There are no greater villians in world history as those who control DC.

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isn't DC be controlled by Wall St/FED?

I think DC is a puppet stage...full of puppets and whores. Evil for sure, but just puppets of the chosen ones that rules the money

dont you agree?

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No, DC is controlled by psychopathic Zionists.

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Washington District of Columbia is controlled by the Vatican and the Military of the Vatican, aka the Jesuits.


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Two sides of the same coin. There are a lot of different divisions of evil.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15


videos are great..but you need to think.

The bad guys are the master of deceitful.

they infiltrate and trying to destroy Rome, the last standing against evil.

These guys created and run the majority of evangelicals in the US...(Funny because if those evangelicals would read what Luther thought about the jews they love so much, they will freak out)..

Do you see many Catholics running the Media, Wall St or DC? Poor Tucker is not having a good time. Maybe is another group who run DC...Maybe one that believes that God is Lucifer, the Architect, the angel of light, the enlightenment people...All of them, btw, opposed to Catholic teachings.

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I don't need you to educate me Darling.

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Then! Must You ‘educate’ yourself dear

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Catholic family services is making millions helping DC bring in all of the illegals', even the Chinese military. Most are now Chinese military. Forget your religion, Trust Christ and repent. Protestants and Catholics and evangelical are most just religious. Religion helps people find the direct path to Hell. It is Christ alone who saves. Not of works least anyone should boast. Only one God, one Mediator, the Lord, Christ Jesus.

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That is Masonic tripe! True Roman Catholics are a Very small Remnant in this Time ! Rome fell to Christendom Then [[They] Wondered and Christendom fell to the revived Beast of Rome again !

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Don’t be mistaken ! The Vatican is controlled by the ‘Counter Church’ today by the recent series of “AntiPopes’ !!!!!

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check this Catholic lady explaining how they promote massive immigration to "multiculturalized" christian countries...She is the wife of the Great Priest of Stockholm...Born in NY....

Some said that the globalist, called by God to rule the world are jews..but I think the chosen ones must be the Pope...as Vicky share in that book


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So you think Jesus had the current iteration of the Catholic Church in mind when he envisioned a congregation of his followers?

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I read what you share. The idea that the Vatican killed JFK, the first and only not mason president of the US, is the most stupid theory I heard. In fact, I never heard that. Again, you need to think and analyze what you read.

Who benefit with his assassination. Who have the power to do it. Who have the means to cover it up for 50 years.....and many more questions. At least all these questions tells you the Vatican or the cubans are not able to do do it. The ones who runs 99.999% of the media are direct enemies of Rome and do everything in their power to destroy it...

regarding the book...is a cheap propaganda...I read the first 12-13 statements of page 10, couldn't read more...all lies. Nothing there is true.

Dont allow your resentment or hate to the Church of Christ blurry your honest path to thruth.

Thank you for sharing

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Pitiful semite protection racket comment.

We KNOW the truth.

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Your Kippah is showing, darling.

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this is the oath from 1540

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Vicki you are definitely on the right track. The people at the TOP of this criminal organization are "secretly" Luciferians hiding in plain sight. They are THE DEEP STATE although you will NEVER hear their name on TV. Read the books "The Secret Terrorists" and "The Enemy Unmasked." I know the author who was also interviewed in the video below. One of the society members had this to say after reading his book "The Secret Terrorists". ..."This book would be laughable if it wasn't so accurate but the author left out A LOT" End quote. Trust me, if you read this book I am not sure you would want to know what he left out!! This is just a snapshot of what's in the book and there are other assassinations NOT included.


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Thank you for the video.

I didn't like the Jesuits until I see the video you recommended.

The quotes from Masons like Adams or Churchill, a cold blood murderer, pointing out the Jesuits as the evil ones, tells me the Jesuits are not as bad as I thought.

