Oh no, that's so sad. I had hoped things would change with the elections!! You're right, we could see the same in America if we don't have fair elections. And honestly, I can't see how we will ever have fair elections, especially if the machines continue to be used. We can only hope & pray that our law enforcement & troops would stand with the people. I fear that so many of the illegals brought in are mercenaries, in case that were to happen.

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'The People' have literally LIVED THE TYRANNY; GENOCIDE, STERILIZATION, DISABILITY, SLAVERY in the last 4 years. It's been a worse TYRANNY than that resulting with The U.S. Revolution as the Govts. of the whole world have created an

EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT with the poisons to


Yet, we continue to HOPE Elections will be fruitful for 'The People' when there's been excessive PROOF in our own Nation of The Fraud/Cheat Machine to be oiled, primed to rock another UNIPARTY NAZI over the Finish Line ahead of any Patriot? Just a week ago, Sleezy Jiggle Giggle had NO approval rating in any way and now BOGUS SURVEYS suddenly measure the sleeze at 50% when nobody likes the TREASONOUS WENCH PRETENDING TO BE INCOMPETENT?


Freedom is never cheap and easy; it costs blood, limb and life and always did since the U.S. found the way. For what reason would anybody believe Demons would EVER allow Freedom to continue without stealing it away for Hell's Angels they host within themselves.

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Unfortunately, you are probably right. Venezuelans have suffered way more than Americans. Too bad that is what it takes but ...

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Didn’t China negotiate the Venezuela downfall and doing the same here?

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I predicted this:

Civil War... Viva La Muerte

The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War


The Globalists Jews Freemasons Draco Anunaki Destroyers of worlds... call them whatever.

Venezuela has Oil... first clue.

Second is the World Government.... which they try to implement... so they need to destroy the Goyim i.e. Nations

To do this they need to drive the people mad...

Why do they drive people mad?

So üpeople get angry and use violence so they have an excuse to use violence...

See how this works?

Predicted this one too.

MK Ultra Covid-19 Unit8200 Israel and the coordinated Madness that is coming

Knowing your enemy is the first step to Victory


They have sophiticated Mind control techniques which are supplied through the food Media and STARLINK...

Which i think is also used here... divide and conqquer.

STARLINK: Brainwave Attack

Stimulated Anger using the Schuman Resonance


All this leads back to who is controlling who and why.

Rigging selections is second nature for them... they do it all the time.

But to taje over the world they need us to rise and use violence... so they have an excuse to use violence...

See how that works?


That is why I am all about a spiritual Revolution.

Here are 4 Law dtrafts I wrote which we need to take our power back...

Violence only ewnhances their power...

They are

Right to resist

The right and duty to resist

Declaration of Individual Rights

The Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

Purity of food


They want WW3... don't give it to them.

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Yes, of course. Blame it on the Jews.

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Right, the ancient cult of Judaism, with its core belief in absolute supremacy over the rest of humanity, viewing non-Jews as nothing more than domestic animals, to be enslaved forever or eliminated, and with such global, absolute slavery the key goal and imperative in order for their god to return, couldn’t possibly be involved in the present imposition of that exact global slavery system.

When rabbis talk of this openly, obviously they’re just kidding, and we should know that the people who’ve stolen the bulk of the world’s wealth, and commit mass murder and destroy nations everywhere they go throughout history, are just victims.

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Spot on.

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Why don't you tell the Jews to stay the fuck out of politics and as such out of my life?

Of course it was the Jews!

No one else in the world is evil enough to do such things.

Only the Jews because they are pure evil!!!


See above.

Also... HG you Anonymity refers to HG Wells.... Brave new world... thank you for proving me right!

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They were/are the Khazarrian Fake Jews, who took on the Hebrew Jewish faith because they were forced out of 120 countries around the world, and told they would not be allowed any where if they didn't choose a Religions. Those were the evil ones. They infiltrated and compromised many good people. many good people. In Israel, many have been replaced by clones or vrilled and taken over by the possessing lower 4th Dimensional demons, ET's or walk- ins.. Many of average everyday Jews have no idea what those evil F**ks (their leaders) are doing. They have been gaslighted and brainwashed (for over 100 years) like many many Americans still are. The United States will be a much better place when all the compromised people in Washington and leaders aligned with them, in each state, are gone. The same will be true for Israel.

Hate is not going to fit in where we are headed. Time to check your emotions and your ego. Desire to be right vs desire to co-create a better world.

