize this is all a designed effort to change our paradigm to reflect chaos. These "persons" push chaos, relativism, and perversion/abominations. Then realize that you are free to create your own life...separate from this garbage we see almost every other day.

Love you all and stay strong. This is only meant to break us all. Don't break!

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Only now, it's on steroids. There's way more of the big 3: War, Drugs, human trafficking.

- not necessarily in that order.........

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The anti-Christ & his followers are here

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Who's ultimately to blame for today's out-of-the-closet, in-your-face, shoot-um-up LGBTQ movement here in America?

Think about it: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600s predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5, etc.) there would be no LGBTQ movement openly proselytinzing America's children to their perverted lifestyle because no sodomite, lesbian, or "transgender" would dare expose themselves to petition government for their "rights" or to parade their wares in public.

Consequently, this debauchery and everything that comes with it will never be eliminated (and more and more of America's children will be their victims) until Christians and patriots wake up to the fact that they've been duped regarding the biblically seditious Constitution and start exposing it for what it is - America's greatest national idol.

For evidence, see free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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the movement was studied and planned, rolled out in China long ago


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You found it! nice

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Of course Vladimir Lenin is related to this ... it has everything to do with the ‘Jewish Bolsheviks Satanic Communist Agenda’... 👺👹😈

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These children will end up to be alcoholics or suicide victims. If the left can't abort children they will change them beyond recognition and they will all be in insane asylums. Politicians in WA need to be arrested for child endangerment and deadly with accordingly.

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not only will they end up being alcoholics or suicide victims, they will be so angry with society and those that did this to them, they will become mass murderers.

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The legalization of hard drugs and parents being penalized, including prison if they don’t support their child’s transition here in Canada 😡

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This is criminal, period!

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Sick fucks.

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It is ridiculous to quote Lenin in this context. The Communist Party would never promote this transgender garbage under any circumstance. It is the liberal Democratic Party of the United States of America that is pushing this and all other forms of perversion. Communism has NOTHING to do with degenerate liberal democracy.

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You are up for a rude awakening , you have been sold a false bill of good about communism.

Indoctrinate the kids. They will be loyal soldier. During Mao revolution the kids killed the parents in the name of the great leap forward. Normal people have loyalty to their family first. In the communism system the state is the daddy / mommy. There can be no challenge to it's authority.

According to Cliff high Lin Biao. experimented with trans gender during the cultural revolution. (1966'ish) to make spies and prostitutes. They had success male to female not so much the other way around. They all went mad.

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Your understanding of communism is the usual shallow caricature most Americans have thanks to decades of brainwashing by the corporate deep state and their minions. Before spouting off about communism you should read Das Kapital. You need a rude awakening.

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no i dont

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You'll never learn anything with an attitude like that.

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Condescension isn't a particularly fruitful standpoint for learning, either.

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Thanks to liberalism, most Americans are poorly educated. Half the adult population reads on a 4th grade level or below.

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no, reading books get u somewhere.

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If you read books you would know how to spell and formulate grammatically correct sentences.

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Yes they would and yes they did. Just not in their own country.

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Jesus said our world will destroy itself because humans don't naturally choose morality. By nature we lie, cheat, abuse and sin. We are saved by his blood and he puts his righteousness in our spirit when we recognize this and repent. Most humans think they are "good". Even these parents allowing this evil think it's fine. He said they would call evil good! here we are.

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Better start looking for the Jews rebuilding the third Temple. They are now highly persecuting orthodox Christians. When the third temple is rebuilt the Jewish, homosexual Anti Christ will be among us!

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It's obvious that Comrade Inslee wants very little human population in Washington state..We KNOW that he cheated to get in a second time with those Dominion machines..He has about 10..BODYGUARDS


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I had the feeling the ICJ would be the story , i managed to red pill my mom(70) with it. The UN got knockdown a few peg... (finally) after i showed her the Marxist back Ground of António Guterres & Co. The past month drag Queen story time has emerge in her favorite TV channel.. .. She worked 40 yrs has a k1-k12 Librarian she couldn't believe the "MAPS" books are making the rounds... She censored books for less. 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'. Those shelters are dreadful this has nothing to do with compassion. Political change takes time : yes sure but am leaning that too many are willfully blind.

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