The speaker saying that Rome is behind Stalin and the Comunist governments of the world and the ice of the cake is that in WW2 Russia and Germany were run by Diabolic Spirits, was too much. (He forgot to mention that Roosevelt and Eisenhower who killed 1 million POW or UK that massacred 500.000 civilians in 2 days must had been blessed by the Holy Spirit)...

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As I stated earlier, I do not need you to educate me.

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You need SOMEONE to educate you. Obviously.

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The Vatican is under Kontrol of the “Counter Church” brought to Infamy by Vat.II

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yes..that's what I ment

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By his own admission ! Remember?

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No. Free masonry and Israeli govt and the liaison is via the CIA with the UN

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All of Freemasonry is ultimately under the control of the Superior General, aka Black Pope. I have the Free-Masons Book of the Illustrations and Rituals of Freemasonry. Published in 1842, the Illustrations show that all Free-Masons bow prostrate to the Man in the long Robe with the Mitre Crown on top of his head. There is only one man who wears that Crown and that is the Pope of Rome. It has a list of all the orders of the Knight's, and their oaths.

It also has illustrations of their hand signals, hand shakes, and positions.

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Yes I’ve seen a lot of them but not all.

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Might that be the international clique known as Freemasonry?



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yes..for sure

But who owns francmasonry??

Jesus called them The Sons of the devil..

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Zionists own evil freemasonry.

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squo2015@gmail.com - That's a BINGO! Anyone can purchase a Masonic Bible off eBay and see in the Egyptian & King Solomon imagery it's ALL about rebuilding the 3rd Temple. The MAIN lodge that supports, underpins this - are the Blue Lodges of the Police and Military - who are trained to kill anyone that gets in their way.

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That’s who they worship yes

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where Jesus call them that?

Jn 8.44

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No mention of Freemasonry there.

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I believe that, now. Many of us had NO idea of the real corruption in our government until Trump opened our eyes and minds to reality.

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You never needed Trump to open your eyes. It has been right there in front of you the entire time. God Bless.

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Plus Trump

Is none of the most corrupt people there is. These people are falling for a Trojan Horse put in place to fool naive people into thinking he’s on their side. Scammer In Chief Trump is also Jabber In Chief. Daddy Warp Speed is in on the whole democide plan.

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Can’t edit. None = One

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You're right. I went to the same parties he did back in the day and the guy is a sleazy wannabe who will never be on the "A" list and that makes him ridiculously dangerous.

Of course he was friends with Epstein. Trump would stroke anyone if he thought it would make him "cool". I saw him do things that would make anyone gag.

I think the problem is, people will worship ANYONE, even a Trump, rather than God. It's sad and it will be the end of us.

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You are exactly right 🙏🙏🙏

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Human are worshipful creatures. The only and best thing about worshipping the divine in us is that we refrain from the worshipping of Man and his corrupt CR creations and systems

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Trump is a scam artist. One of the most talented ones there is. Wake up to that.

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Oh, Please! Trump is just a puppet on a string. The "good guy" who is going to set the captives free. He went a long with the covid lockdowns and calls himself the father of the vaccine and people are so dull they believe his lies and antics. It's all a show, we are on the Jones Plantation.

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You’re right, but it’s our fault as we don’t do the due diligence

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Unless you ignore the WEF.

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same thing

ruled by the same people

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So, just ignore them all?

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"we will control the world and destroy Cristianity"

any similarity with todays reality, is just a conspiracy.


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Imperial Vichy D.C.

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The United States have been the terrorists for over 60 years.

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Before it was the U.S. my friend. The owners of the slave ships and the East India Trading Co. set the tone. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act gave it all the money it's owners needed to give Industrial scale World War manufacturing it's wheels, wings, and water craft.

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True. But what I was alluding to was most acts of war in the last 60 years has been instigated by US influence one way or another

This makes all US citizens complicate with the atrocities etc for that entire period.

Sad indictment of once great nation.