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Jews were kicked out of 120 countries around the world,.. maybe more.


Because Jews want to control everyone.

Just look around what is happening today... it happened yesterday and 1000 years ago.

They play victim... but they ain't.

They are the ones waging war against us baby... wake up.

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I think you missed the part where I said they were Fake Jews ie. Khazarrs. I know your belief is very deep seated. Holding on to hate and Anger is like drinking poison, expecting the other person to die.

Hate never changes anything, neither does war. I have been told be Military insiders that Netanyahu has already been removed from this planet. He is either cloned or a masked double. Things must move slowly and not broadcasted, so that the minions, there and in the US, don't scatter. They must believe their world is running along as planned.

I know full well the Machiavellian machinations of the Politically corrupt and Morally bankrupt Khazarrian Jews. (Zionists can be of any race, nationality or ethnicity) They amassed wealth and power through trickery and the Babylonian Money Magic Debt Slave System. They have no saving graces. They are completely in service to self, and I believe they have been further corrupted over generations of Black Magic Ritual Sacrifices, in which they deal with non-human, emotionless, technologically advanced beings. Through Ritual Sacrifice, especially of children, they are given power, wealth and fame. But, those non-humans are what Space Force came into the picture for. With the help of Advanced Technology given to us by higher benevolent beings, we were finally on a level playing field and with Project Looking Glass (Seeing into the Future) we have, over many years, wiped out a significant number of them. They infiltrated Earth over 450,000 years ago. It takes time to take out such deeply entrenched, physically stronger, highly intelligent beings. But, it IS happening, or has already happened, none of us really knows for sure, but we can definitely "feel;" the energy shifting on this planet.

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The Manchurian Candidates.

I explain all in this article including the second Diaspora of the Khazaars and how they control china.

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Like ROACHES aren't they? LOL

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Israel is using the uSA as a proxy to do all their very evil, dirty, vile work…and the uSA is more than happy to help them-sick!👿 I have no idea what country I’m living in.

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Because underneath they are all Freemasons and agree on the great culling of the herd.

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Not all Jewish People are bad Fritz. That’s like saying all Americans are bad, or all Brits or Africans are bad. All Freemasons including Freemason Zionist Jews are most certainly bad. They are demonic. Freemasonry = Satanism. That’s a fact. But Jesus Christ was a Jew. He gave His Life for us. We have been lied to by these bastards, including our Freemason Founding Fathers, since birth. But we have to stay clear in our minds of who our Real enemies are. I m pretty sure we have figured them out. Now we just have have to find the courage to unite and go get the motherfuckers. It’s not like we don’t know who they are. We don’t let them pit us one against the other. We don’t take our eyes off their satanic depopulation ball. We grow ourselves in numbers, we unite. That’s the answer. Will we do it? I don’t know. But I do know I will NOT live in ANY New World Fucking Order !!! Hell, I m not even of this world! America needs to grow some balls! If we did that, the world will follow,

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Never said this.

Zionist Jews are most certainly bad. They are demonic. Freemasonry = Satanism.

Solomon was famous for conjuring Demons.

Jesus was an actor.

Religion is Mind control.

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Hi Taylor. My research led me to this conclusion as well until I dug deeper. The Khazarian Mafia actually are of the same bloodlines that the Jews descend from, which go back to Atlantis. The aristocratic Jews believe themselves to be the Aryan race, and have been behind every dictator and every war going back as far as ancient Egypt. Are all Jews a part of this? Of course not. These psychopaths see the majority of the Jewish people as lesser humans than themselves and they are happy to sacrifice them when it suits them. But, the Ashkenazi aristocracy believe themselves to be the Atlanteans who landed on Mount Ararat, who introduced agriculture to the world, and formed the 3 Abrahamic religions for the purpose of pitting us all against one another to bring in their World To Come, aka, their Messianic Golden Age. That is where we are now. They have to cleanse the earth of all non-Jews to bring in their messiah. They plan to kill 2/3 of the Jewish people to accomplish this. I've written a few articles that share my research on the topic if you'd like to check them out. You're right. We don't need hate. That said, it is important to identify your enemy and they have worked for thousands of years to make that very hard to do.

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According to Robert Sepehr, about 96% (I’m estimating here), of the Jews in Israel have no Hebrew DNA.

They originate from Europe.

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Wow, Good information to know

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Yep! They traveled from Mt. Ararat to Scandinavia, Germany, Greece, Iran, Egypt, and Africa, and a small number of them traveled to what we now call Israel. Love Robert Sepher's work!

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Very interesting

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The Manchurian Candidates

Am Unknown History Lesson


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I am part Jewish. I never hurt a soul….

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That isn’t my point.

Do you live by the Kabala or Jewish Indoctrination scripture?

Religion is Mind control… all Religion.

Christianity is to stupify people.

Islam is the enemy of Christianity to create holy wars.

And Jews / Freemasons are the Devil in the scripture as to provide a Negative to proof the positive.

The Gods are the Rothschilds Rockefeller Iluminati… who are the Offspring of the Anunaki Draco… who are Dragons… Energy beings wanting to control all of Humanity through Religion.

That’s my point!


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Is this a Jewish word?

What doe it mean?

I only speak Human"

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And RESEARCH! You’ll get it eventually, just like I do!

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They don't want to research it. Their too lazy. They just want listen and believe the mainstream media and what they've been told/taught repeatedly over decades.

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Dear Marcia, 🙋‍♀️ Sorry I'm late to the party here and I know there is no need to explain but I have been so busy with my darling mum who has dementia and keeping a close eye on my dad as they have been married for 68 yrs. He has been looking after her for years, me to and he had to put her into care and he is missing her terribly. Dad 90 and Mum 87. So I haven't been on social media for well let's say a while..LOL..Have a lot of catching up to do only with present stuff. Why my reply to you love as I agree with you with lots of people being so bloody lazy and not researching. I have done it for about 12yrs and printed stuff out in that time..Catalogue everything so my grandchildren have the truth to read rather what they are being taught at school as some of the stuff they say I shake my head. Bless them as I give them the papers to read to take and show teachers. Well you can imagine how well that goes down. LOL..Not one teacher wanted to talk to me about it. Funny that..As I said prove me wrong. NOT one..It was worth me doing it for my grandchildren and now they research 👏everything. To me Learning new stuff is exciting even when you are older..As the saying goes use it or lose it..LOL..Well thank you for reading my comment and I hope you and your family are doing well. Take care. 💖 With love ❤️ Debbie a friend from NZ..

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Yeah those innocent jews? Blame it on them? Yes. They are blamed because they are involved up to their eyeballs.

Thats the real enemy.

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They will scare us with that but I don't believe it will happen. Higher Beings and other dimensions are impacted by Nuclear Events on this planet. A true World War would be Nuclear and the people of Earth, many of them have been told that the Galactics will not allow Nuclear ever again. We have seen the evidence of that many times when they have shut down Nuclear silos and stopped Nuclear Reactors from exploding after Earthquake destabilized underneath.

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If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:


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Machado was a Zionist CIA plant. While Maduro is not the best he is the better of two bads. The absolute worse possible leader for any country is the CIA backed Zionist candidate

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Marxism/communism itself is a Zionist/CIA/British/Israelite strategy to recruit the dysfunctional masses into the murderous mob that paves the way for the global slavery system that’s always been the core goal of Judaism and the Israelites, most of whom hide behind fake identities. So every Marxist is a Zionist plant, whether they know it or not.

So like everywhere else, in Venezuela the Israelite gangsters control both contenders, and win no matter what happens.

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Yes and my research shows the control plantation slave feckers are desperate to hold power, but are not, bit by bit and we in truth win

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True! I stand against all evil.

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It is Gonzalez who actually won the popular vote against Maduro. I believe it was Maduro who was the CIA implant. He rigged, with the help of the CIA, no doubt, the last election too. He has been in 2 full terms and trying to steal yet a 3rd. I think the people can pretty much see him for what he is by now.

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That could be a possibility but if Maduro is a CIA plant why hasn't he handed his nation's oil over to the powers at be?

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Regardless of your opinion, Maduro was NOT the people's choice. Look what he has done to the country.

Xi JinPing has been flipped to a White Hat. Putin is completely new person. Perhaps the People's Choice will be a surprise for the CIA & Zionists? I think the Great Awakening extends to the people of ALL Countries.

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The media also reported that Biden was the people's choice in 2020. What the media says is the lie and if they're reporting that Machado was the people's choice then there's a good chance she wasnt

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Yes, to all the nations of the earth

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Spot on.

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Quite sure the WEF & US had a hand in the election outcomes there. I hear crime rates have fallen greatly as the worse of the worst have all come here.