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I appreciate and understand your perspective Don. But there's an occulted history us upper lower to upper middle class, even into lower upper class, have not been exposed to and definitely NOT educated on. The citizenry are not so much complicit as they are psychologically manipulated and programmed by the compulsory education system to go along with it as being 'patriotic' and "good" citizens "defending" their country. Most don't have the time, and now the attention span, to read a book like this https://archive.org/details/TheUndergroundHistoryOfAmericanEducation_758 or even listen to his nearly 6-hour Ultimate History Lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZBdv2yznmI but even there, it just scratches the surface of the gargantuan deception that's occurring. Therein lays the sad indictment and the understanding of what Franklin meant when he answered, "A Republic; If you can keep it." It's been perverted into a dumbmobcrazy by the most despicable and insane cadre of criminals to touch down on Earth.

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All that is correct. But it won’t fix didly squat till the masses are woken up to the fact that they are complicate with the actions of govt. The masses must take responsibility to put things right. Everything that happens around the world has the same outcome. And the first to land everytime is the excuses for the people. It is this mindset that has lead them to take medicine that was clearly unsafe from the day it was launched.

And so it goes on. We catch wild animals and vermin in the same way. Yet we still make excuses to justify the out comes.

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Again, I appreciate and understand - but - EVERYTHING has been fed into super computers that can rapidly calculate the sentiment of civilization. (((They))) don't do anything now without a predicted outcome. (Look up predictive programming - (((they))) even tell us what (((they're))) going to do before (((they))) do it.) I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist, and they got this DOWN b/c they know the majority will do nothing but vote for their own path to the slaughter house.

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Just unplug them.

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deletedFeb 15
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People have to be willing to be deceived. They are responsible for their willingness. Everything we see now has been going on for a very long time. We refused to see it and that is our willing participation and will be our demise.

God help us.

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The is no "willing" if one has the will beaten out of them in front of their peers - as slaves are. In modernity the IRS does it every tax season via a sacrificial celebrity like Wesley Snipes. There is also no willing if the culture one is born into is manufactured and seen as 'normal' as it is today; the normalcy of LBGTQ+++ which includes minor attracted persons, the 'normalcy' of 127 pronouns, the 'normalcy' of vaccines, trans et al etc. ad nauseum. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society," - Krishnamurti - - Those that see and turn a blind eye are intellectually and spiritually lazy, comfortable with their Super Bowl & bag of chips, because they love the illusion - the shadow on the wall of Plato's cave - and anything that disturbs that throws them into grief, a cognitive dissonance so severe they run back to the comfortable lie of the shadow - TV, drugs, food, porn, games, golf - anything but the pain of reality - and therein 100% they are responsible and will by natural law reap the reward - it's either that or the light bulb on the projector casting the shadow WILL burn out - and then the zombie apocalypse will advent. I doubt this is new to you or to the majority in here. We're ALL perched on the collapsing cliff of an age in its finality, there is NO escape, nor is there a savior. One way or another we all end up as grist under the stone of Hamlet's Mill.

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It doesn't matter why one is complicit when one is complicit.

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Who is "his?"

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I’m wondering now if we were ever “a great nation”. We grew up thinking so, but finding out now it’s all been lies!

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Do you mean complicit?

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The Federal Reserve is still a private corporation that should have a class action RICO suit filed against it.

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Interesting points there...

who run the FED? who use to run the slaves trade?

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

(((They))) still run the slave trade, its name has been changed to human trafficking and its more insidious form, child trafficking. [EDIT] And a "new" form called human migration, funded by the likes of Soros. Moving millions of souls duped into believing a better life awaits if they survive the gauntlet of the Darien Gap, only to be used as fodder, the powder stuffed into the kegs of WWIII.

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Not during President Trump's term. He is the only president in the last 50 years that didn't start a war.

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Operation "warp speed" ring a bell? Father of the vaccine?

Oh he started a war alright, quietly and deadly.

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I think he was doing pretty good till Operation WS...