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When and if this sort of uprising happens in the US, the police and national guard will not stand with the people. The ghoulz made sure to replace our troops (after they decimated them with the deathJabs) with their orchestrated border invasion of color revolutionary mercenaries. The color revolution and coup happened in 2020, and is about to go kinetic. Obama's private army is ready to be activated...and they will not hesitate to vent their anger at American citizens...

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Venezuela got taken down just like the US in 2020. Hope everyone is aware of the grift that is politics. Leaders are selected by the powers they should NOT be.

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This is what "they" want for America, and for every country that gets in the way of "their" agenda. Hidden Satanic cowards, driven only by their primitive lusts and desire to kill as many people as possible. I pray that God protects and guides the people of Venezuela out of this nightmare.

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Use His Name Y.a.h.u.a.h

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Corruption all over the world in elections. Until militaries refuse to guard these dictorial thieves? Nothing changes except gets worse.

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I know someone who left Canada to live there. He's aware of the voting cheating with machines going on. I'm sure the Venezuelan people know too. I hope they raise holy hell and that thier military does not protect Murduro. Time for these crooks to pay!

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Yeah, let's blame all the problems on Maduro and welcome the CIA candidate with open arms. That'll do it.

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I have a feeling that the CIA may have wanted to take control, but were out smarted.

Many things are happening behind the scenes. Start to hone your own intuitive abilities so that you can "see" things more clearly when the information crosses your path. What we are seeing now, is how things have been. How evil they were, but most are already gone. I believe you will see this as a reality very soon.

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Venezuela has been taken hostage by a narco regime. Why do you think 20% (and counting) of the population has fled the country? Not a fan of any CIA pupil, but this regime has been far worse.

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There is nothing worse than empire destroying a country so it can install a CIA leader to steal the natural resources.

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You learned your lessons well, but that was the past.

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In theory you are right. I guess you don’t know how’s living in Venezuela. Actually, it’s surviving, not living. In the short term, anything is better than these criminals. Any Venezuelan that doesn’t work for the government would tell you that, and even those who do will have changed their minds after so long. It’s not an easy one.

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Everyone knows Venezuela has gone to shit. If anyone thinks empire had nothing to do with it as its own candidate has literally been lined up to take over, I'd say they're naïve. Then again, most of the world put synthetic materials into their bodies for a virus that doesn't exist.

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This is why you never give up your firearms to anyone!

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Splitting a screen into three does not treble the numbers.

Protests such as those shown here have been a frequent event in Venezuela for more than a decade.

Maduro’s opponent, María Corina Machado, is yet another pro-WEF stooge whose group, Súmate, received funding from regime change aficionados, the National Endowment for Democracy. She also has a long history of neoliberal associations including the Bush Dynasty.

The CIA has been trying to disrupt Venezuelan politics via colour revolution for years.

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Or create civil unrest

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The problem is Venezuela has a much better election system. You also failed to mention that the opposition is CIA.

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Ricky Ricky > You're so blind...you blow my mind.

A VERY telling letter from Melania, spoke loud and clear to me, when she wrote : "The Winds of Change are Upon Us." This means the Storm is Here. I wonder if you heard that three to six thousand Federal Marshalls descended on DC a couple days ago? We are watching a movie. Perhaps you've noticed how no one likes or believes the FBI or CIA any more? How did that happen? What we read and see on our screens these days, is something that has already happened in the past, and played out later for our benefit. It appears Time Travel (Project Looking Glass) is real. They did it this way to save as many lives as possible, to save us from hurting ourselves fighting in a Civil War.

I doubt you believe me and you still think that what YOU believe in is the best thoughts to focus your powerful energy upon...

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Enjoy time travel, Taylor.

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Reports From Venezuela: Maduro Possibly In Flight, Military and Police Removing Their Uniforms, Joining The People; Influencers Call It A CIA-Mossad Led Color Revolution To Get The Oil.

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Cheaters never win even if they think they "won".

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Straight out of the communist manifesto. Once they are in power, the only way they will relinquish is through revolution and defeat. Pure evil.

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Lots of this footage is old. The statue being taken down was from 2017. Some of the crowd scenes are from 2020. The national guard video is in support of Maduro. Venezuela, according to international observers/election monitors has some of the most open & transparent elections on the planet. Machado has direct CIA ties & direct ties to global zionists. But hey, the Deep State is a good thing when they're overthrowing quasi-socialist governments, right?

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