I even thought that maybe, he was doing that to inject harmless liquid in American;s arms...But he never say he save Americans lives by preventing the pharma to inject poison in our fellow Americans...So I agree on this one.

Dont forget the inlaws..I think they have him by the balls.

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I remember him bombing Syria 3 months into his term. And I have read that he dropped more bombs on innocent civilians and sent more drones after them than Obama. He is just as evil as all the rest of the war pigs.

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No he got it stopped

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No he did not. He ordered the strike.

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“President Donald Trump has ordered airstrikes on Syria as punishment for its chemical weapons attack last week in the town of Douma, which killed at least 42 people — including a number of children”

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His worshippers will never admit the truth no matter what.

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You have to swallow lies when you worship a man like he's your God.

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Ow. :-)

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Sickening but true

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he bombed the CIA-MOSSAD Isis..

The only two that did something to stop the butchering of Christians and Muslims were DT and VP

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They are Zionist Jews. They do not protect Christians. They destroy any religion and anyone they want to.

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You’re wrong

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Clearly YOU are wrong. But just like your idol Trump you won’t admit it.

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100 years?

is the continuation of the most evil selfish people...England. a huge shit hole since Henry VIII

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And more specifically the city of London. One of three districts in the world that seems to be above the law of the countries they reside in and operate soley to benefit them and further their agenda

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Washington (DC), London, and the Vatican all have one thing in common - they’re vassal states with no allegiance to the countries in which they are located, yet they’re intricately connected with one another.

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But it is being constructed and instigated from the USofA

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Greg, we need more information! Your post is absolutely incomplete. What is your ultimate goal in showing this video without substantiating evidence of your claim?

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Shut up stupid.

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Who are you talking to, stupid?

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What is YOUR end goal, Veronica? If you follow Greg you KNOW his beliefs and opinions. He is no mystery. He does not fabricate nor embellish. The true genocidal aggressors here are blatantly obvious. What 'substantiating' do you need?

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I believe evidence is her goal Nichols. People who are concerned with truth are also concerned with evidence.

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Yes, indeed! Thank you for making this point.

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We have your guarantee it's not "incubator babies on bayonets " propaganda. Thanks.

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Sure, from my armchair quarterback position I guarantee it !

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Correct, something isn't right with this vid.

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If people are in an attack and on the ground you don't have time to film and chat. You need to take off their clothes and look at the bodies for bleeding. lf they are ok, you want to try to take the kids and anyone else to a safe and warm place if possible. This video is strange and seems to have another purpose.

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For those who like to blame people like me who were born and have lived in the USA, hear me now...We don't want this evil around us and the world. We didn't sign up for it. The Deep State Cabal politicians are the ones who are to blame from BOTH parties. THEY caused all this crap you see...People like me are trying to stop the madness, so stop with your stupidity. Blame the MSM and the NWO.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15


you are right...

The problem is the amount of stupid people who are still so easy to be fullished. Like in WW1 and WW2....After millions of death, raped, destroyed...Only George Patton had the balls to say "we fought the wrong enemy"...and they killed him!!!

Then, thousands of movies, junk food and Superbowls keep stupidity at a scary level in the US

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Your point should be remembered at all times like this, WW: it's not the people it's the leadership, and when it's said "Israel" or the "US" or "Russia" or "Ukraine" it means the gov't and corrupt leadership not the people, at least not a majority.

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The problem with blaming other people for all your problems is you can never change it.

Funny how leaders and governments have changed for centuries yet the same problems are with us. And killing us.

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The problem with blaming other people for everything is there is nothing you can do to change it. Simple truth.

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The "spirit" of Henry Kissinger lives in sending more money to Israel and its cancerous outgrowth, Ukraine. Thanks dual citizens of Congress, keep the blood money flowing.

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At last, someone who can see what the US has turned Ukraine into. The Ukrainian military is a collection of neo Nazi battalions who are following the fascist Banderas ideology. Banderas was a Ukrainian neo Nazi from the 1950's and since 2014, these neo Nazi military battalions have been funded by the US and 2014 was the real start of the war. 14 thousand ethnic Russian civilians in Donbas were killed by these Banderas nationalist extremists. Yet the US falsely portrays President Putin as the bad guy. It was the Russians in Donbas who asked the Russian government for help because there was an ethnic cleansing of Russian civilians in Donbas by the Ukrainian neo Nazi battalions. According to the US government, Russia are not allowed to defend themselves, but the genocidal Zionist maniacs in Israel are allowed to defend themselves. The US government are hypocrites. The US has lost its sovereignty to Zionism.

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Please look a little Deeper for the reason what is happening today is Really Happening (for) hint Rothschild-wants Crimea. .

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Ukraine [christian orthodox&catholic] children and grand children who remember the Horrors the Bolsheviks Inflicted upon them from the 1930s have a lingering hatred for (Russia) since that had been the place from whence the Bolshevik Horror Arose !! They Must Get Over that idea and know it is their Enemy Today that wants Them [purged] from Ukraine NOT’ Russia !!!

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The fruits of the sons of hell.

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“ ye serpents” might do !

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Prepare for this to be on our soil! 😥

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It already is Kelly, it's more insidious because it's not right in our face like this. It's done via direct energy weapons (Lahaina), gas pipeline explosions, food factory explosions, vaccines, abortion, fetal organ and tissue sales, GMO's, et al etc - but you're right, the shelling will start in the not too distant future.

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Yes I know. So hard to believe all this. My faith is in Christ, but one has to prepare themselves personally for what they may need to do.

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‘Thee Christ Jesus’ !

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A kreepy thought indeed ! So Prepare! Put on “thee Armour of God” !!!

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The U.S. does bad things every day. The dual citizens in the government should be kicked out of America. All they do is stir up sh*t. I gave up and got the hell out of Dodge two years ago. Get a plan. The U.S. border will never be shut down. It only gets worse from here. Voting for the lesser of two evils brings evil.

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Voting has become a cruel joke!

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'Dodge" meaning the U.S.A? Where in this world is safe, heard El Salvador is a good place, since they sent all of their gangs to the States.

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I am in Panama. Last week, during the Carnival pre Lent celebration, the government deployed 34,000 police and government officials to check anyone transiting the country. They will arrest and deport anyone without the proper residency documents. The U.S. has no interest in deporting illegal entries into the country. Plan accordingly. Good luck.

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The really Connected Elites have reserved S.Amer. for themselves

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that would be consider Antisemitism!

by the way, try to find (if you can) the interview to Key Briggs. She explain who runs the pentagon

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Anti Semitism is a virtue.

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Could we please outlaw the Jew, Black, Lgbqxyz, etc cards?

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“Antisemitism” is a politically devicive term made up by the commie whose name slips my memory look it up !

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I’m afrayed ! You are likely Right-On with your assessment !

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This is beyond tragic. It's important to have better source information, though, or did I miss this somewhere? I am praying for these dear ones.

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Thank you, Dana. I appreciate the link. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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If you mean the sorely Oppressed [Good people] We must have Christian charity for , but This “Political Weaponization” of alien masses is NOT the way !!

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Painful to watch.

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USA is a well renowned worldwide terrorist and rogue state, it is not new.

Here in Belgorod. In Gaza, In Yemen, In Syria., In Iraq. The bombs, tons of them, on childrens, schools, hospitals. It is horrible. Abject murder state, the "civilized" west hegemony....

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Can’t Argue with You with regards the [nations-peoples] you have Listed !

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Belgorod School, Russia

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I believe that as Putin intimated the other night, the 🤡 Clowns In America are at the forefront of most terrorism in the world. They’re nothing but professional shit-stirrers.

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Resource Robbers&Speculators !

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It's so hard tell what is real in this war. Where is the blast crater or demolished buidings? Everything is a psy-op on both sides.

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The United States has been a terrorist state. Learn your history, people. Drop the pride.

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